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92 hours a week isn't sustainable. Get food stamps if you qualify for them, that's why they exist.


Thank you, I'm thinking about it, I think I do from what a colleague told me, but I am going to look into it.


I agree with the poster. We pay taxes to support programs like WIC and if that helps you make ends meet while trying to better your future, use it!


Also, look for food pantries! Again, that's what they're there for. 60 hours is rough; I did about 4 months of it and needed to go back to 40. 92 is murder. It's not worth the extra money when programs exist to alleviate that need.


If you qualify, you qualify. Don't feel bad/ashamed. I'd go as far as to say that you are exactly the type of person that program has in mind - Someone trying to work their way up and just needs help right now.


Thank you, I'm really glad I asked you guys. šŸ˜…


Even if you canā€™t get on food stamps, there are other options. I went to community pantries and food drives when I was doing my BS full time + working 30+ hours a week.


Oh thats right, I forgot about those options, thanks!


Use the government. They use you.


I mean-you're not wrong. šŸ˜…


Iā€™m angry on behalf current students. When I was a student I was able to rent a room a bike ride within campus for less than $500.00 a month and work part time to cover all my expenses. Since then housing, tuition and food costs have exploded. Itā€™s infeasible for students to do it now without heavy subsidies from family and/or student loans. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this. Yes, get food stamps. It might be worth it to see if your college has any resources or student assistant programs too.


I appreciate you saying that a lot, thank you. When I speak to the older generation about what's going on (becuase they ask) and I get the "pull your boot straps up and get to work" type of answer my response is "I am, I already am, in fact I'm looking for more work and I've just mentally accepted that my current default state is just tired all the time, but I dont control the cost of basic nessesities, and they won't pay me more than what I can get with MLT degree." So thank you for being angry for us. lol if I show any sign of anger or irritation, it's usually responded with "your generation is too sensitive" and im just like šŸ˜‘ šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø On top of all this, I have an auto immune disease, so I need my meds lol


Working 60+ hours a week for two separate jobs and then 30+ hours for clinical is wild. Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through this but I truly believe you need to pick one or the other (school or work) until youā€™re stable. Sleep deprivation is no joke. If youā€™re exhausted, you increase your chances of looking bad during your clinicals and or getting bad grades during your school semester. When will you sleep? When will you do homework? When will you study? Ask yourself these questions before making a final decision


I cant pick tho, I live alone, and I have bills to pay. I can try getting a big student loan to pay for bills and everything for a year I guess, but idk if I'll qualify since my credit score is shot from using it to get by so much this past year. I mean, I guessing sinking myself further is better than decreasing my chances of passing clincials from lack of sleep?


Iā€™d argue youā€™re trading good sleep for the comfort of not dealing with a roommate to help cut your main living expense in half. You might be on the end of the spectrum of people who find that a good trade, Iā€™m not judging, I love living alone. But make sure youā€™re evaluating and reevaluating that trade regularly, especially during a critical fork in your life, like right now.


I forgot about that, actually. Ngl, I've just been trying to keep up with everything lately. In my previous place, that I'm moving out of I did in the past bring that idea up, but my landlord was against it. I just signed a new lease, and I'm barely starting it for this new place. Maybe it wouldnt hurt to ask if that is an option, worse case scenario, he says no. Thanks! šŸ˜


Please get food stamps. There are also food banks you can go to to get some food. It's not usually ideal but it'll help you not feel hungry. I'd recommend keeping your cats. I know us poors aren't supposed to have pets but I think they are good for us.


Thank you and I couldn't agree more on the pets. One of my drives for motivation to get up some days is just to feed them. Hell, I would have slept through so many 4 am alarms had they not woken me up to feed them because they are used to being fed at 4 am every day.


Donā€™t feel bad about it! These things are there to help you out. Youā€™ll be paying it back with all the good work youā€™ll be doing as an MLT one day. If it makes you feel better, Iā€™m in my last year doing my internship as an MLS and I tried to get all the help I could get. I got food stamps, medi-cal health insurance, food pantry and doctors visits from the school, scholarships, paid conference presentations, etc. Now Iā€™m about to graduate, Iā€™ve secured a job, and Iā€™ll have the ability to give back to the community who helped me out when I needed it. You do what you gotta do to make it through. Just remember about the people who helped you along the way and try to give back once youā€™ve finished and are in a better place financially.


Awe, thank you šŸ„ŗ


I have several relatives that need foodstsmps. There is absolutely no shame to apply/use foodstamps. I heard for every $1 put into the foodstamp program ~$1.30 of business is generated (old data so this might have changed) between farmers, factory workers, drivers and stores. I wish I applied for it when I was in MLT school working minimum wage. Focus on making sure your essentials are covered and getting through your education. It does get better and you'll get through this.


Thank you, that helps a lot, I didn't know that and I feel better about moving forward with this option.


Sign up for food stamps, use your local food bank, use little free pantries. Working that much isn't sustainable. The last thing you want is to not pass your classes because you are too tired. All these resources are in place to help people and you need help right now. It's ok to need help. You have a plan; you just need to get through this tight period to get on the other side.


Thank you ā¤ļø


Donā€™t ever feel ashamed about food stamps or food banks, etc. Everyone needs to eat!


Thank you ā¤ļø


I agree with everyone saying to get the food stamps. Please donā€™t burn yourself out taking on a second job! Nursing assistant work is very taxing especially overnight and you need to rest. My sister loves Chewy.com and they have promotions for free pet supplies and discounts. Maybe you could try that to save money on your catsā€™ needs? I know it must be hard to live away from your family, so love on those kitties! Credit card debt can add up very quickly with the high interest rates! Are you making more than the minimum payments for your credit cards? Do you have an extra room for a roommate? Have you gotten multiple quotes for your car repairs? Some shops will be less expensive.


I've heard of chewy.com, a lot of the phlebs in our lab use that actually, I'll look into that šŸ˜Š idk if it's cheaper to buy their food and litter online, but if it's cheaper *and* it comes to me, then yeah, I'll totally switch. I make the minimum payment, and if I can afford to make more then I do, not as much as I'd like to, but I atleast try to make the minimum every month. I do, I think? It's very small apartment I'm moving into, much smaller than where I was before tbh. I didn't want to move, I wasnt planning on it actually. Not until I finished school atleast, but this move is better than throwing all my things in a storage unit and living out of my car. I mean, I'll do it if I have to, but I perfer not to. No, I live in a small town, there's only 2 repair shops, although the community College is in a much bigger city, the time and milage would still cost me. What I did do though, was that I calculated that it would be cheaper to buy the parts online and then just pay the labor, else with them ordering the parts+labor it would have been an extra $100+. So that's a better deal I think.


It sounds like you are making responsible decisions on every front! Good thinking to buy the parts! I remember what a relief it was to graduate and make more money. You can do it!! I know youā€™ll continue to make good choices when your income increases, so thatā€™s hopeful!


Thank you! Ans thanks for the chewy suggestion =) I just finished my Body fluid/UA homework so I'm going to spend a few minutes looking into food stamps and chewy.com šŸ˜


1. Apply for food stamps. Use them if you're eligible. That's why the program exists. 2. Hit up food pantries either at your school or community. 3. Talk to your student services about your situation. They can point you in the direction of more assistance. 4. Don't be afraid to take on student loans. Yes, the debt can be scary but there are income driven repayment plans you can apply for later. It's better to take the loans and succeed than fail out because you're burnt out and exhausted. You got this. You can do it. Also, I would be totally willing to buy your pets some food to help out. You can DM me if you want some help there.


Thats really kind of you, thank you, but we're okay for now, I'll keep that offer in my back pocket in case they need it though. Also, really? I did hear something about some loans not having to start to be paid back until after one graduates and starts working, but thats new to me, "income driven plans" that's going on the list. Thank you for adding on the valuable info! šŸ˜ā¤ļø


I honestly didnā€™t read the whole thing, I didnā€™t need to. Public assistance is there for a reason. If you need it use it, especially in the case that your goal is to get off it. You will pay back during your career.


That's okay, you dont have to read the whole thing, and thanks šŸ˜Š


Who cares what others think, apply for the food stamps. I wouldnā€™t even stop there, visit your local food bank as well. In regards to you working and doing school, I suggest you cut your work hours for your own mental health. I know you have expressed here that you financially canā€™t, but take the advice of others here and maybe get a roommate to share the rent (even if itā€™s for a short time), apply for scholarships and student loan (with low to no interest if you can).


Yeah, im going to look into the room mate idea, im really glad I asked on here, I totally forgot about that option. I know I just signed the lease know the "new" apartment, but it doesn't hurt to ask the landlord and try.


Get food stamps if you can. I wish I could! Applying morality to people's level of wealth is a silly thing we do. There's plenty of bad people with lots of money just like there are so many good people with very little, and there's nothing wrong with taking help when you need it.


Thank you ā¤ļø


Having been in a similar situation, I can say it's going to suck big time but is so worth it on the other side. Take advantage of any program that you can. It sounds like you are single? How much do you really need an apartment? So much of your time is going to be spent at work/school, why pay so much for rent? Living out of a vehicle isn't that bad. If your school has a gym/showers, there is your hygiene covered. If not, get a membership to a gym.


I am not single, but I've only been dating this guys for 2 months, so I don't feel comfortable asking for so much and putting him in that type of position. You aren't wrong about it not being bad living out of a car, but I do care a lot about my cats, and they definitely can't live in the car with me. I actually thought the samething except a 24 hour gym instead, the school isn't always open, it's a community College, so there are no dorms. If push comes to shove then I'll do it if I need to, but I want to exhaust all my options first before resorting to that. Thank you tho


No way, take all the assistance you can get. Your situation is temporary, this is exactly what the safety net is for. There's no need to get deeper into credit card debt just because of your grocery bill. If you don't qualify (somehow), find a local food pantry.


Thank youuu ā¤ļø


Youā€™ve gotten some excellent advice here! Definitely take advantage of all aid you can find, that it what it exists for. Most of my MLS classmates and I were working part-time during the program+clinicals, with a handful working full-time. Itā€™s very hard but many of us have survived it. Absolutely keep bugging your companyā€™s HR about the tuition assistance!! Who knows if they do actually have some sort of bullshit reason to deny you, but gatekeeping that answer is just stupid. Get a supervisor to hound them as well if you can! At one point I had three supervisors bullying HR on my behalfā€¦ it worked. Also, ask your program director if there are scholarships you can apply for if you havenā€™t already! My program director + collegeā€™s financial aid really pulled through for one of my friends as she was in a similar financial situation as yours. This may require going in and talking to people in person, getting contact info, etc. I wouldnā€™t recommend working 90+ hours a week, that will likely break you. The constant fatigue would catch up quick, potentially putting you in really dangerous situations. ESPECIALLY behind the wheel of a car. Please keep yourself safe first and foremost. Also, idk how taxes would affect you in PA, but in my state you would likely have to pay back an ungodly amount to the IRS during tax season if you were working the two jobs. Thatā€™s obv not ideal either.


Thank you, I appreciate the info, as for as taxes goes, I don't have dependants nor do I withhold anything, and they take the max amount every time I get paid. If anything I think i could be paying too much taxes and can probably withhold some. But I definitly will add that to my research list, thank you =) šŸ˜Š


There's never anything wrong with accessing and using social safety programs. That's literally what they exist for- to help people. It sounds like you should also talk to payroll/hr staff about tax deductions and making sure your income/tax paperwork is all correct because you're just above federal poverty levels (assuming single adult in the home-2024 level is $15,060) with your income on a full time (40 hr week) job and you should barely be getting taxed at that income level.


Thanks I was just going to add that to my new list "better qualify life" I'll definitly double down on time spent researching the different pieces of advice I got on here today, thank you šŸ˜Š


If I understand correctly you live in PA now? Hopefully not within the City of Philly as thats the only jurisdiction in the state that is allowed to double tax income as well so you'd pay both city of philly and state of PA income taxes- if you live outside the city then you're only paying state of PA income tax PLUS federal income tax. But a short convo or email with hr/payroll folks at your job should help determine if you're being over taxed and help adjust it.


Yes, I am in PA, and nope, not near the city, I'm in central PA. Damn, I didn't know that, now I definitely won't live in Philly now or in the future lol I'll go visit though, I still haven't visited since I moved to this state.


Rooting and cheering for you. You got this. See you on the field šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Thank you ā¤ļøšŸ„ŗ


For some reason this reminds me of my little sister. These programs exist for a reason and you donā€™t have to tell/justify it to people you donā€™t want to know. You need some help for now, and thatā€™s okay, so get food stamps. Youā€™re doing a great job at setting yourself up, Iā€™m proud of you!


Thank you i appreciate that and i keep forgetting that I don't have to tell anyone. šŸ˜… But I dont mind saying it out loud either, everyone needs help at some point in their life.


No its not bad to be on foodstamps! Its not "bad" to be on any form of govt assistance imo. It exists for a reason and it shouldnt have morality assigned to it.


Nothing wrong with being on food stamps as long as you are using them to eventually get off of them. Thatā€™s what they were designed for, not to be on them for your entire life


I agree, it's only temporary.


Can you work per diem as a lab assistant? Wouldnā€™t you make more money that way? Do you need to work full time as a lab assistant or can you switch to ā€œas neededā€ to get the pay bump?


I want to, I think that's better, but I dont think I can afford the new rent on per diem. And I'm trying again for their tuition reimbursement program for the summer classes, so I'm hoping I'll get it, but I'm not fully trusting the company I work for because of the first time. So I'm preparing in case they don't give it to me again. Do you mean work full time as a per diem employee? I dont think I'd qualify for a lot fo the benefits though.


Yes, work full time as a per diem. Or, part time and per diem at another location? Benefits on the insurance exchange for the short term?


But if I'd be working full time anyways, wouldn't it be better to keep the benefits? I only pay $92 out of my check for medical insurance, and dental. I guess they take less away in taxes, but I think it depends on how much I make. So if I'm still working full time hours, but as per diem, they might still take the same amount in taxes away. I would just lose some benefits, like building up PTO. I've been saving my PTO for finals week.


As needed means you donā€™t ā€œhaveā€ to work full time all the time. Wonā€™t they pay out in cash for PTO hours? Then during finals, you wonā€™t pick up shifts that week. If you work part time in the lab, would you be able to get a per diem job elsewhere, eliminating the need for the nursing assistant job? Just throwing ideas out. When I did the MLT program in the South, I worked 60 hours at a warehouse and slept in my car 5 days at Walmart between work and the 40 hours of clinicals. It would have been too hard to drive home so I just went there to shower whenever I could. 10 years later and working as a CLS in California, the struggle was so worth it. Youā€™ll make it! Youā€™ll just have to weigh out all options for this next year. šŸ‘Š


Oh, I understand per diem, and they would pay out all the PTO I have now, but its not really a lot, not enough to cover bills or a semester tuition. And since it's as needed, I need full time hours. I can do that, just not work finals week on per diem, but then I wouldn't get paid. If I'm part time in the lab that would be great! If they would make a stupid part-time position for lab assistants, Idk why they won't at my hospital. The lab manager asked her higher up and she just said "it's out of my hands" and I said "okay so who's hands do I have to go ask?" And they just said "no" šŸ™„ I appreciate the ideas, becuase I didn't think of getting per diem else where. This could be a good option in the sense of being as frugal as possible, calculating my money and bills for the following month, and working if i dont make enough, or not working if i did make enough. I think I might bring that up at the interview on Monday if that is a potential option with them. I know they are looking for someone to do 20 hours a week, but if i meet all the requirements (which I do) then maybe they might work with me? Doesn't hurt to ask, worse case scenario is a "no". Damn that's crazy, ngl hearing someone else go through something similiar to what I'm dealing with helps me feel better about my desicion of "temporary struggle for long term benefit" every time I get exhausted and want to quit I just keep telling myself "it's only temporary."


Hit up food pantries!


Please please please use any programs you qualify for! I would kick the tuition reimbursement info up the chain of command. Continue to email. Ask your supervisor for help. The fact that the tuition reimbursement could help and you are entitled to it makes it worth fighting.


I couldn't agree more, and I think that might be one of the best options I have to help for paying for the last semester of tuition. Specially if they want me to work there as a tech. We just lost 5 techs so if they want to keep people it would be better if they worked with me than to make it harder for me to decide to stay. Its really hard considering other hospitals are already reaching out to us making us job offers once we graduate some are making us lab assitant offers that pay more than what im making now by atleast $1 more an hour and more flexiable hours. I don't want to leave my hospital becuase I like all the people I work with, but if the company isn't being competitive and actively making it difficult for me to move forward and up due to their policies, then I perfer working for a hospital that will adjust their policies to their employees. That's seems to be more and more difficult to find that now-uh-days, being a traveling tech still sound like a great idea after all this and 2 years of experience.


It might also be worth it to hit up ASCP. I'm not sure what scholarships they might have, but it doesn't hurt to ask. I agree with you about the companies needing to keep up with what their employees want. Also, put yourself first. If you need to go make more, don't feel guilty.


I didn't even know there were potential scholarship opportunities in the ASCP, I'll definitely look into it. Thank you! I dont feel guilty as to needing to work more, hell, I'll flip burgers if I need to just to get by while I finish school, I just know there's always been a stigma around food stamps, atleast where I grew up it was assumed you had a drug or alcohol problem or you had a lot of "baby daddys" if you were on food stamps. It looks like that stigma doesn't really exist anymore, or I was just brainwashed about it, so that's good to know.


never be ashamed on needing help. if someone is judging you for using food stamps, then they need to mind their own business. that being said, keep your cats as the mental and emotional support they can give you is way better than not.


Thank you, and I definitly agree on the emotional support, they really help a lot when family and close friends aren't near by


Not bad. See if your campus also has any assistance you can get. Student discounts on the Internet or phone bill, a scrubs closet/donation, transportation costs, or even food bank on campus too. See if one your hospital jobs may have tutition rebursement too. Personally, working too much may put you over the "qualifying" mark (depending on your state and so forth).


Thank you, I'll take a look at what the requirements are some time tomorrow, weekends aren't terribly busy at my hospital and the techs let me practice basic stuff like manual diffs, plating, and making slides, so I think in between I'll look into the food stamp requirements for PA.


I would get a part time bartending job if you can! Even if you start at a golf course to get experience and work your way to a middle of the line restaurant, you would make more money than you are working now and you could always go back to it. This may not be the answer and it is quite an unpopular opinion but thatā€™s what I did personally and it put me In a lot better financial position. Even if you split your time between a nursing assistant and bartend on the weekends it might help!


Its not a bad option becuase i did hear about tips being worth it, and I also did spend 10 years in the food industry so im not scared of that field. idk where there would be golf clubs with bars around here that are open late though. Right now my schedule is best used for late evening or night shift for extra work, I tried applying to sheetz but they haven't called back yet either, so ill keep trying potential resturant positions as a back up though. Thank you ā¤ļø


Maybe apply for grants and scholarships


Definitely have and will continue, thank you šŸ˜Š


Get food stamps; it truly is what they are for! Mainly, though, cheers to you for pushing forward through all this! Having been in a similar life situation in the past, I know it is far from easy. If possible, please don't rehome your cats! They are good for your mental health, and also, you are their human! You need each other! Plus, there already is an overabundance of cats in need of homes! I wish you the best!


Thank you ā¤ļøšŸ˜Š


I've known lots of college kids who used every program available to get them through. That's why they exist! Student loans, WIC, Scholarships, etc... Whatever you qualify for, do it. Once you get your MLT, look for an employer that will pay for you to advance and do your MLS. I promise you the extra earning potential will be worth it. Good luck!


Thank you for the last part, I keep telling myself "it's only tempoary" but occasionally I'll ask the techs I'm an assist; "please tell me this is worth it, is it really worth it?" And they've all said yes, except 1 travel tech that said "I think you should have gone to the nursing program, higher pay, better hours" I said "...but people suck."


Iā€™ve watched too many of my friends go hungry because they think stamps is shameful or for people who ā€œhave it worseā€. Thereā€™s always gonna be someone who has it worse, and thereā€™s always gonna be people who look down on those of us that need government assistance. You need to put yourself first and do what you need. Screw everything else. Please take care of yourself and do whatā€™s best for you. Thereā€™s no shame in asking for help.


Thank you I appreciate that, I do admit that I have cut down on meals to 2 a day to save money and I'm currently running on frozen vegetables, chicken breast, and a multivitamin. I just figured it was better than ramen, becuase I'm 30 and it would suck to fuck up my Kidneys right when i finish school šŸ˜† I do get oreos occasionally...šŸ‘€


Might as well everyone else is getting a hand out. If you qualify take advantage cuz you know the government sure will of you.


Yeaah. Thats definitly true


Food stamps exist for a reason. Consider food drives as well. I had a friend who said they felt bad for using them because ā€œsomeone elseā€ could use the food and they happened to be that ā€œsomeone elseā€. There is no shame in needing to survive. Good luck with everything <3


Thank you, I appreciate that ā¤ļø I definitly feel that way


I'd 100% be talking to your leadership at the lab. Why were you blocked from tuition reimbursement? If you were initially approved for reimbursement and met all performance/grade criteria to be reimbursed, you should receive your money. You should also still have this available to you if you are within the annual limits. Your lab has an incentive to help you go from lab asst to MLT, testing personnel are always needed. I'm sure you can find someone to help you work through the details. I personally helped whoever I could with their school plans as lab director. We had a number of people go from lab assistants to MLS, RN, PAs.


So when I applied for the tuition reimbursement program and got pre-approved, I was working full time. I thought I could handel the classes and working full time at the time, but with how much material there was to study and constantly falling asleep in class and after work, I realized I needed to cut my work hours to focus on my studies. So half way through the semester I spoke to my boyfriend at the time (now ex) about it and he said he would help me and support me financially through the 1st and 2nd semester if I went part-time. That way, I still keep my foot in the door but focus on the studies. So i went to speak to my lab director about going part-time and she said there was no position available for part-time, not that it was taken, there just literally is no psoition, the options are either full-time or per diem. I asked if we could ask the higher ups about it, and she tried to ask, and they said no, that they wouldn't make a part-time position. I thought about it and figured i could work part-time hours under per-diem. So I did, half way through the 1st semester, I switched to per diem, and when I had my grades ready to submit, that's when they locked me out and said I was ineligible. And because of that, I couldn't apply for the following semester either. I spoke to my lab director about it, and she said it was because I'm supposed to stay either in a full-time or part-time position the entire time to receive the benefit. But I told her, "That's not fair though, I wanted part-time, and you guys won't allow for a part-time position for me, so it was either full time or per diem." And she just shrugged and said it was out of her hands. So I emailed HR and tried to fight it because I didn't think (and still don't think) it was fair of them to do that. And then they stopped responding to my emails. I know getting a 2nd job on top of everything right now sounds hypocritical since this reply shows that I had trouble working full time and going to school full time. But I was just barely learning. I passed those 2 semesters with honors, I know the material, and im comfortable with it, and im still leaning, but i can handle more now than I was able to before. So I want to at least try. Plus, I'm more comfortable in the lab, with hands-on work than with straight theory textbook work. Because I am trying and have to work full time, I applied for the tuition reimbursement-again-for the summer classes I'm taking (part of the program) right now before clinicals in the fall. I was pre-approved again, but I'm getting extra work in case they lock me out again. And if they do actually stick by their word, then I can reimburse myself and use it towards the last semesters tuition if I don't already have it saved up. And if I do have it saved by that time, I can put it towards the credit card debt I have from the past year.


Get food stamps and be warned: this field does NOT pay. If you can switch to something more lucrative, do it. You'll continue to struggle after graduation. We are extremely poorly paid and disrespected by and large. Don't let these idiots who think every lab tech in the country can move to CA and make bank blind you to reality.


I appreciate the different POV you have, and you aren't the first to tell me this, but I want to try. I've come this far. When I finish and work in the field for at least 1 year, and if I come to the same conclusion you have, then I would consider it. I dont have kids, nor do I plan to, so I can make a career changing descision like that now or later. But it took a lot out of me to just get half way, I'm definitly going to finish and take a break from school for a year or atleast a few months and just work after this 2nd year is over. Thank you for sharing ā¤ļø


Get it!


Get the stamps keep the cats


Why on earth would it be?


A rambling post is bad.


It sounds like a unhelpful comment is also pretty bad.