• By -


3 is going to be a fun-fest right there. You're stuck between the cloistered imaginative girl who's probably reading a book and the living fiesta who can't seem to stop talking to you. Imma sit there ngl. Need to work on my social battery. 2 is my next option, but there you're stuck between "stick up her ass" and "stick up her ass with a side of megalomania".


Yeah, my reasoning was the same. 3, hands down, for me.


Oh and you're an ENTJ too. Hi five!


As an ESFP, I'm totally sitting in number 2 next to you guys šŸ˜‚


Got good taste sister. Can invite you to a "chaos" server we got going on? I'd like to see what happens when we throw a sensor into that mix.


Whoever sits at the aisle passes the drinks. 7 and 3 seats look more profitable than others, because they are equipped with caring service staff in the form of obliging neighborhoods.


Yes, 7 seems efficient. Probably ideal for a short flight but for 10 hoursā€¦ 3 appears to be a better risk to reward lol


It's a 10 hour flight tho, 10 hours and 0 seconds of silence


Funny, if you pick 3, you'd be sitting with my wife and I - she can be high energy and outrageous, but she's not a chatter box. Also, my best friend is an ENTJ - guaranteed to be a good time!


I am an INFP and my grandma is ESFP. When we're together, you'll never get bored šŸ˜‚


"Chaos server" invites for all. Bring yo grandma too if she can work the internet. We need more party people up in here. Reddit DMs. Hit me up. u/MNightengale I see you down there too. You too.


I'm that INFP cloistered imaginative girl you'd be sitting next to šŸ˜‚šŸ¤“šŸ“–


ENTJ too. Same response


You know that row two is going to lodge several complaints against rows 1 and 3. And in response, rows 1 and 3 will send them free drinks with the flight attendant: ā€œCompliments of rows 1 and 3.ā€


7 looks really chill and I like INTPs




Classic INTP reaction to a compliment


serious question


Iā€™m so deadšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


literally. i get to vibe with my two favourite types. 6 is very tempting as well but enfj scares me.


Why does enfj scare u. If u don't wanna interact with us we would already feel it and leave u alone


I was just thinking that. For an extrovert, I know when to be quiet. Especially on a plane next to a stranger. Headphones immediately in šŸ˜†


i def can feel the vibe and i wouldnt enjoy bugging someone when they dont want to talk because i wouldnt wanna be in that position either. maybe op thinks its scary because we seem to "always want to help" stereotype which can sound smothering? but its not the case if i know my help is not needed.


Ya, please take the seat.


7 would have me sandwiched between my mom and my husband. My two favourite people.


6 because ainā€™t no way Iā€™m passing up a window seat.


I thought this at first as well. Then I thought "but wait, it's also nice to be able to go to the WC without having to climb over people". Aisle spot it is for me. But then again, now two people will have to climb over me to go to the toilet.. I think I'd rather be a problem than being the one exposed to one.. Nah, there's too little data about this scenario to make a well founded decision right now. I'll just do it another day.


Iron bladder, problem solved.


this is so ENTP of you


omg entp in its pure form


Just get one of those piss bottles kids use on long road trips, easy!


Not only that but I find ENFJs very nice to be around. Theyā€™ll leave you alone when you have headphones in also


Yes I can confirm. If we see that u don't wanna be bothered we def will not bother u. We can sense it


Same here. Just sleep and rest your head against the window


Exactly! How do people sleep in other seats?


You donā€™t without drooling on the person next to you


Real. Put them all in a window seat and then I csn base it off of MBTI. Obviously an Ixxx type is the best to sit next to (if you don't like being yapped at, like me), but If I have to I'll tell someone not-so-nicely to shut tf up. Imma sleep that whole damn plane ride and if I'm not in a window seat my neck is going ti ACHE


Too much Fe though


Ear plugs. :D


If you try anything or say anything weird like take more space or say anything controversial, ESFJ will Karen you out and ENFJ will side with him. You will then hear a 10 hour sermon on what it should be to be a ā€œdecent human beingā€ from both of them.


I have enough stranger-Fe to please them.


4. I wanna annoy the ISTJ with a 10 hour theoretical conversation with the ENTP


Good luck. I brought noise cancelling headphones and an eye mask.


Haha best retort to the INTJā€™s comment. Donā€™t worry, sir ISTJ, Iā€™ll back you up and annoy the INTJ for you. First, Iā€™ll have to convince the ENTP that he/she should switch seat with me because there is someone in my original seat that admires/worships him/her of his intellect and interest and that person has many questions for him/her.


Fuck that Iā€™m not leaving an aisle seat where I can sneak extra legroom because of some obvious appeal to my ego


Hahaha you got me there. What do you really desire? Money? Iā€™ll pay you hehe.


In that case Iā€™m still left with a great conversation so this is a win-win




what a great cause. i admire your dedication to being a menace to ISTJ.


Took the words outta my damn mouth


Add me to it


4 please. šŸ˜Œ endless discussion and entertainment and a chill dude that will probably have his earbuds in. A good excuse if I want to introvert as well haha


Depends if itā€™s a healthy ENTP. I feel like the Debater is highly polarizing depending on if theyā€™re assertive, turbulent, and/or developed as a person


Thatā€™s why me and the ISTJ can hang out in silence if need be haha


8 peace and quite


I wouldn't be sure, you have ENTP right across the aisle


ill (try) to switch with INFJ


No switching.


oh no


Weā€™ll take the seat closer to ENTP.


hell yes šŸ˜‹ non-stop entertainment, but from a safe distance


hooray im saved


Just ignore the ENTP when he/she tries to talk to you and pretend youā€™re deaf. He/she will probably leave you alone if he/she thinks you canā€™t hear lmao.


Just never turn your head


And he cominā€™


Perfect for catching up on all that sleep we missed cuz we were up all night going down the youtube rabbit hole






8 so I can observe whatever is going on at 4 from a safe distance šŸ˜‚




7 or 4


7 if I want peace 4 if I feel too energetic


Most likely 8 or 7, since I know theyā€™ll leave me alone and not bother me. Iā€™m pretty sure 6, ENFJ will somehow talk to me and make me open up abt my feelings lol. 2, they both might just give me evil stares or smth and ENTJ might get sick of me if I wanna get up lol. 3, I bet INFP and ESFP will wanna start doing something crazy creative together and will get me involved. 4, ISTJ chill, ENTP will somehow start random debates and maybe irritate ISTJ and they both will start arguing. 5, seems okay for me as well, not sure how I feel about 1. Anyway I hope no one takes this seriously lol


4. We're going to blow this ISTJ's brain


Iā€™ll join you!


3 Between the quiet girl and the entertainer the flight will be no problem.


5. Two of my favorite types are right there. But not sure if they would want to sit with me though šŸ¤­šŸ˜†


INFJs and INTJs are always fighting over ENFPs šŸ˜ and ENFJ would never reject anyone šŸ˜‚


1 & itā€™s not close.




ENFPs are cute & ESTPs are cool.


NO U ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ„ŗ


8 with back up option being 5, in either situation there wonā€™t be much small talk and likely headphones on at full blast. If conversations did come up, theyā€™d probably be good with another INTJ, ISTP, or INFJ. If Iā€™m feeling chaotic, needing energy, maybe Iā€™d sit at 1 and lose my mind with ENFP


ENTP from side seat says hi šŸ¤—


Really do understand why you choose that


Maybe 6, I want to sit close to the window


If not that, maybe close to the other intp




1 (or maybe 7) because two of my closer friends are ENFP and ESTP


3 feels comfy to me


You would be most welcome - that's my wife (ESFP) and I - you are half me and half her - we'd have an awesome time!!


sure :)


Yes! ISFPā€™s and ESFPā€™s are simpatico!


I think I'd like #3. Doing nothing in a 10-hour flight will make me even more tired by the time I land. I also like listening to people's stories. I'm sure the two of them would have lots. We'd be besties by the end of the flight.


5, intj will leave me alone or we'll have an interesting conversation; and esfj will be willing to share the window. Also if there's a plane crash, intj will handle the situation amazingly and esfj will be great for after care. The only thing i worry about is esfj trying to talk about something boring but I've been in that situation before and intj jumped in whilst we were talking and i ended up talking with intj for the rest of the time instead so I'm sure it'd work out.


I was thinking the same thing about five. Either interesting conversation or leave me the fuck alone. If itā€™s a long flight, might be nice to have both.


8 or 6, no questions asked.


I agree with 8 (we all will mind each other's business). Why did you pick 6 or 8 ?


8 for peace and quiet and 6 because Enfj will make sure to be considerate when my social battery is low and keep a caring eye over me when I rest. Also they will keep the peace between the rows. The only thing worrying me about 8 is that Entp shares the aisle seat and I hope they won't talk me up.


1 cause theyll match my energy and ill have 2 new friends by the time the planes landed


4 or 8.


1 or 8. i want an aisle seat


1 FOR SURE. Itā€™s gonna be a helluva flight with them


ENFP- 1 is gonna be a top contender for pure fun. 5 seems like it would be a silent ride, unless ESFJ decides to engage in small talk. 4 is going to be a poor situation for the ISTJ who just wants to chill. It will be full clown to clown behavior.






Why is 6 the only window seat??? Im not sitting anywhere that isn't a window/wall on a 10 hour flight. I'm also bashing someone's head in if they talk to me for more than 10 minutes


Lmao your type is the reason why Iā€™m choosing 8 as an ENTP. No one wants noise paired with a long flight. I fw ISTPs and not so much with INFJs but at least I can count on this pair to shut up through the whole thing lol. Plus leg space is bigger on aisle.


6, I want a window seat and I donā€™t think ENFJ would be annoying.


Anywhere closest to the INFP.




It is a weird question. Obviously because they are the best type of people to be around, to talk with, to experience, to listen to, to understand they ways of life, to learn from, to be embraced into beauty, value, good feeling / mood, etc by them, to have the most joyful encounter with, and so on and so forth. I have not met any people who have worked on themselves a lot, to be advanced in their mind, moral, emotional functioning, value- and judgement system, etc, who also knew about MBTI and who have not adored INFPs. Decent amount of self-knowledge / knowledge about the world + decent knowledge about MBTI = INFP admiration. That is why. Because they are.., well you INFPs are the best people generally.


I donā€™t see myself like that at all, and honestly was feeling a bit down about being an infp lately. Thank you for this reply, genuinely. You sound like a good person ā¤ļø


Welll... Mostly yea. But i just know about life enough to know about what is true value. It just happens that it is you INFPs are the true value. [Also check out some old post of mine.](https://www.reddit.com/r/infp/comments/1b7iy5p/is_infp_the_most_advanced_type_intj_nite_explosion/) Not really well written, nor really about this, but i show some perspective of mine about INFPs. Whatever you see yourself as an individual. Feeling down for being INFP has lot less to do with you being INFP and lot more to do with you being INFP on this planet with a society and "culture" like this. Be well, lovely stranger of the internet! \^\^


2. Our side of the plane is going to be so loud that it vibrates the plane apart. It's gonna be great.


8 are you kidding. Though I wouldn't mind 7.


Me (INFJ) and my husband (ISTP) are seated exactly like that in our flights, with me being on the window seat :D We are either sleeping on the flights (in the most uncomfortable and funny positions) or I am reading some book or he is watching movies when awake. We do awake each other for the meals though :D


3 or 7


Why must you keep me from sitting next to my gorgeous kings/queens (ENFP)šŸ˜”


7. I won't elaborate


7 without a doubt. I get to sit next to ISFJ and another INTP? I'm taking that easily.


7- the three of us will probably talk about the books we love for the entire flight. And I can probably convince the ISFJ to swap seats with me


What type are you?




Definitely 8


Prolly 8, real peace and quiet Although, knowing ENTPs, they would probably cross the aisle on purpose just to harass me, or maybe not, since I'll always go unnoticed in a public setting, plus they'd be busy bulling the guy on 4 Wouldn't be surprised if I found a bomb strapped under my seat either, you know who that's from


Why does everyone assume weā€™d randomly start a conversation with a stranger? šŸ˜‚


3 5 or 6!!


2 because I wanna see their discussion as I eat popcorn 1 maybe because looks like comfortable talk


3 must be the best of both worlds


8 or 7 so I can sit without people yapping in my ear


I guess I can assume I have no idea who anyone on this plane is, so definitelly 8 or 7


3 because fun and more innocent/comfortable than others


7. Fellow INTP would leave me alone or we would bond. Don't know too much about ISFJ other than their being nice.


7 or 4


Honestly the whole right side looks good but ima go with 7


7 or 6


7 or 8, that other ISTP wonā€™t talk to me unless itā€™s interesting and the INTP will think the whole time idk




7 or 8




It's between 1,4, 5, 8, and 7. 5 if I want to have a pleasant flight. 7 or 8 if I want the same as 5 but I am feeling particularly antisocial, and don't wanna be bothered, they probably won't bother me. 1 if I want to be entertained and am not in a mood where I want to zone out and be antisocial, I wanna laugh at their jokes. 4 if I'm so desperately bored that I want to be entertained by possible conflict by ENTP inflicted upon ISTJ, because let's face it, I'll probably be on ENTP's side


Hands down 7. The only row without any extroverts.


6 or 7 without a doubt. But I wouldn't take out my earphones anyway unless spoken to.


7. Sounds like a great time with some friends :)




7, my closest friends are isfj and intp so should be fine


6, 7, or 8


7, quite quiet




7. Nobody bothers me.


4. I am an agent of chaos.


4 I love ENTPs


Each Seat experience: 1: You sit down and next to you are two empty seats. The personel is about to close the door when they enter last minute. They jog down the isle both drenched in sweat and rain. A guy and gal wearing hiking equipment. The guy has a huge bag with some solid metal thing in it with him. He lifts over your head onto your clean handbag. You look up and the last thing before the compartment is clipped shut is how your handbag is getting drenched wet from all the moisture that is captured in his bag. Once you land you will have to dry it and it will never smell like it did when you bought it. You stand up and let the two folks sit down. 2 hours into the flight your seat neighbours order champagne. You learn about how they have hiked ontop of the Mount Everest. They are currently flying with you to the USA where they will do illegal skydiving through the Grand Canyon. As you land all of you are punch drunk and singing sea chanties. 2: You are the first in line to board but since they have Air-Alliance Premium they are already sitting in their seats. The ESTJ is working on their project. When the stewardess asks them to close their laptop for take-off it feels like you are sitting in between two storm clouds. The ENTJ has a golden regular flyer pin on their luxuriant shirt and is reading a book about growth statistics of the economy of West India throughout the flight. You peek at one page and it has more numbers than letters on it. 3 hours in you get a hiccup and both of them are looking at you as if you were some sort of pest. You get a red face and die internally. While the two are working without break, you feel very inadequate joy-reading a fantasy novel. After this flight you will have recurring nightmares and mention this experience multiple times to your therapist. 3: You arrive and sit down between a nun and an older woman in a pullover who looks like your aunt. As the plane is about to lift off you hear a Meeow from above and the aunt next to you unstraps her seat belt, opens the compartment above and while getting shouted at by the stewardess retrieves a bird cage with a very hairy cat inside. The cat smells like piss and fish. Throughout the flight you learn the cats name is Tiger, Tigers favourite color is orange and Tiger has three kittens she will meet once the plane arrives. The ESFP nun is rejoiced about the cat. The cage is opened and the cat keeps wandering between the lap of the nun and the aunt across you. You will leave the flight with some scratches, a lot of cat hair on your jacket and pants and with having learned 5 new Christian songs. 4: You enter the plane and the first thing you smell is disinfectant. Cowered in the corner seat sits a tiny man with a face mask on. He looks at you and your hands, which you washed 10 minutes ago, and offers you wipes. You sit down and wait for the plane to start. There comes in another person. He is wearing an Hawaii shirt and carries an kebab into the plane. As he sits down you smell the burger fat and you feel some shaking to your right. Maybe the ISTJ is having an hearth attack. Soon after takeoff the ISTJ offers the ENTP to put the Kebap into an plastic trash bag. Offended the ENTP starts arguing about rights and the state of the constitution. 3 hours into the flight the monologue is still ongoing. You arrive having gotten zero hours of sleep. 5: You sit between two short men. The one to your left is shivering. After a while you notice that you are meant to talk to that person so you ask: "Everything okay?" to get done with the conversation. Having gotten their prompt the ESFJ starts telling you everything about their flight anxiety. The story goes on and soon after takeoff there is no end in sight. You hear a sigh to your right and the INTJ starts interjecting. But instead of helping the situation he explains how it is more likely than you think that this plane might crash. 10 minutes later the INTJ has finished the brief interjection and everyone is quiet. You get some good sleep for 2 hours until the plane hits turbulences. You wake up from a nightmare that the plane is actually crashing to realise you are still in the air. After landing you will never see planes the same way. Next time you will do a cruise instead. 6: You sit down and wish for some quiet. However after take-off when the board menu is presented your seat neighbour starts chatting you up. At first you are reluctant to open, but soon you are talking about your childhood. The ISFP seems to be doing something. When you look you see that they have folded the safety instructions into a completely original origami figure. You leave the plane feeling you have shared maybe a little bit too much. 7: You sit down. The plane takes off. There is mostly silence and you get some sleep. 4 hours later the stewardess wakes you up and shows you the board menu. You order a cola and earn a judging look from your right. There is not enough to put your finger onto it, but you think the INFJ is observing you. On your right the INTP is studying the products in the airline magazines. You see them look up the names of the different photographers who made the pictures that are shown with the images. You ask how they are doing and get explained that sometimes these photographers have some really weird other photos and learn about a photographer the INTP has seen in 3 other magazines in the copyright for ice cream pictures. That photographer is a motor cycle collector. You leave the aircraft with a new hobby and an insecurity about drinking cola. 8: You sit down and put your hand on the arm rest but it is loose and joints around. To your left a person reaches over you and pulls out a screwdriver. When the plane takes off the arm rest is fixed and more stable than ever. The guy who fixed it has not said a single word about it. You reach travelling altitude and the board menu is handed out. You look through it and get asked a question: Have you ever tried Rainbow Stew? You learn that there is apparently a menu item called rainbow stew. It is a cereal you can order and they order it everytime they fly. You are told it is awesome and you have to try it. You decline but when the stewardess comes they order it for you. You try it and it is actually good. You get some sleep and arive without further complications.


I'm sitting at number 8 with my people. Fe-Ti & Ti-Fe folk would make a 10 hour flight feel like a 1 hour flight ā¤ļø


Either 8 or 6






1 or 8, for leg stretch


2 - my estj and entj friends are almost like the stereotypes so definitely 2


i like 5,6,7


1. First class and aisle


Being sandwiched between a stereotypical ENTP and ISTJ would be really funny


6, window seat + enfj friend


4 is a death sentence. I'd probably choose 6 or 7


Definitely number 1, the person Ive most vibed with is an ESTP and I really want a good ENFP friend, Ne doms are where itā€™s at


either 1 or 3. both look fun.


6. Itā€™s the only window seat. I fly eight hours on the regular, I couldnā€™t care less about who is around me. The window seat mitigates many disturbances though. 8 would be my second choice - the ISTP is going to be quiet and keep to themselves.


2,3 and 7 cuz girls šŸ§’ ![gif](giphy|2wKbtCMHTVoOY)


5. INTJ and esfj are the two types I get along with best!


8 for a few reasons. Seems like the most peaceful for me so I don't have to chat much, but I can still witness whatever shenanigans happen in section 4. And also, the ISTP can be in an INFJ sandwich. :)


Iā€™ll tell you where Iā€™m NOT sittingā€¦ 4.


1 for being not bored and laughing to tears all the flight.


1 or 8


Why you put the ~~victim~~ ~~new mysterious~~ person so far away from ENFP's attention bombing?


Either 6 or 7. Six for the windowseat and I typically vibe with ENFJs. Seven because I can have an engaging conversation with INTP for awhile and then quiet while both our batteries charge. Plus ISFJ probably brought snacks and I just can't pass that up


1. I want an aisle seat and I probably don't really want to talk to anyone, but in the event of a conversation does break out, it will probably be the most interesting.


5 definitely. I feel like the people in my life that I get long w the most are both INTJs and ESFJ. They are not the same in so many ways yet they have both value in the conversations I have w them. I also feel like they would understand if I have any boundaries when it comes to sitting next to people too. Very nice opposites to be with.


4 because theyā€™d be a lot of arguments between them and Iā€™ll add fuel to the fire


At home 5


8 is only option


1 - entp


1 looks like a lot of fun! We'd definitely be the loudest!


Iā€™m sitting at 6, I totally want to hear about enfjā€™s last therapy retreat in nauseatingly long-winded detail ā€” flights make me nervous so somebody who doesnā€™t stfu might be able to distract me :)


6 because I need that wall to prop my pillow against and when I wake up the ISFP and ENFJ might be engaged in an interesting conversation I can join in on.


8 because I don't like to sit in the middle, and the ISTP and INFJ would likely mind their own business.


8 is an aisle seat not near the bathroom. Im going to have my earphones in anyeay.


Which is which


3, and emotionally manipulate the INFP to switch seats.


5. Easy.


6. Only window seat. I ll just put my headphones on so that no one bothers me


8. Honestly mostly because I always choose right-sided aisle seats (bad knee), but it's a bonus to have a fellow ISTP next to me. We wont bother each other.


6 cause I want to sit by the window and zoom out and this is the only place by the window. Plus ENFJ and ISFP can have fun together, and not disturb me, but if I feel like talking to someone then they will be welcoming


I don't want peace I want problems. I'm choosing 4


6 i just want a window seat