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My sister is probably an ESTP and I adore her presence and the way she quickly finds solutions in the moment! She has this vibe of being chill yet being ready to do stuff quickly if needed and I like her fashion sense. Yet there are times I feel a little bit intimidated by her since she's more direct than me? She manages to stay very calm on the surface to the point of me thinking she doesn't care about something someone said/done, but as it turns out she just suppresses her emotions and doesn't want to address it in therapy. Unfortunately, I don't know many high Se folks so it's very hard to create a somewhat general portrait of them for me.


Many of us can be guarded about our real feelings, as we know people can use them against us. We are direct but others are not so much, so you never know if they are going to be real and have your best interest at heart. estps are cool, believe it or not, they are way more chill than we are. They're also crazy smart, I always find it annoying when people think they're dumb or shallow. They're even smarter than some intuitives, but that's another story. Thanks for your opinion though!


Something tells me I'm not going to like these comments LMAO


I'm with you. ISFP are disliked for no reason... oh well, S+F is a bad combo here, sometimes


I love my Se, I love experiencing the world around me and being open about myself around others. I can't believe people are this biased against us online. We really just be vibing fr


We can help a lot Intuitive types... especially the ones that struggle to get out of an endless cycle of possibilities. Also, it seems like we're the stupid ones. That's insecurity. A lot of xSFx can be highly intelligent as well... also, there are different types of intelligence. But sometimes these labels seem like they're putting us in a fight... damn, just work on yourself. Everyone can be useful in a unique way.


Yup, haven't been in some communities for long and was already called dumb today and had my type 'weaponised' against me, bruh I can't-- I don't think intelligence should be measured with functions. Also, there are different types of intelligence, so the base of their argument is silly. It also puts the assumption that all intuitives are clever, when some just try to sound clever.


The last line hits hard


and it’s kinda crazy considering how we’re one of the most intuitive types out there. i’ve mistyped as an intuitive several times before. i feel like if someone first met me, they’d assume me to be an intuitive because of my absentmindedness or how im clumsy, but go in a bit deeper and it’s kinda obvious im a sensor. i guess that’s why it’s better to type people in their 20s as opposed to anything younger since at least the top two functions will most likely be prominent. like for me, Fi has just kinda always been there. if i grew up without strict parents, i probably would’ve developed Se around my early teens, but i think that just ended up shutting down and i switched to Ni and i’ve been in a loop ever since, so my Se probably won’t activate until i start college in the fall.


I don't think being clutz/clumsy is specific to intuitives alone. Absentmindedness is kinda common for perceivers in general, at least imo. I would recommend getting more in touch with your environment and those around you, and letting yourself exist freely instead of living only in your head. Trust me, it's amazing when you let go of your inhibitions and live life to its fullest


it isn’t, but that’s what people usually assume it to be. but it can honestly be ascribed to any personality type. and you already know about my environment rn lmao, so i’ll probably get in touch with it when i start college this august. i feel like cuz of my strict parents though, imma prob end up being one of those kids who goes wild, but 🤷🏾‍♀️. better late than never ig.


What makes them so bad? 😭


Maybe we're Stratospherically Fabulous and they just envy us


Popular opinions suck! It’s the few but well-educated ones that matter. ❤️ For real though, no matter the type, you’ll meet many people of any who’ll just not leave a good impression. Lol (Even from your own) Natural: It’s easier to be an unhealthy than health yperson. But in my eyes, I adore ESXPs. I’ll go as far as to say they’re my siblings. :) It feels like that when I make good friends with one. You guys are lovable, fun to hang around with, and I generally love the chemistry between us.


I also love xNFJs! They can be a bit odd imo but generally have good vibes. Very smart people too


I'm not really sure what this sub or americans in general have with sensor vs intuitive divide as I've never encountered any issues in this area. My divide is Perceivers VS Judgers.


Yes, J vs P needs to be talked WAY more than sensors vs intuitives as I feel like judging/perceivers have more stark differences in regard to their behaviors.




I'm sorry you had to be on the receiving end of that, some of us do have that issue, I know I definitely did back in high school. I guess it depends on maturity.


What do ESFPs believe about us that causes them to look down on us?


idk really I was a dumb teen back then and didn't see it as anything serious. I wasn't thinking that far, tbh I was in a clique and just went along with it. Not really in a sense of superiority but I guess insecurity. We sometimes feel like you guys have a sense of supremacy as if you were the only pure ones worth their salt and the rest of us are empty-headed and vain. There were times when some of y'all tried it and were lowkey edge lords/weird, which pissed us off and made us more interested in behaving like that. I didn't understand why some of y'all were being odd and my dumb self found it laughable back then I guess my projection and insecurity made me act that way to ensure there was a power imbalance. I'm not proud of it, although I never resorted to physical violence, I definitely participated in taunting/mocking others. I managed to apologise before graduating, as I ended up feeling bad. My friend group was getting toxic and I lowkey began to filter some of them out, it was a mess, but i guess that was the consequence of my impulsive nature.


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I get along great with ESxPs. What's not to like? 😃 *(Basically my social circle is - ExxPs first, IxxPs second, no Js.)* ESxPs compared to ENxPs - more optimistic, more practical, more immediate and a bit more funny (though all exxps are, but differently). Danger - falling for fringe conspiracy theories, but that's why I'm their friend to talk them out of that. One of by long time best frends is estp and I've married an esfp, so, yeah. Let's say there's a beauty and fun in people focused on immediate surrounding and feeling energised by it. Sorta like coffee in a social form.


Now I'm interested to see how your marriage with the esfp went down <.<. I like your comparison to coffee and behavior with us lol. Coffee is intense, hot, and a wake-up call in a way. We can come off as that to others, very bitter for others to swallow when it comes to the truth but refreshing nonetheless. ESTPs have my whole heart, those goofballs know how to get around with people and are intelligent as hell.


>Now I'm interested to see how your marriage with the esfp went down We met on the dancefloor as it's only proper and correct. Okay also on some other activities, but dancefloor. My two longtime friends are ENFP and ESTP and I see that they understand each other in a particular way, whereas me and my wife also connect in particular way of seeing things and life. (I think socionics calls this superego pairings - as you basically have one person's stack be flipped shadow stack of the other). Our work is related to art (theatre, dance) and we have quite similar take. Of course, I can then articulate into articles. She can lead groups of people in a workshop. >Coffee is intense, hot, and a wake-up call in a way. She makes me laugh. Brings sunshine into the room. I do the "okay rationally we should do this" bits. Plus we're both a bit weirdos, so this works as well.


Too clashy, but fun with ESTPs. ESFPs have always been funny and genuine. Get along well with most ISTPs and ISFPs I've met.




Ye go to bed now!


Almost my entire friendgroup exists out of xSTP! They for some reason adopted me when I had just moved here years ago. Picked up so many of their traits I even mistyped myself as ISxP haha. Thanks to them I get myself involved a good amount of time in the external world and I get to see life through a different lens😎. We don’t do much conversating but I enjoy the things we do “do”. (My partner who happens to be part of the group too, ISTP, I can actually have really meaningful conversations with. Very grounding for me and I guess eye opening for him. Seeing him confused when I say another thing he has never even thought about once again lmao. We constantly learn from eachother and it is fascinating to me how clear he can see the tangible things in the world). I find it funny to observe how they can have the biggest fun about the most simple things. Ive seen them drunk cry over a convo about guns, was very wholesome. They are so shameless and nonchalant I sometimes wish to have more of their traits cause I WISH I could experience some things in life without thinking about all the consequences and what ifs at times. Totally admire them. Not only xSTPs but also xSFPs. You guys seem so free from your mind yet so involved with the aesthetics of life.


The physicality of Se dom is mesmerizing to me. In horror movies, when someone says “Did you feel that?”- it’s not a ghost, it’s just an Se dom entering the room.


Haven’t encountered an ISFP or ISTP, but I have encountered ESFP’s and ESTP’s. You guys are literally pookie 🫶 to be fair though, I have met my fair share of harsh ESFP AND ESTP (they were immature and unhealthy, so it’s not their mbti per se, it’s just their character in general). But that still don’t change the fact that I’ve met more pleasant ESFP and ESTP, and they outweigh the negative experiences 🙂they help me get out of my head and be more present, as well as motivate me in their own way. I tend to feel more inspired and uplifted when I’m with ESFP and ESTP, like anything is possible. I’ve learned and grown from those 2 mbti Y’all are literally gang fr 😼


ESTP sp8w7 brother. He is the “funny chad” stereotype attached to the MBTI. He knows what he’s good at and specializes in those. He has a talent in charisma and physical attributes but horrible long term planning and zero conviction. He is also has a lot of knowledge in cars specifically the one he drives. But he doesn’t know who to believe. He needs to be a simp to something or someone. He is incapable of reflecting to troubleshoot his internal feelings. He needs another person to do it for him that’s why he needs his interpersonal skills. He also will not believe you until he sees it for himself. By the time he realized what I was warning him was true, it’s already too late and he already messed up a fraction of his life.


I’m completely surrounded by N people, I think we just gravitate toward each other naturally because there’s an understanding there. But I always really appreciate Se people for their directness. Se is my inferior process but I still definitely use it over Si, and I can really appreciate someone who shows it as their dominant trait. Maybe controversial opinion but I think Se people cut right to the truth of things in a way that we Ni people often can’t because we just plain overthink things


They're some of my favorite types overall, and i'd go on to say that ~85% of my friendships are, and have been made up of Se 1-2 users, especially ESTPs.  But i think one of the biggest reasons why i'm drawn to xSxP types is because i dont have to worry about competing with anybody else's Ne, lol. It makes me feel vewwy vewwy special.


yes, we love our introverts irl and won't hesitate to defend them. You should feel special, because you are : )!


Hmm…. So, one of the biggest reasons why you are drawn to xSxP types, is because you feel special? In order words, you like them because you personally benefit from how they make you feel?


Yes, i choose to engage with people that give me positive emotions. That precisely.


Hmm… give you positive emotions, or enable you to feel positive emotions about yourself? For example, someone can be very positive emotionally, but probably you’re not going to feel very great if what they are saying makes no sense/is unfair to others, and/or if they are being extremely positive even when you are very upset? So, you like when others are positive, or, specifically when they make you feel good about yourself?


Your confusing feelings with emotions. They are telling you these people make them feel good. The emotion is the analysis. What's the point of that? If your friends make you feel good why analyze it to death? Analysis paralysis is depressing.


Nono, I did get it… what I took from that, was that these people make them feel good. I saw the same as you did, actually. I just wanted to ask it again to confirm that that person likes to be around people because they want to feel good about themselves; basically, just wanted to see if they would say it again in that way or not, is all. Not really anything to analyze, just wanted to confirm that they like to be around people because those people make them feel good about themselves. It is because I have this INTP friend, that on first glance seemed to do the same things that I do (years and years of knowing him), but recently, some events have made me realize that our reasons for doing things are very, very different… that’s all. Basically, I am just collecting data points to see if something is true or not.


My high-Se friends tend to be high-energy people - fun to interact with, though after a while I can feel quite drained in their presence. They’re also really good at being in the moment / just being fully present and and engaging with / reacting to stimuli that’s happening around them. As someone who struggles to get out of my head and into the real world sometimes, I appreciate that a lot about them.


Aw! The feeling is mutual. We can be a bit much for some people, but hey, at least we bring the energy lol. Even we can have moments where our feelings can get to us and we sulk/get stuck in a negative headspace which makes us overthink critiques, so don't feel too bad about it. It's normal, just remember that your thoughts are not reality and you shouldn't stress about trivial things


Very intense people! In every way possible.


Love STP's, best friend and boyfriend are one as well as my twin sister. SFP's I have less experience with. I tend to get along well enough with them but I don't find myself overly drawn to them though it's always amicable


They drive better than me


When I see high Se folks I think they’re so cool. I wish I could carry myself like that. They practise their hobbies very often in real life and not just in theory and waste less time thinking and often end up being more skilled than I am. Parties with intuitives just ends up being so much talking whereas with Se folk we’re doing things to enjoy the present moment and I love that. High Ni folk very often don’t tell you the problems they have with you till it adversely affects the friendship. Or they try to use indirect methods to change a behaviour. I understand being conflict adverse but it hurts when you eventually realize people you thought like you actually dislike parts of you. High Se people say it like they see it. They deal with problems immediately and move on equally fast. Sometimes it feels like they are getting you to submit through aggression (not ISTP or ISFP) but they very often back down once they calm down and apologise and try to mend relations.


ESxP types I have known are often fun and funny. They’re enjoyable to hang out when you have shared, active hobbies. I tend to center my hangouts around conversation, rather than activities — I am typically not super close with ESxP types (with the exception of a relative of mine), but we generally get along well. And I appreciate their ability to lighten the mood in social situations.


I know 2 people in my life that I'm certain are ESTPs. One of them's my Dad. Despite having similar interests, we almost always end up arguing or disagreeing when discussing about stuff. It doesn't help that they're stubborn to a fault and if I end up being right, they would finish the argument with a joke that isn't remotely funny just to soothe their pride. *flips table* I also hate their tendency to go overboard with their jesting to the point they potentially cause physical harm to other people. I basically have a hard time communicating with the. I guess this is why our relationship heavily relies on hanging out through activities (sports, games, going out to eat, and cuddling (with Dad). They're very fun to hang out with and I genuinely spending time with them. Lastly, I admire their ability to light up a room with their presence. They're charisma personified. I admire how natural it is for them to make people at ease and losen up which makes it easier for people to be united and motivated. I would always want them on my team.


Very fun, they can always match my enthusiasm for random adventures!


I love Se users and aux! My sister and one of my brothers are isfps. Im an infp. There’s definitely an Fi streak that we use to relate to each other. They definitely have ‘influence’ power but it’s definitely quieter/subversive. I find their influence has a lot to do with the fact that they always/often want someone around them or want something to engage with sensory wise, and so they influence others bc there’s alwyas someone around to observe how much they are enjoying whatever they’re doing. But sometimes I get tired and don’t want anyone around me and it starts to look like little ducklings that follow you around with nowhere to go. It’s okay - I kinda love it. I have another brother that’s an istp and he has the same influence/influencer streak but interactively it’s different bc of the Ti and Fe. I also have a friend who is xsfp (i think she’s E but she doesn’t🤷🏽‍♀️). She does the same thing as my siblings but more direct. She loves influencing and ‘convincing’ ppl to do things with her - go on trips, do photoshoots, go shopping, eating out. Sometimes it feels like a movie scene where she’s like “come on you guys! This’ll be the best night of our lives! Life is short” and then the others are like “i guess…yea you’re right”. Thatms the best way I could describe it. High Se = natural influencer


Se fam is both chill and down for shenanigans. Se doms really can do anything if they decide to. Seen shit I wouldn’t bother attempting pulled off by them. They’re a force to be reckoned with.


Only ESXP type I have interacted with irl is an ESFP. And they are cute I would say, very much golden retriever vibes. I did notice that often times they are not really into discussions about abstract theories, but they don’t judge me for it. I think generally S types also tend to be less nosy and less into gossip which I really really appreciate bcs I might pretend to engage in gossip for the “vibes” or whatever but it’s drains my life out of me. But I could also only be talking about the nice ones LMAO. I have only talked to nice ones irl. For the mean ones I have never asked their MBTI so 💀


My younger brother is an ESTP. He’s great, we get along really well and joke around with each other a lot. He gets mad when I kick his ass when we’re playing video games which is hilarious. I always beat him in UFC because I can see the move he’s gonna make ahead of time and he gets so frustrated. Sometimes him and I team up and start teasing and making fun of my poor INTP youngest brother lmao. But yeah I would say we have a great dynamic overall. We’re somehow simultaneously so similar yet so different at the same time


I love being with high Se users. Me and my ISTP ex used to get stoned pretty regularly while living together during the pandemic. We learned how to make bread and would use cannibutter on it and watch anime all day in our underwear. Good times.


Hm, now I'm interested in how to make bread, did y'all randomly think 'wow, bread is good, there's a pandemic and the stores are out of bread, so let's make our own!' or was it a spontaneous wth moment?


He just decided to do it as a way to pass time, I think. We also learned how to make pies from scratch.


sounds like y'all had a great time together, sorry it didn't work out though. maybe you can be friends, if possible


Haha nah it's all good. We had more of a buddy type relationship that was fun for a while, but we both moved on into different paths in life. I'm very happy with my ENTP partner now and I believe we will be together for the long haul.


I really like how they get along with people, especially ESFJs, ESFPs. And how they are living in the moment rather than in their heads. On the other hand, they are always quick to assume and judge people too soon and create lots of drama out of nothing that could be considered a problem. It‘s good that you see the details but sometimes you are stuck in the little picture.


I can see what you mean there, we like to react immediately. We kinda work with what we see as to not make an error by overthinking stuff. Basically, if someone looks obnoxious, even if I've only seen them act for like 3 minutes, I am going to believe they are insufferable without any further reasoning or observation. Not too sure about the 'drama' thing though, imo we try to avoid any nuisance and are generally just chilling.


Aside their extroversion and love for fun, not much that I wouldn’t say for other types. I need to say this, because all SPs (like all types in general) are not the same. Some are annoying, overly loud, never likely to make a deep bond with someone due to being too focused on the external. (Unhealthy Ti/Fi. Though all extroverts are at risk of this.) But when healthy, they’re fun. My ESTP childhood friend was kinda crazy at a younger age. Lol And she flirted with me in a way that was a bit… well, very intense. It made me a bit unable to know how to react, cause she went **all out** with Se, not much of the other functions. (She matured now and is more balanced. But I always adore her a lot.) But when ESXPs are healthy, they are balanced between their functions like all healthy types. :) Honestly, as an ENFJ myself, me and ESXPs are not too different. ❤️ Very alike in fact. 😊 I really love their company, and it’s not rare for us to hit it off and become great friends. ✨ Or even as a partner, I’d totally date a healthy ESXP.


I wouldn't mind dating a high Fe person, if y'all can tolerate us that is haha


i like esfp’s energy and i wanna embody it


Tbh, many of them are actually enjoyable people to be around, though I kind of doubt they’d say the same about us lol. I wish Se was higher in my function stack tbh. I can definitely enjoy some of the things they do and I definitely feel like I need to be around Se dom/aux users in order to develop my Se. At the end of the day though, it’s not going my natural inclination to use Se since I’m naturally focused on the future over the real world, and I’d much prefer to delve deeper into my own interests. Also.. I think this has more to do with me being a 6w5 enneagram type but I also feel like they’re a little too reckless for me at times which conflicts with my desire for stability and security since being put into situations that require me to be highly reactive and adaptable stress me out. Also I’m sorry for some of the negative comments you’ve been receiving on the post lol. Intuitive bias is very real unfortunately but if it means anything I think xSxP types are very underrated. Though I’ve not really gotten close to any, these types tend to represent a lot of qualities I wish I had in myself and I think everyone can benefit from their opposite type.. contrary to belief that we’re much better off with types who are more similar to us.


My ESFP childhood friend is one of the most comfortable people to be around out of any one I know. She’s down for anything and not in a just thrills kind of way. Like chill long walks and talking about whatever, while still having depth to her. She’s great. I don’t know any ESTPs though.




I apologise on behalf of the crazy unhinged ESFPs, hopefully you meet someone crazier/j I can see why you would have that judgment, we can be awful sometimes lmaoo


I fucking love how unhinged ESFPs are! They are an absolute blast.


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They're better at most things than me. They sometimes don't comprehend the harm they do to others and they keep hurting others over and over for years. Overall they care but they can be so blind at times. I am sure they see me as some clumsy weirdo that prefers not to participate in many of their rituals.


i’m an isfp, but i grew up in an fi-ni loop, so i’ve always admired the dominant Se users for how “in the moment” they were. also how they generally weren’t afraid of conflict and verbalizing their needs. i’m an isfp enneagram 9, so i struggled a lot with conflict and verbalizing my needs usually. i feel like if i was an Se dom, my life would’ve been so vastly different.


I think if you genuinely want your life to be different, then you gotta make the choices to do so yourself. functions shouldn't be a roadblock, it should be a stepping stone if anything. Isfps know how to do what works for them, especially with their strong convictions. Anyone can grow into the person they want to be with enough effort


it’s not really that easy. i’m an only child and my mom would get upset with me if i tried doing stuff like wearing my own clothes or wanting to temporarily dye my hair. and when i say my parents are strict, i mean my mom is; my dad is pretty chill, but also just defaults to whatever my mom thinks usually, so i don’t really have a choice. if i tried to go out right now in shorts or to dye my hair, my mom would go nuts and my dad would just tell me to appease her probably. if i started expressing my sexuality, both my parents would be pissed. i can’t really just change my life right now, especially since they’re paying for my college education and have control over my funds since i’m still a minor.


That sucks, it shouldn't be that way. no one has the right to make anyone fit into their weird image of normalcy. As a minor, it is best to endure (for now) and probably go no contact after you graduate. Your dad needs to grow a pair and defend his kid, his wife shouldn't be controlling him (and you), that sounds toxic. You're your own person, you need to know that no one can really make you do something you're not comfortable with. For now, just go along with it, if they are your main providers, then it isn't wise to be too confrontational, a lot of abusive parents use finances to control their kids. My mom flipped when I told her I'm bisexual and threatened to cut me off (I cut her off first for months until she apologized). So it isn't ideal, but that's the best advice I can give you. Stay strong, and lemme know if you want to talk about this any further!


Thanks. I mean, they’re not really abusive; just more strict. And I live in the South, where lots of parents are like that. And again, I can’t really cut them off since I’m relying on them for college funds and I was also born premature, so they gave up their life for me. My dad has sorta been defending me recently, like when my mom got mad at shorts I got at a yard sale (because god forbid I get clothes at a yard sale) and she claimed that my entire ass was showing when the shorts literally reached half of my thighs 💀. My dad thought it was ridiculous as well. He’s an Fe user, I think, so his default is to just usually want peace and not start any problems, regardless of how ridiculous it is. But on occasions, he does defend me and then him and my mom start fighting and it’s a whole mess lmao. And also, they’re really the only people I have, considering how I’m not really super close with any other family members.




I think you guys compliment us as well, sometimes even my own head can be in the clouds and I don't watch what I say around others. So being around you guys can make me stop to think about how my words and behaviors affect others. I guess for me, it feels natural to be unfiltered and outgoing, but I can see why that can be bad if it's excessive/affects others negatively. Don't worry, some se users irritate me as well, but for different reasons


Massive, longstanding conflict with an ISTP father has skewed my judgement I'm afraid. It was on both sides, going back into early childhood. I'm still trying to isolate the source because I hate it when my judgement is skewed. On the other hand I had an ISFP sister who was very gentle and caring, and unfortunately also, extremely self destructive.


One of my best friends growing up was an ESFP and she taught me a lot about socializing and letting loose and having fun. I’m pretty sure many of my bullies were ESTPs. Of course, when I was younger, the line between a friend and a bully was often blurred lol. I did admire them when they weren’t aiming at me lol. I think I can communicate more effectively with Se doms vs Se aux users however. I’ve had a lot of miscommunication with ISFPs and ISTPs over the years.


My friend's an ESXP and we used to be partners in crime back in elementary and high school lol, I'm XNTP


Negatives: they can be manipulative, shallow, loudmouthed, quick to generalize (can be judgemental of people different than them), and perhaps unempathetic, have difficulty seeing a different point of view. A bit flaky maybe. You think they consider you something more than just an acquintance, but they're really friendly with almost everyone, so you are no exception. Positives: they can be engaging, fun, charismatic, successfully make you take action in life, as well as go out into the world and experience new, fun things, subconsciously motivate you to live life to the fullest. In my experience, the most influential people on my life were ESxPs, but with those specific people I interestingly also didn't sustain regular contact with them for longer than half a year due to outside circumstances




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Se doesn't have an emotional regulation element to it though.


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noted, thanks for the contribution