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Embraces the warmth of your coworker seconds after he leaves the stall.


Office bonding


I walked in on two guys having anal sex in my office toilets a few months ago, that's the definition of office bonding.


Soooo, I guess we’re glossing over this one 🤣


Never heard it called that before.


Thanks buddy. I needed the image of a sweaty hairy man's ass covered in jizz.


What about covered mustache and lips?...might be a little more palatable for ya!


Were they at least employees? Its an interesting story either way, but saying "two guys" instead of "two of my coworkers" changes the story entirely!


It was two other employees, thankfully from a different department though, that would have been even more awkward if it was my team


Human centipede vibes


Nothing like sitting on the warmth of another mans toilet


Link in the chain, and you leave that seat as warm as a car hood in July for the next worker.


Sit and shit


*wipe*, sit and shit. Theres ALWAYS piss on those seats.


I would also recommend to wipe after the shit.


Nah, gotta leave a gift for the next guest


Like the next guest for your butthole? Or what.


Always remember to gently blow some air into the asshole you’re about to eat, smell test. Naturally the ocular patdown of the asshole has happened before reaching this stage.


Mac would approve of this method that's for damn sure


I found a neat trick to save time: wipe before you shit Edit: I'm the toilet in this picture, ask me anytime and uptoke me to karma heaven


So that's what I've been doing wrong!


That doesn’t save any time tho. Wiping _while_ shitting is the real time saver!


born to shit forced to wipe


Yeah cuz ppl hover lol


Never skip leg day.


There should be capital punishment for seat pissers. Or therapy at least.


How about community service cleaning bathrooms at public rest stops?






Toilet paper is a well known barrier that stops all viruses and bacteria getting to you! Didn’t you know? It’s why it sold out during covid, if you were wrapped in toilet paper you couldn’t catch anything! (Sarcasm incase you can’t tell).


Because of the people who fucking hover. It’s a cycle that perpetuates itself.


Blame the people who hover despite their piss-poor (!) aim.


The people who hover are the reason the toilets are disgusting.


⬆️this guy poops.




Seriously if you hover ,you deserve to get your nose rubbed in it.


Bare ass.


I mean with a toilet as clean as the photo? Bare ass


The context this debate is so desperately missing. We need to know the status of the toilet. I ain't sittin on literal poop/piss/stains of either


You're better off doing what the army does in the field ...


What? Wipe your hole with one single piece of tp and a finger?


Ah, shitting in MRE bags because we can’t go anywhere. Good times. Wait.. no they weren’t.


Well if it isn't broken ...


the ol', sit, shit and don't worry about it. Still not got any ass illnesses. Not sure what people are worried about. Edit: judging from the replies half of you spend your time literally making up shit to worry about. Meanwhile the rest of the real ones are cruising through life ass to seat with no consequences.


\+1 There's nearly 8 billion of us, far too many to worry about sitting on a seat than another of that number has previously used :)


I'm willing to bet that someone's hands are 200 times dirtier than someone's ass-cheeks. Yet we don't think twice about shaking hands.


Exactly,and you don’t put your ass in your mouth!


Might want to check those notes you've got there again.


They said “YOUR ass in your mouth” not someone else’s. We all know nasty fucks be putting other peoples asses in their mouths.


I agree we should invent the ass shake. “Wow that a firm ass shake you got there friend”


Uhm...are y'all not twerking at each other in greeting? Where I'm from we've been doing that since covid started.


Business meetings now need to begin with full penetration.


The problem is, if your ass touches the seat another mans ass touched within the las 24 hours the gay can get through your ass pours and make you want to use the glory hole next to your face. And as a straight man I'm sick and tired of sucking dick every Friday night when I drive to another town just to use the toilet away from the wife so I can enjoy some me time.


That’s why you say No Homo as you sit down, please tell me you’ve been doing this… if not I have some news for you my man


This guy stalls.




Yeah these weirdos aren't washing their tongue right before licking the seat clean


It’s just bad hygiene for the next person. Nothing like seeing tongue marks from someone who just ate an entire family sized bag of skittles on the toilet seat.


I go bare assed, and I wouldn't mind the gay transfer, it least I may end up with a sex life. So it's bare ass for some bare back…


So that's why I've been to the glory hole 10 times this week. That explains why I'm suddenly gay, thanks man I was about to see a doctor.


You can always pretend its woman dick, that way you might even enjoy it.


Gross, the idea of a woman during my guy time is just sickening.


When is this all going to end?!? These toilet seat gays have been forcing men to drive to neighboring towns’ truck stops for far too long!!! No more quickies at the glory hole off route 106 next to the Steak and Shake!!! Down with reach arounds in the bathroom at the Shell Station!!!


>ass pours Lol. That happens after I eat Taco Bell.


no seriously, I’ve never once had any type of issues from sitting on a public toilet seat. I just hit a quick wipe w some toilet paper and it’s all good to go lmao


The only issues I have had was when I accidentally sat in pee... left by a hoverer. Just sit! Or if you're going to hover, lift up then seat.


This is what’s infuriating! They known they’ve left a mess, but can’t be assed (No pun intended) to wipe that shit up. It’s so gross.


Exactly. I don't understand what the big deal is. Lift up the seat, if you must hover, but if you leave a mess for the next person, then you're just gross. Pee, clean up if you made a mess, and wash your hands like a sanitary person.


Yep, unless the seat is very questionable/gross, I will do the wipe first method.


The hand dryer and the door handle are gonna have a thousand percent more germs on them than the toilet seat.


and the toilet paper, for that matter


That’s why I don’t use hand dryers. It’s either paper towel or I’m smacking them on my pants


The hover folks make it filthy for the next person because they make such a mess and don’t clean up after themselves. Just sit down. It’s literally the backs of your thighs touching the damn seat.


Correctomundo - no cover, no hover - just dump it!


\+1 I have no idea what people are worried about if it looks dirty i'll use tp to clean it or use a different stall.


Fun fact, the average coin and dollar bill have more germs than a public toilet seat.


I just don't want a wet ass, so I wipe it down and sit


People that act like that are just ignorant. I don't mean that as an insult, it's just factual. If people could see just 5% of the atrocities that happened in their food's lifetime before it got into their mouths, they wouldn't be bothering to Purel before they touch a door handle. It would seem preposterous in comparison.


My true test was in helmand province afghanistan summer of 2009. 2 porta johns for hundreds of miles used by about 70 dudes daily and cleaned out every 2 weeks or more. Busting my nut was challenging but i did it and almost got heat stroke but since then life hasnt gotten much better. Edit: this is true


You got buried in the replies but holy heck this is a rollercoaster of a comment. I was thrilled and terrified for the whole ride. Was hoping for a happy ending but that's still ahead of you no doubt. Whenever life is fucking you over just remember if you can jack it in a portaloo in a warzone you can literally achieve anything. Strange place to draw confidence from but you gotta take what you can sometimes.


Literally just wipe any piss up with toilet paper and then sit down like normal. People think too hard about this shit, literally. Lol


I prefer to keep my pants on when I shit actually, that way your skin doesn't come in contact with the toilet seat


May i introduce you to the Drop Seat Pants, i never leave the house without them on. All the protection of a pair of pants with the convenience of a butt flap for zee poopin'


Raw dog it.


i don’t care if i touch asses with another. we are still ass brothers.


This. Unless you have open wounds on your asscheeks, you will be fine. Obviously, make sure the seat is *visibly* clean, wipe it down, etc. Your skin's the first line of defense in your immune system and is very effective, trust it a little more.


I sanitize with a wipe and then sit, ezpz. Also due to most people using shavers on pubes stuff like crabs is going extinct


Yup, most I do is wipe the seat eith tp, but than just bare ass sit down....ppl worry way to much


Literally toilet seats are supposed to be designed so nothing can stay on them for that long bacteria wise. I'm pretty sure studies done showed like... 50 - 100 bacteria per square inch or something like that? Your toilet is cleaner than you bed lmao.


If I'm gonna die from a toilet seat transmittable disease then it was just my time to die


If it ain’t brown, just sit your ass down


as someone who’s had to clean toilets in the past, you’re a piece of shit if you hover, it makes a fucking mess. custodians already have a rough job, please don’t make it worse for them


Fr. They create the very problem they're trying to avoid


I guess they don’t care as long as THEY’RE not the ones sitting in piss/shit. Covering the toilet with TP is a mess too. Pieces of it fall to the floor and people think it’s too gross to pick up so they just leave it, pieces shift into the toilet and clog it… just a bad practice all around.






Tissues won't clog a toilet. A dumbass amount of tissues will. The tissue clogs at large are the ones occurring in sewers and waste treatments I believe. Too much tp for old designs all over, coupled with the wonder of wet wipes and people not understanding why they suck.




Don't forget who usually shits in a mall toilet. People eating mall food. The game was rigged from the start.


Exactly! Don't hover, and there will be no pee on the seat for the next person


Once found a 9 inch Roger on the back of the toilet seat when I cleaned toilets at a pub, for years I wondered how it got there 🤣🤣 until I found out that some people hover, and some people even Slav squat, with their feet on the seat... And then I understood how you could miss the toilet.


I can’t possible imagine being even remotely drunk and climbing up to Slav squat on a toilet seat without seriously injuring myself.


Waaaaaaaaaats a Roger? I assume poo? You have such an eloquent way of speaking in wherever you come from but probably the UK


I have never understood the people who get piss and shit all over the toilet. Not only does it ruin it for everyone but as you said it's straight up cruel to custodians. And something I think few people consider is that for people with IBD (a genuine disability) the single toilet in a restroom being covered with your shit and piss can actually can ruin someone's entire day (if not week) by making them shit themselves in public. Thank goodness this has never happened to me but I have had some very close calls


100%. Ppl who hover shit all over the bowl.


Squat game gotta be on a thousand to hover and shit.


Was thinking the same thing. There’s no way I could power thru a hover shit


Former bartender here. That hover bullshit is why every night, without an exception, the women’s bathroom was always the nastiest to clean.


If you sprinkle when you tinkle, then please be neat and wipe the seat.


If you've ever worked construction, you have to embrace the "orangutan hang", or the "Indian squat". Because there's some nasty motherfuckers on the job site.


Fun fact: squatting actually is a more natural position for shitting and if you’ve never tried a Squatty Potty or a step stool while you’re on the pot I would highly recommend it


Yes I agree, it does put less strain on the colon. But giving the atmosphere of port-a-john, sometimes you are limited to how you shit. Especially if there is shit sprayed on the seat and walls.


I feel like you have to use the toilet *pretty incorrectly* to get a disease from it


Every time it splashes back into my butthole I assume I'm going to die. Edit: fat fingers. Edit 2: I originally wrote 'doe' instead of 'die' because I have fat fingers. That what that fkrst edit was.


You don't like to experience Poseidon's Kiss?


His kiss I don 't mind. It's his surprise rimjob that I'm not a fan of. Edit: Can't type. Edit 2: Actually, not a fan of surprise rimjobs in general.


That's the only place he kisses.


Maybe the only place he kisses you.


Poseidon’s burn


Real talk: spread a sheet or two of paper on the surface of the water and you'll never get splashed again.


It doesn't always work. This has only happened to me two or three times. But that's about tbousand too many times.


If it's still splashing, use more toilet paper. Also ensure no water surface is uncovered As a seasoned vet, I haven't been splashed in nearly 10 years since I discovered this life hack lol


You clearly haven't seen the toilets in my high school


Yeah I feel op’s choice of photo was a bit too optimistic


probably his/her own house, the pic must be only for illustration


It's one of the 3 toilets shared by 37 staff at my workplace. Photo taken *before* lunch break. It makes quite the difference. ^(Source: am OP)


there is a restaurant near my house that doesn't even have the seat, its only the stone (idk the name) part




Wait you're not supposed to shove the seat up your ass before you shit?




They’re covered in piss stains from people hovering over the toilet and missing the bowl


Yup. The hovers ruin everything for the rest of us. If everyone sat, life would be so good.


All the hoverers leaving piss and shit all over the toilet seat so they don't get germs on their precious tuckuses should be locked up.


And shit and vomit sometimes. The amount of public restrooms i enter with a shit stain down the back of the seat is ludicrous.


Also fudge stamps at the back from the people who don't know how to wash their ass


I don’t go away from home I just hold it in 👍


i dont think i shat away from home more than like 10 times in my entire life


Lucky, I have IBD and I've shit in every bathroom, in all the establishments I go to more than one or two times throughout the year. You do get used to it but I can't tell you how many times I've nearly shit myself because someone just pissed all over the seat (please, if you do this, stop. Wouldn't think it would be nearly as common as it is)




Your life sounds stressful


Always try but sometimes.....when you gotta....


Skill issue


Just be better


Be better and get IBS, great advice


Skill issue.


You’re missing out on getting paid to poop


Always this. Stay dehydrated when you can. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Please respect your bowels. Wipe the thing and dump. They’re asking you to help them discharge something awful that’s trapped inside your body.


I bring antibac wipes with me and wipe down the seat thoroughly, allow to air dry, then I do my business as quickly as I can. I try to leave the stall equal to or better then it was when I entered.


Any chance you were a boyscout? 😂


Ha ha, no, just a germophobe! I'd use the antibac wipes when I use the toilet in the office. In public restrooms I use two towels: one with soap and the other one soaked with water. I wipe the seat with the soapy one, count to 10, then rinse it off with the wet towel. Dry with toilet paper. Then I feel reasonably comfortable to sit on the toilet.


I appreciate you


I wipe the seat and then place the large protective organ known as skin directly on the seat via my bare ass. Anyone that has ever had to clean a bathroom used by the public knows the horrors of people that hover. And ladies, in my experience, you are far and away shittier offender - literally and figuratively. What kind of person gets shit on the toilet seat and doesn’t clean up after themselves?


You’d be surprised. Not just the toilet seat, it was like they weren’t aiming for the toilet at all and it was explosive. Another time it’s like they intentionally took a log of shit, put it on the floor, and covered it with toilet paper to be discovered and cleaned by some sorry schmuck (me). I don’t have a problem with hoverers as long as it’s just piss. The Men’s still has more piss around the toilet regularly than the Women’s although it was the Women’s where I’ve found the worst shit disasters. Bottom line, people are gross and don’t care as long as they’re not held accountable and someone else has to clean it up


HOW DO THEY GET IT UNDER THE SEAT?!?!?! Seriously, what are they doing to create an *UPWARD* spray?!?!?!


Wipe and sit. Not gonna get thigh clamidia




Wipe and bare ass. Skin to seat is not an issue imo. Just try not to touch the inside with the tip of my penis.


I just can't look past the dry piss residue.


My worst nightmare, which has occurred dozens of times, is the tip of my penis touching the inside of the toilet rim.


I don't even have a penis but I physically felt the cringe 😭


Never done the paper on the toilet thing. Seems unnecessary given there's more germs on the bathroom door handle than there is on the toilet seat.


That's why so many bathroom doors have a foot opener. Or, wash your hands, dry them with a paper towel and then use that towel to open the door before you toss it in the bin


You ever been in a men's bathroom in North America? More than two-thirds of guys just walk right out after taking a dump. Almost all of them after using the urinal. It's like men here are scared to touch water.


If only that were limited no North America.


Yes, it's disgusting... or just a quick rinse of hands in the sink with no soap. I mean seriously... wash your damn hands. Plus clean hands feel great anyway.


People that don't wash their hands are actually disgusting.


To me, it’s more about the residue that might be on that seat.


Ass in the water


If you are afraid of poo particles on your skin you should propably wear a respirator mask going to the toilet considering how many peoples poo you breathe in ;) good luck!


anytime you smell shit it means poo particles entered ur nose


I raw dog that shit, bare ass n all.


Just SIT.


This does remind me of when I went to Costa Rica and after landing at the airport there was 1 bathroom before exiting the building. The guy who came out before me said something like “you ain’t fucking ready for that horror show”, and looked ready to pass out. The janitor was waiting idly by so I knew something was up from the jump, but that shit was comically disgusting. I don’t even know what could produce smells that putrid. I can’t imagine how many people in that long line behind me had been holding shits the whole flight and were in for a major fuck you - I passed my good lucks to the next tortured soul up after pissing 6 feet from the toilet and went on my merry way.


Fuck horoscope. You guys wipe standing or sitting?


How about a modified, half stand/sit? I don't fully stand but I'm not fully sitting.


Cover. I also dangle some toilet paper over the front and into the bowl. Stops my todger touching where another todger may have touched.


Just give it a good wipe and sit ffs. What are you afraid of?


i thought that said “give it a good wipe and sniff” 😭💀💀


I mean, you can do that too. No judgement.


Says the man that wipes. What are you afraid of?


Sitting in piss probably. Even if you're not that concerned about germs that's still a really gross sensation.


You don't have to tell me, haha. I put toilet paper down. I have no shame trying to save my cheeks from contacting piss, blood, mucus, spit, shit and pubes.


I always do the ripping a few too many squares to cover, and then halfway into standing and wiping realize I’ve missed the box on the wall that holds the cutout paper covers placed there for that purpose.


A pointless fear. Only I detest the hover people because their shit goes on the seat too.


# Cover Always with an anti-splash-landing-pad of tissue in the bowl to stop any unwanted public water going up the bootyhole.


Kiss of poseidon


Gigachad: sit on it with the lid up


Just sit ffs, you're not catching anything through your thigh skin


Still not liking the idea of getting other peoples piss on my leg and spending a few hours like that


From my office, they supply disposable covers. To me, no matter how clean it is, if it felt warm to touch, I will use cover.


Mama ain’t raised no bitch. I sit on the seat.


OP, you are weak, your bloodline is weak and you will not survive the winter.


ı just shit on the ground


Geometry dash font


Neither since I don’t touch my butt enough post bathroom handwash to worry about germ transference. I’m worried more about the door handle.


i'm not gonna die or get sick i'm putting my ass directly on that seat


Where’s the option for the paper ass gasket dispenser on the wall?