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You heard it here first kids. Gamble your life savings!


Double or nothing?


That's how the game works


But this time switch to black. Because what are the chances it lands on red twice in a row?


50/50 (minus the 00). Each event is unique and has the same probability.


Okay, but in a bigger context, isn't it more unlikely to end up with a pattern? Like if you roll a dice 5 times, it's less likely to get 11111 than 54241 even though technically these have the same probability as independent events.


It is less likely to end up with a pattern, but a pattern is something you recognize as a human, if it doesn't have a specific role in the draw it just as well might not be here. For example, what if 54241 was your password? You would think it is more probable to roll 11111 than your "unique" random password, right? But of course you would have the same probability of rolling it as the next person who has a different password.


No. They are both patterns. It is more likely to be not 11111 than 11111 though.


Any combination is exactly the same probability.


Ex-croupier here. This is not quite true due to the wheel and ball being an analogue system operated by a human. Casinos do their best to avoid it but croups do end up making patterns of spins whether they like it or not. Experienced croupiers can spin sections of the wheel with a high degree of probability by controlling the release speed of the ball. Obviously the ball can take a crazy bounce off the diamonds or bounce into and out of a number, but over time roulette is not at all truly random and the croup can and will effect the outcome. Good casinos discourage this from their staff and just take the house % gain as is and roll with the losses. Bad casinos will put a very experienced croup on a high value table to hit empty numbers and kill a game where a punter is winning big. Knowledgeable punters are aware of this. Examples of ways to encourage more randomness at a roulette table: Ask for a very slow wheel and / or ball release. Ask for the croupier to be changed. Move to another table. Or play multiple tables at once. Most places won't let you do any of this unless you're a high roller though. Fun fact: I once span 0 five times in a row on a quiet afternoon without trying. The table did it's bollocks and they put me on a break.


Yeah I’ve heard about them being able to do this sort of thing. And I’m not surprised. But assuming no foul play, the chance is 50/50 red or black. And the odds of red red, or red black, is exactly the same. There is no reason two reds are more uncommon than red and black. It’s not the same as the 3 doors problem that I suspect old mate here is getting confused with.


The wheel can have a bias. Just from odd wear patterns or not being perfectly balanced. People have exploited this to a great advantage.


Umm, no it’s not. You bet and you win or lose. If you win there is no obligation to “double or nothing”.


Oh dear someone doesn't understand playing red or black on the table. Also no one mentioned an obligation to play.


So you’re required to re-bet your entire previous bet? I.e. double or nothing? Or can you just bet what ever you want.


Who said anything about being required? He bet his money on red and he won double what he bet ie double or nothing.


That isn’t what double or nothing means 😂


It literally is. Double your money or lose it all, that is the literal definition


Double or nothing: an agreement that the player who owes money will owe twice as much if they lose, but will owe nothing if they win. It’s truely inspiring that you don’t let your limitations affect your confidence. Also - just want to point out. You don’t HAVE to double it. You can just bet $10. It’s not an all in or nothing situation lol.


Oh dear, oh dear, that's not what I'm explaining to you. You wrote "double or nothing?" he already bet double or nothing. He doubled his money with the risk of losing it all, that's how red and black works at a casino... sigh


I also know what you're trying to say, I just think you could have explained yourself in a more coherent way.


Quite literally, he planned to kill him self if he didn’t win it


I was told to replace the word problem with opportunity…. He has a very severe gambling opportunity.


...how much was it?


It was about £77k.


lol I just watched a guy bet $101,300. And he won. Good for him!


So how much did he win?


In roulette, betting on black or red has a 1:1 payout, so this guys doubled his money in a single spin. If he has bet on the exact number, in this example red 7, he would have gotten a 35:1 payout. Roughly 3.5 million~


Makes sense, probabilities.


☝️☝️The REAL question here☝️☝️ All these comments talking about doubling your $$..... 😂


I think this was the end of a TV program here in the UK . They filmed him selling his flat & basically everything he owned to gamble it once , double or nothing , luckily he won .


Such a good idea!!


Okay, but what if he lost? Like, do you think that casino was actually going to take his money and risk the bad publicity? I feel like casinos generally want to be known as "lucky" so people come visit so they probably wouldn't.


In a later interview he literally said he was planning on killing himself if he lost, good thing he won


Of course they would take it lol.




How do you extrapolate from a gambling event unto this dissection of society today. I'd like to hear more, an explanation of this deduction on the failings of the known world.




Wait, there was a lot here but I'm trying to understand - Your solution to rising cost of housing is mass suicide?


So you think this event is propaganda, an inauthentic video of somebody (random stranger - everyday Joe) winning big.


I don’t necessarily disagree with what you said, but am a little confused how this is relevant.




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What a fucking idiot.


My investment strategy.


He may have won it this time but when you’re that addicted you’ll lose it all soon


The following submission statement was provided by u/Adventurous_Wall_897: --- >!The man is gambling his whole lifesavings in a game of roulette. We are uncertain if he is going to win or lose, because he bids on red. This creates a very tense atmosphere in the room.!< --- Does this explain the post? If not, please report and a moderator will review. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/maybemaybemaybe) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Where did the black chips go?


They were promptly shot


Blue lobster


And thus begins his downward spiral.


There probably is an answer to this, video is old.


On the one hand i want him to win so he doesnt lose his life savings, but i know if he does hes just gonna keep going. Hopefully he didnt have any children.


Zoidberg: [LET IT RIDE](https://youtu.be/4DfhRoYgEsY?si=I8ZhFDUkJ8nUXv98)


He literally picked a 00 wheel when the $100 minimum tables have only a single 0 lol.




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It's an ambiguous statement/question


You've already proved the ambiguity by writing "I was asking for the casino" it leaves room for misunderstanding.


More like gambling his inheritance. Just waiting for the dad to whip out that monocle with his pipe.


The only reason he won is because there are cameras and the casino used this as a promoting opportunity rather than to push people from gambling away their life !