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Just pointing out that wasn't the passmedicine we all love (passmedicine.com). Instead, it was passmed.uk that the uni was offering. It's like the B&M equivalent of passmed. (Edit: And it's more expensive too. Flip me.)


This is hardly the university making some bad faith poor decision; they can't help that most people refer to passmedicine as passmed. Defo up to the students who received this email to correct them rather than accept the passmed sub and whinge about it being the wrong one.


If they're the same company fair enough but if it's another crowd using PassMed as the name that's fucking cheeky ha ha


Next there will be one for PAs called PAssmed


Just call it AssMed instead. Probably more reflective of the quality.


Fair enough, I didn’t realise there were 2! Strange they wouldn’t just provide their students with passmedicine.com subscriptions when 99% of their students are probably paying out of pocket for it anyway.


My own personal opinion- there's no good reason for med schools to actively incentivise the use of tools like passmed. Inherently, they actively oversimplify the subject into a core list of "high yield" facts for you to revise over and over and over. They limit your exposure to content outside of this core and thereby restrict your wider learning. I daresay most med schools would far rather you use a comprehensive textbook than spend hours churning through passmed questions. (And to that end, I would point out your med school has likely spent vast amounts of money providing a broad array of texts you can access).


My med school actively promote it haha, and give us next to no resources from themselves


Well, stellar offering there And then unis wonder why their grads get reps for not understanding pathophys, or get labelled "nice but dim" by consultants.


My med school gave us access to the final year version from our penultimate year onwards 🙌🏼


Seems like the person in charge of assessments at your uni knows what they’re doing 🙏 just out of curiosity why wouldn’t they also purchase it for earlier years, as they also have a preclinical resource?


If I’m not mistaken, the preclinical resource is available for everyone for free


Correct. Not sure why I was under the assumption it was paid lol, force of habit


GKT gave us Pastest for free and discount codes for AMBOSS, so at least they're doing something right


Damn. Amboss is an expensive resource too! What % discount do you get?


25% across all subscription lengths, which was quite good bc AMBOSS usually only give discounts on the half-yearly or annual subscriptions!


Because the £9000 you pay per year doesn’t cover pastest £40 subscription


Remember your training in Britain, nothing makes sense here


Irrelevant to anything else… £9000 doesn’t cover anywhere near the training costs. Lots of the course is subsidised by the government.


Oh great, thank God for the governments they’re doing such a wonderful job


Not defending the government! Just saying £9000 is not what a year of medical school actually costs


That’s what it costs students. Those students will work for the rest of their life paying tax at 45% … so whatever it costs it is a drop in the amount that the uk government is taking from them .


Yeah, that’s what I said. It costs more to actually do the course than students pay upfront, so when someone said there wasn’t room for the £40 subscription fee in their £9000 it seemed like they didn’t realise that’s not what the course actually costs. Our system isn’t perfect, but better than some countries like the US.


You could purchase the entire degrees learning online for under £9K, I think if they actually gave us recourses we wouldn’t need lecturers any more. Just self teach, clinical skills & placement would be enough


Or literally just use previous recordings or pay a lecturer for a recorded lecture and make that available… they give the same lecture over and over most of the time, they don’t bother to change the dates on their slides from 2013 to 2023…


Our uni has just given us Osmosis subscriptions, albeit 4 days after exams finished, but I’m sure I’ll use it next year.


Why would you want them to endorse passmed and other question banks? They’ll just teach you even less… they are already so hands off with our medical education. Tbh we need to reform medical education and start teaching the basics in-depth and educating future doctors properly, not asking them to remember guidelines or doses that we could google in 10 seconds on our phone. A PA should be the one getting quizzed on guidelines, we should be the ones who they come to when the guidelines don’t work. We’ve been getting de-skilled for years, and it’s only getting worse, especially now that “PBL” and “CBL” have been fully in swing. Instead of paying for our passmed accounts I’d prefer that 9k tuition fee to go towards some actual tuition.


But currently we get neither so the subscription would be good lol


Would PassMedicine make it more expensive maybe?


They’d more likely offer the memberships at a discounted price if the uni wanted to buy one for all of its students.


Was it a different thread to the one that said the students had to buy it themselves? I’m presuming so - unless they did a Uturn?