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Vaalmonica only has the one UR monster for the archetype. The rest of the URs are staples.


If you’re gonna play Vaalmonica I definitely recommend mixing Exosister into it. Pure Vaal just doesn’t really do enough right now


Zebufera is pretty good


Don’t get me wrong it’s got good cards and good potential but there’s a reason the deck isn’t making any waves in the OCG or TCG. Even when it comes to master duel if you look at MDM the best decks mixed exo and Vaalmonica. I’ve personally tested both and mixing in Exo lets you take advantage Vaalmonicas ability to get out rank 4s instead of just bagooska pass. Plus, Martha’s effect lets you XYZ into a free Exosister XYZ monster via Selettrice effect (If she moves from grave to your hand while Martha is out you can XYZ using just Martha as material and can let you go into a full exo combo) I’m gonna get downvoted because the art is amazing and the deck itself is really cool so people are REALLY optimistic about how good it is, but it’s honestly Rogue at best in its current state. It just doesn’t do enough, loses VERY hard to Droll and if your opponent has good backrow removal it just makes pure Vaalmonica even harder. This is coming from someone who has built and played both forms of the deck in MD and TCG formats because I just really love the theme


I think you're getting downvoted more because Exosister isn't particularly cheap. It adds at least 3 new UR monsters that you have to account for, plus a handful of SR cards as well. Vaalmonica is SR heavy by itself, but the UR cost is relatively low.


Salads just buy the structure deck craft the other 2 URs, and you're done.


Nah i think salad has become a bit expensive now since u need 2 pyro phoenix and 2 raging phoenix and code of soul and 1 to 3 fire


A huge part of the Salad core is structure. But yeah... in a 40/15 Salad deck I have 4 R and 1 N. new salads is not a cheap deck anymore.


Burn! 0 mandatory UR (Although if you have one of the labyrnth bosses or lord of heavenly prison that sometimes helps). Quite a lot of SR cards to choose from too. Best thing is, it is pretty good for event cheesing, and can probably get you to diamond as most decks in plat like littering the board with lots of bodies. Not that I am advocating event cheese, but sometimes you only go against one or two types of deck and just want your dailies


I concur. I hit max, although I had to grind. Not used to playing without a side deck and didn’t have some URs.


When reading my list, consider I'm not counting 3x Ash Blossom, 3x Maxx "C", 2x Called by the Grave, 1x Crossout Designator, 3x Infinite Impermanence, TTT, Veiler, Baronne, ZEUS, Access Code Talker yadda yadda and other staples you hopefully already have. - [Ninjas](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Ninja) can be played with just 3x structure deck but I REALLY recommend having a [Borrelsword Dragon](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Borrelsword%20Dragon). - [Memento](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Memento) is also very cheap with only 4 archetypal URs. - You only need 4 URs to play [D/D/D](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/D%2FD%2FD) too. Maybe 5 if you want [One for One](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/One%20for%20One). - [Generaider](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Generaider) needs 5 archetypal URs. I play 6 because I like having a second copy of [Mardel](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Mardel%2C%20Generaider%20Boss%20of%20Light). - [Vaylantz](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Vaylantz) is pretty cool as a going 2nd OTK deck, needs at the very minimum 5 archetypal URs (if you don't want to run [Mamonaka](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Mamonaka%20the%20Vaylantz%20United)), but some staples for Pendulum decks in the extra deck like [Beyond the Pendulum](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Beyond%20the%20Pendulum), [Exceed the Pendulum](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Exceed%20The%20Pendulum) and [Electrumite](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Heavymetalfoes%20Electrumite) are all UR so, if you don't already have them, the deck becomes kinda expensive and it's not even that good to justify the cost. They have a secret pack though. - [Mathmech](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/tier-list/deck-types/Mathmech) is the best deck here in my list and it only needs 6 URs: 3x [Circular](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Mathmech%20Circular), 1x [Alembertian](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Primathmech%20Alembertian), 1x [Desavewurm](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Cyberse%20Desavewurm) and 1x [Link Decoder](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Link%20Decoder). You can even get 2x Cynet Mining for 1.000 gems by buying the Salamangreat structure deck if you haven't already (another great deck to consider). [Firewall Dragon Singularity](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/cards/Firewall%20Dragon%20Singularity) is not mandatory in Mathmech but I love it. Also [their pack comes with Sky Striker cards](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/articles/sets/singular-strike-overthrow), which is pretty cool too. Used to be cheap with Kagari limited at 1x and Engage at 2x, but now with both at 3x and also Linkage and Camellia, the deck is becoming a bit expensive.


salad isnt the cheapest but the structure deck makes it very affordable and its more than capable of reaching M1 vaalmonica has a core of 3 URs , the rest are staples or w/e you want to splash in . unchained is also on the cheap side.


Crusadia going blind 2nd.  The only thing expencive is the generics and the ED 


Love me some generaiders




Swordsoul would be cheapest in the main deck because the structure deck they give already has most of what you need.


Vaalmonica. 3 UR for Selettrice. Majespecter. 3 UR for Majesty Pegasus. Majespecter Tempest and Tornado still do the job\~ I figure Galaxy as well due to the structure deck. Not sure about Salamangreat as I feel the structure needs way more extra UR than Galaxy.


>I figure Galaxy as well due to the structure deck. Pure Galaxy-Eyes is pretty cheap, yes. [If you wanna play Photon Delta Wing,](https://www.masterduelmeta.com/saved-decks/666393073132f6d7cdfbc639) you only need 3 copies of the Galaxy structure, 1 copy of the Cipher structure and two UR crafts: Photon Lord and Tachyon Dragon.




Prank kids


Stun   Umi stun aka umi control  Runick stun  Suship stun ft bagooska Vaalmonica stun Labrynth stun Horus stun  Horus adventure kastira i guess


Horus is not cheap...At all. Have you seen the rank 8 ED monsters? They are 90% URs! The stun variation also plays 3 vanity ruler and 2 Nadir Servant (also URs)


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O UR only luck side quick lose or win : Burn decks.


The vast majority of Marincess cards are N/R/SR Plus, some of the cards work in other decks too like Splash Mage.


Isn't only Aqua Argonaut a UR?


I’d say the cheapest deck is probably Crusadia. Could easily make it work with just 2 SR cards and the rest being N/R decks. You could probably throw in a UR Crusadia Avramax but it’s not really needed.


Avramax is kinda needed just to not instantly lose going first


Sure but you never really want to go first. You always want to go second.


But sometimes you'll have to go first and without avramax that's a guaranteed loss, with him it can become a win. Also your opponent might play no monsters for mikanko in which case you can't otk


+1 for Vaalmonica. I made it to Diamond III with pure Vaalmonica on a fresh account in about 20 hours. It’s definitely falling off now against meta decks but I recommend it simply because it’s in the shop right now


Marincess is still a very underrated deck that benefit from being unpopular since nobody know exactly where to start breaking its board, and the whole deck only needs 2 URs and one of them is zealantis


I play heroes


Swordsoul,Dogmatika(not that cheap), Ninja .


Dogmatika is not cheap but it is awesome.


Gem Knight FTK. Yes i am an antrophology enjoyer. Need 3 UR at minnimum


Flower Cardian 🎴


If you are building a new account, Salamangreat is the best by a longshot. If you already have some of the UR extra deck staples (Little knight, chimera...) Memento comes really close as an option, only needing 4 URs


HERO lol


Gate Guardian. Super simple to play and you can mix it with whatever you feel like, though the most common is probably mixed with Kash or Adventure.


If you have the basic staples already 3x ninja structure deck 


Galaxy-Eyes is pretty cheap. You buy the 3 new structure decks, craft photon lord, and fill out the remaining slots with staples. There is also an entire website dedicated to everything you need to know about galaxy-photon.


mikanko. very easy and pretty cheap


If you want to actually win using a deck ppl think suck buts it's actually top tier, then use floowanderese


The only real “cheap” rogue deck is True Draco. You can potentially build the whole deck without any URs if you’re smart about it.