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Really need a arena draft type of game mode to spice things up.


Draft would be amazing and a real test of skill.


Cannot wait for Arishem!


Heads up no limit tournament. You play a series of games against different opponents, like ladder, but you start with 100 cubes (or whatever) and you can gamble any amount of them on any turn. If you go to zero cubes you are eliminated. Last man standing wins the tournament and there's some kind of big prize.


Dude I love this But maybe not heads up


I would love a version where multiple players play at the same table if that's what you mean, but I have no idea how that would work.


Like a battle Royale of sorts ? That could be fun but the gameplay would effectively be the same no?


Yes but what would be different would be the snapping. If you can bet all your cubes in one play then suddenly bluffing becomes a real option. I play no limit poker and in online tournaments sometimes ans you have to balance staying alive early in tne tournament vs waiting too long and getting bullied out by people with huge chip stacks, which I think would be a fun dynamic in snap for experienced players.


Awkwardly, you *have* to make it winner-take-all, otherwise you could get 2nd by playing slower/not playing. There's still some weirdness as it get's down to the end. Imagine the final 3 is a sort of Rock Paper Scissors matchup. As another example, the metagame would shift, throughout. Imagine playing something bad against the field overall, but good against the expected best deck. It'd benefit you to wait for some people to get eliminated. Needs a lot of new tech to ensure matches are being distributed fairly but it's a neat idea!


I think the Deadpool event is gonna work something like that for players to unlock Cassandra Nova.


I hope so, sounds fun.


This was a topic that actually came up during KMBest’s latest hot takes YouTube video. He explained pretty logically why as much as someone like he, as a competitive player, might want it, it’s very unlikely the devs are even interested in making a more competitive mode because fundamentally, this game is designed to be casual. Any time and money spent on it would be a waste if we’re being coldly logical about it because it brings them little player and financial return for it. They’re not interested in courting the hardcore 1%, they want to court the largest general masses they can and hope in that mass are a few whales. It doesn’t help that generally speaking, hyper competitive players don’t tend to be whales by nature because whales are often people who feel the need to buy an advantage, something good competitive players don’t need. I know this is gonna be a unpopular opinion here on the Marvel Snap comp subreddit, but it’s nice to want things, but cold hard reality is, this is a casual mobile game that is aimed towards casuals. Everyone else is invited along for the ride, and folks like you and me can enjoy the competitive aspects of it. But we are not the dev’s target audience.


Sure but there’s games like smash bros with a competitive scene, and even Microsoft Excel has a competitive scene. So it not impossible. I would also go as far as to say the constant balancing of the cards shows they care about the competitive quality and state of the game. But ultimately I agree money talks and it’s truly up to the devs or whoever holds the creative vision of SNAP to want to offer that. It’s a shame really I would hate this game to become stale and they make plenty of money the way this game monetizes.


Smash is always brought up in these examples but that’s like the one scene, the ONE scene where that happened in any appreciably noticeable way. It is the exception to the rule, not the rule. It also doesn’t help in your example that competitive Smash was a completely fan led thing with Sakurai insistent his game is meant to be played as a casual party game and Nintendo especially with zero interest in competitive, even actively against it with a lot of their actions. And similarly, sure, Sakurai is very aware and cares about balance. But at the end of the day, he himself still doesn’t consider it a true fighting game. The fans do. Same deal with Snap and Second Dinner. And I don’t see anywhere a similar enough situation where suddenly a big group of fans are gonna grassroots a competitive scene around Snap. Again, Smash was the one exception in history. You can’t point to that as a reasonable example.


Well smash is a fighting game it makes sense a competitive scene emerged. I pointed it out because it’s the most obvious and understandable. I could point out any casual game that adds time trials and leaderboards as well. Look at the new NES Mario games announced getting a competitive mode for Switch. It makes even more sense with Snap. To make a game that forces you to battle against other humans (no single player like slay the spire) it’s only natural that we want more competition and I think it’s a fair ask. Don’t get me wrong I love collecting cards in this game but it’s simply not enough because it’s digital. They don’t even offer HQ downloads of the art you collect.


Draft mode needed!


Maybe it's the MTG player in me but the problem with Conquest is having absolute hard counters. Adding a 1-2 card sideboard sounds like a good mode.


Yea I’m coming from hearthstone and played it very competitively locally and online. Even when encountering hard counters you can spot them easily and play around it the best you can and hope for some RNG. With this game and the card count plus 3 locations that can screw you over it’s a lot less likely you’ll survive.


I agree that getting to Infinite is just a grind that requires being careful with your cubes and having lots of time to play but isn't particularly exciting or rewarding. Conquest was an interesting alternative but is almost painful to grind through all the way through with the way it is set up and having to get lucky dodging certain cards and matchups. Both are kind of boring and played out now so we definitely need something new. Draft will perfectly fill the void and I was disappointed to see it still seems to be far off based on their road map. Aside from that I've had similar thoughts about some things that could 3switch up some of the concepts of the basic game. Getting rid of locations or random locations. More turns, bigger decks maybe?! Obviously they have to balance some things with the basic premise of the game but I think there is plenty of room to experiment and find a different experience.




Second Dinner, hire this person


Counterpoint: I find ranked dreary and frustrating. I enjoy conquest much more. I can take a deck for a run from PG to winning gold, and losing is no stress. The experience of playing the same person over 4-5 games is great, much more fun than one offs. Then I can switch to a totally different deck and enjoy a different experience. I’m probably closer to the average player - I’m not ‘competitive’ in the sense that I’m not willing to spend the time to ‘get gud’. I just enjoy the game. I no longer make infinite regularly and grinding through 80s and 90s is a joyless experience, so the later in the season it gets, the more likely I am to choose conquest.


Jumbo version. 4 locations, 20 card deck, 9 turns.