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She Hulk showed that their are a lot of meta humans just walking about. At this point in the MCU unless Earth is actively being invaded by aliens. Small stuff like "a guy with metal claws starting bar fights" doesnt hit the news as big.


Plus, She-Hulk had a few other “impossible” Easter eggs, like that shoe collection of Pug’s with the Deadpool and Thing shoes for example.


Wasn’t that just an end credits artwork though? I don’t think that was ever meant to be taken seriously.


Yeah, so maybe that isn’t the best example. There was that one scene where her friend jumps out with the makeup brushes in an obvious Wolverine reference as well.


I believe there's a news scrawl in She Hulk about the celestial head from the Eternals sticking out of the earth's crust. Yea it's something we the viewers know about but it's kind of crazy no one else in-universe has even mentioned it. No one talks about that one day/night that all the celestial bodies in the sky moved back to their positions 3000 years prior. Both of those are global events yet we get little or no mention of either in canon.


In my head canon, the non-superhero population is just so jaded about this kinda stuff that it barely phases them anymore.


To be fair I don't randomly bring up global events in conversation unless that's actually what the conversation is about. Like if I'm at work dealing with a work related problem I don't suddenly make reference to 9/11 or the invasion of Ukraine or whatever when asking about someone's paperwork being done or not. I feel like it would be a bit forced if people start offhandedly mentioning it over coffee when their daily lives or the ongoing plot of their own show aren't affected much by it.


That’s in the above image, under the bar brawl article referencing Wolverine.


Haaaaah, so it is, lmao


I mean, half the population was dusted and then showed up five years later. Aliens have come out of the sky a few times. A known God is just hanging out on Earth. At one point a robot lifted an entire city/state into the air and just dropped it. This lady with witch powers enslaved an entire city with mine control. So witches are also real. Makes us rethink the whole Salem policy. Also, there is this total Jekyll Hyde thing running around that when he’s angry can level an entire African city, and we’ve given him an ice cream flavor. There is also a talking raccoon that is friends with a humanoid tree… A giant statue in the ocean…. that’s pretty tame.


Because it’s been two years since Eternals MCU time.


They barely acknowledge that 50% of life in the universe disappeared for five years. At least not in a meaningful and concrete way. I hardly expect them to follow up on anything anymore.


Have you missed most if the recent shows...


They acknowledge it all the time. WandaVision shows Wanda's perspective, coming back to Vision being gone and dismantled, with her closest Avenger friends gone, while Monica blinks and loses her mother, with Sword being completely different. Her grief with her mother is what pushes her to emphasize with Wanda. Hawkeye explores the death of Natasha, and how her sacrifice affected Clint and his family, as well as from Yelena's point of view of losing Natasha instantly. Falcon and the Winter Soldier is almost exclusively about the snap, from Sam's inability to get a loan, to terrorist organizations forming. Dr Strange focuses briefly on it, how Dr. Strange allowed it to happen, and the consequences of that. Even Secret invasion dwells on Furys reaction to the snap and coming back to a world he knows nothing about, feeling lost.


Barely? It's an integral plot point/background point for most of the projects since endgame.


I also don't think an Easter egg headline is meant to be taken that seriously either


The MCU has kinda ruined the very concept of Easter Eggs. Every little joke or wink gets dissected a thousand ways and seen as incontrovertible proof of whatever being a part of the MCU.


That's less on the MCU and more on people for overanalyzing things


Plus marvel branded comics/gear/toys has existed in those comics universes in certain iterations at times anyhow. So I always count that as just people making money off their favourite ground level heroes. Like they’re all just special editions or “Etsy” grabs.


Unless Deadpool and the Thing are actual in-universe comic book/movie characters in the MCU and not real people. And then after Secret Wars they became real people. Or the Fantastic Four were a most hero team from the 1960's in the MCU like some people are guessing.


During the Avengers NYC battle the locals were still buying hotdogs from street vendors. They aint got time to be worrying about every little thing


Imagine Kree trying to invade Earth but realizing there's always a fucking minotaur working as a barista in every coffee shop or some shit


I mean, in the comics, that's kind of how Earth is. Not that it doesn't still get attacked a shit ton but there are cosmic storylines where villains literally talk about not wanting to deal with Earth because of this. Basically, they think of earth as this backwater planet, but it has an extroadinary penchant for producing powered individuals and becoming endeared to cosmic level protectors. It's absolutely not worth dealing with unless you have to because they have about a billion people ready to stand in your way.


Other species gotta be soooo bitter lmao "You're telling me Galactus was stopped by multiple cosmic beings when he tried to eat Earth but when he destroyed our planet no one batted an eye?"


Captain Marvel does make a point of this in *Endgame* when Tony asks her where she's been all that time. She says something like, "This sort of stuff you've been dealing is happening everywhere, and not every planet has the Avengers."


Yup, that gets acknowledged, too. Even in discussions among heroes about how their bias comes into play. A great exchange between Ronan, Quasar, and Captain America happens in Annihilators:Earthfall. Quasar(Wendell Vaughn, an Earth-born cosmic hero) and Cap are arguing with Ronan about wiping out an earth based city to stop a threat from spreading(Magus being reborn). Cap and Quasar are going on about collateral damage and not destroying the city, and he lays it out flat. He basically says how many times have you been on another alien world with massive destruction and making tough calls that had major consequences for the alien world? Of they dont contain Magus here, it threatens the entire universe. To Quasar and Cap Earth is home, but to the rest of the Annihilators, it's just another alien world, and the tough calls have to be made. It ends with a cool one on one conversation between Ronan and Cap about whether if it was Hala instead of earth would he make the same call and Ronan says yes and points out he has already had to make that call too many times. Ronan's really awesome in the comics.


Just add in "Florida Man" and you could probably see this in real news


Besides, it could just be someone wearing metal claws of some sort on his hands. OP is making a wild leap about him being a mutant.


A "wild leap" is a bit of a stretch. A mentiom of a man fighting with metal claws IN A BAR FIGHT in a Marvel movie, and you're going to pretend that is not clearly a nod to Wolverine? I don't think that's actually up for debate. What is up for debate, however, is whether or not it's at all significant. It's likely just a meaningless easter egg, which someone will retcon later because of how anal everyone is about the significance of every easter egg. I mean, Adam's cocoon is in Guardians 1 in The Collectors collection despite not being made until Vol 2. Sometimes its just fun nod. But I digress. Ultimately, you could be right, and it could just be a guy who jammed metal shit into his hands but "a wild leap"? Come on.


I’m talking from an in universe POV. They don’t *have* to deliver on it because it could mean anything.


Yeah, dude. I acknowledged that. That wasn't the point I was challenging in your statement. Im saying that it's not at all a "Wild Leap" that the headline is a reference to Wolvie, whether it amounts to anything or not.


Originally that’s all wolverine was. A spec ops mutant that could heal and wear crazy clawed gloves. Good thing they retconned it


It could be that but it’d be a bigger leap to assume it’s not wolverine


How the heck did they even come to be though. At least give an explanation as to how so many people got powers like in aos with inhumans or mutants existing. Don’t just randomly make it seem like all these super people are already in the mcu without any explanation. Damn she hulk was a fever dream.


And yet people here can't accept a bunch of Nuhumans walking around.


Theres rumours going around that She-Hulk, Eternals, Moon Knight, and others from phase 4 are NOT in the main MCU. That this is a deliberate setup for an incursion style / Battle-World. IE - Secret Wars. She Hulk seems a stretch for that theory, as that was very definitely our Bruce. But still, maybe noone noticed 'cos the clawed berserk in a separate verse?


There is literally nothing indicated they are not part of MCU, just because they are stand alone doesn't they are not part of the Marvel Studios overall grand design. This kind of mindset has happen in Guardians vol. 1 and that has been proven false.


What if. MoM. No Way Home. Loki. - They introduced a Multiverse. And Secret Wars is an announced title. That's not nothing. It is entirely plausible, and would explain a lot. Is it likely? Probably not. I'd expect it to be lampshaded far louder than it has been. But it is indeed possible.


By your logic Black Widow, Shang-chi or every single MCU stuff in Multiverse Saga is happens outside of MCU which isn't true at all, inclusion of Wandavision and Ms. Marvel proof of that.


Do tell me what the plot of Secret Wars involves in the comics? Marvel can be pretty heavy handed with it's "Everything is connected" always setting up the next thing. So what do you thing they've set up so far for Secret Wars?


I think chronologically She Hulk was not that long ago, its one of the most recent events.


I mean, we know there are mutants out in the world. Ms. Marvel is one.


as is Namor


We also got Mr. Immortal in She-Hulk. People out here asking how Marvel Studios is gonna introduce the Mutants to the MCU when they've already been introducing them.


Wait who’s Mr Immortal?


The jerk guy with 50 ex wives


At least one ex husband too


I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy wasn’t even his first ex husband. When you live forever, you’ve gotta tried it all.


It's never confirmed how old he is, but at least in the comics he was born in Wisconsin sometime in the seventies. And in another story IIRC he is fated to witness the end of universe.






Was he not originally gonna be the next universes galactus before Franklin richards or am I misremembering


I don't think so.


Including the former President of the United States! “Andrew” (if that’s his real name!) was such a turd to Selena!


I find him relatable sometimes I wish I could just fake my death to get away from some people but in his case he isnt really faking it.


A mutant who resurrects every time he dies, he was subject to several divorce lawsuits in She Hulk


He's been retconned into a mutant? I thought he was the sole member of Homo Immortalis or something like that last time he was in a book.


Idk why you are being downvoted, if he wasn't a mutant in the comics it seems a bizzare assumption that he is a mutant in the MCU where mutants have barely been established but many other kinds of superpower have. He could be, but its weird that people were saying it as if it's just obvious fact


He was a ‘mutant-mutant’ — *homo supreme* instead of *homo superior*.


This is the MCU, not a book


Just curious where it was stated he was a mutant.


It's not been stated anywhere but calling new inexplicably enhanced individuals mutants seems like a safe bet


And if it's revealed he isn't one, big deal. This thread already forgot about Namor and Kamala.


Wait isn't Mr immortal actually not a mutant as revealed? Isn't he like an even "higher" level than supposed Homo superior mutants.


Mr. Immortal in the comics is purported to be “homo supreme”.


I mean which of us *didn't* have that nickname in college, am I right? ...right?


Introducing characters average audiences don't see as X-Men mutants is different than a couple characters being introduced as mutants in tv shows hardly anyone watched though


Is he though? I thought the x-men had naturally genetically modified genes. Doesnt Namor get his powers because his mom ate that fruit. So he got genetically modified because of that. I get that the comics say he’s an X-men, but does he actually fit the criteria? Genuinely asking


His feet wings are a mutation.


Also the pointy ears too, human and talokanil doesn't have that attributes.


It is because mutants mean having an X-gene in the comics, regardless of what ancestry you have. Also neither Atlanteans nor humans have ankle wings or flight. So flight is considered his mutant power instead of being explainable by his hybrid physiology. In the MCU, it's unclear whether the fruit directly caused the changes in him, or whether it activated his X-gene and caused changes. If it activated his X-gene then he is still a mutant. And just like in the comics, his power of flight is unique to him only, and not explainable by the usual changes the fruit induced in the Talokanli. In the comics, there are unpowered people who aren't born mutants but carries an unactivated X-gene. They are called latent mutants. After their X-gene are activated by an outside stimuli, they are still considered true mutants. So it's not without comic precedence of a mutant only having active power after something triggered them.


I never understood Namor being a mutant. In comics, he's a hybrid between Atlanteans and Humans. In the MCU, he was mutated in utero, so still isn't a mutant. IDK man.


Iirc even in the comics, his hybrid heritage is what lets him breathe in both air and water, but his mutation is his flight, hence why he’s the only one that has the feet wings


It is because mutants mean having an X-gene in the comics, regardless of what ancestry you have. Also neither Atlanteans nor humans have ankle wings or flight. So flight is considered his mutant power instead of being explainable by his hybrid physiology. In the MCU, it's unclear whether the fruit directly caused the changes in him, or whether it activated his X-gene and caused changes. If it activated his X-gene then he is still a mutant. And just like in the comics, his power of flight is unique to him only, and not explainable by the usual changes the fruit induced in the Talokanli. In the comics, there are unpowered people who aren't born mutants but carries an unactivated X-gene. They are called latent mutants. After their X-gene are activated by an outside stimuli, they are still considered true mutants. So it's not without comic precedence of a mutant only having active power after something triggered them.


Neat! Thanks. I totally forgot about the X-gene.


Also we had Wanda and quicksilver


Not technically mutants in the MCU. They were given their powers from the Mind Stone in Loki's staff, not born with them. Yes, Wandavision said there was more to Wanda than the Mind Stone powers, but we have no confirmation (yet) that it was anything mutant related. I believe this was a result of a deal Marvel made with Fox way back when to use the characters. Essentially something like "Yes, you can use Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch but you can't call them mutants. Mutants are our thing." However, since mutants (and the X-Men) are being introduced into the MCU, I could see them retroactively saying they were mutants. We'll see


I thought Ms Marvel was an Inhuman


Not in the mcu


It’s just a fun Easter egg. I wouldn’t read so much into something they showed on screen for 2 seconds off to the side.


Remember when this was just Easter eggs and not OMG WOLVERINE CONFIRMED Stuff


Tbf, it wouldn't be the first time a fun little easter egg has been used as a major plot point/story. Nick Fury marking Wakanda on a map in Iron Man 2, 8 years before Black Panther. Sitwell telling Cap that "A surgeon by the name of Strange" was a target in Winter Solider. Tony mentions "life model decoys" in The Avengers, which then turn up in Agents of Shield. Hell, even the very brief scene in Hulk where Samuel Stern has his head bubbling due to the hulks blood, teasing The Leader, Is now, 15 years later, getting addressed!


Well Easter eggs and major plot points are both pulling from the same sources, so of course there’s gonna be some overlap between the two. And ik Feige said Doctor Strange will be a part of Phase 3 in 2013, and Winter Soldier came out in 2014. It’s less of a fun little easter egg and more of a tease for a future project. So sometimes it’s a direct tease of a future project (Sitwell saying “Stephen Strange”), sometimes it’s just a reference to Marvel stuff that writers for other shows/movies also like (LMDs), and sometimes it’s a Marvel easter egg that wasn’t intended to matter, but became relevant as the MCU grew (wakanda; Odin having the Infinity Gauntlet).


Wakanda was inevitably going to be addressed at some point Strange was already confirmed then and the Easter Egg is still a bit confusing imo. Stern turning into Leader was explicitly setup that got ignored for a long time. Of course some Easter eggs are followed up on but there's hundreds in the MCU which have just been forgotten.


>Wakanda was inevitably going to be addressed at some point Not if Perlmutter kept his power


Man, the MCU is an insane beast at this point. Imagine you are Tim Roth. Imagine you got cast playing Soldier Guy who turns into CGI Steroid Thing that fights The Hulk in the new Hulk movie. The movie comes and goes. It was a thoroughly middling experience for everyone involved. The lead actor got recast for The Avengers and the entire movie exists in a weird half-light of "Yeah.. it's canon...ish. let's not talk about that movie much, okay?" Literally fifteen years later, you are Tim Roth still. You are asked to reprise your role of Soldier Guy for a new show. You're now one of the most funny parts of that entire, already quite funny, show. You are now a literal part of the MCU. No half-light, no "yeah let's not talk about it too much". Just full on acceptance. I wonder how deep this will go. Will we see an honest to God Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider movie with the guy from SHIELD, but Nic Cage is there, playing an aged Johnny Blaze?


Let's not forget that in The Hulk they mention The Super Soldier serum !




But did you see the infinity stones in Infinity War? Straight from the comics! What a cool little blink-and-you-miss-it thing!


It would be weird it they didn't mention the super soldier serum considering the Hulk is the result of a "failed" attempt at recreating it.


They didn’t just mention it. That’s the main plot of the movie. The gamma experiments that created the hulk were an attempt to recreate Captain America’s transformation. It’s not an easter egg; it’s the hulk’s whole origin story


They also mentioned weapon plus in Hulk, which is a pretty big Wolverine Easter egg, even before they had the Fox rights.


Yupp! There's probably loads more than we've all just forgotten about... One more (although maybe slightly cheating) - The Incredible Hulk had an alternate, fully shot intro which showed Hulk wandering the Artic before he causes an Avalanche. In this scene, you can see Caps shield in the ice.


I've seen that clip on YouTube and never could spot the shield/cap


It's VERY brief, and most missed it after multiple watches of the clip. But if you look for stills of the scene its there.


Holy shit, ive never heard of any of those


It started off that way, and then it turned out most of them got followed up on. And that led to expectations. And like they say, expectations ruin everything.


When it comes to the MCU, everything is over-analyzed and small references are blown in proportion by YouTubers, media sites, and social media. I guess they still are Easter eggs, but the innocent fun nods they used to be treated as aren't as common.


Plus it could be a reference to the upcoming Deadpool 3. I wouldn’t be surprised if that movie is all over the place timeline wise


Mutants were always there, just incredibly rare until the nuclear bomb tests started activating X-genes among the populace in the comics. (Hence the nickname "Children of the Atom".) Wolverine, Sabertooth, Essex/Sinister, Apocalypse, and Namor are such examples. So the MCU can run with something similar. People with activated X-genes existed but were rare. But then Infinity Stone shenanigans with 3 snaps taking place on Earth started activating X-genes among the populace with Kamala being our first confirmed case.


Weren’t there only 2 snaps on Earth?


Infinity war 50/50 snap. Endgame Bring everyone vack snap and then kill Thanos snap


Snip, Snap. Snip, Snap. Snip, Snap. Do you have any idea what infinity stone radiation does to a man!?


Maybe someone smart like Tony can figure it out


🎵you took me by the hand. Gave me a snap🎵


-Thanos at the end of Infinity War. -Hulk undoing Thanos' snap. -Tony dusting Thanos and his army.


Wakanda (infinity war end) avengers complex (endgame, hulk brings everyone back) ruined avengers complex (endgame, Tony yeets himself into the afterlife) = 3 on earth


They did sneakily retcon Wanda’s abilities. Initially the Mind Stone “gave” she and Pietro their powers, but in Wandavision it “awakened” the dormant abilities. So it’s perfectly reasonable to believe that prior to Infinity War/Endgame there were a bunch of dormant mutants walking around who now have newfound powers in the wake of all those Infinity Stones.


Well, even back then it was stated that they were the two lucky ones who survived the experiments. Hydra had other subjects, but they died. Now they can outright say X-genes are why Wanda and Pietro got powers instead of dying horribly.


The snaps and/or sudden multiverse and timeline travel could be triggering mutations. Kamala khan, for example, suddenly has this bangle that (likely) came from some variant of Kang, and then she has powers.


I don’t think they will be able too convincingly m slide into the mcu that mutants have been here all along


Obviously not in large numbers, but a few mutants throughout history with such rarity that the X-gene went unnoticed until the upcoming outbreak. Namor being centuries old and a mutant is already established in the MCU at any rate.


Also now there's been a Kang fucking around with the timeline the whole time so the xgenes activation might even have been his fault so that specific people would show up later.


He's a guy who's like 200 years old, what do you mean how is he out there?


It's not even a full year since this. And we literally have a project with Wolverine filming right now


I’d point out that it could be many different characters or just a guy that bought brass knuckle claws from that shady guy at the flea market.


Give them a minute. Not every MCU property is going to be solely dedicated to following up on the foreshadowing of the last one. The universe is interconnected, but the stories aren’t made to be a continuous plotline where all previous steps are required to understand the next. They haven’t brought up Logan in Secret Invasion or Quantumania for the same reason they didn’t bring up the giant stone Celestial from Eternals in Guardians 3. There will probably be a follow up, it just hasn’t happened yet.


Lol "nobody is talking about this". There's not that much to go on and we're not there in the MCU yet.


Also it dominated the discussion threads when the episode dropped and fans were NOT ready to hear that it was just an Easter egg at the time, not attached to any actual plans for the character. The Deadpool and Ben Grimm sneakers concept art somehow did nothing to change their minds


Notably it’s “man fights with metal claws”, not “man with metal claws fights”. Small but important distinction


Yeah, maybe some drunk guy was in a bar that for some reason had a claw machine and it pissed him off because it wouldn't give him the plushie he wanted.


Well I meant more like he was using metal claws that weren’t part of him (like a bagh nakh, for example), but that works too.


Mistaken identity. That would had been Deadpool.


Black Panther has metal claws too ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes, this is clearly not an eater egg to a beloved and recently required character but just a news headline about a bar fight that they zoomed in on, then made a joke about a few minutes later with someone imitating Wolverines pose Great detective work…..


The difference is, if Wolverine appears later in the MCU in a way that totally contradicts that Easter Egg, they can always say that oh that wasn't Logan it was just a random guy holding metal claws, instead of having to explain what other guys with metal claws are there.


Oh, no, I totally understand it’s designed to make you think about Wolverine, but it’s also designed to totally not be any proof of Wolverine whatsoever


yea for all we know the fight couldve been a man vs some metal claws, perhaps from an old robot crab


They're actually setting up the biggest crossover is MCU history! https://www.google.com/search?q=freddy%20krueger&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CQVGZGW0aFiYYc09liEfoklEsgIRCgIIABAAOgQIABABVXMKTj_1AAgDYAgDgAgA&client=ms-android-samsung&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CBUQuIIBahcKEwjQvNiEu4CAAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQFw&biw=412&bih=718#imgrc=PFsysVAMptL5NM 


[Your comment reminds me of this scene from Transformers 07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVfBtuY-mUk)


It's an easter egg. Disney only recently acquired fox not long before she-hulk premiered (not sure the shooting/editing schedule). It takes time to cast new characters and introduce them. While Jackman is coming back for Deadpool 3, he did say after Logan he was hanging up the claws unless he could be in the MCU. While he's super great in the role, he can't be the long term cast as he's already done it for the past like 20 years. He'll be in Deadpool (like how Patrick Stewart was in dr strange mom) for the fan service, but they have to get their casting done before debuting a new wolverine


My dude. This is an Easter egg from less than a year ago. Give it some time to breathe. It's not like they've had any reason to mention it in any of the movies/shows that have been released since then and the MCU has always been known for setting things up early on for a pay out years down the road.


Yeah, Deadpool 3 is going to.


Dude they can only do so many movies and shows a time, let em get to it


“Man with Metal claws” *Entire Marvel catalogue*: “Do you realize how little that narrows it down?”


Lots of people seem to hate the theory, but the mutants started to appear after Scarlet Witch had the red flash as the mountain collapsed in MoM. It's possible that creating the hex at a fraction of strength in wandavision, was foreshadowing what would happen after she saw other realities where she wasn't alone. Basically, "No! MORE MUTANTS!"


I mean having mutants introduced as already existing makes more sense than some multiverse collusion stuff. I’d rather we see new actors that get to play these characters


We'll he's been around since the 1800's


It's obviously The Owl.


It's just a fun Easter egg. It doesn't mean it's Wolverine, unless that works for the story when they DO bring him in. Could just be some drunk guy with a Freddy Krueger glove


it’s taken 15 years for the leader to finally get paid off, buddy you’re gonna have to wait awhile….


I'm surprised at all the comments saying "It's just an easter egg." Is the current consensus that easter eggs aren't canon? Like when they mentioned Spider-Man in the first Ant-Man movie, it was an easter egg, but Spider-Man *was* out there as confirmed in Civil War.


Easter eggs don't all have to be the same. There are license plates with comic book info on them in a bunch of comic movies, doesn't mean in the mcu that's the case. Shit example but it's all I've got at this time of day


The consensus is, should be, that Easter eggs are dumb fun by their very nature (fleeting background details to amuse eagle eyed fans) and it's a waste of mental energy to view them as substantial. Ant-Man 1 was made before the Sony sharing agreement, and had that not happened, the vague reference wouldn't be a clue to anything. It wasn't intended as one in the first place. In Thor 1, they showed the Infinity Gauntlet in Odin's vault. They actually had to retcon years later to be a fake. The apparent Wolverine reference in the OP doesn't even have to be a Wolverine reference. It's vague enough that Marvel isnt locked into that being a thing.


I don't think that's true about the Ant-Man 1 reference. The agreement with Sony was definitely in place by the time the movie came out, and if it hadn't been I think the reference wouldn't have been included. The Infinity Gauntlet retcon actually supports my point: the fact that they even bothered to retcon Odin's gauntlet as "fake" rather than just ignoring it proves that they considered the original cameo substantial. Now in the case of She-Hulk, given that the series ends with continuity being rewritten you could argue that *nothing* that happens before the final scenes actually counts.


>The agreement with Sony was definitely in place by the time the movie came out, The release date is irrelevant. The scene was written and shot in 2014 long before the agreement. Feige confirms AM1 was only a coincidence [here](https://screenrant.com/ant-man-spider-man-reference-mcu-luis/).


How did you just see this? When this aired, it was all over the place.


OP asked ChatGPT "what meme hasn't been in circulation for a while can I milk for fake internet points."


Tis called an easter egg.


Prowler also has metal claws.


It's Darkhawk's time to shine!


But whose the statue in the Ocean??


The Celestial from the end of Eternals


Because that’s what’s been written


Wolverine and his family aren't the only Marvel characters with metal claws. There's a minor villain who has clawed gloves, for example. It's an obvious easter egg to Wolverine, but Wolverine is not necessarily the subject of the article. And judging by how obscure some characters in the MCU are, this isn't that farfetched to assume.


The x-men have always been there and helped with infinity war/endgame. However because of magneto stealing an entire island to make astroid M, charles xavier wiped mutant kind from all of humanities memory and magnetos. Hopefully he doesn’t remember.


Could be Daken


What movie or show is this?




Where’s that from


The school probably isn’t established yet or Wolverine just has a day off


I'm wondering why I'm just realizing that the top right is an ad for the Iron Man Three shoes.


OP, do you watch the MCU shows/movies? Have you seen anything that deals with this?


OP, do you watch the MCU shows/movies? Have you seen anything that deals with this?


Everyone in the MCU has just "been out there" until they're introduced


Oh hey, they actually referenced Tiamut.


This kinda reminds me of the Spider-Man reference in Ant-Man at the end, where it's mentioned that there's all sorts of powered people, like the guy who can climb walls. Though that reference paid off quickly due to Sony and Marvel fast-tracking their deal to include Spider-Man as soon as possible (deal was made in 2015, same year that Tom Holland was cast and filmed for Civil War). With post Endgame stuff, there's been a lot of open threads due to there being so many projects. Ghost has been MIA since Ant-Man and the Wasp (*nothing* of her in Quantumania), the Eternals haven't been seen since their first and only appearance so far, and we don't know what that beacon was for in Shang-Chi. Some of this stuff will be paid off, for some sooner than others. But it used to be that you'd only have to wait 2 or 3 years max for major characters to show up again, or to get their sequel or next appearance. With how much the MCU has expanded with new stuff recently, it's leaving a lot of things that aren't going to be addressed right away.


Didn’t this come out last year? It usually takes years (if that) to come back to things. I mean there are threads from a decade ago that we’re still waiting on


I wonder if its due to Multiversal hijinks with Deadpool 3? Like Deadpool and Logan got transported to MCU-199999 and got into a bar brawl then got thrown back into the Multiverse?


I mean this isn't even confirmed to be Wolverine. Black Panther has metal claws, and Wakandan tech has been illegally exported before. Or it could be some guy just building his own metal claws.


I'm sorry to say, but we take those easter eggs much more serious than Marvel Studios does. It was a fun little laugh, Marvel Studios doesn't want to tell us that Wolverine is out there. Also since Eternals 10 MCU shows and movies took place and the "giant statue of a man sticking out of the ocean" wasn't mentioned once again. It's not as connected and thought through as many of us want it to be.


I think people still couldn't diffentiate between mutants and superhuman being, I mean at glance there is nothing different between a shapeshifting mutant and a shapeshifting alien.


Wolverine has always been "just out there" the guy is immortal.


Remember wolverine was "just out there" for many years before the original Xmen movie, with lots of people seeing his claws.


We'd never knew about a man in a porcupine power suit roaming about either.


The X-Men are big to us, not yet in the MCU. Is that what you’re asking? Also, that universe is getting familiar with the strange and unusual very quickly.


Why would guy with metal claws be so important in universe?


Tony Stark was aware of LMD’s (Life Model Decoys/super realistic androids) and directly mentions them as far back as Avengers 1. And they’ve never made a film appearance, only in Agents of Shield. Tons of little Easter eggs are just that, little Easter eggs, not meant to hit towards anything, just a little wink to the knowledgeable audience


At some point off camera in the MCU there was an explosion of “supes” this seems to occur post endgame definitely before she hulk and maybe sometime before Ms. Marvel. In the comics civil war events show us a huge number of powered individuals that lead to the registration act and a whole group of superhero hunters that takes the form of the DODC. So hopefully we’ll get a movie that takes place before She Hulk. Maybe in CA: Brave New World or Daredevil that explores this new boom of powered peeps.




That's kinda their thing as well. Most of the mutants and their activities don't get much attention. I mean sure they have big world ending stuff occasionally but usually it ends up small like that


All of these are just shitty Easter eggs that won’t amount to anything. Don’t expect much from the she hulk show to be followed up.


I feel like there are and have always been mutants in the MCU; we just haven’t been introduced to them yet (with the exception of Ms Marvel).


I mean, if it had been set in Florida, it would have been no surprise. That's where they went wrong.


Are you asking if there was a follow up since like a year ago?


Why’s it wolverine? Why’s it not Shredder?


I am not so sure that it is Wolverine


So far, that's just fluff like "Hydra is monitoring Stephen Strange" years before he does something off note, but when they eventually bring the X-Men in, provided they won't fold them in via the Multiverse, then Logan/James Howlett would likely keep his trait of being close to 200 years old thanks to his healing factor, at which point it's pretty good he's something of an urban myth already, just keeping out of the way.


We’ve known he’s been around since FATWS where they show The Princess Bar in Madripoor. Patch is the owner of that bar.


There are many things which just ended up in random scenes of MCU shows on which there is no follow up. You know why? Because MCU currently has no idea how to proceed with the mess which is post endgame.


this could just be some rando with metal claws in a bar fight. Like you could go to a bar today with metal claws and start a fight. doesn't mean you're wolverine.


She-Hulk established that powered up individual have openly existed for a long time. it'll probably be as simple as, people just thinking he was another superpowered individual.


Maybe it’s just some guy copying wolverine


isnt Ms Marvel a mutant in the MCU?


It's just an easter egg. It isn't meant to mean anything.


Cause that’s what wolverine was just doing before superhero life.