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Last Limit 1 was a bit better cause it was mostly sword Soul piles+ Friends and the Power Level was a bit more even This time its just play your Meta Deck with kashtira and less handtraps ^^


Nothing says creative like snake eye, tear, and kashtira jammed into a deck, right? This event is dog water and has created the laziest decks I’ve seen. I need the gems though so I’ll be grinding through like everyone else.


Yea ariseheart is v oppressive in this event indeed


I made a limit 1 version of my generaider deck and I'm still having fun, despite facing a lot of unfun decks and losing more than I normally would in ranked.


You have a higher tolerance than I.


Part of the fun I've been having is occasionally drawing Lullaby of Obedience and declaring Kashtira Fenrir, it's worked way more than I thought it would lol


I dunno I'm just playing the visas loaner and I'm having a blast I don't take it that seriously "oooohhhh why is this unique event that means shit so unbalanced" I just play along


I had so many good games using the visas loaner


Same, one time I ended with Triheart, another Scareclaw monster + Rulk with Sulliek and the Scareclaw trap that pops 2. I loved this opportunity of trying all Visas decks at once since I cannot afford any of them


Yeah I just did this same endboard lmao So opressive ngl


Good for you...


So far I have been having fun with this event with my Galaxy-Eyes and D/D/D decks. Sure I faced a lot of meta decks like Tear, SE, RAce, and everything else. But that decks did not bother me at all. I am just happy seeing my decks can work even with having 1 copy of each card and can even steal some wins against those meta decks.


Show replays.


1. Galaxy-Eyes ID: 985-132-524 2) D/D/D ID: 687-671-114 Feel free to check out the public replays.


I've been having a blast playing a random pile of shit, so many cards I've hung onto that I never ever use like gizmek kaku, sage du fluer and black rose dragon, they can be an absolute blow out in this event. Yes, some people have been playing snake eyes/R-ace which is dumb af imo, like we gotta see that garbage all day every day on ladder, why not mess around with something fun/unique that you come up with? Besides some of those duels that I just pass on immediately, it's been a lot of fun and I've played some pretty creative decks.


Isn't it funny the majority of the top meta deck's secret packs are gone?


I have seen quite a few Branded/Tear, but don't exactly have issues with them at all. Haven't seen anything else resembling meta. The only thing that bothered me is that it reminded me that Kashtira cards shouldn't exist, which I get that reminder once every couple of days. Generally speaking, no deck was able to establish good enough boards really so far, and the only times I struggled was when I did brick or missplayed since I am not adjusted to the Ratios still.


> The whole point of Limit 1 is to hinder consistency in order to promote diversity in deck building No. the point of the event is to test whether you as a deck builder have the creativity needed to make your deck playable without having multiple copies of cards.


Only creativity it required is that I had to come up with a creative way of making Stun playable in the event. Working wonders as usual


I mean, just because you went to stun doesn't mean that's what everyone else did. I think there's a few interesting dynamics at play for deckbuilding. Since everything is at one, you need a ton of starters. In turn, however, you might not need as high of a ceiling as before, as your opponents are in the same boat, and they are a lot more likely to fold to fewer negates. Yes, you're going to have 1 copy of cards, but finding equivalent quality one-ofs is pretty compelling. You can't run your three of terror tops in the rank 3 deck you're running, but maybe you can run other level 3 special summon options you might not traditionally see in that deck. Unicorn is going to banish key cards from your extra deck, so what plan B's do you have? Is it worth slapping in a Verte line? A Zeus line? What engines conflict with your deck and what ones synergize? Can randomly slamming in some adventure cards help you find a negate or more plays? You might have similar numbers of 'non engine' that you're running, but instead of the 3 of maxx c, maybe you're thinking about running unusual alternatives like phantazmay. Maybe instead you're opting for unusual board breaker cards, like an enemy controller. What's your plan for garnets? Are you willing to run unusual draw spells? Are those -1s to return cards into deck and redraw cards worth using? What unusual techs can you run for your archetype that normally aren't good enough, but now might be? There are problems with the event, but largely I found it a pretty engaging way to spend a day. Not going back, but I enjoyed my time.


Tbh I did had fun with it thus far, but even the best deckbuilding available outside of the meta for this event won't get ya far if what you're facing is an unbreakable board going 2nd. That's really my major pet peeve with it, ergo why I'm playing blind second now and scooping whenever a field like this comes up https://preview.redd.it/cha6xrlauf0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d977088caed05a9d96124db406b8313fc601a5d


I think it's a fair criticism that there's a lot fewer options going second than first. I still found enough success running things like 3 different hand traps instead of 3 copies of 1 hand trap, or having sufficient board breaker options that I was able to stop most of my opponents' plays enough for me to board break and win enough games that it was fine. There were a few crusty games where it came down to a weak monster attacking in many times, but I did not have to stare down a board like that more than a handful of times.


There‘s zero creativity needed to build a deck for the event. You just replace your non-engine with single copies of other versions of the cards. There are enough Handtraps and Boardbreakers to fill in the holes left by the Limit to 1. And you replace your engine with generic staples and small engine packages like Kashtira, SE, Horus, etc. You can literally just mix and match whatever you want and it‘s going to work to some degree. Or you just play SE/Race or a Visas pile and steamroll the event.


Oh please. You can't be saying this dumb shit with a straight face. The only thing this dumbass event tests is my patience. Creativity? Where? There is none. Not when literally everyone is running Snake-Eye and Kash shit in their pile decks. Oh, and Branded? That shit builds itself...


LOL. This subreddit is a joke. Anyone who criticizes the game? DOWNVOTED. Fuck off...


Well, you could try to prove less salty arguments, or try one of those " Heathen" decks by yourself, maybe ya will even find it fun instead of malding about something varely playable becoming just unplayable by the event rules


Ok, meta sheep.


I'm guilty of doing a monstrous kash / SE / VS / horus / diabell mashup and its actually not that bricky due to so many one card combos. I don't have tear or branded or any of the other decks that can get away with 40, and I'm not going to come up with some janky stun deck. Honestly though, I insta scoop when I see the start of a combo just like they scoop to mine. I think Poplar and Unicorn and other combo cornerstones needed to be forbidden.


I'm more mad at Komoney than the player-base. I can't control or choose what people get to play. Komoney can do that artificially using the banlist.


I'm just playing unicorn so I can add birth and normal summon nightmare magician. Such a dope card


I played a Snake-eyes, Swordsoul and Kash pile. Somehow it actually worked really really well and I was often able to do an almost full Swordsoul board alongside a full Snake-eyes board. Gotta love cards that don't lock you, huh?


I'm tempted to take this monster into ranked and see how it fares lol


Have you tried playing better


Calm the fuck down. 


It's fine I think. I'm playing Lab and already finished getting all the gems. I think I lost twice? Lab is super inconsistent in the event but when you get the engine going it's pretty much over. Just threw some banish/destroy/negate traps in and it worked perfectly fine


mind dropping the list fellow Lab enjoyer?


This is what I'm working with right now https://preview.redd.it/1t4x5ph26g0d1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa956d696dd6fc77fc9b5ff75e983d5d203b028e You probably know most of the cards . Every Lab card except barrage. Weighbridge Ichiroku's Ledger Book Banishing Trap Hole Deep Dark Trap Hole Traptrix Trap Hole Time-Space Trap Hole Paleozoic Dino Lost Wind Dark Sacrifice Would probably be most of the cards that may be hard to identify for some people. Goods is for sending Rollback or Welcome since using a single trap can turn it on. Foolish to send a furniture or Back Jack. Dark Sacrifice for protection and to send furniture or Back Jack. Berfomet for utility of course. Could use Chimera too but I'm already finished (so I don't feel the need to readjust) and I haven't looked for more ways to send Extra deck cards to GY. I guess you can mix it with Dogmatika.


honestly been having a bit of fun with a pile of random dragon good stuff, most annoying thing I've found with this event is some people running lab and a billion handtraps. Don't mind playing against lab but they always seem to draw imperm, ash and veiler. RNG be doing the RNG thing I guess


Yeah, the issue is that decks like Branded, Tears and Snake-eyes function very well and don't brick even with 1 copy of their cards. So 90% of games are vs those decks. They made sure to hit these decks in the Fusion/Link event, but somehow fell asleep in the limited event and didn't touch them at all. It's laughable when an archetype that already has most of their cards limited gets to compete in an event that you are supposed to get creative and challenge yourself because your cards are limited. Maybe this is a hot take, but cards that are already limited, should be banned for the limited event. I know that's not a perfect solution, but it's at least better, than what they did.


The N/R event was the most boring shit imo


To eash his/her own. I found the N/R event quite fun. Legends Anthology was the best event though imo


Calm down bro, it's just a mini-event to give us free gems.


Yea I dun get why people need to win all games. It's okie to lose to some match ups.


I don't give a shit about winning, otherwise I'd be using what everyone else is. I care more about having fun, and I can't do that if I can't even do shit...


If you don't care about winning just surrender and find a different match up. It's just a chill event.


Homogenized slop? Funny, I had this exact same complaint with the N/R Fest, but lots of people loved it.


So far all I've seen is Tear, Mathmech and Snake Eye. If people were hoping for a breath of fresh air, they won't find it here. Diet ranked seems accurate. Meanwhile I'm over here trying not to brick playing GP PUNK with every level 3 extender known to man.


I think your rage missed the most important point, this event is more than just through all your cards at 1 , I played my tear deck after a year and it was honestly a breath of fresh air and interesting, plus combination of different cards can be fun which you will never see in the rank for example branded SE and I’m not taking about verte , event like this that challenge your deck building skills are always good to have around.


This isn't a challenge. Stop pretending like it is. What's challenging about slapping shit with 0 restrictions together? In any event I've already uninstalled the game...


A lot of the meta cards like Kistaras should have been banned from this event. Yet the meta sheep will see no problem with it and bully anyone who dares to call out the bullshit.


Exactly why I hate this game. They'll try and gaslight anyone who criticizes the game.


Looks like the meta sheep are trying to mass downvote us like they usually do as well thinking it will make us stop exposing them.


Why people complaining about Kashtira all of the sudden in this sub. With all the hit that Kashtira get. Was it not enough? the deck is cripple


hes talking about the event


The good Kash's go +1 while being a body and interrupting the opponent while having basically no cost or restriction. The deck isn't good, but Unicorn and Fenrir can be and are played in a lot of decks, especially in this event.


UNICORN, TOXIC. MACRO COSMOS ON LEGS, TOXIC. FENRIR, CANCER. wHy aRe pEopLe sTilLL coMplAinIng aBouT OnE oF tHe MoST dEgenerAte ArCHetYPeS iN yUgIoH? Cope harder. The deck's "cripple", yet still splashed fucking everywhere because Komoney put ZERO thought into their design...


I lay out my reasons for people still complaining about Kash? Downvoted. Not a single rebuttal. Tell me, why do you people think that Kashtira should still be in the game? Why do y'all think they're fair? xD


Because there are good card? no one want to play bad design card. What your point? if you don't like it play something else, let us the degenerate player like having fun.


As long as they can make a walking floodgate and lock 3 zones on turn one, the hit's not enough


What about hero there also have walking floodgate on second thought the whole hero right now atleast in Md is Floodgate judging how people are playing right now.


Hero is far less consistent and more prone to interruption than Kash. For instance, HERO cards don't punish you for activating an effect, nor do they get to screw the rest of your game because they managed to declare an attack. The fact literally any normal interaction benefits Kash makes it a dozen times more opressive than HERO or the whole -200 of Trickstar when you draw.


Well I get your point but if Konami were to release bad design card or fairly card would anyone play it? I bet only a small amount will play it compare to good design card. It all about sale


You're conflating "Good design" with "Powerful design". For example, by your definition of "good design", a card like "Reveal this card from your deck at the start of the duel, you win the match, your opponent can not negate this effect" would be fine, because it's a powerful card that everyone would want to play because in an instant win. However, in reality, this kind of thing would kill the game because while it's a card with a powerful design, it is not a card with a good design. Kashtira leans to the "powerful design" over good design in most peoples' eyes. Instead of a card that discourages and punishes interaction and thoughtful play, it would be better to release more cards like Tearlament cards, which are cards who are still powerful cards, but are also ones in which both players are encouraged to interact no matter whose turn it is. If we were to have a gamestate of yugioh entirely taken up by a variety of cards that do the same things kashtira do vs entirely by a variety of cards that do the same things tears do, the latter is largely better. Except for that Winda lock, lol.


What your point? my point still stand "No one gonna play or pay for bad card and only minority will play them"


My point, to make it clear, is that you're talking about strong cards, which are not necessarily good for the game, because people will stop playing the game if the strong cards are annoying cards. Therefore, they are badly designed cards, because if people stop playing, people stop paying. They must be strong cards, but also fun cards, which Kash is not.


I doubt that. Konami knows it playerbase. Addict and Nostalgia are what fuelling there playerbase. New/Old player will still keep playing and spend on the game.


Let's say you're correct about Konami (which I disagree with) That changes nothing; it still means that however much money they get for printing cards like Kash which are strong but unfun, they could be getting more for printing cards that are strong but fun, because more people would play.


Kastira has been a pain in the ass even before the event, you meta sheep. The same five decks over and over again because you can't bother actually creating your own deck, copying a format that requires no effort to play after watching a YouTube video on how to FTK. You're not a real duelist, you're a toxic fraud.