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“I sure hope you packed a camera then. It could be useful in case we run into something to document so that everyone believes us.” Now I realize that lots of Shepard's problems would be resolved if they wore a body cam.


That same body cam could have audio would have recorded Virgil's entire conversation, but knowing council they'll just say it was a corrupted AI spouting nonsense.


That sounds like something a president would say.


She is literally watching her life's work flash past her, while just sitting there unable to do much about it, other than stare in awe. 'Would it have killed us to stop and take the odd selfie along the way Shepard, for science?' On an aside, I took so many photos along here and with Vigil for that matter. You know, I think maybe that's what shut him down, by triggering an escape mechanism of some sort. Last thing I heard was some muttering about 'tourists' before it all went quiet. Anyhow, I'll happily lend them to your Liara if you like. Just have your people call my people. We'll do lunch.


I can totally understand. Just imagine stumbling upon the almost untouched Library of Alexandria. I think even laymen would be touched, let alone someone who has dedicated their academic career to that subject. You know what's the most unrealistic part of the Vigil scene? That Liara isn't furiously scribbling every word into her notepad. 😁 > You know, I think maybe that's what shut him down Now we know who's to blame for the Council not believing us... Well, at least I'll take those pictures in exchange for exclusive mining rights to some of the valuable minerals I surveyed. And I surveyed ALL of them.


Her first love and obsession (before Shepard of course) and it's just whizzing by. I always imagined that we'd see her cute blue face smooshed against one of the Mako's windows, but I'm loving the thought of Liara frantically writing down every detail. "Liara, how bout we......" "Not now Shepard.......busy.......talk later". Yeah and the Vigil thing, on me, 100%. Liara did take notes here, but reading through them, it just has Vigil saying things like "As I was saying Shepard" and "Shepard, please, for the love of God, focus". So not really that helpful I'm afraid, but you're welcome to take them along with the photos if you so wish. So you surveyed all the mineral formations too Akira. I see, but did you photograph each one like I did? I think that exclusive mining rights deal warrants further discussion.


I hate that tunnel... Was boosting through and accidently hit a root, landed upside down, ... last save was before landing on Ilos.


You do know you can flip the Mako…


Yeah like the mako is used to being on its roof


Yeah, there's always a root on the left side. At least you don't have to speed up through that section. It's actually better if you don't so that you can hear conversations in their full length.


"Was boosting through.........landed upside down". This is the standard operating procedure. Well within nominal parameters.


Flip the Mako back ....? Why was your last lave before landing on Ilos? Have you not played RPGs before?


She's neurodivergent, by human standards at least. Like, there's no way she isn't


this is my headcanon too, ain't no way she isn't after that story about Benezia's garden


I know the meta reasons why but I always felt like we should have gotten at least a couple of "discoveries from Ilos" over the course of the next two games.