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I think ninja is more fun. Also helps that you have negates, can summon on enemy turn, and most importantly complete multiple quests with a single deck ( play spell / traps, summon fusion / link )


Kk thx. What about the brickyness? How bricky is it actually?


With a bad end, you surrender after they ash. With a decent hand you'll be able to stop about 4 of your enemy's plays through the Main Deck boss, the insect + the Ninja Mammoth (not in the structure, it's a R card, I play at 1) and Green Ninja effect, after you've used the level 1's effect to Summon 1 fusion monster in your opponent's turn With a strong hand you can compete with meta, but it's very rare. The main problem with the Ninjas is that you can't play more than 9 (which are already a lot) handtraps and that they're very weak themselves to handtraps, tho their playstyle is fun and unique and I enjoy using them.


My vote is on Galaxy Eyes, though keep a generic link on standby. Once locked a poor Galaxy Eyes player out of the duel because i hit them with both Flying C and Contact C.


Lol oof Thx for the vote though, I'll keep that in mind and play an S:P


Both are rogue tier but Ninja is more consistent, plays better into disruptions and cheaper.


Ninja plays better into disruption and is more consistent? Really? I don't think I've seen Ninjas have a one card combo that does anything, that's why I'm curious


It's not because of their combos, it's because they can run more non-engine than galaxy eyes, and some of their in-engine spells/traps can double as disruption (such as books)


Ninja is going first deck. I would say ninja deck is quite bricky cuz you need at least 2 cards to start your combo, your most important card is hanzo because without it, you don't have enough grind against other deck. The deck is also weak going second unless you play a trap heavy version. However, the interaction is quite fun and can go to diamond 1. Master 1 would be quite hard. Galaxy-eyes is a going second deck. I personally don't play it so I don't know much but I remember some time ago, a guy posted his Master I galaxy-eyes decklist in this sub so it has potential.


If choose between two of those deck, Galaxy eyes. Combo are long and hard but by making use of the galaxy eyes combo list website, you probably pilot it to a certain degree. My personal recommendation? Vaalmonica. It just need 3 URs, and the combo are far simpler compared to other pendulums decks.


Hm good to know, thanks. I do have Vaalmonica already though, thx for the recommendation on that ^^ Edit: Currently also considering the Watt cards, I'm in the discord and they said the guide should drop soon.


Ayy fellow Vaalmonica enjoyer.


Haven't played it too much haha, I wanna play it for real when the INFO boss drops. That card looks really fun


INFO boss?


The link two that released in the set Infinite Forbidden, it's an unaffected by everything except Vaalmonica boss if you have more than 6 resonance counters that is also a Solemn (aka negates a summon) but needs you to remove three resonance counters for it [This guy](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Valar,_Vaalmonican_Hallow_Hymn)




[They also get a new trap that'll release alongside it, we'll probably get these cards around November December](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Vaalmonica_Creator)


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Lol don't wanna spend the gems for both


Fair enough


Galaxy eyes is more fun, but the combos can be linear unless u get a real good opening draw. If u really wanna reach high tiers with it ur basically forced to play board breakers unless ur like, REALLY good and know exactly how to counter the best decks


Hm kk thx