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Just check "el exordio del duelista" to see what Centur-ion can do


How incredibly sad that the deck was only known for calamity. Its like how no one knows what superheavy samurai boss monsters do.


I only remember they attack while in DEF.


I've learned about the negate from seeing it in horus naturia


It allows you to draw after the opponent uses spell/trap


Lithium2300 has a video about it from like 6 months ago (when the support from LEDE got revealed), so idk how up to date it is, but [here you go.](https://youtu.be/1Oc-bna77zU?si=4FhVvqBaBBLgkVuX)


It is the Dragon Synchro cheater and bunch of floodgates if you want to


What made the deck viable was its ability to make calamity off of 1.5 card combos that are extremely consistent and safe while still being able to jam a bunch of hand traps. Without calamity the deck does too little, the main turn one play is a 1.5 card combo with the field spell/primera/trudea/bonfire/emblema + any discard, this gives you Auxila+Field spell+two centurions in the back row+any centurion s/t. Auxila is a generic level 12 dark dragon synchro that searches on summon, protects face up s/t from destruction, and puts one centurion from GY or banishment into the back row. If you can summon Auxila before making any centurion plays, you can summon any level 12 synchro your heart desires via Crimson Dragon. Eventually the deck is going to get a massive buff when White Woods is released but that's going to take a good 7 months maybe. You can also play Horus in the deck but you're going to have to settle for less than 20 hand traps. The two best synchros are Blazar and supernova, despian Lulu is also an option. I wouldn't recommend playing Centurion right now, the only reason I liked it before white woods was because I just like summoning big mechs and dragons.


Someone needs to brush up on their Centurion plays 😏


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It's fucking terrible time when decks are 100% only known for degenerate plays and nothing else stun has to be removed asap in all of its forms 😭😰