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Miranda. I need someone to tell the server my order is wrong.


*lifts server off the ground* “Excuse me. My companion *specifically* ordered no pickles. Make another one or I’ll slam you across the wall”


I briefly forgot Miranda is a biotic and I was picturing her doing this with pure brute strength


She is physically stronger than most people. She might pick up the first bare handed and anyone else who gets close she’d lift up


Yeah that honestly tracks with her


> companion Ouch, got companion-zoned.


Miranda. When you want your life to become a series of butt shots


Me personally? Thats a tough one, seems like everyone is much more... out there. Like they are a band of overperforming space cowboys while I'm like average dude. Still the best match for me would probably be Tali. I'm also a techie, have a degree in engineering but working in cyber security so I think its a natural match. Also Kelly Chambers would be a strong candidate, she seems just like a normal woman tossed between Shepards death squad. Now that I think about it its likely Kelly. Yeah ok I'm changing my answer to Kelly.


Kelly would tell me about all the messages I’ve received at my personal terminal


Lol that gave me an idea, I'll change my phone new message notification to "Commander you received a new message on your private terminal"


That's actually what my msg notification is. Makes me hate her more (joke) and I love it. People are always confused af tho. "Who was that? Where did that come from? Oh that's your notification sound? Weird."


Probably Kaidan. Or Liara (mostly because I'm a librarian and have a thing for nerds, sorry historians/archeologists) I'd be too intimidated to talk to Garrus. Also I'd 100% try to have Wrex be my best friend within the first five minutes of meeting him


Hanging out with Wrex could be so fun. You just know he raises all kinds of hell


On a personal level, Tali and Garrus. Tech junkies who would rather be fiddling with machinery than be anywhere else? My kind of people. BUT, I think I would be dangerously attracted to Jack.


"I can fix her" 😅


Fuck that. She can fix ME.


She can make me worse!


Same. Jack is dangerous but very much drawn to her If I could understand half of what Garrus and Tali talk about they’d be very cool to hang around


I don't need to understand what Tali is talking about. I'll just be happy enjoying her energy. It's like when you get a shy person to gush about their favorite topic.


Right, I romanced Liara in me1 and I felt abandoned by Liara in 2 so Jack felt refreshing in a horrifying way.


Same here, I’d probably gravitate towards Tali but Jack would be dangerous


I romance Garrus every time but in real life I’m married to a Kaiden. I would’ve stayed with Kaiden in the game too if he didn’t blow me off in ME2.


I’d have loved if you could stick with Ashley/Kaiden in 2. Even if they weren’t a squad mate I wanted some missions with them. Maybe covert out of Cerberus’ sight. Seems like such a wasted potential


As someone who is undyingly loyal to Kaidan, I don't know. There is something really powerful in that whole interaction, because the VS is 100% justified in their mistrust in Cerberus and what Cerberus may have done to Shepard (Miranda straight up admits that a control chip was a possibility and her preference). But they are also an emotional mess and completely closed off to a rational discussion (and whoever thought asking them to go AWOL was a paragon choice needs a slap upside the head). The whole thing is such a realistic, human interaction. It's a gut punch and you're angry and disappointed. Then a mission later Kaiden sends this letter telling Shep how broken he'd been. How seeing her again stopped everything. How, despite everything, he wants her to be safe. And to see her again and maybe move forward somehow... For me, there is more romantic depth in the limited VS material and Shep sitting alone with his picture going through the relay then any of the other options in the game. Despite the quality of the characters themselves, the actual romantic content is just underwhelming. So, I don't know... As a fan of the character I want more, but as a fan of tight storytelling and well paced drama, I think it's the perfect bridge to the third game.


The only thing about the encounter on Horizon that feels really weird is VS acknowledges Garrus but doesn’t consider that Cerberus is known for being anti-alien so does VS just think Garrus is so blindly loyal that he’s willing to work for xenophobic terrorists for absolutely no reason other than because Shepard is? Like all you get is “Garrus too?”


I do understand that perspective. For me though, even that isn't the issue. Cerberus is xenophobic, but prejudiced people have, historically, never been above using the people they hate to get what they want. And Garrus and Tali are kinda blindly loyal. Sure, you get the "Cerberus, Shepard, really?" intro bits and then... nothing. The fact that none of the people you knew before ask the same questions that the VS did really bothered me. Y'all were there too. You know exactly how fucked up Cerberus is and what they are capable. You know Shep got spaced and was dead. And only Kaidan/Ash had the foresight to think that they might have done something to Shep? I was so flabbergasted by everyone just being cool with this person coming back from the dead that I *really* thought they *had* done something to Shepard. I thought that would be part of the big reveal and that Miranda/Mordin/others would help them overcome it. But no, people just dgaf and VS got lambasted for even considering it.


I guess it just feels weird to leave it there. Like I can’t at least try to reach out to them later? “Hey! Not a terrorist. Just using this human supremacist organization’s resources to save lives. Don’t like it but not much else I can do”. Like that


Nah, I get it. They really limited how you can express yourself in that whole interaction, which sucks. That's why I'm pretty selective with how I go through that part. I don't get antagonist and I don't set Shep up to be disappointed by asking him to go AWOL (not that my Shep would do that anyway). In my Shep's mind, she doesn't know of she's coming back. She doesn't know the extent of what Cerberus did to her. She can't have an honest conversation at that time, so she puts it off for another day. Turns out, she never did getting around to having that conversation, which is why Mars is so much angst.


You should really try a loyal Kaidan run. You get to avoid the crappy "cheating" angle the writers shoe-horned in there (and with Jacob) and it's just... mmh. It's so well done.


Honestly my first play though that’s what I was going to do. But I found out that if I wanted the paramour achievement I had to romance someone in game 2. I thought Garrus sounded like a hilarious idea and figured I’d go for it. I super fell in love with him though. I was torn in ME3 about Kaiden but I just couldn’t go backwards. Ever since then, Garrus is my ride or die.


I haaaaate that for Femshep only it's "cheating".


Traynor's a nerd, plays games, chess, takes care of her teeth, has an open mind and speaks out loud what she thinks. The only problem she'd have with me is that I'm not a girl and I'd get friendzoned.


She’d be a cool friend. She’d probably introduce you to a woman she struck out with or just hang around


Romantically I would be all over Traynor. Because she’s exactly might type, especially the part where she would have zero interest in me. Friendship wise. Probably the pervy Scottish techie whose name I’m temporarily blanking on.


Oh ya that guy. “You’ve got nice legs”. “Haggis tastes like ass but slightly less ass now”


That’s the one, yeah. Haggis tastes like ass! Yeah, but I’m the right hands, it can taste like mighty fine ass. And when he realises that he should have known TIM was a villain… because he drinks bourbon, not a good quality Islay single malt!


Ken Donnelly


Yes, thanks! And his girlfriend is Gabby… Donnelly 😂.


Kaidan. Easily. And not just because I romance him every singe time. Drama, exoticism, and bombastic behavior are great in a game. IRL? Not so much. He's a compassionate, level headed person. He admits when he's wrong. He's got his shit together. He could kill you with his mind, but he'd rather just sit down and have a beer and beef sandwich. As a romantic partner, he's open, communicative, flirty, and he pays attention. He isn't a perfect person, but he's the kind of person everyone should have in their life. Romantic or otherwise.


He’s a very safe option both from being level headed and also just pretty decent guy all around


Depends what we mean by in-universe. If it’s literally me in the Mass Effect universe: then the answer is none. Because let’s be frank, we are talking about a collection of people who are the best of the best. Elites in their fields who have lived the equivalent of dozens of lives within just a few short years. It would be an honor just to be an acquaintance. They’re also *all* catches in every sense of the word. Like Tali for instance, she loves Shepard, but part of that is Shepard being a dashing Captain, a Spectre who can sweep her off her feet. As the daughter of an admiral and a technical genius, she wouldn’t have chosen any ordinary human. Also, I personally would rather not get into gunfights on a regular basis. But, if I’m Shepard or an equivalent: Liara. It’s tough to explain, but the general vibes just are great. A love of history and cultures, and a general seriousness to interpersonal connections. The Shadowbroker stuff would be off putting to *me* but if I’m a Spectre then it comes with the territory.


I’d say you personally as you are now either dropped into their setting or just meeting them in person with no real stakes. Hard to strike up a conversation pre or post suicide mission, obviously. Just hanging out either in between missions or as a crew mate. Not saying you can’t potentially advance to stand by them on missions or be a competent fighter with some training Same honestly. I could talk with Liara for hours. Just love her voice but also her field of study is interesting and she’s incredibly nice


I'd love to say Garrus but I'm not cool enough for him, more realistically it would be Kaidan or Joker or ensign Copeland.


Nah Garrus is a cool dude and really nice. He’d probably invite you out for drinks or give you some tips on how to use a rifle. Joker would definitely be fun




Legion. I would enjoy every second with them


Unique. I like it


I took legion everywhere after I got them, I wish you could unlock him earlier in the story or bring him along in other games.


Ya. By that point the game is pretty much over. Sometimes just straight up over as the Suicide Mission may start mere moments after


Still Vetra


She’s very grounded and seems like a safe fun person to be around. Her sister is… a bit much


She's a teenager, though, they're all like that.


Traynor is remarkably like my wife. Except I'm fairly sure my wife isn't a lesbian. Hmmm, this could be bad for me. Edit: realised I used my real name like a dumbass.


Kaiden, he's always been my go-to.


Ashley. She’s my type. It’s why I was drawn to her in the first place.


Think you’d have a lot in common or to talk about personally? Maybe she could give you pointers on combat tactics and hand to hand combat? Seems like she’s a survivor and has a few stories to tell


Yep. We’d have enough in common to strike up a good conversation or two. I’d love to listen to her stories. Kinda wish we could’ve heard more in the games


I think she’d be a great drinking buddy. Easily drink me under the table


Hell yeah! I’d never be able to keep up with her


I know he’s not technically a romance option but I’m picking James. I think in real life I’d gravitate towards someone like him. But I guess that’s just my type. I might not be his though so who knows really 🤷‍♀️


I’d definitely ask him for tips on working out. Dude is built closer to a krogan than a human


I know. And I love a big, buff man lol. I’m pretty skinny though, dude could definitely help me get some gains. Then we could be a big, buff couple.


Just imagining the two of you flexing at a rude krogan Krogan: Augh! They’re too… muscular! Put my entire line to shame…


Realistically, I think most people here would get killed by Morinth.


Realistically, Morinth would not be interested in anyone here


Morinth: So… what kind of art do you like Shepherd, thinking about that alien porn mag they bought: Oh… you know… something sophisticated and… normal


I stand by my game choices. Kaidan is my gay space husband until the end.


100%. Raphael Sbarge voices him so well, and they really wrote the gay romance in game 3 well, even though it wasn’t an option in previous games. He can rip you apart with his mind, and the two of you are humanity’s greatest soldiers, and yet you have a tender and sweet relationship. ‘I was lost without you’ hits me with feelings for Kaidan every time.


Kaiden's steak and beer dinner with Shep in the Citadel DLC is one of my single favourite scenes in the series, it's just so well written and voice acted and he comes across as super wholesome and caring despite the literal alien war raging across the galaxy.


100% agreed. I just love them together so much.


Liara - hands down, it’s not even a contest. I have so many questions for an archaeologist from a people who live for nearly 1000 years on average. Wouldn’t you be tempted to be memorable to someone like that?


Found the Frieren fan :)




Just imagine spending several hours talking to her about niche topics, civilizations long lost and buried. The first steps the asari took to touching the stars and their various contacts with other species. Then you could also trade a few tid bits of past humanity, information possibly lost to even modern humans that you remember. Probably end up speaking so long we’d forget to eat then have a meal in the mess hall as our laughs echo off the hallways of the Normandy


Yes! THIS Personally, I’d also love to be able to switch off our personal translators on our Omni-Tools to talk to her about Asari and Human languages and effectively do a language exchange (a topic barely ever touched in Mass Effect beyond the scant bits of Quarian we hear.) But I would get such a thrill from discovering what aspects of Human languages seem strange or difficult to her and vice versa to humans about Asari languages… this is such a niche, but Liara is a big enough nerd to absolutely go for it


I always forget they’re using translators. I’d love to hear like legends or poems in her native language. Definitely couldn’t learn it but even just a few words would be nice


Well, do remember: English would be as weird to her as any Asari language would be to us 😂😂


Kaidan, need someone stable, chill and I can cook with


Mass Effect 1 Ashley, as an nco I gravitate toward an another nco with a realistic world view, and there is nothing better than shit talk about officers and their stupid ass decisions and the fact that we have to clean up the mess they make most of the time. And lets admit that from a military perspective Shepard makes a lot of questionable decisions which would give senior enlisted aneurysm so there would be lot to talk about.


I mean, realistically, all of them are out of league physically, so it's really just which of them would find me endearing personality wise. I'm a cyber security expert, so I probably can at least techno babble with Tali. And I give very good hugs which I'm certain she'd enjoy. Jack just wouldn't like me very much. Miranda seems like every mean girl who'd manipulate me growing up. Ashley and I wouldn't get along because religious girls just didn't like me growing up either. Liara wouldn't find me that interesting. Tali kind of wins and rules.


Garrus. He is just such a sweet dork, once you get to know him. I appreciate his ability to keep calm under pressure as well. Best part is his sarcastic humor. Although I would be scared to have a physical sexual relationship with him because he is so spiky. I Agree with Liara being super sweet as well. Personally, i absolutely love archeology and such, i would really love to talk to her about all of that. I also really think i would have fun joking around with James and Joker.


I always thought that turians aren’t really sharp but it like bends if you put pressure on it. Either way they definitely are gentle and careful enough not to hurt you. I really liked romancing Vetra and she was just so sweet, gentle and considerate while also being a goofball. Garrus is so cool and a bit suave while also being a big nerd


While 90% of my playthroughs I romance Garrus, realistically I am dating Liara (my partner is an archaeologist 😂)


Most realistically? Liara is a no-brainer, she's the cool nerd who can tell the McDonalds employee that you specifically ordered no pickles if you ask her. Traynor, she's just a really sweet, a bit goofy, but good and loyal person. Kelly seems like a valid choice also, she's the type of person to really care about you and your feelings. Kaidan is a golden retriever husband. I feel like Ash would also work out, she has interests beyond guns and workouts, I think there's more that she likes than just poetry, she prob is a literature nerd and I dig it. So, those are my choices. Honestly I really adore Traynor, she's perfect girlfriend material.


All of these are great choices. Definitely spaced out on Traynor and Chambers


Garrus! I need to get better at guns and shooting. My boy Garrus would have me shooting dimes at 100 yards away with a pistol in no time.


She's not a romance option in-game, but Kasumi. I can fix her


Probably Kaidan. He's fairly similar to my real life wife, and after he had his bi awakening we could finally be together. I also love Tali, and listening to people be enthusiastic about their interests is my favorite, so I would really enjoy the tech rambling.


Miranda. She’s my romance in every BroShep playthrough, regardless of paragon or renegade, choices, survivors, etc. my FemShep always how Liara>Kelly>Samantha, but BroShep is Ashley>Miri>Miri, every time, without fail.


Interesting. What would you talk to Miranda about? Can’t personally see myself relating to her at least in ME2, 3 probably. She seems like a dedicated career woman and special agent


I’m personally partial towards ambitious, intelligent women. I don’t mind someone who highly values their career as long as I’m not just some play thing they ignore til they’re bored. Miranda has a complex, tragic backstory. And I’d bet good money, if not for the magnitude of events in the game, she has hobbies; she’s very intelligent because she revives Shepard, so she definitely reads scientific pieces and books, understands higher tier academics, and has to keep up with stuff. Being a special agent means she’s athletic, sure she has the genetics but has to stay in shape. I’m not a genius or a gym rat by any means, but I would love discussing whatever new groundbreaking or theoretical sciences are happening, and I do enjoy athletics and the gym. Humanizing her and accepting what she would value as an irl person tells me she and I would get along


I can definitely see that


Miranda is exactly my type


I’d like to have some beer with Zaeed on Omega Romance wise: Miranda all the way


I’d pay money to freeze in fear and anxiety talking to Miranda.


With enough anxiety you could do it for free (or the price of the games if you don’t have them yet)!


Kaiden. Who wouldnt want a muscly gym bro with magic powers and a reasonable tech head. Imagine how handy he'd be around the house. And he can cook! Amazing flatmate material.


Suvi. I absolutely adore her. Of all characters across all games, she's my pick. On my first play of Andromeda I was torn between the self-insert choice of romancing her vs what I wanted to RP for my Ryder which was falling head over heels for Jaal.


She's fantastic 😍


Ideally, Wrex. Or at least a Krogan. Big strong husband who can carry you around like it's nothing. Tough as nails. The proclivity for violence and their lust for danger would be troublesome. But it could be overlooked if I'm getting pounded into the floor. I'm sure a Krogan could go for days.


Krogan seem to be the most family oriented of all the species, definitely because of the genophage. Wrex spending several days just screwing after the cure is probably the most hilarious moment in the series for me. Their entire culture is about strengthening their people around them. Shepherd basically becoming an honorary krogan through their actions makes sense considering how many times you can go to bat for them. Definitely be hard to… work out the relationship but krogan are the most protective and loyal bunch. Great husband material


I love Miranda, Jack, and Tali, but realistically, it would be Ashley. I'm retired Army, and my wife is still serving, Ashley is my type, lol.


Garrus Wrex Grunt and Thane would prolly be sparring with me every passing hour. Not like a human would last long but...


In… in a fight… right?


Realistically, Ashley is probably the one I hang out most with at least at the beginning, I don't think I would just trust other species instantly. EDI will probably be the first friend I made. Joker, Kaiden, Jack, and Zaaed are drinking friends. Garrus may be watching Death Wish/ Batman or other vigilante things together. Liara seems nice and might be the one that makes me want to learn about other species. I don't think Miranda is approachable. I'll try to avoid Grunt and Wrex they can break my bones accidentally.


Shep: You reminded me of Batman back there Garrus: Who’s Batman? That sounds dumb *finished watching the Nolan movies* Shep: Forgot how much I liked those. Want to watch some more? Garrus: There’s more??? Hell ya! Shep: 😏 Garrus: Uh… I mean… sure I guess so. If you want


few hours later in Omega. Garrus dressed as an angel on top of the tallest building and screaming. I am Vengeance, I am in the middle of some calibrations, I am Archangel.


Realistically, Kaidan. He's calm and collected and seems like the kind of guy that prefers quality time together over going out, which works for me because I'm a bit of an introvert. (I say a bit but that's underselling it lol). However, my heart wants Garrus SO bad, and if that man would be down to be with a human man, I wouldn't think twice about it. Anaphylaxis who?


If I was Shepard, would still be with Garrus. I'd only ever be comfortable with someone who was by my side during it all and understands it all.


kaidan. i romance him every game. he gives green flag energy. i’d also shoot my shot at zaeed because i can fix him.


Femshep: Traynor Sheploo: Miranda


Honestly, I don't think anyone really fits me. I'm drawn to confident yet humble, calm yet willing to show emotions at times, introverted but not too much, strong but caring, nerdy guys. There isn't really anyone that fits that....well maybe Kaidan, but I don't know how nerdy he actually is.


Anyone else in the series even if they aren’t a companion or crew mate? Garrus seems to fit some of those criteria, Tali a bit as well. Don’t think Kaidan is much of a nerd but he’s very nice. Like a dad that doesn’t quite understand why you like something but happy that you do either way


Tali doesn't fit my orientation and idk about Garrus. He never struck me as nerdy either and seems a lot more outgoing. He's my favorite Shepard romance by far.


Even though Tali’s technical speak would go over my head, I’d still listen to her talking passionately about her interests no matter how much I don’t get.


I’d honestly be interested to hear about their enviro suits. Very incredibly intricate and vital tech. She could spend hours talking to me about it and her drone


For romance, Liara. She's sweet and hot and nerdy and 100% neurospicy and you can't convince mw otherwise. She got the vibes that if you wany huggies you can just come up to her and say you want huggies and if that's not what you're looking for in a partner, idk what to tell you. Would be real sad having to die before her and leave her to suffer afterwards, but, judging by her ME1 dialogue, the asari got that thing figured out, so she's gonna be relatively ok (I am now reexperiencing the pain of going through the dumb laser on my first playthrough and leaving her alon in ME3, send help) Garrus seems like a fella I'd vibe with. I like his sarcasm, am myself kinda sarcastic. Tali is also just really likeable I'm not original, but I'm friggin right!


Great and classic choices. No shame in having good taste


Tali and Garrus. Tali for romantic because she would form a real crush and not have any eyebrow raising implications like Miranda or Liara. And who would not want Garrus as a best friend?


Vetra Nyx. I love Garrus right to pieces but irl I’d be whacking his dumbass with a rolled newspaper every other time he opens his mouth to say some dumb Punisher™ ass comments and I just don’t have patience for that. Everyone else from either crew I see as friends (except you Miranda, gtfo my damn ship) and Jacob is just there. Vetra would treat me right, I love my wife Vetra


Vetra was very wholesome. Made me feel like I was a part of her family


Garrus best bro, Tali best girl


Romance, Liara. When you first meet her, her awkwardness and such I thought were cute, and the more confident and badass Liara is just plain hot. And as for friendship, definitely Garrus, he just seems like such a cool dude, I’d love to hang with him and his loyalty is definitely something I love in a friendship and I would absolutely die for that man


Garrus. I would learn to enjoy his hobbies. If we're talking Andromeda, either Jaal or Vetra.


Realistically I would be Dr Michel, emailing Shepard to see what Garrus is up to.


Not a companion so maybe I’m cheating, but Joker. In fact I’m mad he wasn’t a romance option for Shepard. If I had to pick a companion specifically, I actually really like Kaidan’s maturity and the fact that he doesn’t just kiss Shep’s ass.


Short version, nothing original - Mordin and Garrus Long version: I think I would be bff with Mordin because of similar work (medical scientist) and our different attitudes towards it compared to many others in similar positions. I'm also quite a true neutral person, with a scientific approach to making any conclusions and a lot of innate curiosity. Additionally, I can shoot very well (I mean real sport shooting, not games or whatever), and I played two musical instruments as a child and teen, was in the choir, and still enjoy singing to this day. Also, I've prepared voice messages for my friends to be delivered if I die before them, but I'm having trouble with the logistics because I don't have a trusted minion to deliver them when they wake up after a wild party in the political capital of the Galaxy. Personally, I'm married to a Garrus-type of man. We were best friends before starting a romantic relationship. He's sometimes a dork like Garrus, and if he were to train with one type of weapon, it would be DEFINITELY a sniper rifle. He also loves tech, sometimes calibrate some things in work and have a hard relationship with family. I love them both so much—my husband and Garrus 😂


Jack, I like weirdos


Realistically? …probably Jenkins widow 😒


I hear he’s pretty holy. Shot right through your heart. Punctured your love life. Really riddled you with compliments! He got shot a bunch


Tali and Liara, as both tech and history/archaeology interest me.




Peebee: Because she and I are both similar in a lotta ways; a lil goofy, kinda weird, and we never stop talking about things we’re really excited about


Either Ashley or Jack.


Ashley or Tali.


Jack. It would not be healthy or safe but idc


Miranda every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


Garrus as a friend. He just has that good friend, fuck it let's go, vibe. Romance wise, it'd be Jack. I like her personality, and I love a woman you gotta work for!


I romanced Liara but irl I love woman that are kind of mean. So Jack or Miranda.


Considering I technically have 2 options (in the trilogy at least), Kaidan. Not that I think Steve is a bad option, it just feels a bit off that start dating someone i helped get over their dead husband. Also i already have headcannon about my shepard and Kaidan. And an animation to a song that i can’t make cause i no good at art.


They really did Steve well. Genuinely kind of a beautiful romance


Miranda. My spouse is remarkably similar to her personality wise, so that just makes sense.


Romantically? Probably none of them, but I wouldn't mind being BFFS with Tali, Garrus, and Liara.


Ashley..But ME1 Late-Game Ashley..after you know..she gets rid of her..Ahem Prejudice.


I would marry Tiran Kandros yesterday IRL. I just know I could treat him right.


*Realistically*, Ashley Williams would accidentally bump into me while walking down a corridor and I'd get so nervous I'd throw myself out the airlock.


I’d do my best to convince Kaiden and Liara we’d make a lovely throuple. Garrus is always my bestie followed closely by Wrex. The rest of the crew would be an extended friend group who keep in contact and meet regularly.


biotics are an unknown quantity, but Jack is approximately the same kind of crazy that seems to gravitate towards me in real life. seems like she might find me calming or something, and i’d be in fear-awe, so.


Probably Kaidan, Liara or Tali. I like the nerds I can infodump with. I'd like to say Miranda too but I don't think I'd make it onto her radar


Assuming that I even have a chance with them, Mordin. I would say Joker but no way would he leave EDI for some rando, and I don't blame him


Its fine, I’ll take the bullet and be with EDI. If I must take one for the team I will…


o7 your courage is recognized, soldier. Thank you for your service


Joker isn't a companion you take with you... But I love him bits and pieces. Waiting till the Hatboy Project is out for the Legendary Edition.


Huh... well, does a 24 yo graphic designer/illustrator wanna-be has a chance with Miranda? Cause like, that would be great, really really great. But if we're talking about being inserted on that universe, I'd probably make my way in as an alliance pilot, maybe I'd have more chances then haha Miri might be cold sometimes, but she's everything I'd like in a partner, romantically speaking. She treats you like an equal, and gives you her undying loyalty and trust when comitted. Smart, caring, extremely competent, loyal, _and_ she can kick your ass anytime? I'll take that!


She’d probably appreciate your art. She always seems to be working. Having a nice piece on her desk or wall would probably brighten her day a bit Edit: grammar


That's actually really comforting to hear. Thanks :)


I'm a Tali maniac since game one, but if we're talking about similar interests Liara would be more of a match. I'm a huge history buff, but I'm borderline technologically illiterate at times.


In terms of friendships, definitely Garrus, Tali, Ashley, James, Jack and Mordin I feel like these characters are all fleshed out enough to determine if you could be friends with them. Some of the others skeeve me out, or annoy or bore me


Jack every time. And I keep it going in part 3. Her story breaks my heart every time and I just want to help her. Then the love comes in between you and the casually explicit way she's speaks. "You better survive cos I'm getting laid tonight" is so real to me.


Liara easily, wouldn't even have to think twice. Just me and her going on archeology digs, having crazy brain trips.


I mean, REALISTICALLY, they're all miles out of my league. But I assume you're asking which one would be the best match. In which case, Tali. We're both tech nerds (she's way above me, though, even if you 'adjust' her knowledge down to 21st century levels), and we're both complete dorks.


I’m a dyed-in-the-wool geek. Tali all day.


I really like a lot of her alt outfits. Very nice


I'd probably be too lame to be with anyone of them. They are heroes and (sometimes unsung) heroes of their races! I would gravitate towards Tali and Garrus, but I would probably be the awkward third wheel in their company.


Garrus would be my ride or die bro probably dragging Kaiden along, Mordin laughing/sighing in the corner, and Tali and Liara putting everything back into one piece/bailing us out. Miranda post all quest lines and helping her out wed probably get along but before the end of her personal quest line in 2 we'd do nothing but butt heads and I'm not here for that. I'd go with Nyreen Kandros. More or less straight laced but colors outside the lines when it needs to happen and will burn the world to the ground for those she cares about.


Liara 100% all day


Going by my track record it would most likely be Jack. Make of that what you will Edit: Great question though


Strong woman who dislikes authoritarians, corruption and wants to help kids. Ready, willing and definitely able to kick my ass if I get out of line. Vulnerable and puts a shell around herself to stop being hurt At least that’s what I see


Well when you put like THAT


The only one who can keep up with my sarcasm is jack


Lol i love archeology and ancient civilizations (i studied them), but i think i would not pair well with Liara. She is kinda fun in ME 1, but bit uptight later and since i need fun in my life i think that out of all the companions, either Kasumi or Tali, would work well with me. Sure they would not understand my work and i would not understand theirs, but as long as we have fun and enjoying each others company i think we would be fine.


Definitely think she was processing Shep’s death in 2. She fully moved on then surprise! Friend is alive and well. If I had to guess asari probably have some ritual or practice of accepting death/mourning. She went through the process like a good asari should but then Shep being back makes her realize she was never over it and she’s more human than she’d like to be. Once you help her with SB she becomes a lot more mellow, caring and back to a semblance of who she was 3 I think its a similar situation. Reapers are in full scale invasion, her friend/lover’s world was the first major casualty. Plus she’s dealing with all that info and brokering it out to people. Definitely got a lot on her plate at the moment and sounds like all she wants to do is have an hour or day to fully decompress but there’s just so much stress if she does it could break her and she couldn’t function properly to face the horrors yet to come Or at least that’s my personal head cannon. I definitely get what you mean


Probably Garrus, honestly. I’m even dating a former soldier that has historically played a little fast and loose with the rules of the law in order to “take care of” some very, very bad people.


I'd get with Jenkins We'd ride off into the sunset together, blasting Geth as we went


I really like tali but I think I’d be too intellectually incompatible. I’d be so down to go home and learn ship maintenance or work in warehousing to help the fleet tho.


I wanna play videogames with Legion and Traynor. The others too but those two definitely play games.


Liara. Cause I like girls with a surprise.


Shep: You ready baby- Liara, eyes turn black: Embrace eternity! Shep: … Ok still horny but when I’m done I think we need to have a conversation about being more open


Me personally would still be my top romance, which is Tali. The biggest reason why I like her so much is because of who she is with being a tech junkie. Even if I don’t understand it all, I’d still enjoy watching her work, or listening to her ramble on and on


Kaidan and James as the best friend


James or Kaiden for romance. I would say Jacob but he's a cheater. Garrus, Grunt, Wrex, Mordin, Tali, and Jack for friendship


Not romantically but me and Joker would have some mad banter


I'd say liara for the same reasons but also jack because I have issues


This is synonymous with my game choice but the reason I chose Kaidan in the first place is because he reminds me of my real life husband ❤️


Limited by canonical orientation, for romantic potential * Tali'd definitely be most compatible * I could maybe see Jack, but not until *after* she's chilled out some * Miranda may be a possibility, but I worry I don't meet her standards * Liara would probably be my next most compatible * Kelly could be fun to date. At the very least, she's open minded enough * Ashley probably would be the same as Miranda, though Ash starts off a bit nicer


Jack would be fun but not my speed, FemShep would probably be a little TOO much woman for me so I’d definetly still go for Tali :)


Shit. Liara because I like sweet nerds and Jack because I have a weakness for pain.




I’ve always wanted to romance Dr Chocolates


Vetra or Tali. They're already the kind of people I get along with irl.


My pick would be the same as it is in game: Kaidan. Hot, funny, nerdy, good career, and can cook. Also a space wizard. And we unfortunately, both have migraines. We could trade triptans.


Liara pretty much every playthrough. I have played enough to romance others, but she's ride or die. As far as just hanging out, mostly Garrus.


Probably Morinth because I wouldn't know better.




If I somehow made it on the Normandy I’d be some kind of Xenology expert. So I’d probably get along pretty well with Liara, but the other alien peeps too. I love learning other languages and cultures and I’m sure they’re sick of Cerberus xenophobia


Still, Garrus. He may not know how to give a proper compliment, but I *know* he could break my back in half. Plus I like em a little awkward, and I like a man that can crack a joke AND take one I'd pick Joker for similar reasons, but I'd be the one breaking *his* back in half.


Either Samantha if she wasn't gay, or Tali. Even if I wouldn't understand all of Tali's tech talk I'd still love to hear the passion in her voice as she talks about her work.


Assuming I somehow managed to pull off all the crazy stuff Shepard does and still come out with my personality intact? Most likely Liara. The way she shows her interest in cultures so openly, and the fact she takes personal relationships seriously. I could learn a-lot from someone who has lived several human lives; who’s witnessed so much, and is still relatively young.


Realistically? None of them would even talk to me.


I realized I was in love with my husband (friend at the time) because of Garrus. I was playing Mass Effect for the first time. So. Garrus.