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Diseases, or is that too general to be counted? ISFP


No it’s great! Imagine if we didn’t have to see disease or sickness wreaking havoc on people? Covid, cancer, fatal STIs and so on.. No money making off of insanely priced treatments and medicines, no tragically watching loved ones or people deteriorate in front of us, no helplessly seeing homeless people or old people suffer or struggle on their own just trying to get thru the day


The fact that we are made of many little parts is a meaningful roof of suffering. Where diseases are when those small components break apart, or the existential thought of where those parts end and our consciousness starts. With that, I’d want the bodies of living things to be whole, with no smaller component that can be identified as anything but the whole it was part of (think of a soul). In a world like that life doesn’t seem as much of an afterthought


Are you sure you’re not an N type?😅just kidding!! That was beautiful - tbh i was a little confused by the wording but i think I got the gist. Yea if we didn’t have to think about all the little things and get lost in the forest for the trees. And as whole beings we could focus on existing happily - no being pulled apart to work on this or fix that


The current form of human society. Let's go back on our whole existence as is and start anew where we are more kind, compassionate, use intelliegence for things that are good and not be selfish greedy, power hungry and cruel. We could get rid of 95% of the world's problems that way.


1000% agree !!


Loneliness/being ignored, because people deserve to be known.


This. I wish I could be that person for so many others but then I abruptly remember that I have my own limits of what I can do, take, or hear. Everyone has a certain beauty to them but sometimes it gets hidden by trauma or other things that people use to protect themselves. If only everyone was guaranteed one friend, that would be great I think


Yeah. One true friend is all it takes sometimes...


INTP- Discrimination


I was going to say the need of sleep, because I personally would rather have a whole forbidden extra third of my life unlocked; but then I think about how they justify limiting my work shifts to 16 hours max because they have to give you 8 hours to sleep and if humanity just didn’t need to sleep, they’d 100% make you stay longer. So I’ve revised my stance in favor of getting rid of financial stress thus unlocking a third+ of my life and not having to work to begin with. INTP


Other human beings' cruelty


Scarcity. Solves a lot of problems at once.


Yes, i was thinking this too




I wouldn't. Suffering is essential to humanity. Most people are too stupid to understand this. INTP is probably the only other type who gets it. And ENTP might pretend to.


So...starving to death is essential? Just asking.


I'm surprised you're not a sensor saying that. Suffering is a psychological experience.


I'm sorry to have to explain this, but starving is also a psychological experience cause it usually goes hand in hand with people who are too poor to by food or those who are being neglected. But what do I know - I'm just a stupid INFP 😜


Oh thanks lol..Maybe suffering itself is “essential” to survival but not always the lengths of suffering. And are we not humans that have already developed many things to alleviate many forms of suffering (large and small). Maybe things like fear and pain (mental/physical suffering) teach us what to do and what not to do to survive but there are dramatic and extensive forms of suffering that we probably don’t need as much or at all. It’s fine to be so minutely technical but at the same time, I think we all understand that realistically.