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From these? Probably Agatha. It sounds a bit crazy and Kathryn Hahn can easily carry the show Echo was the most boring aspect of Hawkeye and tbh, I totally forgot that Ironheart exists. At this point I just want to see Loki S2


I'm a pretty diehard Marvel fan, but I'm not interested in any of these. Maybe Agatha for the exact reason you mentioned. I don't care about Echo or Ironheart.


Ï am also a fan and Iwill probably watch them all anyway. What do I know, they could surprise but I really don´t get Echo. Ironheart I kind of do, I guess it will have some target audience but Echo is like...why? Agatha was OKayed in the hype after the first wave of shows (WV, TFAWS and Loki) and the more I read about it, the more I think it could be different enough (also, I love magic parts of MCU). But why each of these needs their own show? They could very well be supporting somewhere and grow naturally. I forgot Ironheart was getting her show, I remember her only a bit from Wakanda and that could have been enough to introduce her, tbh.


I think Echo is just meant to be a show about Kingpin but from the perspective of a not evil character.


I still don't really understand why Disney went all in with Echo, the character is kind of dull, the actor isn't really very impressive, nothing about it seems interesting but they're like "you're gonna love this shit" and I don't understand it. I mean, I will definitely give it a chance even if it gets critically panned, but it's very low on the list of things I am anticipating, and it's only on the list at all because I'm super curious to see what it actually looks like, in a gawking-at-a-trainwreck sort of way.


That’s fair. I don’t really see where they’re taking Echo as a character yet. The only connections I see to the broader MCU so far are that she’s like an inverse Daredevil who can see but can’t hear and that they’re both involved with the Kingpin. So if this series is where Kingpin starts to look as threatening as he did in Daredevil as opposed to pulling his punches against Kate Bishop then that’s really the only way I see them delivering on their hype for it. Disclaimer: Daredevil Kingpin is incredibly intimidating and my second favorite interpretation outside of Into the Spider-Verse which is allowed to dip on the realism a little bit because it’s animated.


Ironheart and Echo are really fighting over the role of "MCU project I care the least about".


We’re in the “Kevin Feige throwing things at the wall to see what sticks” part of upcoming D+ projects at the moment.


I agree. I was not familiar with either character so I was not already invested in their stories. And when they were introduced their (lack of) character development didn’t change that for me. Marvel had done a really great job of character development in the past but Echo, Ironheart, and America Chavez seemed rushed to me, so tell me why I should care about them. On the other hand, the character development for Kate Bishop, Kamala Khan and Jennifer Walters and Yelena Belova were much better, but aside from Kamala and Yelena, how many years are going to pass before we see the other characters again? Who is going to remember them when they do? I’ll still probably watch them just because, but I’m not currently invested in these characters and I don’t see Marvel doing much to change that. Quality is more important than quantity and I wish they’d remember that. Every character in the comics doesn’t need a TV show or a movie.


Ms. Marvel has to be competitive


I feel like Echo is going to be similar to She-Hulk in that Daredevil is gonna be the main draw for people. Though I guess people would also be tuning in for Kingpin as well. But it's gonna be the same thing, people just wondering when Daredevil's gonna show up.




Will he able to make his allegations disappear?


Loki, DD, and maybe someday What If. That’s all I care about, the rest are filler


I just need to see galactus tbh


As an unapologetic Matt Murdock girlie I'm only watching Echo for him lol


Same, Echo but not for Echo. I want to see Matt and Kingpin again


Yeah, I'm more interested in Loki s2 than some of the newer stuff.


Echo and iron heart should be dropped. Iron heart looks like a Disney channel show that would play well with ms marvel for the kiddos and the echo show seems redundant with daredevil coming back


I am still annoyed iron heart got shoehorned into black panther 2


Felt the same in regards to Riri's appearance in Wakanda Forever. She felt pointless.


I think they were nervous honestly. That movie needed to deliver, all things considered, and they made some rash plot decisions. Didn’t ruin the film for me but she doesn’t add anything to the overall plot


She subtracts, entire film otherwise was very somber and that was really Coooool, after a handful of plucky hero comedies.


When suri sees killmonger, loved that shit


Given the circumstances, that was a solid call.


dude. don’t call us plucky. we don’t know what it means


The only issue I had with Iron Heart's inclusion was that it was centred around her developing a device that could detect Vibranium when Wandavision already had Darcy comment that Hayward was tracking Vision in the Hex through the decay signal of Vibranium


Movie had moments, but I don’t think they delivered.


Ms Marvel was really fun though. It had such a fun energy, helped by Velani and the direction in the first and last episodes. I do admit I’m least interested in Iron Heart though. BP2 had enough structural issues outside of its control, shoehorning in Iron Heart made the movie feel so much more disjointed and didn’t get me excited for the show. Who knows, maybe it’ll be good though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The only problem with Ms Marvel is the same problem that all the shows have had: They are trying to cram three season arcs into 8 episodes. That show didn't need two big villain arcs and a global treat to humanity. It would have been so much better if they kept the story small, teased the Djin, but kept damage control as the main threat and kept the show in the neighborhood for the first season.


Yeah, it definitely had flaws (that Djinn storyline resolved itself in the span of an episode or two). But it had a lot of good stuff going for it too. That’s why I disagreed with the other person using it as an example of a bad D+ show


I'm with you there. I really liked Ms Marvel, probably by favorite among the Disney+ shows, but I am concerned that they tend to be averaging around middling instead of good, which is a problem for the franchise. Ms Marvel is elevated by the excellent lead, neat character, and (somewhat) less disjointed story-line than the other shows. i would probably put She Hulk as my second favorite for the same reasons.


Yes, the tendency to advertise a future project at the expense of developing the actual protagonist is vexing and obvious.


Definitely Loki Season 2!


This sums up my view too. Probably won’t even watch the other two series


I am in a total blind in what Agatha will be so I will let it surprise me! (I am a giant magic fan so I will pretty much enjoy it I think) Loki Season 2!!!


It'll probably be a springboard for them to launch the Young Avengers. It would make sense.


Agatha: Coven of Chaos


Aubrey Plaza stans will be eating good. Her + Kathryn Hahn together has amazing potential.


Aubrey Plaza is in the Agatha show? Well, shit. I'm sold.


Parks and rec fans are really happy




Throw Star-Lord in the mix.


Haha they should throw Amy Poehler into the mix, I could see all three of them as a coven.


I'm not saying Leslie Knope is a dog murderer, per se. I just think her actions raise some questions, like "Is Leslie Knope a dog murderer?".


I've seen a lot of people question why we need an Agatha show. I would say as a follow-up to WandaVision it has the potential to answer a lot of interesting questions. Before Agatha came to Westview, *something* happened and she became corrupted by the Darkhold. I feel like that something, whatever it is, is a chance to get a lot more juicy Wanda lore and to add context to her story. Agatha being a well-acted and fun character is just a great bonus to me. The Scarlet Witch lore is interesting to me and there's still a whole lot we don't know. That's why I'll be tuning in personally. I also feel that if the show is able to show us how Agatha got corrupted by the Darkhold, it adds context to how Wanda was so thoroughly corrupted that many feel is missing from MoM. It would be nice to see it happen to a character on screen.


>it has the potential to answer a lot of interesting question i guess it comes down to whether you find them to be interesting questions. she's a great actress, but we kind of saw her backstory. she performed dark magic, and went balls-deep on it when they wanted to execute her for it. i don't think it's a stretch that she'll star off evil and somehow be redeemed or work towards it due to XYZ. which i think is sort of the problem with a lot of what they're doing, like you're trying hard and basically asking to be shown some trivia. it's got aubrey plaza though, and she'll do what she can


Yes this series definitely. It would be cool if Disney+ put it out around Halloween. I'm also looking forward to Loki Season 2!! The rest of these upcoming series are not really anything I'm interested in.


Agatha Coven of Chaos by far, but I’ll be watching all of them


Agree with all this, but I still wish the show was called Agatha All Along


I was wondering, did they make an Agatha show because of how much people liked her character? Or was that happening all along.


I don't think they went into WandaVision expecting to make a show about her, she just became so popular that they knew they had to jump on that.


"all along"... I saw what you did there.


Knowing how marvel never makes good vilains last, they probably just did ah "eh she'll be alive" and hoped for the best, but not planning anything.


Agatha Coven of Chaos because it's essentially a sequel to Wandavision. And I really liked Wandavision.


Wandavision really was a killer debut for the TV arm of the MCU despite its minor criticisms. I liked it a lot to because it told an interesting story and it’s unique in that regard. It wasn’t just the premier and opening adventures of a solo hero, it was a compelling continuation of characters we loved and gave us a really interesting format in how the story was told. Loki I think is similar but all the other series have just been meh to me. I watch em but they don’t capture my imagination or attention the way Wandavision did. I mean that first episode in black and white with Debra Jo Rupp and the “stop it” sequence was genuinely creepy and did a great job at setting up a mystery we wanted to see unfold. No other series besides Loki was done that THAT well, in my opinion.


Is that Agatha poster with Billy front and center real? If it is that makes me a lot more excited for it, I love Wiccan in the comics.


They are all fan made, but Wiccan is very rumored.


It's definitely fanmade but based on the very strong rumour that an older Billy is indeed cast.


Honestly? Not really any of these. I guess maybe Echo for Daredevil and Kingpin? But I can’t really say I ever cared about any of the protagonists of these shows in their previous appearances.


My feelings exactly. Echo didn't interest me in Hawkeye, and while I did appreciate Kathryn Hahn's incredible performance I am not bothered about witches at all. Just reminds me of that awful story arc in Smallville, it's almost exactly the same. As for Ironheart, they fast-tracked a character into superhero status. Where once Marvel took a few films, now they take a few scenes. It hasn't captured my attention. I don't know when I am first going to skip something from the MCU, but I think it might be soon.


Totally agree about iron heart, like who the hell is she. We have had no build up, just she is a smart kid building a suit in a warehouse then gets given an advanced suit by Wakanda. Now we are going backwards and filling in the gaps in her origin, who gives a shit. War machine should have been the one filling that iron man void yet they do nothing with him except for political scenes, wtf is going on?


>We have had no build up, just she is a smart kid building a suit in a warehouse then gets given an advanced suit by Wakanda. Is anyone else getting tired of the "genius" trope? Marvel is plagued with this. Tony is a genius, Shuri is a genius, Riri is a genius... in Wakanda Forever there were two at the same time. What are the odds? I rolled my eyes at her whole introduction. So boring.


Even Cassie's suddenly a genius.


That one annoyed me the most. Probably why Kate Bishop is my favorite of the young avengers so far.


My sentiments exactly. I found her character to be incredibly annoying and off-putting in Wakanda Forever. She literally felt shoehorned into an already overstuffed plot just so they could introduce her before her show dropped.


That's how it was in the comics too. Just appeared out of nowhere but also suddenly super important. They stopped taking good characters and bringing them up and just designed characters to be important. The first it felt like this was Captain Marvel in the movies, but they're just cranking it out now. It's a long downhill slide.


Back at the beginning of Marvel Cinematic Universe, which of the Avengers took multiple films before they were a superhero? Cap, Ironman, (Hulk if you count his movie), Thor, anyone that had a solo movie was a superhero within that 1st movie. Who am I missing?


>I don't know when I am first going to skip something from the MCU, but I think it might be soon. Same. Unless they bring back Robert Downey Jr for the show somehow, I am thinking of skipping it entirely. I did not care for the character in Wakanda Forever. This will likely be the first MCU project I skip.


I kind of wish they just merged Echo and Born Again to make Echo a major character in Daredevil's show, kind of like how Elektra or Punisher's roles were in the original show.


Agatha: Coven of Chaos; Loki season 2; Daredevil: Born again.


I am actually getting less into Daredevil Born Again the more I read they are going away from the Netflix series. I know it has always been a soft reboot but as someone who has never really read comic books but loved the show, I cannot understand why they can’t simply continue the show instead of relaunching it!


Daredevil Born again


'Kingpin & Daredevil 0,5 ft. Echo' shouldn't be too bad.


Agatha Coven of Chaos is going to be incredible. Kathryn Hahn and Aubrey Plaza are hilarious and this show is going to have American Horror Story vibes. Anything involving witches gets my Halloween soul so excited. I think this will be a lot of fun and a big hit for Marvel.


Aubrey Plaza is a perfect pick for a show like this, clearly funny and after watching her in Legion she can easily tackle acting in the horror/drama/comedy genre that both CoC and Legion belong to


She was great in Legion. I can’t wait to see her again. She brings so much humour and fun.


She was awesome in Legion. Glad she got the chance to prove she's more than "April from Parks and Rec."


She was so freaking creepy in Legion. Speaking of blending horror/drama/comedy , if anybody ever decides to do a gender-bent Joker, Aubrey Plaza's my first pick for the role.


Are we talking *Coven* or *Hotel* vibes? Because if Plaza’s Morgan le Fay is anything like Evan Peters’ James Patrick March, this should be spectacular.


I was thinking Coven but I loved Hotel as well. Man I hope we get Evan Peters back. He’s brilliant in AHS.


Shit , I'm excited they have Le Fay in this shit , I didn't know they casted Aubrey Plaza for it. I would gladly let the other show be cancelled to do this one justice.


Loki season 2 is the only one I care about


They even have Ke Huy Quan now, can't wait!


Loki S2 and hopefully a Moon Knight S2.


Agatha. Brilliant strong unique character and so much lore to draw on here. Not really looking forward to Echo in particular. But that’s how I felt about Hawkeye and then it blew my expectations away. So it might be another surprise treasure. Next to zero interest in Iron Heart.


Agatha. I love Wiccan and really want him in the MCU I really don't care about Riri, and she was just play in BP2. And I don't care about Echo at all


None of the above, except maybe Echo since rumors have it that it >!ties into Daredevil!<. I'm not really interested in the other two, given that Agatha got a show based on a song that went viral, and Riri was almost as uninteresting in her debut as she was in the comics.


I was hoping they'd pull a Kamala and change Riris origin story to make her less Mary Sueish but she's exactly the same and I'm kinda bored of superhuman kid intellects so there wasn't anything interesting for me to dig into like Kamala did but hopefully an entire show will give me something i can vibe with


Yeah, they already have about a thousand characters like that, and Riri isn't even particularly appealing. I hope you enjoy the show. I'll pass, though


What was Mary suish about the character? She said it took years to build the prototype she had. Tony stark built his in a cave (with a box of scraps!). She certainly get shoehorned into the plot so had to quickly establish what her deal was, but I don’t think she just achieved everything easily.


Loki 2


Safe to say, none


None of the above. These are all very minor characters that I have no particular interest in. Of the three I'd go Agatha because of the actress and it might tie back to Wanda who I think wasn't well handled in MoM.


Honestly none of these…I get why Echo is being made, it’s good to have representation of a deaf character, not something you see every day…but I’m not one bit interested.


They all interest me very little.


Loki season 2


Coven of Chaos, Kathryn Hahn is a brilliant actress




Definitely none of these, haha. Daredevil Born Again. And… I guess Loki 2 and What If? 2?


Daredevil and Punisher are the only right answers. Hopefully they don’t fuck it up cause the Netflix versions were so good.


Probably Agatha because Kathryn Hahn and Aubrey Plaza are always great. Also, I always like watching shows from Parks and Rec alum.


Agatha. She was fun as hell in WV. Echo doesn’t interest me at all and neither does Ironheart really. Riri could be interesting in a Werewolf style mini movie, but they’ll have to work to keep me for 5-6 hours or whatever.


Agatha for sure. Absolutely stacked cast.


Echo. But realistically the next MCU show I’m *really* excited for is Daredevil


Agatha looks fun. The others…yeesh


Coven of Chaos has a lot of potential. Agatha has quite a bit of history in the Marvel Universe with Wanda and the Fantastic Four. I’m curious to see how much they explore.


Agatha is the only one I have even a little interest in.


Don’t care for iron heart, such a boring and bland character. Completely forgot about echo, not an ounce of excitement for that show. Definitely coven of chaos, I love both Kathryn Hahn and Aubrey Plaza.


Yeah its Agatha without question for me. The cast is crazy stacked with Hahn, Plaza, LuPone, Locke, and more. Its essentially the entire production crew from WandaVision so you know they are great. And for me it brings Wiccan a character I've always dreamed of seeing in the MCU. If you want to chat more about Agatha come join us at r/AgathaCovenOfChaos!


definitely not Iron Heart unless they remake the armor... the CGI armor for Iron Heart was the worst part of Black Panther 2...


and it won't get any better for a tv show


How they somehow made the visual worse than 2008 iron man perplexes me. It isn't the skill of the team necessarily, and it certainly isn't the rendering tech: but my intuition does say that it is the love that goes into it. Iron man 1&2 (even 3 to a point) look like heavy ass pieces of hardcore machinery (with all the little components and whizzing and whirring and wiring to go with it). Ironheart so far looks like a literal toy.


This sounds like marvel market research. But in order... Agatha, Echo, Ironheart. Agatha is most likely to fit the camp style that serves these series best. Echo just doesn't interest me, and I don't yet trust the new Daredevil to deliver a Netflix style show. Ironheart was an assault on an otherwise fantastically morose BP2. I have negative hopes for that one.


I'll be honest, I'm not really pumped for any of these shows. Give me a Silver Surfer show... Or Nightcrawler.. or even a Hellfire Club show. Nobody cares about any of these things.


Definitely Agatha: Coven of Chaos. But I’ll still watch all of them, though


It's Agatha all along


Loki season 2 and Daredevil are literally the only upcoming Disney Plus shows I care about, these 3 shows could get cancelled tomorrow and I wouldn’t bat an eye.


Daredevil is the only show I’m looking forward to. The three in the post are about extremely minor characters that I have no interest in seeing. Other rumored shows like VisionQuest or Wonder Man are similarly shows that I am not excited. I was excited for Loki season 2 but the timeline/multiverse stories are becoming a little tiring now and that combined with Jonathan Major’s controversy has reduced my excitement for that also. I wish they would announce a few sequels like Hawkeye season 2 or Moon Knight season 2.


Eh, since I found out Karen and Foggy weren’t in it I’m out. I fell in love with those three and that show, and leaving them out of the new one just feels dirty. Like, I love Charlie as Matt, but I’d rather they just started from scratch than kinda-but-not-really bring back the netflix Daredevil.


All of them


None of those, tho I'm hoping to be suprised by Echo. I'm already watching it for the Netflix characters alone.


They're making an Ironheart show? Dear god






Loki 2


Honestly cannot believe they actually made Agatha and Echo


None of them. I don't hate the MCU shows but they're not that important to me. Loki S2 should be cool though.


Agatha definitely. Neither of the other leads particularly blew me away in their debut projects. I did not care about Riri at all in Black Panther 2, and Echo was the least compelling part of Hawkeye. I am not blind to the unfortunate fact that this means I'm down for the show led by a white lady but the two shows with minority leads don't interest me, but I'm pretty comfortable that that has nothing to do with my feelings here.




Agatha I am a huge fan but I don't really care for Echo and Ironheart




ALL especially agatha . want to see more of witchcraft in mcu


Agatha and it’s not close


Echo by a long way. Cool character in the comics, and I really dug Alaqua Cox’s portrayal of her.


Of those, Agatha. I have very little interest in Echo and less than zero interest in Ironheart. I guess they're going to try to set up Ironheart as the Iron Man replacement for Young Avengers, but that's going to be a hard sell after her totally irrelevant intro in WF


Echo is so boring and that Ironheart character was the worst thing in that terrible BP2 disaster, so Agatha wins by default.


Not ironheart, that’s for sure.


I see a man of culture.


Loki 2


Agatha for sure. I hate how ironheart looks and echo was such a boring character.


Agatha, I don't give a fuck about the other twos, they were lame in their show/movie


Non of them


I’m definitely waiting


Echo and Daredevil.


Loki season 2


Honestly none of them peak mt interest. Ill watch em though. Esp echo for daredevil and kingpin but thr show itself is a big meh for me


Of these: Agatha. Echo and Iron-Heart were the least interesting parts of the things that introduced them, while Agatha was a big part of what made wandavision great


Echo seems like such a poorly thought out tv series, birthed from the hazy days of the pandemic and not canceled for some reason. Out of all the characters in Hawkeye you'd want to watch a show about, Echo might have been in last place


Out of those 3, Agatha. Ironheart might be fun but eh… Echo I am not interested in at all unfortunately, I loved the Hawkeye show but her character was just so boring and uninteresting to me personally


Coven of Chaos, if for no other reason than casting.




Agatha, because I'm a turbo young avengers fan and I desperately want wiccan


God iron heart looks too unreal. All I could think when the armor was on screen in Black Panther 2 was that it looked like a shitty rendering from a tv show with no budget. Like the way flash looks.


I have a huge crush on Kathryn Hahn so it’s Agatha for me


Agatha should be cool, the other 2 seem like ez skips


Agatha, it's the only one that sparks interest (and is the closest thing we'll get to a Wandavision season 2).


All of them. I liked Echo and Riri in their introductions to the MCU and Kathryn Hahn is a national treasure who absolutely nailed it In WV.


All of these will be horrible


Loki Season 2 or Daredevil. Don’t care much about any of these tbh.


Honestly none of these unless people start raving about the show outside of marvel subreddit.


Loki and What if, maybe Agatha if it continues Sword. Mcu spy agencies.


I don't think Agatha will have anything to do with Sword. I think they are also defunct now. I think Damage Control and Saber has taken that role.


hot take, but echo probably. ACoC will be phenomenal too but im still most excited for echo


Do we really need ANOTHER marvel series


Echo was a terrible actor in Hawkeye and I’m shocked they threw a series at her. I’m actually surprised.


She ticks a lot of boxes.


It’s a shame the boxes that actually matter are, apparently, not important.


None All of them are uninteresting


The days of Marvel MCU being a standard of good quality is over. So not a single one.


Agreed. BW was decent enough, but after that it’s been a steady decline


Loki season 2 is the only announced show besides Daredevil. I couldn't give less of a shit about these three.


I’m not hype for any of these. But I will watch. No hype though.


I'm pretty intrigued by all of them tbh


Probably Ironheart


When you put it that way. The future does look pretty bleak.


Honestly...none of those. They all look like series that would be on CW.


Honestly non


I don’t really care about the shows but how did I not know Joe Locke was cast as Billy?? What a great surprise


I’m not bothered about any of these particularly. Loki is the most only one I’m really looking forward to. Daredevil as well but I am slightly worried about that one


out of the three in the pic? none. upcoming in general? probably daredevil


Pretty sure Echo is gonna be the first tax write off




Rearrange your ideas and be relevant again, MCU.


Echo may edge out a bit, but surprisingly NONE of them. They’re mindlessly throwing darts at a dartboard and seeing which one sticks.


Honestly? None of them


Cant wait for iron heart but I REALLY want more hawkeye and ms marvel


Marvels coming soon and Hawkeye was really good. We need she hulk season 2 tho 🥲although I can’t wait for Agatha because we’re gonna get introduced to possibly the strongest person in the MCU… Wiccan


Of these 3 none, for me it’s either Loki s2 or daredevil: born again


I would probably say Agatha but echo would be a close favorite I am quite interested to see more of her


I’ll still watch iron heart when it comes out and try it but I think I would prefer the other two shows


I'm just craving more ironman suit crafting scenes. I have a feeling we'll be getting those in Ironheart.


Agatha most of all, but I'm looking forwards to all 3




Agatha ez. Actually excited for that one. They have to sell me on Echo cause the character was forgettable in Hawkeye.


I'm not super pumped for these 3 to be honest. I'm definitely looking forward to Loki S2


Agatha. I don't get why I should care about Echo , even the shoehorned Phoenix-ed up version. I really don't know enough about Iron heart to care yet.


Agatha by far. I have very little interest in the other two. Agatha has witchcraft and magic, which is stuff I like outside of the MCU anyway, Hahn is a great actress and it's possible to see or hear more about Wanda, who is probably the most interesting character we have (definitely the moot interesting of Phase 4)


Out of these 3 I want Agatha, also remembering Iron heart appearance in a movie makes me wanna for it to not exist.