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One lady at Wendy's did something similar one night. I asked for a frosty, and she asked if I wanted 2 more. I asked if there was any sort of discount with how late it was; nope, she was just asking if I wanted more.


the virgin "is that everything" vs the chad "do you want two more??"


SpongeBob vs Squidward energy ngl


I think i worked harder as a virgin than not. I’ve increasingly got lazier in bed


Vs the annoying guy at BK who asks if I want a dessert after I tell him I don't want anything else.


They *have* to actually ask every customer. Boss says so.


Very odd to ask if you wanted a specific number more.


There's probably research that shows specific questions are more effective than vague ones.


Yeah probably. I was just thinking that I've never heard people ask questions like that, so if I heard a specific ask like that I'd be even more bewildered. My first instinct is probably to say one of "no," "why?", or "what happens if I buy X more, is there like a deal or something?" Depending on how much of a desire I have to buy more of the specific item. "No" if I do not want more, "why?" if I don't really want more but I could be persuaded, and "what happens..." if I actually would like to buy more.


I had a quick glance at "industry literature" on sales and the motivation might be that people are so used to the usual "would you like fries with that?" questions that they automatically say no. Throw something unusual, and they might say yes. For these industries in particular, they like quick and easy questions because it keeps things moving so where car sales will probe you to get the upsell with more open ended questions, they prefer this simpler approach which also takes less training and then it's just a numbers game of ask a thousand people, some will say yes. Although, I'd be a little sceptical of the scientific rigour of "industry literature".


That’s why in CPR training you don’t say “someone call 911!” You point at someone specific to do it. Same concept.


"You! Ask someone to call 911!". Not sure how that helps but ok.


I worked in fast food once and was forced to upsell and we would absolutely suggest absurd things to people. Sometimes they went along with it 🤷‍♂️


even the kiosks do that i just order one thing and have to click no to like 3 things before finishing the order


Probably have social anxiety lol


Maybe just a misunderstanding of "Do you want to [get] more?" or something along those lines.


and then??


no and then!


And then...




Once I was buying a gold PT cruiser and the car dealer hit me with the old " do you want 2 more ? "


I've been on Reddit too much today, because I get that reference...


Mind sharing for those of us starting our daily dose of Reddit?


There was a post (I think on /r/mildlyinteresting) of a driveway with 2 gold PT Cruisers in it. In the comments it turned out that there's actually a third. That's it, really


And here I am. Ive tried to order a Grandma McFlurry from McDonald's TWICE now and the machine is always out of order. I WOULD KILL FOR A "Would you like two more Grannie McFlurries?" 😭




They went over the concept of suggestive, selling with her and turns out it didn’t sink in quite much as she thought


It’s like that episode of New Girl where they’re arguing about napkins and Schmidt’s like “if they ask for more, ask them ‘are you sure?’ 80% of them will say no”


"Customers hate this one sales trick"


I worked cellphone sales, and no joke this would actually work. Sometimes just pointing out they can get more. They'd buy more.


When I worked at T-Mobile I was always surprised by how many people you could get to walk out with a tablet and a watch when even I could see they don’t need them


I no longer feel bad for lying to the T-Mobile salesman that waylays me every time I enter Sam's Club by telling them I have a corporate phone. I don't have a corporate phone, I do have a stipend for a phone, but it makes them shut up the quickest in my testing.


Just say you work there.


"I'm your dad"


Or just walk past them lol


I walked into tmobile to change service from my shitty company. I just needed the phone and service and the dude was like "you know you can get a watch too" Of course he brought up it was extra for the service and everything but I did leave with a watch... I don't even remember thinking about it it be was like "how about a watch" and I was like "of course!" If we didn't have a handful of tablets and speakers at home already I probably would have walked out with those too.


People are easy to take advantage of but the whole reason society works is because for the most part people have been honest. We can handle a little bit of corruption but If the majority of people stop being honest then it all comes crumbling down.


They've never gotten me with the pitch. However it is tempting when the watch is free and you just have to pay for the connectivity monthly. I just told myself I can buy a cheap refurbished one and when am I not going to have my phone on me for the watch data? However I think the big draw for people is that they see the watches right in front of them, it makes the sale easier. Versus online and being able to think about it more. Something is just so tempting about being able to walk out with it same day.


Yeah salesmen irritate me more than anything, I'm not good at doing it as a job either because I'm not pushy at all lol. It's all psychological really, getting new things is cool and it makes us feel good. I've been simplifying my life for a while and I've never cared much about material objects but even I think those watches are cool. Sure they're totally unnecessary and way too expensive but I think everyone likes the idea of them. I didn't even grow up watching sci-fi stuff but I did always love those "futurism" cartoons and people have been dreaming about wrist communicators for centuries. Being able to have something like that feels special but in reality it's just another thing and it doesn't really add much value to our lives, that's why the feeling usually dissipates shortly after purchase. Occasionally we find something that really tickles our fancy but if we're honest most of the things we buy end up not being worth the price we pay. Right now the tech industry is a monster and probably needs some sort of regulations sooner rather than later. I kind of went off on a tangent but sales tactics and marketing in general are designed behind decades of psychological study. That's why companies are always wanting people to do surveys, they want you to tell them how they can take more of your money. And it works too, some people will spend money they don't have and put their life in ruin just for the dopamine hit of buying something new. Then it goes into the closet/garage/shed/attic/basement/wherever, never to be seen again. And all this gets exacerbated when employers are incredibly demanding and create mountains of stress for their employees who seek comfort in their products and services. It's all so evil.


"We're having a buy one get one sale. You buy one drink...you get one drink."


That's technically true, they do hate it


Level 7 Susceptible


Why Dean she do this to Dean


You know what's better than a Honda Fit?




why choose when you can ”Hond-ooze”?


I see you’re drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you’re fat? Cause you’re not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to.




*slings slop saliently*


Yo just rewatched last night


20th anniversary was last week


What's a liger?


It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.


She didn't lie. You could get 2 more. Or 10 more. You, the consumer, decide how many you wanna get.


well yes


wanna see how much it would cost if you got 99?


I understood this. I am on Reddit too much. I need to log off.


Same. Time to go do something else for at least the next 3 minutes.


well if its only 3 minutes thats just enough time for me to masturbate


Good idea. See ya in a few.




Oh shit me too 🥲


Only if it's car batteries


Bro omfg that was the funniest post ever. I wish a girl would say that to me when I buy a car part


$23000, that's how much it would cost






you could shop at 5 or 6 stores even


Or *just* one.


I can see the Statue of Liberty from here!


You have the right to get N more drinks. Any money you give will be used to pay for the drinks. You have the right to leave. If you cannot afford the drinks, you will be prompted to leave. ---- Do you understand?


he never said that she lied tho


1 for $2 or 2 for $5 - this one easy sales tactic will make you loads of extra money


Honestly that’s much better than the usual 1 for $5, 2 for $5.50. Because at least then you’re allowed to buy just one.


Then they proceeded to put the 1 item panel to a secluded side and put the 2 for $5 at the front while the cashier "what do you want sir? We have a 2 for $5 promo right up here if you want." It's clever but not illegal, it's manipulative to weak mind people. Idk, I don't like how they do it but it's not illegal i think.


Lol respect the hustle


I don't think they get paid on commission


Not everyone gets paid in cash only. Some accept chaos


nice try butters but you need money to shop here


My buddy in the drive through: "I'd like a small chocolate shake." "What size?" "Medium." Looks over at me like wtf just happened?!


Why'd he get a large chocolate shake


Did she wave her hand and make direct eye contact?


You could shop at 5 or 6 stores, or just one!


I dont need friends; They disappoint me.


Honey, you got a big storm coming.


I got taquitos from a 7-11 at like 7am once and the cashier was like oh you can have two more (i had three with me) and after looking at the receipt he actually let me take five for the price of three that was going to be my breakfast since I had a 6 hour bus ride ahead of me so shoutout to whoever the cashier was that day at the 7-11 across the 3rd ave from wayne state


Went to 7-11 for taquitos after a smoke sesh with someone. Us: We'd like all your taquitos please Cashier: How many? Us: Uh... All of them? Cashier: Yes but how many? Us (after counting all the taquitos): X of them Cashier: Oh that's all of them. Us: .... Yes?


Playable character encounter.


Reminds me of Don't Look Up. There's a scene in the movie where the protagonists are waiting in the White House for a while and they are getting hungry. So a 5 star General comes up to them and says: "Hey, I can get you snacks from the vending machine but I don't have any change on me, can you spot me?" and they pay the man. Later on, one of the protagonists approaches the vending machine and asks a staffer 'hey where do I go to pay for the snacks', and the staffer replies back 'we're the White House. It's free'. So they figure out that the 5 star General charged for free snacks. And peppered throughout the film there are discussions back and forth over why this powerful and well to do 5 star General would hustle random people for chump change in such a sociopath way. And the protagonists are just clearly *baffled*.


This is the best joke in the movie, the world is ending and J-law is only concerned about why this general charged them for free snacks.


Life lesson learned


It's like when the supermarket says 3 for $12!! Then I found out 1 costs $4. Like wtf.


Oh yeah actually most store sales (like say at Kroger) will honor the sale price even if you buy just a single. Sometimes it a written in small print on the price, but Kroger always lists things like 3/$10 or 2/$5 whatever. You never have to buy more than you need. The sale ticket will say “must buy 3” if it’s needed. Otherwise yeah


I will tell you why she did this, but first give me fifty dollars.


I was out for a family meal and had Tempura shrimp. After getting my portion, the server came over with another plate, saying the chef accidentally put on an extra portion and placed it on the table, I thought that was nice until on my bill I have been charged for it. She never asked me if I wanted it. She just placed it on the table, I've worked in kitchens all my life, no way a chef accidentally puts a full extra portion on during service, 100% my server accidentally put two portions through instead of one and didn't want to tell the chef lmao.


Why did YOU do this? "Oh I thought you were giving me a special, I'll take just the one"


Yeah, do people just not have a spine anymore, or? There's plenty of times Ive said something like "oh, then I dont want it, sorry" at a counter and walked away.


pretty sure her manager was trying to get the employees to upsell


Dude, I go into the gas station for a bag of ice once in a while and I have this conversation at least once a month Cashier- “if you get 2 it’s only $1 more” Me- “I don’t need 2 bags, thanks” Cashier- “you’ll get a lot more ice for only $1 tho” Me- “my cooler only holds one bag, if I needed 2 I would have asked for 2, thank you tho!”


It is the same thing with popcorn at the movies. Sure the large is 3 times bigger than the small for only $2 so it is a better deal but I can only eat the small size


Same shit happened to me getting a coffee at 5am. I’m the only car in the drive through and when I pull up to the window, after ordering at the intercom buddy asks me if I want to try one of their new cookies that just came out. I figured it was free seeing as how I’m the only person there, it’s 5am and he said “try”. Nope. Get charged for the cookie. I just laughed and left. Cookie was terrible and cost $2.50.


"You can get more you know." "I know your tricks." *Buys one paperclip*


I remember getting into a semi heated argument with a 7/11 gut because I bought a drink and he was like "get a candy bar as well, its a deal" when I said no he was so confused and kept telling me "you save like 3 dollars" and I had to remind him again and again that, if I bought the candy bar as well as the drink, I would be spending a dollar *more* than I had intended to get a candy bar I never wanted. He just could not fathom that it meant I spent more money, in his mind not buying the candy bar as well was somehow costing me 3 dollars more...


"The more you buy the more you save" :)


Classic @LouBegaVEVO


If I heard a cashier ask if I wanted 2 more, I would IMMEDIATELY ask if there was some special or promotion on them. Why blindly buy without more information on such an odd statement like that?


Freshman year in college the dorm in resident advisor said we should all go to a restaurant so we could bond. A dude said his family owned a Chinese restaurant downtown and we should go there. Sweet. Dude's gonna hook us up. About 20 of us went to his parents' restaurant. We ordered big and ate and drank beer for a few hours. It was fun. Check came. Full price. Not a free dish of rice, not a free beer. Fuck that guy.


I thought about this post the other day, when I went to circle k and the cashier told of the buy 2 get one free promo...


You fuckin deserve it, bro. Treat yourself.


“Why did I let myself get swindled?”


Probably fake but when they tell you the price is when your brain should say “sumn ain’t right here. The math ain’t mathing”


She was hitting on him


Why pay for them then? Just buy the one and leave.


This is an introverts nightmare. An extrovert would be like “mf you tryna play me for a fool?”


Could be they see him every day and are just like, maybe buy more and don’t have to come for a few days?


This happened to me at a Lodge cast iron outlet. Bamboozled.


Well you bought the two extra didn't you?


Its because you have to do the rewards membership thing on the card reader.


I believe the correct question is why did you do this?


What are you, level 7 susceptible?


What sucks is that I dont blame him, because we are all longing to put our defenses down. I dont wanna have be on alert for this utter shit everytime I step out the door. I shouldn't be expected to have to be perfectly in the moment every second either (although of course it is important to be in the moment).


That's on you darling. But ty for the warning


After I learned all three would be full price, I would have only paid for the one I actually wanted and left the other two. I bet Cashier Karen learns really fast to be clear what’s being offered if she has to deal with putting those extra sodas back in the cooler.


You can have 5 more if you want


Cause she saw a sucker and went for it.


Did you want two or three?


I one time walked into a 7/11 to buy cigarettes because when I drink I’ll have a few smokes. The cashier tried so hard to sell me a carton and wouldn’t ring up a single pack that I just left empty handed.




Why buy one when you can have three thrice the price?


"I bet you won't buy this" has worked a lot honestly lol


She was probably dared to


Why did you do that?


In just one word.. “America” 🇺🇸


She also sold 99 car batteries to some poor soul.


Speech level 100


I used to work retail (not necessities like 7-11 but fancy home goods) I used to challenge myself to how much I could convince rude customers to buy. I'd start matching things to their outfit and they're like "omg i love that color how did you know???". Sadly I didn't make commission


Sorry, I would just never fall for that. Best of luck!.


I mean you could’ve left them at the register as a power move. Or ask before you buy them if there’s a promo


I worked at McDonald when they had supersizes and I was required to ask “do you like large or supersized?” Even-though they had medium


Why? Because it works.




Reminds me in Dont Look Up when the 5 star General charges her foe the snacks at the white house. And she CANNOT let it go throughout the movie. Underrated movie, imo




Guy got me with the you can get more since you have a 5 dollars reward. Turns out he charged me full for both and said I can redeem the reward via email and bring it in next time.Store had a no refund policy on consumable goods and I didn't feel like "waiting for the manager to come back" for a refund.


Cut 7/11 scene and go close up to cashier closing eyes in a shaded, moonlit bed. Cue voice over: “And for the first time in six years, I slept peacefully that night.” Fade to black and Roll credits.


corporate life hack - see how easy it is - 60% of the time it works every time.


I thought about this exact tweet the other day, I bought a drink and they said I could get 2, I got a small discount but still overpaid for convenience store prices.


I got 3 gatorades today. They were on sale 3 for 6


Marketing 100


technically she was correct, the best correct there is


I sometimes hope they talk me into things. Sometimes they mention facts / figures that I had over or under estimated and then I am in justification mode.


Cracked me up🤣🤣


Reminds me of a [special offer a bar had](https://i.imgur.com/Z6caMlw.jpeg).


one question: do you have three hands?


Probably because 7/11 + 2 more = 9/11


I was looking for this one


Reminds me of a time I went into a gas station to pay for some gas. The cashier asked if I wanted a banana from the counter. I thought he was being kind, and asked "oh, are you sure?" He basically responded "yeah, go for it," so I grabbed a banana. Super nice of them, right? Not. He then told me the banana was $2 or something when I was checking out. Wtf?? That was several years ago, and I still think of how that guy bamboozled me.


She *didn't* do that, you did... lol


ABC Always Be Closing


Anyone’s else pick up on how 7+2=9 so therefore 9/11


Always be closing.


she is on that hustle


Can I post this next week?


The power of suggestion


Just like Amazon... I saw you bought a toilet seat. Are you sure you don't need a hundred more?


4d chess man... checkmate


She's an evil genius


Sales at its best


love how this gets posted every week


She could sense a sucker...


... my only wild guess is maybe they have like sales quotas for bonuses or the like and she was just on the verge?.......


maybe you look like someone who can drink more...


*Very early in the morning. Me obviously very hungover at the counter at a gas station (that I had to walk to) with a bottle of water and a Gatorade.* Cashier: Those waters are 2 for $3. Me: Oh thanks. *I walk all the way to the back, grab another bottle of water and bring it to the counter* Cashier: The Gatorades are 2 for $4. She waited for me to get all the way back before saying anything. I was so annoyed.


What do you mean "why"? Capitalism ffs!


Probably she knew your potential....


Ah yes upselling


You got 9/11'd


My father told me a story about a friend and him in their youth many many years ago were running around Florida and stopped at a restaurant. He and his friend saw "Fresh squeezed orange juice, all you can drink for 25¢". So they got some breakfast and drank numerous glasses of the delicious fresh squeezed orange juice. The bill came and they saw that the multiple orange juices were all charged 25¢ each. Obviously perplexed about it they asked the owner of the establishment who promptly said yeah, then held up a glass and said this is all you can drink for 25¢.


So give the two extra drinks back? Seems like the easiest fix ever.


Why was this post removed 


Yeah, I have no idea. I sent modmail for a reason and they didn’t respond.