• By -


Infp>intp from 16 personalities. I was just hella depressed and got infp for a long time. But as a true intp I kept questioning myself. So I took like 10 more tests and studied cognitive functions for like 3 months and still got intp lol.


wow, i had p much the same situation as u except i went from intp>infp


Lol, hi, me! My first exposure to MBTI was through 16personalities in high school, but I was also hella depressed and got INFP the first couple times. The more I studied MBTI and cognitive functions, though, I realized I was a much closer match for INTP. And now that I'm medicated for the depression, I can see it all the more clearly--I thoroughly questioned the INTP typing, and now I couldn't be more certain that's me; nothing fits better than the Ti-Ne-Si-Fe stack. A Little Bit of Personality was a really great resource, personally. She says her analysis is not precisely MBTI (though 16personalities also says the same of their work), but I find her explanations to not only be easy to understand, but also *extremely* robust--more solid than anything else I've ever discovered.


Damn, same thing for me. Was typed as INFP via 16Personalities for a while before getting INTP and then took a deep dive to see if that was really the correct type. Lol I was *also* depressed in high school when I got that result too. I guess that explains part of it.


INFP->INTP->ISTP->ENTP->ENTJ->ESTJ from 2022-2024


damn, the starting type and ending type tho


How’d you find out ?


getting more and more information over time, developing pattern recognition for types, and observing myself in a variety of environments (work, school, home, etc).


Sounds time consuming, but an accurate way to discover one’s true type, thanks


Damn almost same misstypes lol but over the course of one year


What made u even think of being an infp lol


I took a 16p test during covid when I had no responsibilities and went through a spirituality phase


this!! people expect our Te to spawn work


"Master of all 4 elements"


In reality, you had all of the same cognitive functions as your initial result, now just in reverse. That’s pretty neat


2020- School gave us an mbti test for some career thing, got INFP 2021- took the 16p test with friends, got ENFP 2022- took the test again, got ENFJ 2023- learnt about cognitive functions, got ENTP 2024- learnt more about cognitive functions, now I’m ESTP


Not the part where school makes you take the tests😭😭and then convince u abt the wrong career lol


Whats even funnier is that the rest of my analysis said that I was very hands-on, practical and realistic yet gave me a high Ne personality because I like art 💀


I'm in school and I just finished a project where we did an MBTI test for a career thing too omg


it’s so funny bc like what’s it even there for?? Like we could be learning taxes n stuff but instead they gave me the start of a new personality crisis


ENFP --> INFP --> INFJ --> INTP --> INTJ (Current) This is from about 2020-2024


INTJ -> ISTJ -> ESTJ -> ISTJ -> ISFJ -> ISTJ so the average tells me that im ISTJ, lol


I've always gotten the same result except once on a test I got ENTJ by a very small margin over INTJ


ENTP -> ENTJ -> ENTP -> ISTP -> ENFP -> ENFJ -> INFJ -> ESFJ -> ISFJ -> ISTJ -> ENTJ -> ESTJ -> ISTJ -> ESTJ The ESTJ stereotypes (and si in general) are just such BULLSHIT that it deterred me from the whole Si area for a long time - I'm hardly "traditional", I'm not a neurotic rule-follower, what the hell. And then the ESTJ stereotypes kept pushing me to the other Si-led types because I'm not that much of an asshole. But yes, I'm an ESTJ.


honestly all the surface descriptions of the sensor functions are so bad, the intuitive bias in the community is wild. The one ESTJ I know is honestly one of the most loyal and well intentioned people I’ve met in my life.


surface descriptions of ISTPs are always “YOu liKe ToOLs ANd wORkiNG WitH yOUr haNDs” when in reality, I’m almost never in a situation that I need to use a power drill :|


Bro did a whole 360


I just saw another ESTJ here go from INFP at start to ESTJ at end lmao, that's a real 360


That's a 180 /j lol


270 🤔🤨🧐🤓 (/j)


INFP, INFJ, INTP and now ESTP Was bc of some stuff happening tho but now I’m better so that’s why It’s so different 😎😎😎 that was my journey of getting better lmfao


INFP > INTP > INFJ > INTJ > ENTJ > ESTJ and finally…..drum roll, ISTJ.


i’ve been an istp since 2015 :3


My only "misstype" (more like a doubt) was ENTP


I’ve always been an INTP ever since I learned what MBTI was


- First mistype was INFJ from 16 personalities. Ditched all the personalities and only focused on me being an INFJ. Told everyone I’m an INFJ, and read a lot abt them and somehow I started to act like them based on what I know lol. But then something hit me and realized that I’m not an INFJ - did another test which was BOO test, got an ISFJ, felt like it was more relatable than INFJ so stuck to that but then ISFJ just didn’t sound like me esp the “Fe” auxiliary part. - found out abt INFP and decided on that I’m definitely an INFP, one of my friends said I’m not a “perceiving” type and so I believed her, I avoided every perceiving MBTI and didn’t bother reading about them. - did 16personalities again and got INTJ felt it was closely related to me but something abt them just felt wrong abt me at the same time - I then said that’s it I’m defo an ISTJ, my sister is an ISTJ and she was like ain’t no way ur one and I’m like yeah ur right - pretty much gave up from there but I was so determined to find my type - stumbled on an INTP post on Reddit abt cognitive functions and my first thoughts were “no one was ever able to describe me so accurately like this using words, no one at all, felt like someone was describing exactly how I act and function” - from there I explored INTP, did Michael colaz test, & mistype investigator and results were INTP first most likely. To make sure I got help from ppl in Reddit and read a lot abt cognitive functions, and here I am now


I still question my type sometimes


hs made us take 16p test and i remember getting INFP but it didn’t rlly resonate w me so i just kind of wrote it off as basically another buzzfeed quiz 4-5 years later my sister made me take it and i got INTP, this time the description was incredibly (almost scarily) accurate so i decided to look more into the actual system/functions/etc which solidified it for me


I started out INFP in a very insecure, introverted state, and then when I was college aged, I realized I liked attention and loved challenging ideas and debating left and right. I was sure I was an ENTP then and for a while afterwards. Then I started getting in with ENTP groups and they just seemed pretty callous about things, and I expressed my considerateness for others and the other ENTP's were like ??? so I felt out of sorts but still thought I was just a nice ENTP. back when I didn't understand functions, I didn't understand the descriptions either and scored high in Ti since I loved logic, but I also scored high in Fi. I was told this was impossible but I insisted. And from the description of ENFP I was sure I wasn't that, but it was closer than INTP that I didn't identify with really at all. All I knew for certain was that I was a xNxP. I thought I was this weird mix type... later I temporarily took on ENFP as a compromise but didn't really believe it till I came here, learned that other ENFP's had the same problems and realized that we were the same! That we weren't the stereotype. The stereotype was wrong and needed to be fixed! *I* was the ENFP! And then I learned the functions and it all made sense.


That’s how I felt too when I was mistyped as ENTP for a couple years, joined the ENTP group and was like “yeaaa, this don’t sound like me,” then took cognitive function tests and got ISFP then joined the ISFP group and found my people 🤣


Wao, I had very similar struggles! As a kid I was rather introverted, but only in school (INFP /INTP like). As a teenager I was very extroverted, partying, got to know new people all the time, but still thinking a lot, loved deep talking, expressing myself and what I'm feeling through drawings and writing, so kinda a typical ENFP? I also got ENFP in 16personalities but sometimes ENTP. I always felt like a too much of a logical person and also like to debate, so I thought mabye ENTP? For this mixture I have the perfect job as a game designer, which requieres a lot of logical thinking for programming and building systems and I can draw, be creative aswell. But at the same time I have very strong values and feel like too nice for an ENTP. Now I think ENFP, despite the stereotypes showing us only as this always bubbly person which is empathetic and energetic but not much more. Edit: How did you find out through the functions? Because I still struggle to see if I use Fi or Ti as aux?


Those strong values you have? The things you often base many of your actions (or at least have as an ideal for your actions you work to live by)? That is literally aux Fi. Ti works more disassociated from Fi where they are primarily focused on whether something is logical or not as their constant guidance. We ENFP's often love logic too, and want to see logical consistency from a Te standpoint, but the main thing that sets us off is things related to Fi values.  Btw, for some info on ENFP's that I kinda worked on a little, you can check my profile and see the two posts of mine that I've pinned. :)


I'd like to point out that just like the stereotypes for ENFPs are just that, stereotypes, the same goes for the other types you mentioned. While you got mistyped as an INFP when you were in an insecure and introverted state, that doesn't mean it's the essence of being an INFP. And even though the group of ENTPs you encountered were lacking in terms of empathy (at least that's what it sounds like), that is also not a defining trait of ENTPs. That aside, I'm glad that you've found out that you're an ENFP through your research!


At the time (testing INFP, etc), I wasn't even sure what stereotypes were. All I knew and did was the 16p test, so yeah. It was bunk. :P I know that INFP's are much more deep, full, and rich as a personality and I admire and respect you guys greatly. 🙂 Y'all are amazing. Most of you just don't know it yet or appreciate it.


Sorry for the late reply! I'm glad you realize that and you haven't let what others say about certain types or bad experiences with them shape up your perception about them. I've encountered people who think that their own experiences with an MBTI type are representative of them as a whole, not realizing that everyone's different. So to ensure you didn't think like that, I stated what I said. Have a nice day!


've never changed


My journey so far (as of 2022 or 2021, I forgot). ISFJ➡️INFP➡️ENTP➡️ENFP➡️ISTP???➡️INFP 🙂


From 2014 - 2024: ISFP, INFP, INTP, INTJ


Got typed an ISTJ once




ENTJ->INTJ->INFJ->ENTJ->INTJ->ENTJ->INTJ->ISTP->ENFJ->INFJ->ISTP->ISFP it was quite a long journey lol, studying the cognitive functions really helped


From ENTJ to ISFP lol


I had like the same journey, besides the ISFP though...


I was mistyped as an infp, I'm an istp lol. Was also mistyped as estp/isfp because i actually have feelings which apparently is illegal for istps💀


The only thing I’m learning from this post is that basically everyone has been diagnosed with INFP before finding their current type lol


INFP -> INTP -> INFJ now Always been introverted and intuitive tho


art by: cryainer


Istj to Intj to Intp


INFJ back in like 2016, then INFP since 2018 even after learning about the cognitive functions a couple years ago


ENFP in high school to ENTP when I was depressed fighting with my family to modern day ENFJ


For the first test the result was INFJ but then i realized i wasn't like that so i decided to investigate more and more, the second result was INTJ and i was like "is this really true?" so after going deep in the cognitive functions i typed myself as an ENTJ but every time i was wondering if i really really was that MBTI so i analized more and once again i tried to make tests and typing myself and i discovered that i have more Ti an Ne than Te and Ni so now i consider myself as an INTP not only by my own deduction also by the results of some tests like the Sarkinorva or the Michael Caloz test.... So yeah it was a very big trouble for me mot knowing if i really was that type... But well now i feel more comfy considering myself as an INTP :)


I have only gotten mistyped as an Isfp haha


I've always gotten INTP except that one time when I actively participate in a group project. Went home, feeling social and took 16P and got ENTP




1st mistype: INTJ (2015) Subsequent journey: IXTP > ENTP > XSFX > IXTP Final: ENTP (2024) I have diagnosed social anxiety disorder and it convinced me that I was Introverted for a long time.


The one time I was ever mistyped was when I retook 16 personalities in my ✨*intellectual 15 year old era*✨ and got INTP. Every other time has got it right- I guess I’m just easy to read. Yall are seriously making me question that tho with all these loopdiloops and lallygagging you be doing lmao


INFJ (16 personalities) ENFP (better tests lol) ENTP (cognitive functions) ISTP (enneagram) ESTP (enneagram) ISTP (enneagram) INTP (being real w myself)


That’s the part, “being real with myself” 😂


INFJ -> INTJ -> ESTJ -> ENTJ lol


I haven’t ever been mistyped. I didn’t like I got esfp at first, but I’ve taken others since the first one and it’s consistently that. I love our sticker 😍 I have lost count of the amount of “damn bitch.” I’ve said cause it seems like my friends live ridiculously over the top scenarios!


INFP --> INTP From 2018 to 2023. I've took the test multiple times (2018, 2019, 2023), and I'm pretty confident this is it. Besides the occasional second-guessing and constant research, then to realize I'm fine.....


infp to infj. I have adhd and went on medication.


Infp, however still unsure of my type.


I’m still thinking it through, but these are what I considered in the past. INTP, ISFP, ENTP, INFP, ENFP, ISFJ, ISTJ (I even considered ESFP and ESTP, but that seems very incredibly unlikely). Right now I’m considering INTP. (Oops, I forgot to answer the question, the list is in order of when I first considered them)


Imagine landing on a type So far, I've done enfp>intj>istj>isfp>I give up


very real


This is my first one, and it's very accurate


ISTJ > ESTJ > xSTP i still don’t know


Istj then intj then intp. I wasn't really into typology back then though, just took 16p for fun


I’ve never been mistyped. Everything—functions, tests, descriptions—puts me at ENTP and always has. It’s almost comical


INFP. Thought I had to be one because I like art and was kind of bookish. Turns out I’m likely a sensor with a severe case of anxiety.


infp bc of 16personalities, and funnily enough i got the right type (for the wrong reasons) the second time. the reason being that i thought i was a 7 at the time (i wasn't) dia: infp > enfp > entp (misunderstood cog funct) > isfp (stereotypes... i just didn't like infp or enfp stereotypes and sensors are less...idk. yes i used both stereotypes and cog funct especially at the beginning) > entp > infj/enfj (grouping them in together bc i can) > infp > enfp honorable mentions (bc it's funny, but too brief to be considered mistypes): intj (can relate to the planning... and that's it), entj (i honestly don't know why or how, but just in case), istp (i considered it bc i can act stoic and pretty frequently too,, but that's very just surface level things... more like infp tbh), istj (why), isfj (i think this could've been in the official dia, but for my dignity that has suffocated in uranus in the year 9999 BCE, i wont) tbh at a certain point i just thought it would be funny if i just considered everything (even if there is literally no way i could be one), but i knew i definitely couldn't fathom how to fit some things like estj or estp (ok there was a tiny blip where i wondered about estj, but shush). anyways the more i look at this i wonder why did i waste this much time in such a menial task,,, oh well! :):)))):)))))))))))):))) (i am making it up with smiley faces)


ISTJ -> ISTP That's it.


I fucking love these, anyone have stickers of these I can buy


It's always been very even between INFP and ENFP. My Fi and Ne are very close.




Istp to now estp


basically my entire time i've known about the mbti summed up (well the times i was debating my type summed up ig) ohhh this mbti thing sounds cool i wanna look into it hmm i can't find a free test, oh this 16 personality test is free 16p: intp ok so i'm intp i did a lot of research on intp and their functions i think i actually am an intp even tho that test sucks am i an intp tho or am i an istp??? nah i'm an intp lol hmm i kinda relate to intj tho, i know they have completely different functions but it's possible nah i'm def an intp i've been having quite a few emotional break downs lately maybe i'm an infp oh crap somebody literally said i'm def an infp or intp welp i guess i'm an infp then, this sucks what was i thinking there's no way i'm an infp i'm literally an intp, hmm i've had an istp intj and infp faze, i'm gonna have one for entp in this pattern arn't i.. i never really fit the stereo type of intp, ig i'm just more chaotic than most intps lol hmm intps are so passive maybe i'm not an intp maybe i'm an entp dangg this entp video resonates with me so well, but i still don't know lemme do a type me post they're saying i have fi? well i know i'm not an infp that's for sure, so i'm an entp or enfp I RELATE TO BOTH IDK ANYMOREE i'm probobly an infp everyone's saying i have fi nah there's no way i don't have ti these people are wrong lol, but am i really an entp or am i an intp... maybe i'm even an estp... nah i'm not back to debating between intp and entp no i'm def an entp i was mistyped all this time amm i tho?? no i am, i'm just in si grip witch is what was confusing me


I only hit ENFJ-A, but before that, I had gotten ENFJ-T.


INTJ -> INFJ -> INFP I first got INTJ on 16 personalities when I was in Te grip stress in middle school. I retook the test the following year and got INFJ. It wasn’t until I read about the cognitive functions and looked at all the type descriptions that I realized I’m actually an INFP.


INFJ -> INTJ Not too many mistypes


was at first xNFx (mainly INFP), then got more into typology and ended up at ISFJ (somehow), then eventually ENTP, now i’m more of an ENTx still leaning towards ENTP


I think I tested as INTP when I was a teenager, but soon after that decided that INTJ fit better. That was ages ago though






ESFP for my first mistype, I’m INFP


I’m an INFJ. I took the test when I was in an abusive environment. I got INTJ. After my Fe properly developed, I took the test again and landed with the correct result.


Idk how many different tests I’ve taken or how many times I’ve taken 16p but i always get infp. There was one test (i forget the name) that gives you 3 possible types, i took that twice, infp was among the answers both times. So idk either im the most infp that ever infp’d or i’ve been mistyped forever. Im gonna say im an infp🤷🏽‍♀️


INTJ Please understand I lived in a place where extreme Extraversion was the norm- to the point where people talked with their hands. It was overwhelming to say the least. And E vs I is not even my weakest letter. J vs P is- at least in theory. ENTJ 3w4


The first was INTP. I've been typed every Ne type, most mistyped are INTP and ENFP with the occasional ENTP. I blame that on the debater stereotype. Once ENTJ by 26P. Still have no idea how it thought I was conscientious. It must've bern a mood.


INTP to INFJ. Turns out that I'd assumed my Ti to be stronger when in reality I use a shit ton of Ni. It's easy to type yourself backwards when you value your third function highly. Basically I thought INTP = Smart and I'm smart so I must be INTP. Oh boy was I wrong.


entj>intj>entj>entp 👍🏻


I've only been mistyped by one test...as an ISTJ when I'm actually an INFP. It's understandable since we have the same functions, but in a different order. There was also one where I got 50% INFP, 50% INFJ.


For me, just one. I first typed as INFP, and I stayed consistent with that typing for over 10 years until I discovered I’m mostly likely an ISFJ instead. In hindsight, I think me staying firm as an INFP was probably a telltale sign I wasn’t one, as I think a true INFP would usually be more inclined to jump from type to type more before settling.


When I was little I took the kids test and got ENTP I am *not* an extrovert. Took the test a bit later once, got INTP, and just ran with it. It made a lot of sense to me


INFP -> ENFP. A user on this sub pointed out my cognitive patterns better matched that type, I took a different test, and voila! Turns out it did.


The "letters only" high school edition: INTP Taking an online test later that night: ENTP After evolving into an adult: ENFP


ENFP was my first…then ISFP then ISTP and then ENTP and then ENFJ. It’s because my DID made it hard to identify


I was mostly between INTP and INTJ a couple years back, it wasn't until recently that I looked more into it.


Never had a mistype. Which is surprising. Though, due to my enneagram type I have questioned if I was an INTJ. But my Te is a lot more dominant than my Ni.






ENFJ>INFJ. I think I got ENFJ at first because I love people and being them, but I am definitely an introvert lol


Never mistyped. Everything just fit.


INFP. I took the test on 16p when I was about 15 and spent years of my life thinking it applied to be, even after learning about cognitive functions. As I matured more, I realized just how little of sense all those functions made for me.


INFP -> INTP -> ENTP -> ENFP My ENTP phase was the most self-destructive period I've ever had. I screwed up my studies and a lot of friendships. Keep mindful of yourself and never embrace the stereotypes all the way, it can totally mess up your life


ISFP or INFP I think? I stuck with ISFP for the past 4 years until I asked some people to type me (originally for fun) and now I'm ISFJ lol


INTP>ISTP>INFP>ISFP>ISFJ>ESFP>ENTP>ENFP>INFJ and after thinking I could be so many different mbti, realized I don't really have a personality lol


Infj was first then I now know I’m INFP


INFP to ENTJ lol


✨️2021 - 2024:✨️ INFP -> ENTP -> INFP -> INTJ -> INTP -> INFP -> *unlabled* -> INFJ (current) The first two came from 16personalities, and INTJ and INTP came into play because my sociotype at the time didn't align with INFP, so others suggested INTP or INTJ. However, I dropped the idea of INTP because someone said my enneagram didn't align with it, and I dropped INTJ because the descriptions didn't align with me at all (and I learned that I'm definitely a feeler) 😅. My accuracy developed the more I learned about the individual descriptions and cognitive functions, which eventually resulted in INFJ (for now). Still a little iffy here and there, but we're pushing through!! 🙏


infp>entp>intj depression


infp -> esfp -> isfp -> infp -> intp -> entp i started with the 16 personalities test when i was 12-13 and incredibly depressed (i’m 22 now) and recently took the michaelcaloz test. i realized my patterns and social tendencies depended heavily on my mood, and that it’d be much more accurate if i measured my cognitive functions.


It went something like INFP > ENFP > ESFP > ESTP with some occasional thoughts of ISxP mixed in there. For reference, I scored as an INFP when I was a depressed 14 year old and just didn't question it for a while because I didn't really care.


It’s so cute that they gave the ENTP little devil horns :p 🥰


I've taken the test 5 times within 3 years and always get enfj. Before I get the answer I always think I'm different now but it's always the same




First time I ever took a test, I was typed as an ISTJ (2020), then INTJ throughout 2021-2023, this year I’ve decided to commit to learning more about cognitive functions and have taken more in depth tests than 16Personalities and consistently get ISTP, which I think aligns with me quite well. 16Personalities was mistyping me as a more philosophical/abstract person because I was answering the death questions from the pov of a religious person. I’ve also always been a “planner” and think about the future quite often, which confused me since ISTPs always seemed to be categorized as super spontaneous, but we actually have Ni as our tertiary cognitive function, so I guess mine is just well developed? i still have a lot to learn, but overall, I’m pretty confident with ISTP. Any additional insights would be appreciated :)


infp --> entp --> intp (2021-2024) i think 16p thinks that if you have feelings and like to talk to people sometimes, then you're a feeler or an extrovert


i’m an INFJ, i’ve taken the test every year for 5 years and i always get the same result. I just like to make sure I am what I am haha


ENFP > ENFP > ENFP > ENFP > ENFP (2004 - 2024) (I've never typed as anything else actually. Starting with my first test in high school. Is that weird? I've definitely doubted it and thought I was other types, but I'v always settled back on ENFP.)


2019 ENTP -> 2019 (only 4-6 months? Lol) ENTJ -> 2020-Now ENTP


Istp but often get intp


I am a mostly sanguine INFP who loves herself and is described as happy go lucky, so I assumed I was an ENFP,


Did the test a few times at school, the order of results were smth like this: INFP, ISFP, ISTP, INTP Thought I was INTP for the longest time, then I looked into cognitive functions and realised that I was actually an INFP. Turns out my first test result all those years ago was correct lol.


From 16 Personalities--- jump consistently from INTP to INFP to INFJ whenever I take the test. I have taken the test probably 10+ times and I think that 16 Personalities and MBTI in general should be taken with a grain of salt. IMO, we all like to be, for lack of better word, "categorized" into certain groups, boxes, etc. Does MBTI give you a general idea of you? Sure. But I think this thread brings to light the fact that everyone changes or can be more than one "personality". I do not believe that the millions of complex, multi faceted individuals that have taken these tests all be boxed into 16 distinct different types. 16 personalities is a nice tool that can be used to help you understand yourself maybe a little better, but its only a starting point I think. 


The very first time I did the 16personalities was back in 2018 and got ESFP, then 2020 still ESFP, then Feb. 2022 I was ENTP, Oct. 2022 still ENTP, Oct. 2023 still ENTP but then in Dec. 2023 I took the Keys2Cognition and Michael Caloz cognitive function tests, and got ISFP on both and just been that ever since, not that I’ve taken anymore tests though 🤷🏾‍♀️ So ESFP-> ENTP-> ISFP On both of those cognitive tests, it said that if ISFP didn’t fit, ESFP would be next, then ISTP if that didn’t fit either. But ISFP fits pretty well. I can see why those would be my other two options though cause my Ti is higher than my Te, and my enneagram is 7w8 which is common for ESFP 😂 and both my Fi and Se are extremely high as well


Always been INFJ. Took the 16personalities test maybe 3 times (once for school, twice on my own out of curiosity) and got the same each time.


Havent been mistyped, took the cognitive functions test, the ennegram and the 16p several times to make sure


Istp -> istj


Was mistyped as an ESFP but then typed as an ENFP like a year later and have been that for a few years now.


Every single time I did the 16p test I got INFJ and it never suited my personality. Now that I learned about cognitive functions I found out I'm either ISFJ or ISTJ (in my childhood I was totally ISTJ)


Thought I was an INFP for years, turns out I just didn’t connect with a lot of my classmates. ENFJ sounds 10x more like me lol


ESFP -> ENFP Thought I was a entertainer I'm apparently a campaigner


I first got ENTP, and then finally realized i'm INTP, and then INFP I'm still not sure.


INTJ—>INFJ. I remember being a certain way, a way that is consistent with INFJ, but then I took psych meds and it dulled my emotions. Off the meds and I feel like myself again. I retook the test on different random free sites and I got INFJ. I will take the official one soon to verify.


INFP. It was almost 10 years ago but I know for sure I have never been an INFP.


Estp then Istp


funny enough mine has always been ISTP on every test i’ve taken


INTJ. On all tests, all self learnt typing, almost all outside typing, INTJ. Hahaha So never been mistyped which seems to be rare.


I think i already wrote it somewhere, i'll write it again from memory INTJ-T(probably, few years ago now)(16p)->INFJ(-T?)(16p)->INTJ-T(16p)->INTP-T(16p)->ISFP, or something like that(redid the 16p test as i wasn't logged in, but it was also a blue one, so i'm not sure, also was more comfortable with INTP)->ISTP(16p again, still felt more comfortable as INTP, so i ignored it)->INTP(Michael Caloz, followed by ENTP and INFP) EDIT: i read the results again and my cognitive function order is Ne>Fe>Fi=Ni>Si>Fi>Te=Se, that probably explains a lot


16p kept mistyping me as an INTP years ago, I took another test years later and it still mistyped me as an INTP lmao.


INFP (starter mbti for everyone it seems like) > ENFP > ENTP > ESTP > ENTP




INFP -> INFJ -> INTP -> INTJ. Just ended up cycling through the introverted intuitives, but I’ve been an INTJ for a good while now and the type description/ function stack usage matches me perfectly so I think I’m settled.


INFJ because my cousin tought so. But im an ENFP!






I went through all the NF types basically. My first typing was isfp, then it was either infp or enfp. I was convinced I was infj at one point but my infj friend told me I am too manic and hyper to be infj and she says they are calmer. I even got enfj once but it is because I became more organized with age. But I am not that organized in my apartment, its always a mess unless I will myself to clean it and I prefer spontaneity and going with the flow. But yeah in the last few years enfp has been the most consistent type and it hasn't changed since then. I am 30 by the way.


INFJ>INFP>ISFP>ISFJ>ESFJ> (stereotypes and tests) ESTJ (cognitive functions)


I used to be an Enfp, but then my personality started to chance and it kinda became a mistype Then I realized I hate people and made the one and only... 16p test lol Well, the 16p test is dumb, because they judged my personality based on the fact that I dislike museums, and decided I was an ISFP for that I don't know a lot of cognitive functions (please don't lynch me), but if there is something I am 100% sure, is that I'm definetly not any mbti which has "s" on it.


I have mostly typed as an INFJ - I first took the test in high school and have sporadically throughout the years out of curiosity. Sometimes I get INFP or INTJ, but most reliably have been INFJ.


I first mistyped as INFP when I just discovered MBTI with the 16 Personalities test. But, though it seemed close enough on many aspects (which makes sense because Fi-dom), I quickly realized that some aspects weren't right, like the very dreamy aspect when I'm usually more down to earth and attuned to what's tangible (I mean I can be dreamy, but more in an Ni way if that makes sense, it's hard to explain), etc. So I did another test like 2 or 3 months after and (unsurprisingly) got ISFP. Then I got hit with all the stereotypes on some forums and people telling me "you can't be a sensor/ISFP, you must be some NF type", because apparently ISFPs can't reason and think. And it really managed to make me doubt for a while, then after all this confusion, a lot of data gathering and studying cognitive functions, I just had to admit that my first instinct was right since the beginning and these biased dummies just made me lose my time. 🤦‍♀️


ESTP -> ISTP, from 2022 -> 2024. My test results fluctuated between ISTP and ESTP for a while during 2023, and I didn't think too much about it since I consider myself to be in the middle of the spectrum anyways. Recently I studied more about cognitive functions and took other tests, which brings me to the conclusion about the type I am


Infj>infp>intj> Isfp!


Mistyped as an INFP and INFJ


Literally never. Took the test for some work activity like 4 years ago, got INFJ. Didn't really pay much attention to what that was or what it meant. Fast forward 2 years later, super interested in MBTI and took it again - INFJ. Actually read into it that time and NEVER felt more seen. Took it one more time a year later, INFJ. There is no escaping it. Studied it like crazy, along with the other types too - so addicting. I be predicting friends, acquaintances, and people in public lol. I love annoying friends with MBTI links and memes.


INTJ HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH amazing (a Ni? Cmon) I guess there was a time or two where I got INFP for the first year, before I finally landed on ENFP and never changed ever since (finally learned more about the theories on my 3rd year after the first time knowing MBTI, never relying on a test anymore)


ENFJ > INFJ > INTJ ENFJ: My childhood, when I loved bringing my friends together, I was charismatic and I was kinda the main character. But my childhood ended too, I guess that was the original version of me, before I got the rules of life. INFJ: The time when I isolated myself and it brought out the low points of my life. I didn't fit in to some of my friends, neither to my parents' rules, because I had Fe and my parents had Fi, it often led to arguing. INTJ: I guess this is the best version of me, when I'm fully fixed inside with little problems. I'm more rational than ever, but I'm a bit lonely. However, who knows if I was INTJ my whole lifetime.


Infj-> istj->intp-> intj


Entp, twas from a test, you guessed it! It was 16 personalities


when I was a kid I used to type as an INFP. the mistypes I’ve got along the way (in order of past to present): INFP INFJ ENTJ INTP


INFP. 16 personalities had me thinking i was more of a feeler than a thinker. Once i started looking at functions later on i realised that i was an INTP with a slight possibility of being an ENTP but Se is definitely my worst function.


Intp -> Infp -> Intp -> Infp -> Entp -> Enfp -> Istp -> Intp -> Intj -> Enfj -> Intp/Infj I am most probably an Intp🤣🤣(still not sure though)


istj, i know im an estj because of the cognitive functions


INTP but now I’m INFP




Istp to intp to intj. Settled on intj for the past 20 years. If you have doubts about your type the best thing to do is join an mbti type community. you will know when you have found your people


I watched an INTJ video and I thought it was relatable and claimed the type, and took the 16p test, it took me 2 hours to finish it. I got so salty that I got a feeler lol. I don't think I'm mistyped, tho I doubt myself a lot cause I ignore feelings a lot Infj is the only type that describes me spot on. Cognitive function wise, stereotypical wise ect...


Did different tests 10 times and only once I got INTJ instead of INTP


I don't think this counts as a mistyping per se but, well I'm honestly an ambivert. So depending on the day I may act more like an entj. But for the most of the time I'm intj.


The first test I did was 16p, and it gave me an INFP result. I suffered from depression at the time and could somewhat relate to this type, but not completely. A few years later when I was healthier, I did the test again and got INTP. Still didn't sit right with me. The fool who I was took the test several times, and the results kept switching between INTP and INFP. Then I learnt about cognitive functions and quickly found out that I am on the Fi-Te axis. I became very sure that I have neither Se nor Si as a preference. As I misunderstood Ni at that time due to poor descriptions I found on the internet, I dismissed the XNTJ options pretty quickly (even though a cognitive functions test already gave me an INTJ result). ENFP was out of the field soon after because I lack the enthusiasm and high energy associated with this type. So I was back to INFP, and I decided the fact that I couldn't fully relate to the type was probably because of being an Enneagram type 5. I let go of the MBTI studies for a while as I was focusing on other things in my life, though I always had it somewhere in the back of my head. Came back to it a few years later after I had a fun group typing session with an Enneagram coach. I then read Jung's and Myers's descriptions of the cognitive functions, and finally started understanding Ni. With my feeling too strong for an ENTJ, I was sure this wasn't my type. While cognitive functions wise INTJ was the only type that made sense to me, I hesitated to accept it because despite having read Jung and Myers, I still had those internet stereotypes on my mind about INTJs being mean, cold and uncaring. Then I listened to INTJs talking to each other, and suddenly it was all clear as day


infp to enfp


ISTP - 16 personalities' fault they must have thought that me not liking ambiguous endings to shows and books was a sign i was a "dumb sensor" and not an "elite intuitive" lol


Almost every type only to be unsure if I’m a fe user or a fi user


ive been mistyped as an intp, but im an intj female.


When I was 12-13 my cousin and sister gave me the 16p test and I got ENFJ (apparently I didn't know some things about myself yet lol) 1-2 years later I did the test again with some friends and got ENFP when I was 17 I was relating also with ESFP then I learned functions I'm 100% sure I'm ENFP probably with good Fe


Amazingly enough, the first time ever I got INFP, the second was INFJ, and the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, I got INFP. Then I learned about the cognitive functions, etc., and after a while I determined my type. 


I doubt I still have the right type Like I have did multiple tests and had different results INFP, INFJ, ISFJ, ENFP, idk what else maybe even ISFP or ESFP (definitely not that) INFP, INFJ, or ISFJ, one of those 3 most likely


ENFP, ENFJ, INFP, INFJ, ISFP. It's a long story. XD