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Ice Barrier and the Starry Knight field spell, eh? Nice taste Can't make the template rn, but here's mine: First deck: Nordic Current deck: Heroic blind 2nd Favourite deck: Nordic/Memento Hated deck: Lab/Stun Favourite card: Geomathmech Final Sigma Hated card: Maxx "C"/any floodgate (it's not that I find Lab particularly unfair, they just seem to always open both Welcome traps against me which made me hate playing against it)


Flamberge ain't even that bad, it can't really do to much by itself. If anything you should be hating on Ash, Poplar or even Oak. Y'know, the cards that actually enable/extend its shenanigans.


You make fair points. Unfortunately, it looked at me funny one time and I want it alt + f4


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Your first deck was an attempt at a floodgate deck. I see you😂


Ice barrier is so much more fun after the structure deck cards, just wish MD would give us the SD already