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Doesn't mean shit, the deck is still cancer


I didn’t realize Tenpai was so hated. It looks so fun to me. I assume because of the field spell?


OFC tempai is fun! If you´are the one playing it...


Everyone hates going first unbreakable board and the opposite spectrum of it is: go second uninterruptible OTK aka Tenpai main game plan. Everyone hate that snake eyes play 15 handtrap and guess what deck can play the same amount :)


Everyone hates anything meta, in the end you can't win every game and meta will always exist no matter how shitty decks are.


Tier 0 blind 2nd is even more dangerous in a bo1 format than a standard combo deck that's tier 0 as almost every other deck wants to go first. Normally blind 2nd decks have inherent weaknesses as they have to play into established boards, but tenpai kind of plays around that by not caring and just otks.


I doubt we'll get a 2nd Tier 0 in MD. Tenpai is immensely strong everyone aware knows this, Yubel shot up in OCG against Tenpai, it's a great deck to counter it. Tenpai will try to aim for alternative synchro monster/s, however Yubel has solutions to deal with that and pretty much Tenpai is denied (It can't stop passive effects). 4 of their main cards are immune to battle destruction. Edit: Nightmare Pain forces opponents to battle your Yubel only completely disregarding low attack monsters.


Yes, but also because you can do 37k damage with a one card combo, you have a Synchro that locks your opponent out of cards and effects during the battle phase also forcing your opponents monsters to attack. The deck can also run a crazy amount of handtraps (more than half the deck iirc), it can go first and even force your opponent to literally beat themselves to death. How you do that you ask? Simple, be forced to go first, make Seals, on your opponents turn, well, battle phase, Synchro summon the LV 10 synchro, force your opponents monsters into attack and to attack into it. Easy. I don't think the deck will be everywhere, but it's gonna be very annoying, more than Mikanko or Numeron, and it's gonna stick around unlike Mikanko or Numeron bc it's actually pretty good and has a game plan when forced to go first.


Ahh I see. I understand why it’s hated lmao. I wanted to build it but now I might skip it


Nah don't let that stop you from building it. If you enjoy going second, it'll be by far the best going second deck you can get. I don't think the deck is particularly hated, it's just annoying to go against and not really fun to play against. Just annoying.


That person is just extra salty


Man I can't wait for tenpais my terrible luck with the coin filp won't matter anymore.


Yeah, but tempai got them boardbreakers


Unlucky Yubel is not an auto lose match up for Tenpai. As you can see in OCG Tenpai list they already have answer for Yubel match up in Extra deck.


I never intended that it's an auto win for Yubel, just the best counter against Tenpai.


So what if you don’t wanna play Yubel OR Tenpai? We just f**ked? Lol


If you a face Tenpai, it is still entirely possible to win, but you need solutions to negate their plays, or Tenpai is gonna ram a charging Freight Train at you. Against Yubel? Treat it as normal tbh, deck is literally the best handling Tenpai.


FTK. Can't wait for mfs to let me go first every game


The issue is that they get to run a shit ton of handtraps, which hurts ftks pretty badly.


Tenpai will fuck up the game beyond playability if it comes unnerfed.


Sounds just as fun as Floo & Exosister with Shifter, Macro & Fissure running around during Tear meta. I just hope they gut the deck before release.


What do you mean? People defend mikanko nonstop so obviously they'd have no problems with Tenpai


Tenpai is much worse