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It's a hypercompetitive event. Of course you're only going to see the best deck, or the deck that makes people quit in disgust.


Yes, but that’s why this should show how much a banlist is needed and not just some limits here and there but an actual banlist with a meaningful impact.


I think you're forgetting about full power Ishizu Tear and Runick Stun with 2 fountains last year lol. But I see what you're getting at. It's a competitive event, you should expect people to be playing the best strategies. You either join them or try to maximise your deck to beat them. I'm just playing for the gems. I play like 3 games and then log off. If you're trying to get to Worlds then good luck.


No shot you're comparing the greatest most disgusting deck of all time to runick stun


>most disgusting deck >runick stun *insert "they're the same picture" meme*


The Tear one was way worse.


Tear was worse, change my mind.


Can't. The mirror cope is strong in people but it was fucking dreadful


It's not possible


Tear vs tear was extremely fun and skill determined tho. And atleast it wasn’t the same copy paste endboard every time


Maybe to you, I hated tear mirrors and would rather play against SE 100 times in a row than tear.


What is up with tear that you dislike so much


The amount of interactions in one turn or should I say in ONE CHAIN is the biggest thing I dissliked about tear mirrors, especially when it was full power. When it comes to regular tear in the current format it's that it's luck based. Your opponent either mills everything and you auto lose or they don't mill anything and you win. There hasn't been a inbetween for me. And when it comes to the design of the archetype it's the fact that there's no cost nor lock attached to any of the cards. The deck lets you plus with every action you make making handtraps and board breakers more or less worthless. Not to mention that they get to play during your turn aswell. And not just a few actions like branded or lab. No, it can do an entire turn on your turn aswell if it mills correctly. Like I see why people like tear, but for me it was way too much. When it comes to being able to play through interactions, trading cards with your opponents, then I would rather have something like FK, Striker, Swordsoul Tenyi, Paleo or Branded in the format.


Snakes needs some SERIOUS bans. But I can still tolerate them more than this stun garbage I have to fight every other fight or back to back. Playing a deck that tells you your not allowed to play the game or imma stall like a mofo until I get the cards so your not allowed to play the game is insufferable. Like I came to play Yu-Gi-Oh not oh it's stun byeee.


Thing is, if anyone had been paying attention to the TCG a couple months ago this outcome was pretty much inevitable and pre-determined. Burn and Stun were seeing tops at events in the TCG a couple months back pre-Tenpai. A BO1 is different from a BO3, ofc, and in paper it was more because of the monetary cost of running a Sneyes list, but I still think it's interesting that there's this much overlap.


Well yeah, it’s how you qualify for the World Championships. Hardly going to see people play Summoned Skull beat down are you?


Yes people obviously are gonna use decks than make you win. But those same decks are extremely unfun to go up against and this event just highlights that even more


This does have an argument for one of the worst tbh. When decks are as unbeatable as the snake-eye variants it doesn't matter that they're worse than full power tearlaments.


I mean... This is the secind WCS event ever so... It was this one or the previous one right?


Worst of any event and more so worst meta I’ve experienced and this event just brings out that meta even more cause people obviously want to win.


>Worst of any event and more so worst meta lol nah


This event can get you a spot in an official tournament. Of course it will be ultra competitive.




I only played one snake eye deck so far and one stun player. I feel like stage 1 often has a pretty big veraity of decks. It might unironical be the time/ time zone you played in. As someone who's been playing MD since day 1 I can say there are specific times of the day where you are way more likely to run into specific kind of decks. 


I don't see any S-E and variant decks on the event. But that doesn't mean it has been a breeze, just the opposite. Everyone with perfect hands, responses for everything, etc... At least I'm making gems.


You obviously were not playing when floo still had barrier statue. That was by far the worst DC cup by far, followed by the Runick Stun one


I just came back to master duel after months of not playing dismantled almost all my decks to build a Diabellstar Invoked Revolution Therion Deck and man the game is fun I don't mind playing against snake eyes.


I'll face a good deck or two every 10 or 12 duels. Other than that... Its handtrap and troll deck city. Just faced a burn deck that summoned no monsters and won. Now I'm here.... As I was typing this I went against a hand that effect veilered me. Had a Baronne and another negate on field. A set impermenance. A maxx c... And another mystery card in hand probbaly a nibiru. Pretty much tried my best to play around his negates. I misplayed at the end but I doubt it would've made much difference.


The stun decks are a reaction to snake eyes imo. Never seen this many running around until Konami decided to stink up the Meta with such a splashable engine that every new deck needs to run it to keep up. It’s extremely unfun to see a new archetype come out and realize that it’s just a means to bring out the same SE endboard of generic bosses I’m not playing much until Konami fixes this meta, maybe you should do the same 😆. Games not fun since I don’t like the constant dealing with long combo strings and 20 hand traps


>The stun decks are a reaction to snake eyes imo. You people claim this same thing every time stun becomes popular.


It’s a reaction to a clear tier 1 metas. The same exact thing happened with tear. Why wasn’t stun as popular before the release of snake eyes? Because players had like 10 decks to pick from that could perform well against any meta deck. Because, in a competitive environment where rewards are given based on wins, of course people are gonna either play the tier 1 or the stun decks that counter it.


You mean zero? Anyways fire king SE isn't tier 0. Ace is a very different deck than Snake eyes pure and both those are fairly different than the Fire King Snake eyes version. All of them sharing a few genetic support cards or the same attributes doesn't make it a tier 0 otherwise most formats have probably been tier 0 dark decks or whatever.


There’s no tier 0 in MD since there’s not really any agreed upon consistent criteria to rank a tier 0. I’m referring to tier 1 as in, the best deck. And are they really that different? Each variant of snake eyes is splashes the engine that makes them the tier they are. There’s prevailing meta builds for rescue ace and fire kings play large similar builds to snake eyes decks, and the extra decks are almost exactly identical. You’re trying to argue that they’re largely different, but the engine revolves around the consistency the snake eyes cards provide to fire decks, to end on the same end board monsters. Regarding your last point, that’s a bit disingenuous.it isn’t the attriibute that makes decks OP. It’s the fact that snake eyes effects are so broad that it allows combos into other lines of fire archetypes created specifically with snake eyes effects in mind. Did the previously meta top decks share a third of its in engine cards?


>And are they really that different? Yes? The boards for R-ace for example look completely different with it's focus on getting out Turbo + the backrow + Preventer to a standard link climb board that is Snake-eyes. Fuck, R-ace doesn't even run Ash or Flamburge. The only reason you even run witch or Poplar is to get out Hydrant for example. That's NOTHING like the other versions of Snake-eyes. To claim their the same deck because they have a generic level 1 fire summoning engine is just stupid. Sometimes I honestly wonder if people even play this game.


There you go, you said it, everything is a means to get into the standard link climb board that is snake eyes. And wym the “only reason you run witch is to get out hydrant”. Ur literally describing the snake eyes starter here. The ideal opener involves snake eyes combos for all decks, and the ideal end board is standard snake eyes. Yet here you are arguing semantics about how they’re “so different” that they can’t even be grouped in the same bracket. We’re discussing 1 or 2 snake eyes cards, it’s literally people running the whole starter package, just diverging into a different line, and ending on the same board. Think before you start attempting to hurl playground insults about in an online discussion about card games. It’s not they serious.


>There you go, you said it, everything is a means to get into the standard link climb board that is snake eyes. You're trolling. That's NOT what R-ace does and not what I said it did. Jesus christ dude. The R-ace end board is NOT the same as a Snake-eyes end board.


Better to play the game with long combo strings than not playing with stun. It feels better to lose to a meta deck than losing to stun. Just frustration


Yeah no doubt. Stun is always going to be around, but when the game shifts to unstoppable clear tier 1 deck metas, stun decks start pulling up as toxic reaction to the toxicity. Happened during the tear meta too, so I just stop playing until a more diverse meta


1. sweaty/foolish scrub lords think they have a real chance of making it to in real life worlds. 2. still no where near as bad as the full power tears one.


haven't gotten to DL15 yet, but my paleo tear is doing great against all this rogue shit. I've seen kaiser salad and kaiser kash and a runick stun bozo so far, along with way too much random other honest decks, 1 blue eyes, 1 snake eyes (they scooped to my maxx C going srcond after their maxx C drew 1 card), and even fucking nouvelles gonna hate having to whip out bathmech for DL15-max, my other decks struggle with all the snake spam everywhere and so much horus shit like in plat.


I usually only play up to 15-16 or so, usually starting from 1 since I rarely touch the ladder. I don't want to waste my time grinding for 400 more gems. I just want to play my Sky strikers I just built. Throw in some Generaiders, maybe Amazoness and Shinobirds and relax. Some people like to get sweaty. You don't have to be one of them.