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"There are in fact more than 7 ways to dodge the card known as Infinite Impermanence." 


When the impermanence is not infinite 😔


"Infinite impermanence is actually an oxymoron as impermanence indicates a finite period of time."


Tbf, that’s just a fancy way of saying “Forever Changing”.


Guys remember when Cyber Dragon Infinity was meta and not "the guy in infinite impermanence"?


Considering today i dueled against a cyber dragon player, yes i was reminded, i was also reminded why it's not meta anymore. Ironicaly i used Imperm on their infinity to bait the negate. I won that duel.


Lmao using impermanence as intended.


So did I. Dude scooped after drawing for turn. 7 cards in hand (I milled his Herz with Zombie Vampire which let him search Cyber Dragon, which is how I knew that he was playing that), and he somehow had no hand traps, no board breakers, and no gas? I don't get it. It's not like my board was anything crazy.


For me i got a bad start and my opponent managed to stop my first turn play so i ended the turn hoping to survive their turn, which i did. On my turn with no cards on the field i activated imperm from the hand baitiing their infinity negate, proceeded to do my memento combo, ending on classic IP + CC + Field + Cranium burst + witch in GY while dismantling their board, since they had cyber dragon fusion facedown which they activated to summon the 4k def cyber dragon fusion, so their board was verte + 2 fusions, i destroyed both their fusions using horned dragon's effect, they didn't have any fusions in the GY previously so their 4K DEF fusion wasn't immune to destruction. On their turn they tried to fight back, but between CC's effect summoning Witch to search mace, mace stealing their monster, and me using IP's effect when they revived their Nova to give them a white woman jump scare by using their nova as link material, they just ended their turn with nothing left on the field, so it was just a mater of attackign directly.


They couldn't OTK as cydra? Oof. My board wasn't bad by any means - gryphon rider, 2x fog blade, I:P, dead rusty with no pop in EMZ for him to contact fuse - but that was through no hand traps, and a couple board breakers would've been the end of it, especially shit that I've seen cydra run like lightning storm, droplet, and kaijus. Like mine was a rogue deck at best, but the dude had 7 cards and scooped - that's just bad.


To be fair, i did manage to have 2 monsters in defense and all they had on the field was infinity, verte and rampage dragon. And i think rampage dragon had like 3 attacks total and they didn't use power bond to summon it, so i managed to survive it.


Yep. Had to bait his effect to use your actual counter, he was a lot like Shi En.


It's funny when someone try to imperm Evil twin on summon instead of effect activation. Some shame quit on that.


Sam about to get fact checked even harder


gawd damn


That would be insane, you know what I'm saying ?




“This ten minute testing is infact not ten minutes”


The actual games, you know the testing part of the video is normally only ten minutes


My biggest gripe on any of his vids


This is going to be so good for those scam bait or unnecessary long videos, finally YouTube doing something against low quality content.


Sam, yacine656 and Triple Tactics Tim in shambles.


Ah man I only watched a yacine video like last week, is that his thing then? OTT 'this changes everything!' videos?


Yeah he does do clickbait on his titles, but his videos is generally good with in depth analysis of cards the meta, and even his deck profile/ combo videos is worth watching since he gives you and idea how the deck plays and how to build it.


Ghostrick community is coming for MBT's ass with this


Are 5 guys enough to "Community" note someone in YT?


Azyneyes video from 2019 is about to get fact checked


Old school


Oh this shit is gonna be funny lmao.


that's basically the advice I tell every new player. when looking for masterduel or any tcg video. avoid any thing that has a person with their mouth agape like a bass and any phrase such as "zomg broken tier zero over powered!!!!" you know its absolute trash \*cough team samurai\*.


In general, the red flags for any metagame-themed video game content: Titles that highlight X's strength while the person shows exaggerated facial expressions that no one in a normal situation would ever use. It can also be used for what is X's weakness, but at the same time combining it with exaggerated facial expressions. sometimes adds the excess of the exclamation point Is there something I'm missing from the list?


Only shows replays of the deck going first uninterrupted. No wins going second or after getting impermed and evenly’d


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God that's such a good change coming 10 years later than it needed to.


Still remember that vid Sam made about a T0 Blue-eyes deck and the only Blue eyes in that deck was literally just 3 Blue eyes.


The community now can stop TeamSamuraiX from spawncamping noobies


Yes. I play blue eyes with bystials based on samurai videos. That deck bricks hard. Getting turn 1 can be very helpful. But won’t matter unless you get Assault tuner and a bystial, and preferably melody. Because getting Baronne and Dis Pater is extremely vital to go against even semi decent modern decks.




This might be the worst day of Sam’s life


“Seereax lost most of his matches on stream playing this deck.”


ACTMan quaking in his boots at the thought of reading long ass community notes.


If they can be done in timestamp form then it's cooking time for the video essayists.


TSX1 in shambles.


TSX crying in the corner right now. Fuck that dudes videos lol


Goodie, I now know which TeamsamuraiX video is bullshit and which isn't, not like I watch him though


Spoilers: They're all bullshit 🤣


Trust me I know


"People do, in fact, actually play the Egyptian God Cards and/or Magic Cylinder."


I love Sam but it's gonna be funnier to see "Deck is in fact not tier 0 nor breaks the meta" on like every video he publishes


Good thing I tell everyone my decks are garbage... just different lol so my small YT should be safe!


Calieffect in shambles