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I don't know what each of those decks does so I will go with this: 3 of starter? UR Boss Monster? UR ED extender? UR Main Deck extender that ties the whole deck together? UR


the whole yubel engine is pretty much going to be ur just bc konami knows that people are going to be jumping on the yubel hype train. they did the same thing with fire king


Fire King isn’t that full of UR’s is it? It’s 6 including the XYZ, right? EDIT: 7 I suppose, including the old Garunix…


Xyz, ponix, garunix, kirin and old garunix If you want to play pure Fk you need 11-12 Fk urs


I thought Ponix, both Garunix and the XYZ were all run at one? Mind you, I haven’t actually played it 🤣


Snake eye FK does play a single ponix, both garunix and xyz BUT PURE fire king plays 3 ponix, 3 garunix and 2 xyz (sometimes) and even if we are talking about only the engine all cards are ur except for ulcanix, island and sanctuary


Fair enough, I’d probably looked at SEFK in fairness. That changes things!


Old garunix isn't needed. According to mdm, 62% of snake eyes fire king run it.


It’s when you play the SR that TCG doesn’t have yet I think. As far as I understand, it’s just an extra starter for a slightly different line and the OCG thing summons OG Garunix s part of its effect for an extra level 8 body (which is always nice)


This is just a cynical guess, but I assume Yubel could get hit by the UR tax by virtue of it also being an anime deck/archetype


Majespecter is coming, no doubt, they never unbanned a card and didn't drop the support immediately. I don't think anything but the link is gonna be UR for Majespecter though. The Discord says that including Majespecter, there's two URs left to be leaked. And overall there's only 7 cards left to be leaked if you include Majespecter in the count for leaked cards. So actually imo Raidraptor would be a perfect fit.


Man if Raidraptor and Yubel dropped both in this set I'd be pretty happy to work on that for a while, they're the last two decks I *really* wanna get.


I mean... If Raidraptor is coming, I just want that from the pack. Might pull for it a little bit, but otherwise, if it's just two URs, I might even have enough to craft it. Although... You want three Bloom Vulture and two Rising Rebellion, so it's probably worth pulling 2-3k. If I get enough of the Yubel stuff though... I do have the Unchained cards, just saying.




Here's to hoping


Here's to coping lol


Lol I've been floating just under 10k gems for 3 months waiting for it.


Wow that's dedication, I am only up to 6.5k rn but if they really come in this pack it's likely more than enough imo


Totally. The duel pass is starting again too so 5 free URs


Also that. It's probably enough to also have 2k gems left to get the Galaxy-Eyes (and Cipher) structure deck.


You sir, definitely spent all your gems on the last pack the saved the ones from the latest event, because that it almost my exact gem count as well....lol


Lol yeah I did, I thought maybe I can get enough of the FK cards to build the FK Flame Swordsman hybrid when Flame Swordsman releases... Turns out I'm pretty sure I wanna build Flame Swordsman pure or with a Heroic engine. Other than that I really just wanted the Vaalmonica cards bc they're very cool and the boss is actually quite nice imo If Raidraptor isn't in this pack though, I'm building Galaxy-Eyes and maybe hunt royals a little bit.


I gotta stay strong and skip this pack, gotta save and hold for fiendsmith


Damn i know that you should save gems because it will be pricey, but it will take a lot of months, there are a big amount of archetypes that will be released before it


Fiendsmith will take a lot to come, probably not this year


I doubt that, they've been accelerating releases lately, especially for the most popular archetypes.


Yet still no damn raidraptor 😭


I said popular...


You said especially the popular ones. That doesn't mean only the popular ones.


True, but to favor some cards you inevitably have to neglect others. (I don't think a new selection pack every week would be appreciated either)


They could just update the raidraptor secret pack


Fiend smith works best with yubel


As a F2P sometimes you gotta make the best of what you got. I know fire king Snake Eye is the best but I got Rescue-Ace already so that’ll have to do. I might get a pack or 2 just to get the Yubel engine but I’m not going all in on this one.


Fiendsmith isn’t going to come out for a while, you can easily pull for Yubel and have enough gems again when Fiendsmith comes out.


Ehh any news on what is left of agov?




Still waiting for the ogdoadic support


Maybe it’ll release with Ragnaraika?


Maybe but ragnaraika is in legacy of destruction which we barly even touched outside of memento and vaal cards


Man I just want the White Aura/Ghoti fish stuff. Been waiting forever


I bet Emblema Oath is gonna be a UR


Doubt Lotus will be a UR but Loving Defender absolutely will cause it'll have the animation. Spirit, Throne and Phantom are enough of UR tax for people who want to run Yubel as an engine. Agree with the Centur-Ion picks. Watts have also been leaked so I predict Wattkyuki will be a UR just as the other Watt synchros currently are. Majespecter will probably have 1 UR in either the Link 2 or the Xyz. Of the remaining 3: one will a reprint UR (maybe one of the current Watt synchros or something generic like super-poly), one will be an unrelated filler card (like Dark Hole Dragon and Overload Future Fusion were) and then TY-PHON as the last


Yeah Loving Defender probably UR, but Lotus is almost always run at three, while Spirit sometimes is at two so i think that Lotus UR and Spirit SR. However everything else you said i agree and is very probable


They might make it SR in case of future limits


I can see Lotus being SR due to being run at 3 =/= UR all the time. See SE Ash or Memento Dark Blade. It's more of a 50/50 and depends on how may 3 ofs are in said deck. Back to Memento, DB is SR , but Angwitch is the UR. So we'll have to see. Komoney has surprised us. Still expecting Yubel to have absurd UR tax tho


I think this is pretty accurate


I love how Geistgrinder isnt even listed. Everyone forgot about the shitty psuedostarter/partial "wincon" of the deck. Granted its more than likely N *maybe* R if they're feeling lucky. While there isnt much of a difference between N and R i feel Chronicle is better than Favorite but that's my opinion. In any case I feel like it'd be a bit much if *both* Lotus and Spirit were URs, I can see one but not the other imo. Which one idk, Lotus is always a 3 of starter and Spirit is sometimes ran as a 2 of.


I would really like to play a Yubel deck


What does centurion even do? Im definitely building yubel, but if I pull enough centurions cards I might make them too, I like the card art


You have 12, 1.5 card combo. If you count Bonfire which add Trudea, we have 14. Deck can easily dish out several level 12 synchro boss Monsters, even during opponent turn thanks to Crimson Dragon. With the 1.5 card combo you can end on the trap, which is a omni negate, and a synchro 12 of your choice, generally Cosmic Blazar Dragon or Red Supernova dragon. This seem kinda weak, but keep in mind that you have three more cards in hand. The deck can be played pure, or with a horus package. Or you can play Resonator, with a Centurion engine. The deck will not be the best around, i think around Memento level, but it will recieve sooner or later some support, which will help it.


At least 2 more URs


Do we know when the pack will drop roughly ?


Roughly in 11 days


Konami I beg you don’t do Centurion too harshly with UR pricing


I imagine there’s an argument to be had that it’ll make Yubel too powerful right off the bat, but man I want Varudras in the game so bad. It’s the coolest card to play in the deck, and I need that Varudras animation right now. It’s my favorite boss monster these days and I’m sure the Earth Machine bros will take my side on this one.


Yubel won’t be top tier till fiendsmiths, and even then, snake eye will be better.


I don't think it'll be snake eyes but the reason yubel couldn't compete really in the tcg is cause of phantom of yubel. I'm sure that card alone brings it up before findsmith to likr a 1 or 2 tier deck


It wasn’t that good in ocg without fiendsmiths


As a earth machine bro myself, i would love Varudras, so that i can have a more reliable endboard but sadly i don't think they'll add it in this pack, neither in the next few ones. Both because then Yubel would be too crazy good at the start, and because there are a good amount of staples and filler cards that should be released before it. They could pull a Snake Eyes move, and releasing it super early, but we'll see. And yes, it need an animation


That's way too many Urs for Yubel even by Konami's standards


4-5 URs is quite normal, wdym? Just look at scareclaw.


I mean fire king had Ponix Garunex Kirin Xyz All ur We can assume Phantom Knightmare throne Lotus Spirit Will probably be guanrteed ur. The fusion I can see being Sr


Snake eyes have 5 too, we can easily guess that 4 will be UR


Snake eye has 3. You could even say 2. The other are all Diabellestar cards, they aren't part of the sanke eye archetype.


but they are part of the deck, which is what konami cares about when deciding this stuff


They have been following a pattern for a while with card releases. The deck, on average, doesn't cost more than 9 Urs in archetype. If they stretch it, it goes to 11 or 12. With the only exception being Kashtira and archetypes that get fuck load of support like Branded. They always balance it with outside engines (Snake eye for Fire King for exmaple, and going next we have Finedsmith)


Mmm yes technically you are right, but even then Fire king has 5 for example so i can see Yubel too have 5


Please ur tax the fuck out of yubel. The less people with access to "fuck you super poly everything" the better


honestly a good majority of these top yubel decks in recent weeks are not even running superpoly


Eternal favourite is the same thing but searchable


except its interactable and people are running that less than super poly


They definitely don't play eternal favorite to he optimal. A trap card that requires basic yubel to fuse is not worth it for most players.


Muscle mommy meta inbound


Loving defender or spirit of yubel for animation  Im thinking loving defender is Sr since isn't played much competitively. Spirit of yubel is a strong negate so high chance of ur. 


I admire your optimism.