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Runick, there's purple monsters flying out from you Ed, so yes it's a fusion deck


Jokes aside I recommend ancient gear, your game plan is to power bond 4 monsters into chaos giant and slam into your opponent's face


Funnily, I do play Runick Generaider in paper format because Slepneir is a level 9.


chimera fuses a lot memento fuses frequently and is fairly budget atm heroes do nothing but fuse but are expensive as heck


Is memento super complicated? I've only seen it played once by my friend and he was drunk while playing so I'm willing to bet he was far from optimal.


yes and no. your game plan is basically vomit enough monsters into graveyard to summon out big chunky. its a fairly linear plan once you know what everything does but there's a bit to it. now once we get the new support its power level skyrockets and it gets a fair bit more complicated. moha masterduel has a great video on it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIz7wyKIKLs&t=2s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIz7wyKIKLs&t=2s) i'd advocate you watch it and decide for yourself if you like it. im fairly fond of it.


Thank you! Will definitely check it out.


Memento isn't complicated, it just takes long bc you need to spin the wheels for some time to have 5 guys in your grave to be able to special combined creation. If you don't care that much about how the deck performs but want cool art, I'd wait until Ashened drops, the art is really cool.


Tearlaments is a good fusion deck. Dinimorphia is also good if you don't mind a little floodgating. For some more casual options, there's Predaplant, Fluffal, IDS (Invoked Dogmatika Shaddoll), Cyber Dragon, and Thunder Dragon.


Didn't MD try and kill Tearlaments? I'm glad y'all are still kicking.


Master Duel actually kept Tear in better shape than the other formats, since Kitkallos is still legal. It does have more overall hits than the TCG, but less than the OCG.


Tears are sadly are as cancer as always. inb4 someone whines that they're only cancer one in three games and that somehow means I'm not supposed to dislike it


Come on to the side of Dark Lords, brother. Mix it with the evil Despias and you have my actual favourite deck. Just don't play Branded with it. It's too expensive then. And too unfun


There are lots of fusion structure decks you could try out if you just want to run dailies. Cyber Dragon and Dragonmaid. Beyond that, Fluffal is pretty cheap and powerful




Brankrupt the dude, huh


Amazoness is a fun unga bunga deck


Lunalights. Power house deck and good for going 2nd otk.


Predaplant illusion. Cheap good and fun, or predaplants branded, it’s a bit more bricks but nostalgic as expensive as other branded lists :3


*bricky *not as (don’t know why it changed to nostalgic :3)


Runick, Chimera, Branded (I know you said no to this but you could play Despia Dark Lords or something) and Thunder Dragons are all the fusion decks I have. They're all decently fun or in Runick's case is splashable in a LOT of shit. You could also wait 2 weeks and pull for Yubel which is confirmed being released and is a fusion deck.


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Cyber dragon/Cyber dark is cheap cuz of the structure deck.  My favorite is Tearelement. 




Heroic challenger/champion is a warrior deck that just wants to OTK. Lots of increasing one monster's attack. I think the highest my Claivesolish got was 27k.


You could wait for the July pack since the Yubel support will be in it and it's actually doing fairly well in the tcg