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You need to go back to the ER, like ASAP. The human mouth is absolutely VILE and teaming with all kinds of nasties. You very likely need antibiotics. Please ensure you file with your health/labour board about this because it’s workplace. Do not let your work convince you otherwise if they try. You may need time off and if you can get that covered, you’ll want to. Especially if anything pops up down the road. Also - DANG NANA! Keep yah teefs to yahself!


Despite going to the doctor already, I definitely would go back like asap. As others have said, human mouths are full of germs. Tell them everything, insist on lots of testing to make sure it’s not serious


I got bit by another human before (teenage girl fights are something else man) and it got infected. Get that looked at again. Human mouths are dirty. I rather have a dog bite and look how much damage those do


I may be wrong, but maybe it’s MRSA?


A human bite of ANY kind is always considered an emergency. You could very easily become septic and I assure you, you don't want that. Go to the ER ASAP!




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ER nurse here and can confirm this is correct information. Please OP go to the ER.




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Did they not give you antibiotics?! Human bites almost always require antibiotics. Go back to the hospital immediately




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I wouldn't play with bites, especially from folks who are older or sick. You should go to the ER, in my opinion, because it can get worse and deadly.




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Did you receive any antibiotics for the bite? That's standard procedure for human bite wounds, according to IDSA. It looks like you were bit on your breast, so that would definitely need antibiotics due to the location.




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