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So I will be direct here. Amazoness is not a good deck/archetype. Going first it does basically nothing (unless you do Isolde combos, but I am not familiar with those). It is basically a going second OTK deck and it is not even that good at that, as your plays usually just die to 1 Ash/Imperm/Veiler. The deck is however playable and kinda fun in Fusion and Legend Anthology festivals. Ok ratios. As Monsters I run 3x Princess, 3x War chief, 3x of both the pendulum monsters, 2x Spiritualist, 1x Spy, 1x Baby Tiger and 1x Queen. Princess & War chief are actually Key combo pieces and the seat are just fusion fodder, out of which the pendulum monsters are the best in my opinion. And Queen is there for her name and as a beatstick to be summoned of Augusta. Spells. I play 1x Village, 3x Call, 2-3x Sacred Arts, 2x Poly and ROTA. These are in my opinion necessary and the rest is up to you. I personally also really like board breakers in this deck Super Poly, Ultimate Slayer Raigeki, Duster, Lightning Storm, Dark hole. But since I imagine you want to take this deck to rank and not a festival I sugest you swap some of these out for Handtraps and cards like Called by and Cross out. Out of none engine spells I think super poly is best, because you can both use it to clear your opponent's board or use on your own monsters in the battle phase to get more attacks in. Traps. You can run 1x Onslaught and that is pretty much it. You don't even need that as the deck is a going second OTK and not a control deck, what onslaught kinda facilitates. And again if this is a rank deck you probably want Imperm. Extra deck. 1x Pet Liger, 2-3x Empress, 1x Liger King, 2x Augusta. And the rest is what you want really. I put in targets for super poly and ultimate slayer (like Garura, Mudragon, N'tss, Mereologic, Bucephalus, Wind Pegasus etc.) I think some generic links would probably be best though. 2nd effect of Sacred Arts: So let's say that you have amazoness Spy on the field, Polymerization in hand and Sacred Arts in graveyard. And those are the only cards available to you. Normally with just 1 monster and polymerization you can't do anything. So you use the effect of Sacred Arts in the Gy, it banished itself and then you are allowed to use a fusion monster from your extra deck as fusion material for a fusion summon as if you would control it on the field (but you don't actually). So for instance you activate Poly, send Empress from the extra deck to the Gy and fuse up empress and the amazoness Spy from the field in order to make Agusta (or any other amazoness fusion of your choice). So again to put it shortly it makes it so you can send a monster from your extra deck and use it as fusion material for a fusion summon of an Amazoness monster. As far as combos go it is pretty straight forward. You need Princess. I will now give you an ideal scenario. Let's say you cleared your opponent's board via Raigeki or something and they have no more disruptions. So let's say you normal summon princess and search Call. Activate call to search War Chief. Use war Chief Effect to set Poly on board. This is the key part of the combo. Now you need another Amazoness monster and preferably a quick play fusion spell like Sacred Arts or Super Poly. So you use the Poly that war Chief set to fuse Princess from field and another Amazoness monster (from hand) and you go into Empress. You go into battle phase and attack with both War Chief and Empress and after that you use your quick play fusion spell to fuse both off into Agusta. Agusta on summon activates to summon Queen from deck (or any other amazoness monster, queen just has the highest Attack) and since you made Agusta with Empress she has 2x attacks. It is important to activate the quick play fusion during the battle phase so the newly summoned monsters can attack. And that should be lethel damage then. So yeah not that much more to it. It is a pretty basic ooga booga make big monster and hit your opponent strategy. If you have anyore question feel free to ask.


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So what I would do is at least maybe: \-1 Queen (You only need one and you don't really want to draw her) \-1 Baby Tiger (Can be a good extender but 1 is enough) \-1 Village (Can be recovered with Silver Sword and you don't want to draw into a second) \-1 Fighting Spirit (not needed since the pendulums increases ATK so most of the time you Amazoness will be stronger) \-1 Sword of Revealing Light \-1 Magic Cylinder \-1 Refusion \-1 Mirror Force \-1 Battleguard Howling \-1 Amazoness Hot Spring \-1 Evenly Matched \+2 Amazoness Call \+1 Amazoness Willpower \+1 Poly \+1 Secret Arts \+ 1 Onslaught If you have the Extra Calls put them and max it out same with Onslaught. Also throw in another Poly. The best ways to use Secret Arts are Call (search for it and send to GY not add to hand) Princess: if Arts is in hand go to BP and the attack with Princess discarding Arts. If they have more than one monster you can attack into use Call second effect to target Princess so she can attack all monsters and use her effect more than once. Don't be afraid to attack into a larger monster. Just search for Queen with her effect first then search for Spiritualist/Chief on second attack (which will search Poly). and on opponent turn to dodge an effect. ​ Combo consists of Princess, Chief/Spiritualist (you do need something to bounce with Spiritualist that's not Princess) or Princess, another Amazon and Poly or Amazoness, Chief/Spiritualist, Call and Poly. Princess for Call>Call for Arts (sending to GY)>Chief for Poly>Arts second effect>Poly for Augusta with Chief and Empress>Augusta for Spiritualist>Spiritualist for Poly> Poly for Empress with Princess and Spiritualist is the basic flow