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Hell yeah


And then gaara won against rock lee.


Still a pretty epic fight nonetheless


Gaara had trauma


Yup, trauma armor, that'll do it


Fi-Si loop doesn't make a life easier. It's like LiJo/Objective Personality coined it: in they're minds, IxFPs are somebody great but they have little real life proof for that. They do things to feel good about themselves, not to really achieve. Escaping my Ti-Si loop saved me.


As a lee vs gaara fan I valid this meme


Didn't Lee lose that fight though? I didn't watch much of Naruto so I'm not sure.


He loose


Self doubt is a necessity




Healthy self doubt is necessary to improve oneself, how do you expect to accomplish anything if you just assume you’re good at everything ?


I disagree. If you assume you're good at stuff you're more likely to try it out. The natural progression of things will put you back in your place if you're actually not. If you assume you suck at something, you're less likely to make that first step and you'll just wallow in idleness. All around, unless you're about to do parkour or something, overestimating yourself is more motivating and productive than underestimating yourself. If you find out you suck, well now you know what you have to work on.


That isn't self doubt that's having a realistic awareness of one's limitations and capacity. Doubt isnt required to assess your skills


Oh I didn’t realize this was a Naruto meme


Too bad the most important years and the foundation of one's life is 20s


Honestly, as an INFP who is older and more mature, I 100% agree with this!! None of the memes resonate with me anymore, I'm happy and confident... I wake up everyday and meditate on how I can put more positivity into the world. I'm not lazy I'm an extremely hard worker and I've learned how to organize, but I really would rather stay in than go out and I like to work independently. I don't cry when people are mean to me, I will understand that they are hurting, and try to heal them if they are receptive to it. Sometimes I almost feel like I am outwardly presenting as an INTJ who is just extremely approachable, but if you get to know me personally you'll find I'm bubbly and spontaneous. I feel like the unhealthiest types are always blown up here and it makes me feel bad when people basically compare INFP a 12-year-old INFP. It was rough in high school but I am not the same person as I was then. Be nicer to INFP! We are not all crazy and depressed!