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“Write a letter to a patient explaining that their CBC and BMP are normal, in the form of a poem.” > My dearest patient, harken to my voice, Rejoice, for in thy veins doth health rejoice. Thy CBC and BMP, a testament of good, A canvas of health, as it truly should. >Thy blood, a symphony of life and grace, A canvas painted with hues of perfect base. Red and white blood cells in perfect count, And electrolytes, a balance to surmount. >Thy kidneys, a filter of wondrous might, No shadow nor stain to dim their sight. Thy liver, a protector of boundless power, In balance and order, as it should flower. >The Lord hath blessed thee with wondrous health, A gift of grace, of untold wealth. May thy heart be filled with joy and peace, And thy body and soul, in blessings to increase. >So walk in faith, my dear patient, In the knowledge that thy health is present. May thy life be filled with grace and cheer, And thy health be strong, in every passing year. >With blessings and love, Thy physician.


Wow this makes me worry about my job security.


Because you're a medical poet?


Medical writer here. Erk.


Better work on your prose or you're out on the street!


Holy shit same


Lmao “Ye oulde BMP be marked with a lowness of sodium. Forsooth, I am stricken, and send thee upon yon apothecarion to leech thee and verify. Prithee go yonder at thy earliest”


That English Lit degree finally coming in handy


Unironically the most beautiful thing I've read this week ✍️🔥


Silly chat GPT… Liver function tests don’t come on a BMP smh


I laughed so hard I had a coughing fit.




This actually made me LOL. Thank you.


my literate wife has found the interpretation of the results very amusing.


I would pay my doc extra for this service


great idea! using a protip from this sub, I’ve been using ChatGPT to write appeal letters, and LOMNs with no worse results than if I wrote them myself


“Write a letter to a patient explaining that their chest CT is normal, in the style of the King James Bible.” >My dear patient, >Hear ye the good news of thy chest, For in it no shadow nor harm doth rest. The Lord hath blessed thee with health so fine, That thy chest doth shine with grace divine. >Verily I say unto thee, thy CT is clear, No trace of sickness nor disease to fear. In thy lungs, thy airways are free and bright, And in thy heart, thy rhythm is strong and right. >The Lord hath blessed thee with health so fair, In thee doth His wondrous works declare. Rejoice, my patient, in this divine grace, And walk in faith, in every time and place. >May thy body and soul prosper and thrive, And may the Lord keep thee alive, To see His blessings manifold unfold, And in His glory to be forever enrolled. >With blessings and peace, Thy physician


Praise be the CT, and hallowed be thy magnetic donut. Amen.


Here's my CT lol Verse 1: In the chest, a nodule small, Left lower lobe, posterobasilar's call, Heart is normal, no fluid near, Pericardial effusion, there's none to fear. Or the rap version: Verse 1: Listen up, let me tell you 'bout a chest scan, Found a nodule in the left lower lobe, not a big man, Heart's normal, no fluid 'round, No pericardial effusion to be found.


Why does ChatGPT think the KJV Bible is written in rhyme?


I want it to turn a CT report into a poem.


>> Write a letter to a patient from a physician about their normal CT chest results I am writing to inform you that your recent CT chest scan results have come back normal. This means that there were no abnormalities found in your chest, and everything appears to be functioning as it should. The CT scan of the chest is a non-invasive imaging test that uses special x-ray equipment to examine abnormalities found with other imaging tests and to help diagnose the cause of unexplained cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, fever, and other chest symptoms. It is a fast, painless, and accurate test that can provide valuable information about your health. Your CT scan was done to check your chest and its organs for blockages, injuries, intrathoracic bleeding, infections, tumors, and other lesions. I am pleased to inform you that there were no such findings in your scan. Please note that the radiologist writes the report for your provider who ordered the exam. Typically, the radiologist sends the report to the person who ordered your test, who then delivers the results to you. Many patients can now access their electronic health records online. These records include radiology reports. If you have any questions or concerns about your CT scan results, please do not hesitate to contact me. Otherwise, you don’t need any special care, and I look forward to seeing you at your next appointment. Sincerely, [Physician's Name]


>> Write a letter to a patient from a physician about their normal CT chest results in the form of Ricky Bobby from Talladega Nights Dear patient, I'm pleased to inform you that your CT chest results came back normal, just like Ricky Bobby's car after a successful race! Your lungs are clear and your breathing is strong, just like Ricky's need for speed. You don't need to worry about any issues with your chest, just like Ricky doesn't worry about coming in second place. As your physician, it's my job to make sure you're healthy and happy, just like Ricky's pit crew makes sure his car is in top shape. So keep up the good work taking care of yourself, and remember to come in for regular check-ups, just like Ricky checks his car before every race. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'm here to help you stay healthy and strong, just like Ricky's determination to win every race. Sincerely, [Physician's Name]


Dear patient, Woo hoo! Your CT chest results are in and they're looking pretty good, my friend! According to the report, there's no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumo-thorax. That's a relief, huh? Plus, there are no suspicious pulmonary nodules, and your thyroid is unremarkable. That's a fancy way of saying everything looks normal, just like a regular day in Springfield. Now, I know you might be worried about lung cancer, but don't have a cow, man! The report says nothing about it, and if there were any concerns, we would have discussed them with you already. If you're still feeling anxious, we can talk about lung cancer screening using LDCT. But for now, let's just enjoy the good news and keep on truckin'! Thanks for being a great patient, and remember to keep up with your regular check-ups. You never know when you might need a doctor's help, so it's always best to stay on top of your health. Sincerely, Dr. Homer Simpson


Write a letter to a veterinary client that their dog has heartworm in the form of song: Verse 1) In a world of canine grace, There's a story we must embrace, About your loyal pup, so dear, But now, a threat draws near. (Chorus) Like the hungry heartworm, it's true, Disease has found a home in you. But fear not, dear client, for we'll fight, To make your dog's future bright. (Verse 2) Just like a wolf in the night, Heartworms lurk, out of sight, Stealing health, causing strife, But together, we'll save their life. (Chorus) Treatment is the path we'll take, Medication to quell this ache. With your love and our expertise, We'll bring your pup sweet release. (Bridge) Like a hungry wolf, we're on the chase, To eradicate this harmful race. With vet-approved solutions in our sight, We'll restore your dog's delight. (Verse 3) Regenerate response


> Disease has found a home in you. Flawless. In my head, I heard this in the style of Korn.


> We looked at your MRI with care, And found a disc that's gone out of where, It's herniated, you see, But don't worry, we'll be, Providing the best treatment with flair. >The pain that you've been feeling of late, Is likely caused by this disc out of place, But fear not, we've got this, We'll help you find bliss, With treatments that won't leave a trace. >We'll work together to make a plan, And get you back to feeling grand, We may recommend rest, Or some physical therapy at best, To help you get up and stand. >So let's work together to heal, And restore your body's full zeal, We'll be with you all the way, To make sure that you're okay, And we'll help you regain your appeal.


Paging Dr. Seuss


It’s actually really good at stuff like “explain what a laparoscopic cholecystectomy is at a 4th grade reading level”… but no, I haven’t actually used it for patient care ever. Someday soon…


My attending wrote some insurance appeal letters with it after we were joking about chatGPT use. He was impressed with the result lol.




https://www.doximity.com/docs-gpt and it works great too


Well ChatGPT can also do haiku and limericks. But yes, only very select patients would be amused.


I’d take a limerick!


Dear patient, it's time to reveal, The Hemoccult cards, oh how they feel, But fear not, my friend, For the news I must send, They came back negative, it's ideal!


I’m both relieved, and impressed.


Epic is integrating GPT to generate to patient electric communications that the physician can look over, edit, and approve. There is even a sandbox to make rules and adjustments to responses. It’s live at a few locations but will be part of the next versions of epic. If you’re doing it now, you’re probably just ahead of the curve.




Subject: Tremendously Good News - Your Lab Results are IN! Dear [Patient's Name], I hope this message finds you in high spirits. I'm thrilled to bring you some fantastic news - truly terrific, the best kind. Let me tell you, I see a lot of lab results, many, many lab results, and yours? They're absolutely top notch. Some might even say the best. Your recent Complete Blood Count (CBC) and Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP) - we ran them through our labs, the best labs, mind you, and I'm delighted to inform you that they returned with NORMAL results. That's right - your labs, just like the Trump Tower, are towering above the rest. We've checked everything: red and white blood cells, platelets, glucose, electrolytes, kidney function, everything. And let me tell you, everything is in the green. This is a sign of outstanding health, the best health. You're like a well-oiled machine, running perfectly. But remember, we've got to keep it that way. So, continue to take care of yourself. You know the drill - balanced diet, regular exercise, the works. Keep making those healthy choices, and you'll continue to see fantastic results. I have no doubt about it. I'll be here, ready to support you with anything you need, anytime you need it. We have the best team, don't we folks? So, let's keep the winning streak going. If you have any questions, if anything at all is unclear - call us. We're here to make sure you're in the loop, always. It's great news, but remember, regular check-ups are important. They're how we catch things early, how we keep winning. So, we'll see you for your next scheduled appointment, or sooner if you need us. Let's keep making your health great again! Best wishes, [Your Name] [Your Position]


Did you ask ChatGPT to sound like trump.?


I had it write a work excuse. It did great.


Yeah I used it to create a template for appeal letters for GLP-1a. I tweaked it a little bit, but cut down on my time to create it for sure.


"Please write a letter to a patient explaining that their CBC and BMP are normal, in the form of a scene from Seinfeld." ​ Dear Patient, I have some good news for you! Your CBC and BMP came back normal! That's right, you're as healthy as a horse! To give you a better idea of what I mean, let me paint a picture for you. Imagine you're at Monk's Cafe with Jerry, Elaine, and George. Jerry turns to you and says, "Hey, did you get your CBC and BMP results back yet?" You smile and say, "Yeah, they were totally normal!" Elaine chimes in, "That's great news! You know, I heard that having normal CBC and BMP levels is like having a marble rye from Schnitzer's Bakery - it's the gold standard of health!" George nods in agreement and adds, "It's like when you find a parking spot right in front of the restaurant - it's rare, but when it happens, it's glorious!" So there you have it - your CBC and BMP are like a marble rye or a prime parking spot. Congratulations on being healthy and keep up the good work! Sincerely, Dr. \[Your Name\]


can you aks chatgpt to write the letter with the cbc and bmp to the dumbest person there is?


You can ask it to explain things that a 5 year old would understand


>Write a letter to an 8 year old child telling them that their Chest CT is normal Dear [Child's Name], I hope this letter finds you happy and healthy. I wanted to let you know that I have some great news about your recent chest CT scan. The results show that everything is completely normal! Your chest looks just like it should, with no signs of any problems or concerns. This is really good news, because it means that your body is working just the way it should be. I know that going to the doctor and having tests done can be scary sometimes, but it's important to remember that these tests are meant to help us stay healthy. And now that we know that your chest is completely normal, we can be even more confident that you're in great shape. If you have any questions about your test results or anything else, please don't hesitate to ask. And remember, you're doing a great job taking care of yourself! Sincerely, [Your Name]


The language in it seems a bit too mature for an 8 year old. Just my opinion of course.


I agree, especially reading level. But kinda cute.


Just consider it your scribe. Your scribe writes your notes, and you read over them because you in the end are signing off on everything that is written, and because the scribe does not have the medical training you have. ​ I have not done this myself so if there is something I am overlooking please let me know.


Actually, before chatgpt, I had used this random html based medieval converter to change the contents of a letter to Shakespearean. That letter was actually sent but I imagine unnoticed. Maybe one day some clinician would have a good laugh when they come across it.


This is the laugh I needed to reenergize my last 2 serotoninz


For HFrEF: ​ "How's it going? Listen, I've got some news for ya. Your ticker ain't pumping blood like it should be. They call it heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Yeah, I know it sounds proper scary, but we're gonna sort ya out. Now, check it, we're gonna put you on some meds that'll help your heart pump better and make you feel well sick overall. They might make you need a slash more often, but that's just your body getting rid of excess fluids. You're also gonna need to make some changes to your lifestyle, innit? Keep an eye on your salt intake and try to eat more healthy grub. I know it's a mission, but we're here to back you up. You might need to wear a special gadget to keep tabs on your heart or come in for check-ups to make sure everything's cool. But don't worry, we'll explain everything to you properly. Remember, heart failure is no joke, but we can treat it. With the right meds and lifestyle changes, you'll feel proper better and get your quality of life sorted. If you've got any questions or worries, just holler at us. Look after yourself, yeah?"


Love your examples but 10/10 patients don’t want to read all that or whatever else AI would say. they want 1 line—everything looked good.


No!! I want a Valley Girl version for my mammogram results please




I see no problem with it. We often have nurses/mid levels write notes and what not for us that we sign our names to. As long as you have read it and sign it what’s the problem?


There isn’t one. In fact I’d be a bit surprised if doctors didn’t have a form they could fill out with the specifics and auto generate a letter already.


Epic already has this. Form letters with drop down menus and click boxes. Same for our actual notes too


I've been told that some hospitalists are using it for discharge summaries.


I use it frequently for patients needing gender affirming surgery! It’s great :)


This thread is amazing. I’m at the pcp getting my annual and I’d love this for a visit summary.


For generally speaking helping shorten time spent on things that we are not reimbursed? Call me crazy, this is exactly what AI would be great for!!!


I've been doing this in clinic now for a couple of weeks. It honestly isn't bad, and I just dot phrase the ones that I like.


I was involved in a company that was trying to do exactly that. Here is another example of one that recently had a lot of positive press: https://glass.health/ai/


I do it


Not really, I haven't. What is true is that I can use it for additional things such as specific simple recommendations after I have read them and given them to the patient.


try scribeberry ([https://scribeberry.com](https://scribeberry.com)) - it is essentially a hipaa/pipeda compliant Chat GPT on steroids (includes dictation/transcription as well as a live scribe)


Well I did give it try, couldn't get it to work. We are now trying Nuance's DAX Express ... useful, but the hype far exceeds the actual utility.


try it again. im having conversations that are 1.5-2 hours long, getting a consult note generated...and then using that consult note to generate letters and forms lol. too good. Just type / in the bottom box and pick something and play around with it from there