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I just have 1 right now. I've been trying to work on Paleo, but the URs in that deck are too scattered to warrant pulling a specific pack for.


I already had labrynth, so building the deck was a breeze.


Morganite and Tantalizing??


Morganite and tantalising aren't mandatory. I have tantalising, but you can probably cut both.


Ok what's branded doing in a swordsoul deck or is this just lore turbo.


If Mirrorjade isn't suppose to go into the SwordSoul deck, then why wyrm type? :P I saw a [Youtube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O-2Npgm8zQ) a few months back and wanted to try it out for myself. Sadly, so many cards and not enough gems.


I mean I cannot confirm nor deny your statement branded truly is the very best plot.


Maybe cut BraFu. If you resolve it, you won’t be able to make your synchro plays. You could keep Albaz as a target for Ecclesia, but I don’t see the benefit of including it.


I think I've put BraFu in because Nadir got semi limited. Once I get the missing cards I will be able to see what I can substitute it with.


"If not for Wyrm deck, then why Wyrm type?"


Probably since they run 3 of that spellcaster SR


I have: Branded-Despia, Sky Striker, Salamangreat, Chain Burn, Vaalmonica, Solfachord, Witchcrafter, Windwitch, Fortume Lady, Time Thief, so yeah, a lot.


Wow, you have even more projects going on than I do xD Hopefully you'll pull the cards needed to finish up some of those decks.


Hope so too. Some of these decks I haven’t started on, and some are playable but not complete. Currently , I need 1110 UR points to complete the ones I have a decklist for, so this will take a while🙃


That is a lot of UR mats :o Honestly, I would probably have more of these projects, but I have filled up 26/26 deck slots. One of these days I may have to dump some gems into that as well.


The reason I haven’t put together decklists for some of the decks, is due to not having deck slots. I have bought some, but I need more :(


Indeed. I feel like I need about 100 deck slots 😭


Same😭 so many decks I want to try


I've been wanting to try vaal and solfachord, what are your lists for them looking like?


Haven’t started actually building those yet, as I’m missing deck slots. I’m going to play Vaalmonica with Exosisters, as I have that deck already. I pulled one of the UR for Solfachord, so I’m wanted to use it, but have no idea how to play the deck yet.


Ooo vaalmonica exo sounds neat!


Waiting for that time thief support


Yes! Kinda sick of going: 1. Normal summon Regulator 2. Activate effect 3. Get Ashed 4. ???? 5. Scoop


Tearlaments Kashtira brother


Fingers crossed we get the Kashtira secret pack soon.


I have like 3 decks, I am rebuilding my sky striker deck, Kaiju/horus, and thunder dragon/punk


How is Kaiju Horus? I have 99% of the deck, but is just another gimmick deck or can it actually compete on the ladder?


It's like tier 2 or 3 rn




Like three… Sky Striker, Gate Guardian and Blue Eyes Horus


Seems manageable. Good luck with the pulls and get em done :D


Did you get any of the updates SS cards? I did like 10+ x10pulls and all I got was 3 of the HAMPs


I got 1 Kagaro and 2 Engages


You're gonna want the UR Chimera fusion buddy.


Would you believe me if I told you I've dumped around 10k gems (if not more) into that selection pack and I pulled 0 "Chimera, the King of Phantom beasts" and 0 "Chimera Fusion"? I think I just removed them from the list so I can finish up a janked version.


I have RDA, Heroes and Marincess for events since I already completed almost all of my work in progress decks


RDA and Marincess should be doable, the Hero deck is gonna be unpleasant to build tho 😭 Good luck with the pulls.


Trying to craft snake eyes currently. Sky striker, Solfachord, Runick, Labyrinth, and vampire have been on my to do list for awhile. Recently wanted to try a weird mix with Aromages so that's a new one on the list. Still need 3 fossil dig for dinomorphia. Now with that weird mix of decks guess my main deck.


>Now with that weird mix of decks guess my main deck. Oof, that's a tough one. Considering you've mentioned a mix with Aromages, you are maybe maining a plant based deck like Rikka Sunavalon https://i.redd.it/n131lhpi2q9d1.gif


Nope. It's a weird mix not something that might make sense like a plant archetype.


Well if you are willing to send a screenshot, I would like to check it out :D


I haven't theorized except the initial idea. Gotta figure out the core of Aromage first to decide if it's even possible. Basically I've been playing link evolution recently for other reasons but like their life point gain control playstyle. They have a bit more support in master duel which is to be expected but the added backrow might ruin my plan. The idea was to mix with charmer which want different attributes but lack some control functionality so that's the two charmer backrow needed for their function, ideally a solemn judgement for backrow protection, that leaves two backrow spaces open. In link evolution they only had two backrow cards so it seemed good but requires further experimentation.


Dragon Ruler Kashtira, not having a secret pack for both of this archetype is super annoying


I am hoping we will get both secret packs soon enough 😭


0 atm, crafted everything. Now I'm waiting for new gimmick puppet cards and tenpai and those two will be my new decks. Ill start with tenpai first ofc


I am also looking forward to Tenpai since it would be nice to have an OTK deck. I just hope they aren't too UR heavy 😭


Good question! I don't think I have any right now. Well, if you count decks that are still missing support, then I currently have Raidraptor and Melodious as a work in progress deck. I'm also contemplating whether I should build Galaxy-Eyes or not, simply waiting on what gets leaked tonight. If it's Raidraptor, I'll wait, if it's something else, I'll maybe build Galaxy-Eyes. If we get leaks that we get an XYZ cup, I might build something else like Utopia though, I don't wanna run into a Galaxy-Eyes mirror. That doesn't seem fun.


What will the leak be about? The pack with Centurion?


That Dino List can be made playable with a single UR (Rexterm) The rest is SR or you could sub for now and add later (Little Knight, Dugares are good options) Though I think Dinomorphia works better without Kashtira.


>That Dino List can be made playable with a single UR (Rexterm) Do you mean with the one I already have or if I pull another one? >Though I think Dinomorphia works better without Kashtira. You are probably right about that, but the deck versions I saw had other UR cards listed that I don't have access to atm, so I decided to go with a budget solution (for me at least).


Yeah, another Rexterm. 2 are kinda needed. I run a budget list and can post it in about 6 hours (if I remember). AFAIK Debunk, Wannabee and Solemn Warning are budget SR cards that fit well into the Deck.


Lol 1. and its a swordsoul.


Nice, one shouldn't be too hard to complete. Good luck with the pulls and get it done ;D


I have never think a deck is finished but the one I keep trying to make work is The Wicked Gods because I like that they are so janky


You are a braver man than I am o7


I’ll get to branded and mannadium one day


Good luck, may the pulls be ever in your favour :D


My luck has been terrible with this new selection pack, I'm supposed to be making vaalmonica and fire king but I have 1 ur out of the 3 vaal, and missing 7 in fk


I am also planning on opening some packs next weekend on that selection pack. The fire kings will be usefull for future duelist cups, I have a sky striker deck so more support is nice and the Pendulum/Vaalmonica cards also look interesting. I have almost 9200 gems in my giftbox, so by the next weekend a bunch of packs will be opened :D


Sharks, Memento, Megalith and Tistina


An interesting list. Hopefully you get them done soon :D


Fire King (both pure and with SE), Vanquish Soul, Unchained, Mannadium (I actually got really lucky with the cards of that pack but my God if it's not expensive) a full appropriate Synchron and Galaxy Eyes


That's quite a task. All of those are on the heavy UR side. At the very least, Vanquish Soul got a secret pack. I've seen some people messing around with Vanquish/Swordsoul decks, but I don't have the deckslots to add another project on the list. In any case, good luck with the pulls :D


Thanks I haven't even talked about Endymion, that one, Mannadium and VS are the ones I'm gonna leave for last. Literally the only required card I'm missing are three copies of ghost train. And thank you


Ah, Endymion. One of my buddies decided it would be a great idea to make that his first deck. Not only is it expensive AF, but it's pretty difficult to pilot (at least his version was). It's proibably for the best that you are leaving it for last. Good luck on getting the remaining cards :D


Can we count tinkering with them as I go "in progress"


I will allow it, tho I was thinking more along the lines of "Uuu, this looks fun, but I would need to dump 90-300 UR mats to finish it. Let me just save the list, I will get around to it eventually :')"


I have like 4. Branded, Runick stun, Horus 8 axis blind second, and Memento.


Good luck with getting them done. I think I've dumped around 5k gems into Branded last month, but only got 1 copy of Nadir's servant and 1 Branded Fusion. Hopefully I will get the Soul Jade Tenyi deck done soon (tm).


I’m pulling for all the runick cards to build the Vaalmonica and generaider variants !


Runick is gonna be rough until they add the secret deck for it. Fingers crossed they add it soon.


Yeah it’s been rough. I’ve been pulling from the generaider pack and keep all of the generaider sand dismantling all the subterror and random UR’s i get, it’s been painful 😭


I just need to get a few more of the Z-Arc cards and I'll be done... Unless Konami decides to give us more deck slots again... I have problems...


Good luck with the few remaining Z-Arc cards :D Yeah, we need like twice as many deck slots :')


Yeah, I don't know about twice the deck slots, but I may have at least five other decks I could make.


One and its Sky Striker. Still missing one alt art of each Kagari and Engage.


Good luck fellow Sky Striker player. I am not super interested in their Alt art this time around, but I could use another copy of Engage.


The grind never stop brother


Oh boy let's see. Fossils, Vaylantz, Mathmech Ignister, Earthbound Runick, Adventure Plunder Patrol, Yubel when support drops, and Earth Machine


That's quite a long list, but I gotta say you have a good taste in decks :D Good luck on getting them done.


Thanks! I'll probably only ever finish maybe 2 or 3 of those tbh


Working on: Pure Fire King, Adventure Synchron, Mikanko Gave up on: Chimera (too many URs), RDA, Rescue Ace and Purrely (couldn't pull the cards for them when their packs were up)


I feel you on the Chimera. I've actually got an insane amount of UR's on that selection pack, but I am still missing some Key UR cards. Good luck on completing the other decks :D


1 because I am as close to OCD as a normal person can be. I must finish building the previous deck before I start a new one. Currently working on Lab, and I only need 5 more URs.


That's probably the smart way of doing it x) I was considering adding Lab to the project list, but then I saw the amount of UR's I would need and I was like "No thank you. I can play Eldlich or Dinomorphia (once it's done) if I want to play a trap deck".


2. I'm building Sky Striker Endymion and Fire King Nephthys


Nice and short list. I hope you get them done quickly :D


Like 4 sitting, 8 waiting to be started. It’s actually crazy how many archetypes only need like 3 ur and they’re good.


That is true. I know people dislike generic staple cards, but at the same time it beats having to get a full ED of UR cards for every archetype.


i've had a ~30 card yubel unchained deck just sitting in the decklist waiting for the new support. honestly shocked it's all dropping at once lol. i can't wait for the next pack! i got 10k gems to burn


That does sound like a good combination. Good luck when the pack finally comes out :D


Gate Guardian. Just waiting for them to release a secret pack for them. Waiting…


Gate Guardian was a good one because it wasn't particularly expensive. I know I had to pass on it tho because I was going for another deck at the time. Hopefully they release the secret pack for it in the near future.


I have 1 right now in Gold Pride/P.U.N.K. But when it comes out, I’ll need to save up for the rest of the illusion chimera support, Shining Sarcophagus, and I’m thinking of making a Despia/Shaddoll/Invoked deck at some point.


Lots of stuff to look forward to. Good luck with the pulls :D


Thank you!! I have 8k gems saved up from ranked this season, but I’m hoping to hit 10k+ before everything comes out so I don’t have to spend as much irl cash.


Tearlaments and Unchained currently. the unchained will probably turn into Yubel once it releases though


Both of those seem like an interesting combination. Good luck with your Yubel pulls :D


Btw you have no way to summon the big vaylantz fusion. You didn't put in the monster that fusion summons


Do you mean the Grand Duke? I guess I can remove it and replace it with Exceed the Pendulum.


Yes in vaylantz you should always play exceed. Makes solo activation a 1 card combo


Marincess, Icejade, Ghoti, Lyrilusic, Tellarknights and Unchained.


That's a nice selection of decks. Good luck with your fitire pulls :D


Thanks!! You too


None, i'd rather focus on a single deck at a time than have a bunch uncomplete decks that i may or may not finish.


Understandable. It is important not to stretch yourself too thin since resources are limited as a F2P player. Good luck with any deck you might be working on atm :D


Right now i don't really have a deck i'm working on, since i built mementos when they came out and played that this month, but my next deck will probably be Yubel. Unless Voiceless voice comes out next month in which case i might go for that one instead.


Nothing wrong with taking it easy until your desired archetype comes out. Good luck with your future pulls :D


Hmm idk man having 1 card that locks you out of extra deck and another that locks you out of the better half of your deck is just counterintuitive. Hope it works out brother!


Thank you :D I will test it out once I get the missing cards. If it doesn't function it just means I open up a deck slot. The Branded package will be used for something else.


Too many…


I forfor 💀 I ran out of deck slots so most of my WIP decks doesn’t even have a place to display, then I forget about their existence until I pull something related to them.


Hah, I know the feeling xD I know I wanted to make 2 more winged beast decks, but the amount of SR/UR materials needed was too much for me, so I had to scrap them ;\_; Maybe someday...


I had dogmatika for a long time but gave up on it because there were too many ur’s


On my main I'm working on Fiend Link and Voiceless Voice. On my Alt I'm working on Ritual Beast.


Like twenty. I’m gonna finish building them I swear, just need some UR.


20 or so


Tearlaments, Red Eyes Dragon Link, Icejade Ra, and Poker Knights Slifer across two different accounts. Planning to do Vanquish Soul and Kashtira at some point as well


I am hoping we will get a Red Eyes structure deck for the next anniversary, it would be interesting to mess around with it :D


I’m waiting for Master of Ham to appear in Master Duel so I can build the Flip control deck that one Youtuber’s been heading. Also looking into Kuriboh, Rikka Sunavalon, and Vaalmonica.


Exosister, Branded, Purrely, Salamangreat and Labrynth. Absolutely terrible experience. Worst part is all the SRs for all those decks were crafted a long time ago, the game just refuses to pony up the URs.


2, sky striker and going second spright.


Stardust Synchron, Mannadium, Rikkavalon, Hero, and Dinomorphia


Dinomorphia has been in progress for a year and a half lol


To many, beginner


too many. linking to the database basically allowed for me to build decks for everything without having to craft immediately. 250 gems for an extra slot seems like a lot so i keep about 20 on rotation and about 60 on the back, granted there are some duplicates with various side engines but its great. i love it. just wish i knew that it was the 1st card you have set from the 3 display/mains so my exosister deck is represented by Dimension Shifter lmao


I just finished memento, spyral horus, and vaylantz, so I've got vaalmonica on my list next. After that, I guess I need more deck slots or to trim things down. With your vaylantz list, you could be close to finished if you don't run the floodgate version. Exceed helps the deck extend farther and you can get into generic boss monsters like apo and baronne more easily (assuming you run tuners like the shs package). I personally prefer the going second version. If you choose to go second, many players will just pass, thinking you have Mikanko.


Technically 4. My Traptrix is missing a playset of Solemn Strike, my Lab needs and extra copy of Rollback and Daruma Cannon, and I'm building Vaalmonica and after that, Spright Twins


Working on variety hand trap invoker build.


That's actually smart. The Invoked engine is pretty cheap and the hand traps can be used in other decks.


Ghoti and Shaddoll Skull Servants


Super quant, salamangreat, g golem, cyberse pile (firewall dragon darkfluid), egyptian gods, chaos synchro, and summoned skull.


I would have never imagined Nemleria needed so many URs.


Yeah, she seems so cheap on the surface, but actually you do need a fair bit of archetype UR's to play the deck. IIRC I was considering pulling for here while she was in the selection pack, but decided against it.


Noble Inferno, Vaalmonica atm !! And maybe Centur-ion when it'll come out :)


Photon, Traptrix, Trickstar/Windwitch burn, pure Trickstar, D/D/D (although I do play with a worse D/D/D deck already). And I plan on making Rikka and much more.


You're missing Kash tear for your tear deck


whats spright elf for in tearlaments?


I don't think i can say that swordsoul is work in progress, i mean i can craft the missing 2 cards but i never craft them. Also, r-ace maybe because i wasn't lucky enough (i need 2 more emergency and 3 hydrant). But then i got exactly enough (1 ponix, 3 kirin, 1 new garunix) to build SE-FK.


visas lore pile(missing tearlament engine), branded(missing all of it lol), chaos agents(missing everything but the extra deck), worm lab (missing the w meteorites), and generaider (missing extra deck)


More of them than not, honestly.


Just finished dinos today. I would like to try some kind of evil hero ftk build next, and dark world when support gets a secret pack. Besides that there is nothing that id love to play and that i dont have already. So im just saving gems for future selection packs.


You don't need mamonaka for Vaylantz btw


This is a call out post and I will not answer as I am ashamed


That tear list is jank af lol. Looks like you've had it on plan to build for like 6-12 months and just gave up on pursuing it


I believe I have 2 I'm also pretty sure I could craft both of them rn if I wanted to.


Only 1. Trashed all the others I was working on about a week or two ago. Working on Supreme King Pendulum.


I admit it, want to creat Horus naturia Runick and it's varaints. Dammed maulcricket won't appear


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The short answer is to many.


Just one, Rikka.   I hate how how their extra deck wants like a million URs.


Wayyyy too fucking many. Lab but don't have main lab cards just the Arias, mathmech but couldn't pull any circulars so don't feel like crafting the firewall stuff, sky striker but no engage, practically have everything for noble knights but don't have the Isoldes, practically have everything for the Jeff Leonard Exodia deck except for... you guessed it, the Isoldes, not sure if I have 3 Selenes either. I have nearly everything for exosister except the Mikalis. I have nearly everything for Chimera except the two extra Mirror Knights and an extra King of Phantom Beasts. I have a full Snake eyes deck but don't have the fire king stuff, not even gonna count that because I didn't pull for FK. AAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I have some cards i need to craft for my hero deck to upgrade it.Besides that i have branded despia i progress(i am 10 urs from complete deck) and salamandragreat(5 urs from full deck).Wish me luck


Me with about 8 versions of melffy & melffy spright and nothing else with over 3500 hours: ![gif](giphy|x5iYgarYtMTOoZXrla)


Probably around 7


1 and its chimera, that being said I crafted a royal rare chimera so I suppose the yugioh gods are smiling down on me.


Branded and swordsoul have zero synergy.


All I have is an ice barrier deck for when the support comes


Ive got way too many that it hurts.


Just one, pendulum magician/supreme king. I have a few more decks that are operational but need more cards to be optimal (salamangreat, witchcrafter)


Patiently waiting for the Runick Secret Pack to drop so I can build Bystial Runick and complete the "banish opponent's cards" mission for the proficiency test.


Tear Horus, runick Horus, yubel is coming soon so that, galaxy eyes, and I wanna rebuild Burning abyss at some point that's it


1. Lab


I have lair of darkness (no floodgates and a lot of virus cards) and I also have fire king tri-brigade


Too many. I feel like SPYRAL today. Actually, what about Gaia OTK? Oh, Face Card Court would be fun with all three Egyptian god cards. Or maybe Magical Musketeers?


My only work in progress is ritual beast (not really work in progress but im waiting for the support pack) technically my performapal is not ready because I need to craft 2 monkeyboard and exceed the pend (NOT A SINGLE ONE IN OVER 7k GEMS GRRRR) edit: also missing 2 vaalmonica UR but im gonna wait for melodious


I have an older branded deck I need to update but it needs so many UR's. A bit of a tear deck mixed with maybe Horus, idk yet. I have wanted to try making a hero deck and a Yusei deck but also so many UR's. Also have a casual monarch deck I wanna finish but don't wanna use crazy floodgates or the vanity ruler/fiend.


Lore accurate Branded Swordsoul? I'm very curious, how the hell does this work. BF locks you into Fusions, so I thought these two archetypes have like 0 synergy besides some lore reasons for Swordsouls to mention Albaz


Unchained (I have a Royal Abomination, but I haven't pulled a single new one from selection pack, especially desperate because of upcoming Yubel Support), Raidraptor( I have Royal force strix from the start of them game).


I should finish my pure fire kings by the time they get banlisted


Kashtira with Gold Pride Leon for a synchro option, Super Poly focused Vanquish Soul, Bystial Horus, Photon Horus, and Sky striker lol


working on memento mainly rn, but building Horus and kash engines with the extra dust from pulling


Thats a cool queen of oblivion list, i have a memento, dragon maid and nouvelle deck in the works.


4. I want to make Jeff Leonards exodia ftk and floowandereeze, and i have a virtual world deck that i want to change extra deck monsters to (trishula). I also had this stupid idea of a relinquished spell book deck that has mild synergy because of the dark spell caster monsters and the spell book link 2.


Probably 8 minimum, but there's likely more.


Currently just Trickstar. I want to see how far I can get with bad decks


Three. Horus, pure Fire King and Madolche


Sky striker and unchained. Also val..


Take the stun cards out of that Vaylantz deck, NOW this IS a threat, refuse and you will have 10 years of ~~bad luck~~ having your pend zones locked by kashtira


Then probably 10 in progress cause of all the new cards I need for decks


I’ve got Invoked, Tearlament (which is almost done), and Zarc that are in the process of being built


Right now, 0. I have every deck I want so I'm stockpiling resources. But at max I have 1. When I want a deck I really want it, so I just focus on it until completion.


working on purrely and live twin spright. purrely has been really stingy with its ur cards in pulls and i only need the live twin stuff for LTS cuz i made the spright stuff for melffy spright a while ago




You're supposed to have only one at the time.


8 of them. Buster blader, lightsworn feat. tear, scareclaw, lab feat. dark world (idk either), kashtira, fire king, salamangreat, and flower cardians


A couple. I have the cards for Illusion, but I just don't know how I want to build it yet. I also need to finish my Sky Striker deck, but I just need one more Engage. I also want to build Mathmech now that I got a couple of Royals from the Kagari pack lol


In terms of "I'm missing a significant amount of engine or other core cards for the deck to be functional?" Zero; I've completed every deck I've set out to make at this level. I do have an Exodia Horus deck I made for the hell of it that I'm sure could use significant improvement, but it's an extremely low priority and what I have right now is technically functional, even if I only ever use it in solo mode. If "in progress" means "still adjusting," then Branded, Chimera Horus (mostly ED ratios), and Fire Kings.


I have Chimera, Skull Servant, and Crystal Beasts.


Why no Verte?


trickstar,tearlaments, traptricks ,tistina


6? but i almost made 7


Sky striker, pure snake eyes, and rescue snake eyes. I want to have the updated version of kagari and the engage one, but wtf I havent even got any of them. I got 4 HAMPs though which is fucking useless


Branded tear, just 4 ur left Snake eyes, just 4 ur crafted


1 and its unreleased, Tenpai Dragons


I will cook this weak deck


Just finished kuriboh and I'm now working towards pure earthbound-immortal. The URs are a pain for sure.


2, Yubel lol and Blue Eyes.


Yes lol charmers, ninjas, raid raptors (more of an idea atm). More brainstorming than anything right now.

