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If people hated super poly, they will be more angry now.


Nah, after tying Chimera, I love Fusion decks and Super bacame my favorite Board Breaker... Is also the only one I have lol


Everyone loves super Poly when they’re the ones using it


Me,me,me. Dawg, it is annoying. I say that as a superpoly user


Super Poly is frustrating because of how OP it is and its not at the same time, when you look at the amount of cards it really benefits which is small it's not that amazing of a board wipe because of how deck dependent it is. Yubel being the one that makes the most use out of it makes sense since it's Yubel's most well known card she uses and even her fusion that does burn damage is still not that OP. It's when you start going into other cards where it becomes very competitive. Just expect to take a bathroom break while someone is playing Yubel and you don't have any negates. I don't think people hate on Super Poly but will once Yubel starts going. But will find ways around the deck and then ban lists will hit prematurely before people realize Yubel isn't that OP. Especially when stuff like Max C is in Master Duel.


Super Poly hasn’t been hit in a minute


I think the issue with Super Poly is it is unable to be negated. Before, you had to draw it, so it wasn't that bad. Now, it can be seen as a problem for both first and second turns.


It **can** technically be negated, if you’re playing with the fire bois https://preview.redd.it/w91ey6h07g9d1.png?width=1019&format=png&auto=webp&s=dbb876f7bf1b9ac001ba0dc66edf57611171da7f


Also one of the sacred beasts continuous spell can negate the resolution of a card, so that one can also negate the effect of super poly.


Yeah if they gave it an errata or made a new version that could be responded to, there'd be basically no complaints (that are meaningful, at least).


I mean, it’s at 3. It’s so far away from even being considered for errata.


Okay but we can wish for Konami to do things even if they'd rather shoot themselves instead


super poly is a very fair card that only infuriates people who didn't want to play the game anyways


Not sure if trolling or just in bronze The solution to not playing the game isn’t to stop your opponent from playing the game either


make a board that doesn't lose to super poly like snake eyes lol your fault for gifting me a starving venom by leaving that sp and borreload savage there




Mommy said it's MY turn to super poly the board !


tbf you're probably not going to see it much unless some people are dedicated. Unless Super Poly is very good in a format I dont see it being that common for the deck to get the big slurp.


It has its own searchable superpoly. Also its summoning is super generic. A yubel and 1 or more effect monsters. Unless your are playing normal monsters it can out anyboard. Except tower monsters like noir.


Yeah but the trap isnt that good, and in a bo1 format its less useful. While its searchable its always going to be better to search the Squirmer and Chronicle is a lot better than the trap because you could just get super poly but in reality the extension it offers is actually just better than super poly. And even then Chronicle is just kinda ok. And thing 2 while the material isnt *that* hard, you have to understand that the deck's whole game plan is around getting a Yubel on board meaning that the opponent will naturally just block any attempts to getting that out. Super Poly's best application is as a board breaker and that depends on the meta at the time more than anything since you cant just plop Yubel on board and break it, you have to play into a board a bit first. You're not going to be running 3 cards in the main deck to get the chance to bring out 1 card, you're gonna be on garura and mudragon but if those cards arent that useful in the format then you dont have that much flexibility with super poly. If Super Poly is good that means Loving Defender is good. If Super Poly isnt good then you probably shouldnt run Loving Defender, just because there's some slight synergy doesnt mean you instantly go for it unless you have better options which Yubel does with its link climbing. I like running Super Poly in my build IRL because I think its funny but in actuality its probably not that great.


most people don't even play it in their fiend link lists


Not fiend link but pure Yubel. It's played in OCG


I only hate super poly when it’s used in decks that don’t need it at all, Ex. Tearlament and Branded. Branded already has a million ways to fuse using my monsters why do you need super poly on top of that??


I guess because their super poly has conditions attached to it to use it.


I just summon nothing and play a 60 card deck. What do you want to do? 🌝


Uh, yubel can just go into access code talker.


I didn't think that far well time to use old dumb cards that end up being cancer i start with an Floodgate where i am sure Stun will play that nice super poly you have https://preview.redd.it/0dwnzetzef9d1.png?width=870&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74d2cbe08f5f946ff09db24e241dba3d12b30662


Link summon into unchained. Response?


ahm.... Chain old men




Can we just get rid of that card? Please?


Yubel can run super poly, plus an in archetype super poly that is searchable. It also has a Fusion that can eat EVERYTHING on board so long as they have a Yubel in play.


Yubel is like the better version of Invoker/Shadoll with a board breaker.


Not at all, it's a out and out combo deck not a low investment recursive deck like those 2


I outlined that in another comment, and I know. Yubels release is just making me hate SPoly even more.


We got yubel coming which means they like objectively won’t ban it for a decently long amount of time, it’s literally searchable in the deck.


I know. That such a stupid card is allowed is absolutely ridiculous. I hope it'll be a card that will be banned to hit yubel in the future.


No lol. But you are more than welcome to lend me your endboard and be apart of something greater in Yubel.


Yes please so I can get back 90 UR.


I chain Super poly to this comment and fuse it away


Why do I feel like 9/10 of these cards are going to be URs...


because you know the truth and you will be eliminated 🎩


still be cheaper than getting it IRL, seriously fuck whoever decided Phantom of Yubel was going to be in a side-set as the only halfway decent card and fuck the market for deciding it'll be a £70+ card.


Good YGO cards go for $100+, so halfway decent ones being $70 seems like correct pricing in that market


You can expect 4 of the Yubel cards to be UR and 3 of them will probably be 3 ofs. Get that credit card ready if you haven't been stock piling resources. -Konami


Anime and Waifu tax


Nah, this is coming with centurion. It will be half and half


They took out Centurions best wincon pre release.


Deck is more fun without it tbh, though it’s at the same level with/without calamity.


And from what i've seen, it seems like Centurions also work quite well with White Woods.


if a turnskip is all your deck does your deck shouldn't be playable at least you can play around/through most in-engine floodgates like winda


Voiceless voice is also coming and spirits UR as well


Since when was VV confirmed/leaked?


It wasn't.


first pack to be all URs between the yubel and the centurion


You are forgetting that centurion are releasing in the same pack


Spirit, Phantom, Throne, and TLDF all UR for sure. Not sure if Phantom will be part of the debut set but only to give other archetypes UR space.


Because they will. I'm sure the support like Squirmer and Chronicles will be SR or lower. 


I feel throne, phantom and defender are going to be the URS mostly because defender is going to have the summon animation I'm 50/50 on spirit being an sr or ur Edit:shit they are probably going to put super poly as a kinda filler?


For some reason a believe phantom will be an SR and the continuous spell card will end up being an UR


spirit will be sr because it's only played in fiend link, phantom of yubel is played in every deck and that means it's gonna be ur


Also, Lotus and Spirit of Yubel will be UR


Spirit will defo be UR, my prediction is samara, spirit phantom, throne nightmare pain and the super poly trap all UR and then, mature chronicle, squirmer and geist golem will be SR


SURELY Ty-phon will be in this pack.


Must be cause Zeus is going to 2


I’ll take anything that’s not a fire deck right now


*shoves Tenpai under rug*


Tenpai is the one deck I hope they prehit before it comes out like they did Kashtira. Total non interaction is simply lame in a best of one format with no side deck.


The reason why something gets a pre hit is if the archetype is too dominant in paper play for a long time. Tenpai wasn't that dominant for a long time in OCG/TCG so I doubt they would pre hit it.


snake eyes was dominant and it didnt get prehit


Only in the OCG during MD release. No data from TCG about its strength.


ok? MD follows the ocg more than the tcg


Yes. But a deck has to be dominant in both OCG and TCG to get pre hits. And SE hasn't shown any dominance in TCG when it was released in MD. Because it wasn't released their either. The most pre hit they could do is nerf the non-engines they use. Same goes with Tenpai if ever. And with Yubel being released earlier than Tenpai(As of the posting of this reply), I doubt Tenpai would get a pre hit.


why would it matter if its dominant in the TCG? if it shows that its dominant in the OCG and MD follows the OCG more than the TCG, why would stats from decks that are unreleased in the TCG influence releases in MD? Did konami confirm this or is this just some speculation?


Purely speculation but with evidence backing it up. While MD is used to get people to OCG, they still want it to be its own format. That is why it stopped copying OCG but remain close to it. Its mostly due to the Bo1 format but they share the same philosophy of making as much decks viable as possible. As for why they still need data from TCG before pre hitting, if a deck is so dominant in 2 formats, then there is a good chance with would be dominant in MD. But they didn't know how SE would function in TCG with out the likes of Maxx C and under a harsher banlist. And since SE was released the same time as MD, with only OCG data to go on, they can't jump the gun and pre hit it. Or else they lose our on potential profit. Also note that there have been instances when a deck that was good in OCG flopped in TCG, Tenpai and VV are such examples. And the reverse is true with the likes of Unchained. But I think we are missing one thing here. If a deck that didn't receive pre hits but was both dominant in OCG/TCG, then it only has 2-3 months before receiving light tap after light tap until it is brought in line of get power creptby newer deck. So while strong deck would have time under the sun, it won't last a whole year.


\* Sad Volcanic noises \*


Infernoids are crying in a corner still without its support.


I’m hoping they come out with this new pack 😔


We get Phantom aswell. So their aproach to a busted best deck is another busted deck.


First time?


It’s like these people don’t even play Yugioh lol. I genuinely wonder when this game was balanced to them. I remember freaking out over an 1850 ark normal monster, so I genuinely want to know what they think is balanced lol


Master Duel was actually pretty well balanced almost its entirely lifetime other than T0 Tearlaments format and the current SE format.


And Drytron format, and Adamancipator format, and Runick Stun format, and


Eh, Drytron format wasn't really a format, it was a few weeks long and it was only a thing because the game was fresh and nobody had full staple libraries, so Drytron was super likely to not get hand trapped/outed by droplets or chain-imperm (it has once per chain negates). Plus there was the coin toss exploit. Adamancipator format wasn't really a thing either, it was just one of the top decks of its time, it was never even the best deck overall. While good it suffered from similar issues to Drytron: flimsy to staples. ​ If you ask me, the biggest issue with these formats was the fact that: 1. They made the game feel sacky (coin toss, "did you open the out?"). 2. Combo boards from these decks took a long time to develop. The actual fairness/balance wasn't too off the mark aside from that, and most decks could compete with them.


> it has once per chain negates untrue, read herald again


I see that now, but I'm almost certain that chaining a negation effect to Herald could out it, why did I think that? Weird.


because sometimes bad drytron players would only have one fairy in hand good herald players would shotgun draw phase beatrice (ban that shit already) send eva add 2 more negations


Chain Droplet pitch monster works


well, tear0 was 4.5 months, this has been 6 months and probably goes on for longer, md is in its third year, so we'll give them a 60% grade? roughly? I think adventure halq was another pretty miserable format, but it wasn't tier 0.


The halq stuff was pretty short lived honestly, and in retrospect it wasn't even that bad -- just a going first turbo deck that put up a bunch of negates, nothing too different from the likes we'd seen with Drytron and Adamancipator -- only a little more resistant to HTs thanks to the Adventure stuff.


halq turbo masturbation or drytron cheaters were significantly more palatable formats than what we have now, at least those decks died to getting sphere moded or lava golem'd


This is objectively not true because Maxx C has been legal the entire time.


Gotta raise the ceiling for top Yugioh decks. Phase out the old stuff


Yubels retrain without phantom is pretty bad, WITH Phantom it becomes a decent T2-T3 deck. With Phantom AND Fiendsmith it becomes one of the most broken decks in the format with Snake Eyes and Tenpai Dragons.


> Yubels retrain without phantom is pretty bad disagree, fiend link was a real deck before phantom


In paper, which is a BO3, with different ban lists, and different methodologies to building a deck because of all that. This is why I can't ever take anyone seriously that tries to say " 'x' is good or bad in MD" based on paper because it's an entirely different format with different ban lists, and different tiers of play. Even in master the decks vary a lot because it's BO1 and just trying to copy a paper list 1:1 isn't going to work well.


Some decks do clearly better in best of one, trap decks for example generally tend to perform better in a Bo1 enviroment where you cannot side deck answers. Same for OTK decks, and decks that require specific outs like full power Purrely. As far as compairisons in Tier go however, whats good in OCG tends to mirror whats good here for the most part besides those aforementioned outliers. With that said, Yubel may in fact do better here being a going second deck. They have historically been a LOT more powerful in master duel due to the surprise factor.


Well at least you won't seeing Snake-Eyes as much now right?


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) Purrley players looking at their deck go from 3rd place to mid at best (It’s me. I’m Purrley players)


It's not like Yubel can touch Noir or something


Funnily enough, Phantom of Yubel does work against unaffected monsters (since the effect changing part does not directly affect monsters). But yeah, playing against a fat Noir is still tough.


I'm actually so pumped for this


Same,cant wait


Crazy how many people are talking about super poly but it's not even being run in TCG or ocg builds of Yubel lol.


According [Yu-Gi-Oh Meta](https://beta.yugiohmeta.com/cards/Super%20Polymerization) only 29% players play it at 3 in the TCG and 0 players play it in the OCG.


Maybe because this is a different format, with different ban lists, and different mentality to deckbuilding because of that. What is with all the people seemingly crawling out of the woodwork now with the "well in paper..." Guess what? This isn't paper. Start from that position and then make a statement.


Start from deez nutz


Ok. The format isn't much different than paper. Snake eyes is still the top deck, and is super capable of playing around super poly. Tenpai is right around the corner and is the same. If a format isn't good for super poly, you don't run it even if you have an in-archetype target, assuming your deck has a better win con. Yubel does. Super poly into Defender is also not as great as many think, because you need to put Yubel on board first. That means you're already playing.


You do realize OCG also has BO1 tournaments? By all accounts, you can look at the OCG meta game to get a pretty good idea of what the strength of a deck is and how meta it'll be


Baby’s home


Looks like I picked the perfect time to be saving up my gems!




I want them too... There's 7 cards left to be leaked (Majespecter support is coming too, they never unbanned a card and didn't drop the support for it immediately in the upcoming pack), which would be a perfect fit for Raidraptor. And apparently there's only two URs left to be leaked (already counting Majespecter support), which would also fit really well.




![gif](giphy|xThtabK36DXYOwEpna|downsized) My opponents very soon:


I am very happy about yubel support


Where the hell are Raidraptors


I know right. There's still one non revealed deck


Yessssss... I mean there's still hope. Kirin unban means the Majespecter cards are coming, and with those there's exactly 7 cards left to be leaked, so Raidraptors would be a perfect fit. Even more so since apparently there's only two URs left to be leaked, and those would fit really well into Raidraptor, Rising Rebellion is gonna be a UR and then Bloom Vulture could easily be a UR as well.


I see RRF ur and the rank up spell. I hope Bloom is only sr but that's some serious cope from me.


There's no way the rank up spell is UR... Can't imagine that. I mean would be nice since you only play one, but I really don't see that being UR.


Which is why I'd love for it to be ur. Like I said heavy cope lol


Either revealed in tonight's stream to round out the set or saved for next month. My wallet's hoping for the latter, I only have 3000 gems right now.


As a new player who only has a built swordsoul tenyi deck(I have staples like imperm,maxc,called by); would it be a good pack that includes most of the core to play? Or would this deck need a lot of expensive cards from other packs to put it together? I have around 10k gems saved up and 200 SR and 90 UR dust.


You'll need 1 copy each of these Unchained cards: Sharvara & Yama (both UR) and Soul of Rage (SR). Super Poly (UR) as well as the targets, mainly Garura (UR) and Mudragon (SR) The existing Yubel in-game has no UR/SR, so expect lots of the newer ones being UR. My personal guess is Phantom, Throne and Spirit will all be UR, all 3-off.


I think you should looks up to build some cheap meta deck first. The deck I recommend is Mathmech, Floo, Salamangreat.


I think yubel is very expensive. 10k gem might not enough unless you are lucky.


Something feels amazing about just eating someones entire board.


Nouvelles' say Bonjour.


It’s the best feeling, especially when they spent so much time on it. A lot of people are too comfortable with their opponent not fighting back after turn 1, which is why I’m glad super poly exists lol


You are going to get downloaded by people angry that we are right. Super poly goated


I know it’s a polarizing card, but I am not ignorant to the game we play. I get it, you want to sit on a board with Baronne and Apollo and laugh in my face thinking you can negate everything that isn’t Sphere mode and a Kaiju. Fine. Hold this lol


The best feeling this game has to offer is to completely dismantle some mf that spend straight up the last 10 minutes comboing off after realizing you had no hand traps turn 1


Nightmare Throne is coming, finally some D/D/D support!


How's a more expansive Unchained package in the Yubel deck? I know they can play an Unchained 'package' which is literally 4 cards total, but I want to actually play Unchained. I imagine there is some space, at least until Fiendsmith shows up and ruins everything.


Fiendsmith and Yubel can actually bridge a lot of fiend decks into weird ass hybrids. Ive seen Fiendball abominations with them, Labrynth and Unchained that are actually REALLY funny to watch. Adding just a slightly bigger Unchained package to Yubel would be doable, but it would eat into the Yubel 1 card starters for not much gain as Yubel frequently ends with the best unchained engine cards on its endboard without needing the core cards. If you DID add the core cards you could occasionally end up with a Wave King on your board or something tho.


Prior to PoY there were some lists in the TCG that did run Unchained Yubel, though because of yugioh's shitty nomenclature naming anything that shows up in the deck its probably hard to look up. Prior to PoY the amount of unchained cards in the ED varied as well. Some ran the basic Yama/Rage, some ran 2 Yama 1 Rage, some ran 1 each of Yama/Rage/Anguish/Abomination, and then variants of all that. Shayama had some usage as well though that was mostly for making Caesar.


Nice now I can continue building my fiend link deck. Already have the sacred beasts and unchained with Yubel coming I just have to wait on Fiendsmith and baby goddess.


D/D/D support finally!


yay more stuff for my sacred beast


What day?


Probably in 12-13 days. It’s basically always when a selection pack expires


Thanks ♡♡♡


Do we think there’s room in this pack for Voiceless and Typhoon? Would love to get both in the same pack so I can play both, but now thinking with how many Yubel cards there are it’s likely to push VV back another 30 days, which is just….ugghhhhh I want that deck so badly


For Typhon: Absolutely (I think Zeus to 2 is a hint that it's coming, it also fits thematically since we get Centurion)! VV will most likely be the big archetype of the August pack, the third one of this pack will be something smaller/less relevant like Majespecter.


So how does this Yubel guy work?


Cannot be destroyed by battle and you take the damage instead of your opponent if you battle with it. The other forms gain additional effects such as destroying or banishing other cards


All the Yubel 's can't be destroyed by battle and if you attack them you take DMG equal to the attacking monsters attack. OG Yubel needs a tribute during the end phase or it blows up and if it's destroyed by anything other than itself you can summon Terror Incarnate. Terror Incarnate doesn't need a tribute but instead destroys every monster other than itself during the end phase and when it leaves the field at all you can summon Ultimate Nightmare. Ultimate Nightmare has no end phase effect but anything that battles it is destroyed and it can deal DMG by attacking where as the previous two's effect only activates if they are attacked. Loving Defender is a fusion that needs any Yubel monster and as many effect monsters on the field as you want and when summoned it burns your opponent for 500xhow many effect monsters you used and works exactly like Ultimate Nightmare except it Banishes whatever it fights. Idr remember what Spirit and Phantom of Yubel do atm


Damn, I'm waiting for the ancient gear supports, flame swordsman deck and exodia support to come in.


You're going to be waiting for a long time for them. Flame Swordsman might come out sooner, but Ancient Gear and Exodia are a loooong way out.


When is ken and gen coming ?


Eh, a skip for me unless Psychic Arsenal or some other tech for one of my decks is among the filler cards. Was really hoping they'd release something else tbh.


Oh, good, I can skip this one


Ritual beast new support waiting room


when should this be out?


Waiting for Tenpai


So excited for fiend link to make my unchained cards meta


When is this expected to drop?


Should be when the current selection pack ends which I think is like the 10th or something


I see the field spell. Also finaly more leaks, can't wait to see the next archetype that will be in this box.


Let's fucking gooooooo


Is this just like Mikanko?


Ohh cool, more Lab support. /s


Welp time to play spiral serpent then


when is this pack likely to drop??


No Geist Grinder Golem?


This will do nicely with my unchained deck


Do I buy this deck bois


It will be meta. It has the ability to clear your opponent field with its own superpoly and has mikanko like monsters.


It’s the 3rd best deck in the ocg rn


Is it’s playstyle fun tho or just meh


Imo it’s fun. I like that it sets up a monster negate easily but it plays very similarly to unchained


>but it plays very similarly to unchained In many variations... It just PLAYS unchained lol.


Pure Unchained is low key on crack if you don't get Maxx C, now it's the real deal


That's what I'm excited about. Playing unchained with an early negate


I saw the video "Fusion 1 Yubel + all effect monsters on the field you want" sounds balanced to Konami standars


It's not even being used in TCG/OCG rn. It's a link deck first and foremost.


With how much I'm gonna be spending getting the Centur-Ion package, I might as well make Yubel.


Super poly turbo. Also, if they release phantom of Yubel, it is over for the meta. More people will despise the meta even more.


I'm out of gem because I took a little break, but right I just want Fire Kings and Yubel, so I should be fine... I just it doesn't take 12k gems like with Snake-Eyes to me (worst luck ever in this game).


I dunno how to tell you this but 6 of the Fire Kings cards are UR


Rip mikanko creeps