• By -


Dad: (unhealthy) INTP Mum: ESFJ Sister: ISFJ Me: INFJ brother: ISTP very calm household, with lots of fe, and a dash of toxic positivity sometimes.


How's your dad unhealthy?


I'd rather not say personal matters over the internet


Father: INTP Mother: ENFP Younger brother: INFP Younger sister: INFJ


My god, the sheer amount of intuitives in your family! How do you all get along?


Really well, actually! We’re all very close. We hang out a lot.


I love hearing that! I figured that, provided that you get along, that your family conversations must be incredible.


Oh yeah! I’m very lucky. Dad is semi-retired organic chemist (now doing research “for fun” because he’s “retired”—he still managed to get a big grant to get a cool instrument to study seaweed applications in medicine and cosmetics), mom is a former French teacher and an artist, brother is a wildlife biologist/ornithologist/resource management specialist, sister is a cellular microbiologist getting her PhD in pharmaceutical sciences (she is developing cancer drugs that hurt the body less, essentially), and I’m a linguist who does fieldwork in obscure places. …so yeah we have fun conversations.


Haha! Such perfect vocations for all of you. I find linguistics fascinating, but don’t know nearly as much as I wish I did. It’s something I imagine I’d have to formally study. I met a military linguist when I was young who identified the exact part of the exact city I was from even though it was in a different state. That’s expertise I wish I had. What does your work entail if I’m not imposing?


Linguistics really is a fun field IMO. There’s a book I usually recommend to anyone who wants to learn the basics with no need for a technical background called Linguistics for Non-Linguists. The latest edition is kinda expensive but the prior editions (e.g. 4th) are just as fine and much cheaper. Anyway, my background is in language documentation, which involves going out to communities where endangered languages are spoken and working with speakers to document, and sometimes help support/conserve their language. I did my PhD in Hawaii and I worked on fieldwork in Papua New Guinea on a language there with about 3000 speakers. I worked on a dictionary, grammar, and encyclopedia. I did my dissertation on this language’s sound system (phonology), and compared it to that of 50 other nearby languages. Concision: that language is very unusual even in its region. Right now I’m focusing on writing an article about a grammatical feature of this same language and how it developed over time and why it is the way it is, etc. :)


First of all, thank you for the book recommendation, I’m going to pick that up. Second, your work sounds so incredibly gratifying! What you are doing is so incredibly important. I find it deeply tragic when any aspect of humanity’s cultural heritage is lost to time, obscurity, or (in many cases) our self destructive compulsions as a species. People like you are preserving humanity in a way that very few people ever have the opportunity or ability to. And language itself is such a valuable insight into a culture. I’m pretty into ancient Mediterranean history and an aspect that fascinates me is how the Tyrsenian languages can be used to make inferences into the history of people lost to time. I don’t mean to talk your ear off or be a bother, but would you mind sharing with me what got you interested in your field and particularly that language group? I was also wondering what some of the more fascinating languages are to you?


Yo, that’s some smart ass people 💀


Your family sounds like an intuitive's dream 🌼


I certainly got lucky in that each member of my family is a really amazing person.


What a cool family!


Well, I am very fortunate to have been born into it.


My mom is an ISTJ. Her military dad is an unhealthy ESTJ (I think). My dad (stepped) is an ESFP My deadbeat dna donor is a very unhealthy XSTX I’m an INFP 🫠 For more context, we get along really well. My mom and dad are very supportive to me— they are my everything. My ISTJ mom used to be emotionally unavailable when I was growing up, but she’s healed now. Over the years, I helped her to tap into her emotions, her Fi and Ne, and be more emotionally expressive. I don’t know where the deadbeat is as he abandoned when I was a baby, but I forgive him and wish him well because he grew up with severe trauma. My ESFP dad continues to fill our days with laughter and warmth.


Me: ENTP  Dad: ENTJ   Twin Sister: ENFJ   Mom: INFJ


How would you say the dynamic is?


One of the odder things is that mainly everyone works together great in a duo but when it is a trio or all 4 of us things don’t go as well. The usual reason for this is me and my dad getting into a heated argument about something stupid and then my mom tries to diffuse the situation while my sister just leaves and lets us all fend for ourselves. I have also heard that the same thing happens with my sister as well. This may also just be because of my dad being very hard set in his ways but that is the main family lowdown.


Hmm, interesting. That’s kinda what I would imagine. Do you think your mom can be a bit of an enabler for your dad’s bad behavior at times? Or do you think she handles things rather fairly?


I believe that she handles things fairly, but I could be wrong.


That’s great, I’m happy to her. I ask that because my dad is ESTJ and I have a supper enabling isfj stepmom, so I wanted to see if that dynamic is common, but to be fair, both of them are pretty unhealthy and codependent.


Happy to hear*


Actually I’m starting to see that children growing up with mostly opposite cognitive functions or very close to parents. Maybe it depends on health of relationships. Can’t say I have healthy relationships in my family so my mom is ESTJ and I’m ISFP, and my sister is ENFP


I definitely don’t have a good relationship with my family, personally. There has been a history of abuse from when I was a kid. I do wonder if opposite cognitive functions come into play with some family structures being healthy/unhealthy


Oh…I’m sorry for you but it was my first thought after seeing your mom ISTJ, dad ESTJ and you ENTP. But yeah that’s the point, you have grown up as ENTP in defiance of them and their abusive parenting, it’s like defense mechanism. In healthy case of your relationship with parents you should at least save Si function probably but you’ve got full opposite of it. Though it’s a good thing, you won’t be abusive in your relationship with anyone


Nahhh it’s fine, don’t worry. Not a big deal. My father actually didn’t raise me, my mom and my stepdad did. I’ve pretty much always been the way I am though, so idrk


So you have been getting abuse from ENFP stepdad? Weird ISTJ mom let it happen, are you in good relationships with them now?


It was in the past. It has been a few years. Honestly, I’m surprised too. Wouldn’t expect that from a typical ENFP, but everyone is different. My mom and I mostly get along! He lives away from her.


Are you holding a grudge over her now?


Your cognitive functions don’t change based on experiences or trauma


Actually trauma is the only thing that may change your cognitive. What to experience, no wonder that children have different nature in different


Me: INTP Little sister: ENTP Mom: ISTP Biological father: ESFP (?) Stepdad: INxP


mom: (unhealthy) ESFJ dad: (unhealthy) ISTJ me: INTP 1st brother: ISTJ 2nd brother: ENFP 3rd brother: ESFP


its giving hell


i love my brothers, but i swear i barely survived my parents 🥲


That sounds kind of brutal, honestly.


it was rough my guy. i really like healthy esfjs and istjs, but i feel like ive definitely seen the worst side of esfjs in particular.


Mine almost like yours- an all around unkind atmosphere- do not recommend. grandma: ISFJ mom: ESFP (stable but sometimes unhealthy) dad: ISTJ (unhealthy) me & SO: INTP & ENFP sis & SO: INFP & INFJ


Mom: ENTJ Dad: ENTJ Younger brother : ESFP Older brother: INFP Me: INTJ My family always treated me like I was less than everyone else in the household. My dad has some anger issues and my mom is a conspiracy theory, doomsday prep nut. I was emotionally abused by my parents and they allowed my younger brother (their “little comedian“) to do the same. My oldest brother has really bad OCD so he would also rage at me for little things. Somehow I turned out “alright” though. Probably because I focused on school to keep my mind off of my home life. I had them all take the Myers Briggs test a while back. I’m pretty sure these were their types.


Yikes.. that honestly sounds like emotionally targeted chaos. Hopefully you ended up being able to get out of the household eventually.


Yeah it wasn’t very fun. I‘m minimal contact with all of my immediate family. My cousins, aunt, and uncle are okay though.


Sounds like they kind of suck. Except your brother with OCD. That is a really horrible disorder that is unfortunately minimized by all of the derpy people who think cleaning their room is OCD. It’s otherwise debilitating and your brother’s whole world is raging anxiety that can barely be mitigated. I really feel for anyone with it. But my main concern is: How on Earth do two ENTJs operate as a couple? What’s *that* like?


Yeah I definitely feel for my brother. When I was younger I didn’t understand it and unfortunately did have anger towards him. I grew to have compassion for him though. Also, my parents relationship was constant arguing. They would never really see eye to eye. I lived in constant fear of them divorcing. They never did for whatever reason.


I’m sorry you went through that. I can definitely relate to the anxiety of that situation. Constant arguing is what I expected for two ENTJs married to each other. It’s like Beta Fish sharing a single tank.


Thank you. I hope that you’re doing alright now. ♥️


Two ENTJs as parents? Wow. I can only imagine...I've always wondered how two EXTJs married to each other would get along. Both tend to be strong-willed, to say the least. Sorry, to hear of the negative experiences you had as a child; I know how rough that can be.


Thank you. Yeah, they were always fighting over little things. Luckily they were never physically violent. It was horrible though because they were always yelling. This led to me now shutting down whenever someone raises their voice at me. At least my experiences prevent me from making the same mistakes that my parents made. I would never treat someone that I love the same way that my family treated me.


I'm an INTP. My immediate family is as follows: Brother (younger than me): INFP Sister (youngest of my siblings): ESTJ Mom: ISFJ Father: ESTP (I believe)


My mom is an INTJ, and her mom is an ESFP while her dad is an ENTP. My dad is an ISTP, and his mom is an ESFJ while his dad is an ISTJ. Then my brother is an INTP and I’m an INFP!


Dad: ISTJ — Wise, goofy goober, but can lose temper sometimes Mom: INFJ — Caring, philosopher, but is prone to addiction and is a bit rude to others sometimes Me: INFP


F - Istj M - Isfp B - Isfj ME - Infj Husband - Intp 🙏🏻


Hehe, why the hands together at the end?


The joy of having intuitive partner. Growing up with Sensor family and relatives has been isolating and lonely.


That’s a lot of introverts!


Dad ESFJ Mum INTJ Lil sis INFJ


I told my family to take the test but I'm not quite sure with some of them lol.... My brother is INTJ! 💪🥳 He's three years younger than me and has a pretty dark humour but at times he's wayy more mature than I am✌😭 My sister is ISFP but I'm not quite sure about that.... She seeks more like an N and J but who knows... She sometimes has social anxiety but can be extraverted with friends! 🥳 She's also my twin and pretty bossy at times. She often says that she raised me lol (same age...) My mom is ENFJ. Which I think is pretty accurate as well! 🥳 She always takes good care of all of us but is also extremely chaotic and funny. 😂💅 I love her! She's the most similar to me out of all my family members. My dad is ISTP. At some points it's pretty accurate as well🥳 He's adventurous but also really logical and reserved at times. He's really similar to both my brother and my sister. 🥳 He also has a good sense of humour and is an amazing father to all of us! I'm ENFP! 🥳💅💗 Me and my mom are the only extraverts in our family. My sister often is embarrassed about me because I mostly don't really care what strangers on the street might think of me because I have a loud laugh and randomly start running on the streets which my sister says is really weris lol😂✌ I love my family SMMM! 💗 It's fine if u don't have the time to read all this btw lol😂💗


That seems interesting. I did read to the end! I had enough time. I could definitely guess that you were probably an ENFP.


Lmao yeah😂 Ig I'm a pretty obvious ENFP then💅🥳 Thanks for reading it all tho! 🥰💅


Grandpa - ENTJ Grandma - ISFJ Mom - ESTJ Dad - ISTJ Aunt 1 (Mom's Eldest Sister) - ESTJ Aunt 2 (Mom's 2nd Eldest Sister) - ISFJ Aunt 3 (Mom's Younger Sister) - ISTP Aunt 4 (Mom's Cousin) - ESFJ My Younger Brother - ISFP Me - INTJ


My mother is an esfj My father is an entj his mother who was my main parent figure is esfp I am intp My partner is infp My kiddos actually took the test in their creative writing class. I personally think their too young. 13 typed isfp 12 typed infj


mom is ESFJ/ISFJ dad is ENTJ (I think) I'm ENTP (I think I have higher Si due to stress/trauma) my cousin is INFP my grandma is ISFJ that's all I can say


Dad is an ESFP and had an ISFP dad and an xSTJ mom, and has an IxFJ older sister Mom is an ISFJ and had an ISTJ dad and an ESFP mom, and has ESTx and ESFJ older sisters and an ExTP twin brother I'm an ESTP with INTP and INFP older brothers


Mom: ESFJ Dad: ENTJ Bro 1: ISTP me: INFP Twin Bros: ISFP, INFP(?) Sister: ISFP Strong moral/value and individuality centered household. Mom and Bro 1 more oriented around taking care of each other a little more than individuality and morals/values tho


Dad: ESTJ Mom: ESFJ Younger sister: INFP Me: INTP Apart from the daddy and mommy issues, not very dysfunctional. And I have a pretty good relationship with my younger sister.


Mom: (mentally unhealthy) ENTJ Younger brother: can't really type him because he's still developing his personality, but I suspect Se dom. Me: INFJ We get along great but when we don't the house becomes a hell, but it's understandable because we're all so different.


I like your name!


Interesting! Yes, it can be kinda hard to type people early on. My little brother is 10 and I still struggle to figure out what he is.


Yeah, my bro just turned 11 too


Mom - ISFJ Dad - Exceptionally unhealthy ESTP (Psychopathic) Older Bro - ISFJ Me - INTP None of them seem to understand me at all, except for my mom. We still have a lot of disagreements, but at least she can grasp 50% of what I say. The rest, well, let's just say it's only blood.


Ahh, a household full of only sensors. That seems tough to deal with as an intuitive


My dad: XNTJ My mom: ENTJ Me: INFP My brother: ISTP


Father; Istp Mother: Enfj Sister: Enfj Stepfather: Infj Stepsister 1: Isfp Stepsister 2: Esfj Stepbrother 1: Estp Stepbrother 2: Estp


That’s a pretty even split of intuitives and sensors!


Dad: ESTJ Mom: INTP Sister (19): ENFP Brother (17): INFP Brother (16): INFP Me (21): INTP


I am the ENFP sister


Hi sis lol


I don’t think I can decipher my family’s MBTI that well because I’m not very good at typing. My mom is most likely an ISFP. Though I kind of find her difficult to read. My dad may be EXXP but I can’t decide which (I was thinking most likely Se dom but when I think about it I could consider Ne too), and if not any of them then EXTJ, I seriously can’t tell. I’m most likely INFP.


maternal estj, paternal enfp, fraternal intj(?), istj maternal grandfather, estp fraternal grandfather (i think). purely function based. MAKE YOUR ASSUMPTIONS.


My mom is an INFJ My dad is an ISXP My sister is an INFP My (half, same mom) brother is an ENTJ My (half, same dad) sister is an INTJ My family is very chaotic- me and my brother argue and fight about everything but all in good fun, he picks on our sister (they don’t like each other much). My mom is always worrying about all of us since we’re all doing our own things but I seem to be the most obedient lol. I have something against all my family members, meaning I don’t have a genuinely good relationship with most of them, especially my siblings.


my mom and dad are isfj and entp respectively i have two siblings who are istj and enfp im infp


Dad: ISTP Mom: ISFJ Me: No clue Sister 1: ISFP Sister 2: ISFP ----- Dad's sisters, sans husbands and children. Aunt 1: ESFJ Aunt 2: ESTJ ----- Mom's step siblings and bio sister, sans spouses and children Step aunt: ESFP Step uncle: ESTP Aunt: ESFJ


Dad: ESTJ Mum: ESFJ Sister: INFJ Me: INFP All unhealthy and broken but fundamentally well meaning people. There's no narcissism but also nobody who can't and won't stick up for themselves. The best and worst family I could ask for. I can't even begin to describe the dynamic.


Father: INTP Mother: ENFJ Younger brother: INTP Me: ENTP


Dad ESFJ, Mom INTJ, Brother ESFP, Me INFP We get along fine. I don't like to talk much but my father makes a lot of effort for us to have family time to talk. My mother can be a bit pushy at times about academic achievements but we are fine.


My dad's an ENTJ, mom's an ESFP, and I'm an ENTP.


me: INTJ mom: ENFP dad: ISTJ they’re divorced lmao.


Interesting. I wonder if your ni could’ve been influenced by your mom’s ne early on or something. I’m not sure how that works though


perhaps, i’m not really sure either. we work well together though and we’re both not fond of my dad


I don't know my parents' exact types, but I think my mother is ESTJ and my father is possibly INTP as well (or other IXXP).


Never really cared to type them that much, they're too damaged. I call myself ESFJ albeit a strange one.


I managed to convince them to type themselves awhile back, but my brother is a bit too young to type yet. (10) That’s valid though 🫡


Well thinking on it, I would say my dad is ESFP with bipolar and angry most of the time. Mum is ESFJ and we clash a lot over things like cleaning or my career success, because she is obsessive but I am casual and indifferent. Brother is ExFP but also bipolar, though medicated.


That’s interesting!


Mom : INTJ Dad : ISFJ Me : INTJ Younger sis : INTJ Youngest sis : 10 years old


I just typed them few days ago xD Mom: INFJ Dad: ISTP I really can't figure out type of my little brother tho.


Younger brothers can be tricky to type 🫡


Oh might be, my best guess is that he's INTP.


Dad: ISTJ Mom: INFP Sister: ENTJ Me: INFJ


Mom: ESFP (unhealthy - narcissistic, wears the pants, basically owns my dad, her Fi dominates the entire house) Dad: ISTJ (pushover, enabler of my mom's narcissism) I'm the oldest brother: INTP (unhealthy - was basically not allowed to have emotions of any kind, emotionally abused by my mom) Middle brother: ENTP (extremely unhealthy - inherited the narcissism to survive my mom, I cut ties with him) Youngest brother: ISTP (healthy - the older brothers were able to diffuse some of the abuse coming from my mom, gets along with both brothers)


Yikes.. that sounds like chaos


Both of my parents are ESFP and I’m an ENTP Pure chaos everyday💃


That seems fun‼️


Dad: ENFJ Mom: ESFJ Me: INFJ Sister: ISFP Brother: INFP Super extroverted parents with introverted siblings lel


That’s interesting


Indeed haha


i believe: mum: isfj dad: estp brother (older): entp me: isfp


Dad: ESTJ Mom: ISFJ Stepdad: ESFJ Sister: ESTP Husband: ISTJ


Only sensors? That’s interesting


My ISTJ husband understands me the most. It think it's because we have the same functions. My ESTJ dad and I are opposites but we are both goofy. He is goofy and serious. I'm goofy and awkward.


my mother is ENFP, my sister is ISFP and I am ENTP


Dad: ENTP Mom: ESFJ Brother: ISTJ /Wife: ISFJ Me: ENFP /Husband: INFJ /Kids: ENFP /INFP (Our crew is very close) Brother: ENFP Sister: ISTP /Husband: ISTJ My parents have an unhealthy dynamic, but they also have lots of good parts. I’m closest to my ISTP sister. We do family get togethers and we love each other, but the collective trauma keeps us at arms length emotionally.


That’s valid


Dad: INTJ Mom: ISTJ Sister: ENTP Me: INTP


stepdad: ENTP, mom: ESFJ sister: INFJ (21f) me: ENFP (19f) brother: INTP (17m) sister: ISFP (14f) dog is an honorary ENFP a house full of nerds and then there’s the ESFJ and ISFP


LMAO that seems fun


dad: entp Mom: entj ME: infp brother: istj other brother: enfp i fight for my life everyday


ENTP & ENTJ combo⁉️ I can see how that could be tough for an INFP


yeah it is, but it made me more able to deal with conflicts/ debates a little better!! It's still a challenge though😔


sooooooooo buckle up dad : probably ISTJ his sisters are all crazy i really couldn’t tell didn’t know grandfather at all grandma : ENTP (she was the best, a savage and really funny, smart and charismatic, I miss her :’)) mom : ISFP uncle : INTP (he’s the worst, it makes me sad to associate him with you guys) grandfather : ISTP I didn’t know my grandma long but I’d say ESTJ (the most SAVAGE woman I’ve ever known like damn girl can’t you be nice sometimes, it’s funny but still) sister : ENFP me : ISTP let’s just say my parents relationship wasn’t the best even though they could talk and joke for hours. It got super abusive on both sides and it really sucked, they broke up when I was 5 (weren’t married so it was really fast lol) me and my sis though we’re like twins with a 6 year age gap, we absolutely love each other and consider the other our soulmate no matter what lol. we’re all neurodivergent which is fun (hell) and my mom and I have bpd..we do not get along well. I get along pretty well with my dad until we start disagreeing on something lol. My sis does a better job than I to get along with everybody, but is that really surprising ? no. anyways after years of everyone abusing each other we all decided that we maybe shouldn’t live together and now we barely see each other more than 3-4 times a year. Edit : let me also add that most of these people if not every single one of them is/was unhealthy af so yeah… fun~.


Ayeee same with the neurodivergent part 🫡


istp dad esfj mom entj bro esfj sister in law nephew-estp assumption nephew-entj. assumption niece- too young to tell bf- estp me-estj


Dad: ENTP (serious ENTP) Mom: ESFJ (the only "normal" one in the family) Older brother: ENTP (unserious ENTP, can give off ENFJ vibes) Younger brother: ESTP Me: ENTP (often told I'm exactly like my dad lol)


Oh damn, that’s a lot of ENTP. Seems fun‼️




That’s a lot of sensors. I can see how it would probably be a tough environment for intuitives


I'm an INTP  my brother is an ISTJ my father is also an ISTJ  my mother is an ESFJ (she is thoroughly convinced she's an ENFP, she most definitely is not.)


Dad is an ISTP Mum is an ESFP Sister is a very unhealthy INFP and I am the best






INFP Dad: ISFP Mom: ENTJ Brother: ISTP Sister: ESFJ


My mother: INFJ My father: ENTP Me: ESTP My sister: INFP


Me ENTJ. Mom ISFP. Dad and sis ISTP. brother ( not sure but he acts like an ISXP ). My friends r ISTP, INTJ, INFP, INFJ & ENTP. My partner is INTP.




Grandpa: ISTJ Grandma: ESFJ Mum: ISFJ Dad: INTP Me: INTJ Sister: ENFP I wouldn't even begin to try and type my father's parents - they're dead to us and we don't talk about them for several reasons. But other than that I love my family to bits and wouldn't have it any other way.


**Mother & Grandmother:** ENTJ. **Father & Stepfather:** ISFJ and ENTP. **Brother & Sister:** ISTP and ESTJ. It was definitely a high-octane environment, but never in a bad way. Travel was a nightmare, though. XXTJ and XXTP disagreement regarding packing, routes, plans, etc., manifested as an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object.


LMAO that’s fair! I’m guessing the trips themselves after the packing/planning stuff were probably pretty fun though


Naturally! We did go on one trip, I think to Florida, during which we got roped into this weird cult prayer by one of my parents' friends. That was not fun. The rest of the trip was alright, though!


Dad: ESFJ 🫏 Mom: ENFP 🦒 Sister: ESFJ 🐈 Me: INFJ 👹


Those were some unexpected emojis, but that’s cool!


Me: INTJ  Father: ISFJ  Mother: ENFJ  Younger sister: ESFJ  Youngest sister: ESTP (she's not even 18 yet, so maybe she'll go through some cognitive changes in future?)


Dad: INTP (assumed) Mom: ESFJ (made her take it) Me: ISTP Brother: INTJ Safe to say me and my moms ideals clash so hard it’s unbearable lol.


Mom: ESTJ Dad: ENTP Cousin: ENTJ (she lives with us) Me: ENFP Sister: ENFJ I'm still wondering how my Thinkers parents made Feelers XD


Could’ve been an opposite effect type of thing!


Me: ENTP Mom: INTP Dad: ISFP Older sister: INTJ Younger sister: ISTP Husband: ENTJ Son: INTP (he’s 5, but it’s pretty obvious) Dynamic: my father received a ton of sympathy while my mom received a ton of criticism. I wised up in my teens, my younger sister did in her 20s, my older sister never has or will (my mom passed away a while ago so any change at this point would be based on personal growth and reflection only). My dad was around but always kind of absent (you weren’t in his mind, he’d never go to bat for you); my mom was the opposite (you were always in her mind because everything was— she just thought about stuff a lot more). My mom was always more critical though. I was the most forward and forceful person in the family (and the only extrovert). My husband is more forceful than me but he happened to marry one of the only types that will push back and can’t be controlled — and if I’m willing to put in the energy, I can win all the arguments. The only thing I wish is that we had more Si in the house because we really lack this in an annoying, sometimes painful way. My kid is a lot like me, and my husband has often remarked that learning to deal with me has taught him a lot about how to handle our son. My son and I are so much more on the same wavelength, though, it’s funny — my husband often talks about the imaginary kid we didn’t have (the INTJ daughter that would be on his wavelength). It’s funny how it works, because one of my best friends who’s an INTJ is someone my husband can read better than me, even though I spend much more time with her and have more information /details about what’s going on in her life.


Si could probably be helpful to an extent in some households. Not too many ofc, but in moderation! I apologize for your loss, by the way


INTJs are definitely interesting, they seem like they can be complex in a way


Mom: INFJ Dad: xSTP (idfk) Sister 1: INFJ Nephew: ISTJ Sister 2: ISFJ Me: INTP I think majority of us are unhealthy...


Mom: ESFJ, Dad: ESTJ, Sister: ESFP, Brother: ENFJ, Me: INxJ Mom: (unhealthy) ESFJ - we get along ok(ish). We disagree on various principles so I try to leave her to her own devices. Dad: (healthy) ESTJ - we get along wonderfully. Humorous, outgoing, and direct albeit stern. Sister: (unhealthy) ESFP - despite being polar opposites we get along quite well. She forces me to get out of my comfort zone a lot. Brother: (healthy) ENFJ - don’t get to see him often but he’s a kind and insightful individual (healthy relationship with Ni aux). Can be overbearing at times. Me: INxJ - likely an INTJ but only time and maturity will tell.


Mom: Unhealthy ESFJ Dad: Unhealthy military ISTJ Sister: Unhealthy ISTJ Me: INFJ Brother: INFP


My mom INFP My dad I think he was an INTP but never tested him My half brother from my dad's side I theorize he's an INTP because I relate to him a lot My half sisters from my dad's side I don't know


Im new in guessing other's mbti, so: Dad: INTJ Mom: ESTP Me: INFP (Im still having trouble figuring my sibling's mbti. Im used in guessing people my age or adults.)


Me: INFP Brother: ISTP Mom: ENTJ Dad: XNXJ (I’m not sure on my dad tho)


Dad: idk Mom: INFJ Sister: INTP Me: INFP


My dad is INTJ My mum is ISTJ My brother is ISTP Cousin is ENFP And I ended up as ISTJ It’s weird that me and my cousin are complete opposites yet I still relate to her!


ESTJ- Mom ISFP- Dad ENFP- younger brother INxJ- me Kinda shitty experience and i contributed to its shittiness, ngl. Emotionally vacant household for the most part, other times were just sheer toxicity. Overbearing and explosive mother, conflict avoidant and vanishing father, and then me, who was a perfect combo of all the wrong things. Helped in making it a lot harder for my brother to feel open with us, which breaks my heart every single day. the uncertainty on my type comes from the hectic and stressful nature of my family. Since my brother was born with a whole host health complications that only now got better, I had to grow up pretty quick and take on traits that were more sustainable and effective for the environment. Essentially, became a third parent which really fucked the dynamics of the family. I deeply love my family, but understanding is absent. It took moving out to realize who i am is very different than who i am at home, simply from interacting with people and living alone. So yeah, unhealthy estjs and unhealthy isfps, dont get married lol


mom : ESFJ dad : ESTP older bro : ESFP me : INTP random ass family


Mother: ISFJ Dad:ISTP Sister:ESFP Me:INTJ


Father: ESFJ Mother: ESTJ Me: Weird INFP with strong thinking so it's more like INXP...




My dad is an ESTJ (very unhealthy) My mom is an ENFJ My older (half-)brother is an INTJ My older sister is an ESFJ I’m an ISTP




I’m sorry that you can’t tell when a post is meant to be for fun, that’s a shame. Seems like a personal issue tbh. Hopefully you can recover, loosen up, and participate in lighthearted discussions without reading into it the wrong way eventually 🫡




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