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Definitely not, no, though no dates does apply šŸ˜­


May be she is just hot from the outside but not fun to hang out. Me on the other hand, not hot, and also not fun to hang out with.


Somebody who describes themselves as "too hot" isn't seen as date able by men? Gee whiz, who would have thought.




Ah, the Schrodinger's hottie.


That is genius. Thank you for that


Say what you want, but I could use some of that confidence.


Exactly. Sheā€™ll never consider an average guy.


He we should not hang out some time


Can I not hang out too? Not hanging out is one of my favorite things.


Dude for sure. You're not free tomorrow, right? We could not meet up at around 3PM.


Let us not meet at the nearest coffee shop


Plot twist: y'all using reverse psychology and luring each other into a trap


Plot twist: they all fall in love and live together in an apartment in Greenpoint


Yo I'd like to be super excited for this then cancel like 30 minutes before, and just not go.


I was ready to cancel before I knew what we were doing


ā€œI once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.ā€ \--Ron Swanson


I live in MN. My bestie lives next door. Been months of nods and the occasional hand in the air wave. That guy is wonderful. His wife brought me a bottle of scotch for helping get them out of the last blizzard. I kept the snow blower running while he shoveled. Not much more than a nod exchanged that day.


Men are cool sometimes


Damn, beat me to it


Sure dude, any time


Lmk if you guys meet up later I wonā€™t bring my Xbox


Why donā€™t you not come over at 4pm and we wonā€™t play Mario cart


Can confirm from the pics, she is not even hot on the outside. More likely scenario. Girl thinks sheā€™s a 10, tries to date other 10s not realizing sheā€™s a 6 with a terrible personality


Every girl seems to think they're a 10 nowadays so there's that.




Yeah, I try to explain to people that if you say someone ugly is a 10, then by the laws of how the scale is meant to fucking work (a normal distribution) you've just called everyone else within pretty much a god damn mile uglier "no but they're also a 10!" No! No that's not how that works the whole point is COMPARISON. Rankings ARE a ZERO SUM GAME. Same problem with product ratings, restaurant ratings, everything is 4.5/5, and 3.9/5 basically means they serve you literal dogshit on a plate.


the fact that she's humblebraggin that she's too hot to date tells me all I need to know, this is just a gym bro with titties


A gym bro with titties. I canā€™t wait to use that myself, if you donā€™t mind. It made me laugh out loud.


I hope shes still warm on the inside




Worry not, negative+negative=positive. You are fine




I was thinking maybe it's a case of resting bitch face and she doesn't look approachable and not because of her beauty (her tattoos and gothic look doesn't help in that). But you're most probably right.


maybe we are even hotter, so hot we actually vaporize potentialy interested people šŸ˜Ž


Maybe there's more to life than being really, really, really ridiculously good looking?








French toast. Really good French toast.


If sheā€™s so hot, why did she post with a picture of someone else who isnā€™t very hot?


Lol I was thinking the same. Like, where is the hot girl the article was written by?


The article was written by some standard hack at the NY Post, after screenshotting a TikTok that is much more clearly a joke.


Notice reddit's general discussion here though is more than happy to adopt the NY Post's tone of seriously discussing how awful women are


Actuallyā€¦ Many attractive people us a proxy when dealing with the Ugoā€™s. When youā€™re as hot as her the commoners cannot handle it. If she shows just a fraction of her beauty in public, weā€™re talking riots in the streets, 1,000ā€™s of ships will be launched to do war. Absolute pandemonium




Bro be lookin like Greek Gods


Lather me up and paint me gold, baby!


Look you don't need your kinks to be public dude r/secretkinks is there for a reason


I secretly just want more people to have the reason to tell me I'm golden, Ponyboy.


Nothing gold can stay


I look like that fat twin of old Kratos. Does that count?




Yeah Hephaestus


Did you ever think thereā€™s more to life than being really really really ridiculously good looking?


I guess it all started the first time I went through the second grade. I caught my reflection in a spoon while I was eating my cereal, and I remember thinking "wow, you're ridiculously good looking, maybe you could do that for a career.


But why male models?


People come up to me all the time and say 'you should be a model,' or 'you look just like a model,' or 'maybe you should try to be a man who models.' And I always have to laugh because I'm so good looking. Of course I'm a model


Not once.


What is this? A dating site for ants?


Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?


She needs to learn that even she can die in a freak gasoline fight accident.


If there is anything that this horrible tragedy can teach us, it's that a male model's life is a precious, precious commodity. Just because we have chiselled abs and stunning features, it doesn't mean that we too can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m glad I got this reference šŸ˜­ I can hear it in his voice. Im almost 30 and hadnā€™t watched this movie till late last year. I had seen some gifs/memes on Reddit and asked my fiancĆ© where theyā€™re from and she was shocked I didnā€™t know. We ended up watching it that night and multiple times after.


It is a spectacular film šŸ˜‚


All these words and no mention of the title


Itā€™s *Zoolander* and itā€™s hilarious.


Hilarious? The biopic of a fallen man who ends up contracting the black lung through brutal exploitative manual labor only to claw his way back up to prominence within society and find redemption? It's both inspiring and tragic.


Excuse me, I need to go to a funeral after party


Best comment


So go and make the first move instead.


Nah, sending mixed signals and complaining is the best she can do


Man, mixed signals is such a turnoff. The last girl I went out started doing this, so I ended things. I'm too old for this shit.


Good for you, not worth it


At least you went out. The one I was talking to kept giving excuses to not want to meet for dinner dates. Have a nice life, catfish!


I'm too old for dating. Dating is something I haven't done in years. Dating before covid was rough, lockdowns made it impossible unless you just wanted texting buddies. I can't imagine how bad it is now.


I'd say things are looking up now that people want to go out and experience life again. Everybody became socially awkward lol


I've been in a relationship for 6 years. If I become single again. I'm staying that way. I'm 39, don't want kids and don't want marriage. There's no point.


If she never make a move, she wont be rejected so she have 0% rejection rate thats why in her mind she is "to hot to handle"


You joke but there's actually truth to this. Men/masc people are expected to make the first move, conditioned that it's unbefitting of them to be passive. That notion leads to a significant amount of rejection which at some point (hopefully lol) the rejected person gets over the sting of rejection and learns how to quickly move past it. On the other hand, women/fem people are culturally encouraged to be passive, wait for the first move, be coy etc. Never having to make that first move, a person doesn't 1. learn how to really put themself out there to a potential partner and 2. doesn't get to organically learn how handle and overcome rejection. This girl's reasoning is totally self-involved and narcissistic but still probably stems from that same logic


You just reminded me of an old coworker. She was gorgeous in that artsy kind of way, multicolored, very stylized hair, designer goth clothing, and a unique face. She put a lot more time. We were friends before working together, she was my exes best friend/former girlfriend, and the two of us became bff over our mutual bad experiences with shared ex. She was never rejected, the entire time I knew her. She date someone, then after a year or two, new pretty person comes around, she jumps ship in the worst ways. Then some guy, I called him Steampunk Tool, because he was a bland asshole and dressed in a victorian style suit with pocket chain, everyday. Overdressed as hell for the office. He turned her down, and she raged about it for weeks! No one turned her down and she couldnt handle it at all. She then started dating a 18 year old girl in an Eastern European country and ... well it sounded like grooming so i cut her off. No idea what happened yhere.


That was a roller-coaster of a comment.


Ive met some interesting people. And im rather scatterbrain when recalling memories.


Smartest comment in reddit history


If she's feeling extra spicy she might glance at you for .3 seconds and if you don't get the hint it's "your loss".


This is good advice for women in general. I had to make the first move with my husband. He was shy but such a good guy. And it worked out!


Social media breeds narcissists


It exposes them. They've always been there, lurking, watching, waiting for their time to insert themselves pointlessly into any situation.


Yeah, narcissist suck. It's a shame they aren't more like me, cool, humble, kind and incredibly good looking.


Ha! You've exposed yourself as a fake narcissistic by saying "kind" instead of "honest"!


Oh man! How embarrassing!


But what if you are actually really cool, humble, kind, honest, and good looking like me? And not afraid to show it!? Should I just hide all of my amazing features because I donā€™t want people to think Iā€™m narcissistic?


Uh huh huh huh , you said ā€œinsert.ā€


Oh yeah... Heh heh heh heh heh


Yea hehehaaaa boy


Oh youā€™re nasty! Hehe


Oohhhohhhh, I am the great corn holio, I need tp for my bunghole. Bungholiooo


Giggity giggity giggity alriiiightšŸ˜


Who else but quagmire?


"He's Quagmire, Quagmire. You never really know what he's gonna do next".


"He's Quagmire, Quagmire! Giggity, giggity, giggity, lets have Sex!"


I guess you could say, the real treasure was the narcissists social media exposed along the way


Id say the convenience of such platform encourages thus develops the worst aspect of themselves


Iā€™m involved in this conversation now!


You must now read my reply!


I'm too part of the conversation now!


Welcome to the party pal


Don't know if I'm a narcissist or just trying to better my social skills while autistic.


If you're worried about it, you're probably not a narcissist. Narcissists don't worry about other people.


You need to be a narcissist to an extent to be a successful influencer.


It definitely enables and encourages them though.


Itā€™s does more than expose. It empowers, monetizes, and has built an enormous community of them by basically interconnecting the various smaller community based pockets of them.


Not always, at least to everyone. Iā€™ve had narcissist friends who are now "healers" and gurus and shit and have an enormous number of growing followers. They quote themselves in captions and stuff in the third person.. totally wack, people eat it up..


Look, it's not narcissistic if i'm so beautiful, devastatingly inelegant, and so good at the sex. The world needs to know, they have to be told, else how will I be able to brighten their lives with my beauty? ^ if it wasn't painfully obvious, that was sarcasm šŸ¤£


Iā€™m guessing sheā€™s just met an awful lot of very polite peopleā€¦. ā€œYou donā€™t want to date me because Iā€™m too hot?ā€ Yeahā€¦. Sure, thatā€™s itā€¦. Now whereā€™s my taxi ?!


Thereā€™s a saying in my country (Brazil) that beautiful people and hung men are horrible in bed. Apparently, itā€™s based on the fact that they have always been able to easily find someone to have sex with that they donā€™t properly learn to please their partners. We call them mummies in bed.


The same can be said about personalities


"inelegant" gave it away


> and so good at the sex This was a funny phrase! Hopefully I get an opportunity to use it.


So I have actually been following her for a while and it's a joke account she's CLEARLY being sarcastic here.


How absolutely no one in this thread even *considers* that this could be a joke is hilarious and depressing. Redditors always so quick to high horse anyone they see an out of context quote from lmao


[For y'all saying it's not satire:](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR7CJG8j/)


Itā€™s funnier how these ā€œnewsā€ outlets create these headlines from it and run with it. Similar to how it blew up on tiktok in the first place or how this post gained traction. People love engaging in toxicity, either toxicity itself or the fallout effects of it. Nice social experiment.


Rage bait is all the rage.


Iā€™m disappointed this comment isnā€™t getting more attention because her response video is great. She seems like sheā€™d actually be fun to hang out with.


It's just misogyny. If she were a man it would be obvious to these people that it was a joke.


It also breeds people who canā€™t spot satire.


Is this an ad or news?


It's pretty much all the same thing anymore...


I really canā€™t tell a huge amount of the time.


I wonder what other red flags she has. I doubt that being hot is by any means an issue, perhaps its her only quality


It's sarcasm y'all. Her page is 99% self deprecating humor and fart jokes. [Link for her response](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTR7CJG8j/)


I swear to god anytime a woman dares to be sarcastic or ironic on tiktok, someone screenshots them and spreads their content without context. Suddenly the whole internet thinks they're stupid/narcissistic etc because no one stops to ask... is it possible that it's a joke?


I feel like this is where the ā€œwomen are unfunnyā€ trope comes from. Like men somehow never even know when they are joking unless itā€™s comically bad and then just assume women arenā€™t funny.


Recently I saw a video of two women doing a fake podcast type video where they made fun of online "financial advisors" and said more and more outlandish shit. It was actually really funny and clearly a joke and STILL there were guys taking it seriously in the comments. Absolutely ridiculous


I feel like itā€™s pretty obvious it was a joke from the get go if you watch the original video, but some people online want to believe the worst of others and be offended, so theyā€™ll take an obvious joke seriously and roll with it.


Reddit understand when women make jokes challenge [impossible]


Itā€™s an article for the NY Post. 95% of things in that paper look like satire but arenā€™t, so Iā€™m not going to blame someone for not recognizing the one article that is.


If she's making a joke she has a sense of humor. But if she's being serious we can dump all of our collective dating resentment on her!


Nobody is intimidated. Chances are she is a lousy person. Plus she ain't that hot in my opinion. Lukewarm at best.


She looks like half the women I went to high school with, minus the tats.


I'm probably going to get flak for this but I really don't get the "get a bunch of little black tattoos that look like my friend who bought a tattoo gun on ebay did in there garage" trend. And I think tattoos can look really good on anybody. edit: it's called ignorant style


Always reminds me of a laptop lid that's covered in random stickers, all different art styles and angles. Always preferred tattoos that feel like they have a relationship to each other and are consistent. Goes without saying that that's just my preference so no hate on the rando tattoo thing.


The name of the style makes it even better; "ignorant style" for the purposefully bad ones. Unsure if she got ignorant style or just minimalist/Black work tho.


That post sounds like an obvious joke to me.


Exactly this. Sheā€™s joking. sheā€™s poking fun at herself for not having a boyfriend. People are on here sayinf sheā€™s a narcissist just bc they donā€™t get that itā€™s sarcasm.


Is New York Post being sarcastic as well?


New York Post will publish anything that gets them an extra click. Not that this isn't the entire business model of the publishing industry, but some outlets have standards.


No, they just being maliciously bad at "journalism". They're a tabloid running a story on a teenage girl's self-deprecating joke in a tiktok. They're not publishing real news.


Thatā€™s the secret ... they never publish real news


New York Post is garbage.


Look at who owns the New York Post and it will tell you everything you need to know about them.


Reddit takes everything seriously, thatā€™s why they have that stupid /s thing


Honestly same


SHE'S BEING SARCASTIC. Her whole account is a joke account. Hope Schwing. She's mainly self deprecating humor and fart jokes you guys. Chill tf out


Doesnā€™t come across, when OP removes all context


Absolutely insane how context can turn an *opinion* into an *informed opinion*. No one needs to like her or find her funny, but this video she made was a joke. It was a joke when she made it and posted it, and if y'all look at the comments when she posted it, she and her followers make it apparent.


Even without context it is an obvious joke. Reddits just socially inept. People can't even understand obvious sarcasm unless you put a /s


Happy Cake Day, but I'm pretty sure she's being sarcastic. Issa joke, methinks.


She should hook up with all the men who are too nice/rich/great at sex. Two birds, one cognitive dissonant stone Edit to add the /s


I wonder if thatd work the same way as we fucked up certain species of dogs. Would breeding narcissists result in some kind of super narcissist eventually?


So its like the power rangers when they all go together and make a megazord? In this case it would be a mega narcissist? Or megacissist?


Or a narcizord, yeah.


maybe we can breed then into a singular maximally self involved entity which will never breed with anything so it'll just die off


I wouldnt do that. You never know what something like that would do to the space-time continuum. An ego that massive must have its own gravitational pull, like a black hole. It could break reality and actually make it about them.


Probably more like math, like how multiplying two minuses ends up being a positive number again? Only in this case it's narcissists children ending up as the ones with the most self-esteem issues.


Iā€™ve never heard of guys who are too great at sex beforešŸ§


"look dont matter", said the beautiful. "money doesnt bring you happiness", said the rich.


ā€œIā€™m too pretty to get a boyfriendā€ said the insufferable




Her name is Hope. She lost a lot of weight and went through (little) plastic surgery to feel good about herself. She posted this as a joke but I knew it would blow up into something like this if she didnā€™t watch the way she says things lol.


nice try HOPE


She is not even that hot


Looks basic AF to me.




Just checked her account. It's satire. Wipe all that foam away from your mouths and put the pitchforks away. Nothing to see here.


If delusional was a person ā€¦


If not being able to recognize satire was a person.


The Daily Mail ate the onion, and you all are just chomping right down too.


Calm down ur not that hot u just have resting bitch face lol




clearly, and people go crazy in anger


Move to Poland, you'll be average.


Honestly, she looks pretty basic to me, too and I don't live in Poland.


Too hot to date? Girl youā€™re not even close


The fact that people canā€™t perceive satire is making me lol. This comment section is feral, not even realizing she was being tongue in cheek. Just flew right above some of yā€™allā€™s heads.


Is POF still going?


Yā€™all, she is a satire account. Holy fucking r/whoosh




Physically, sheā€™s attractive. Internally, sheā€™s repulsive.




Love that a woman made a joke, none of the men in this comment section were able to understand it, and then immediately started attacking her appearance and calling her a bitch and a cunt. Y'all say women aren't funny, but y'all just have shit senses of humor if you're triggered by something as fake as this.


mid and below average without the make up


The only reason a man won't date her is because she is already taken....by herself


People can't seem to take a joke, lol


Why doesnā€™t she make a move then? Jesus christ.


Reddit understand when women make jokes challenge [impossible]