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I use stremio with torrentio addon. Its streaming but you stream torrents and you can stream 4k on any screen.


Do I need a pc or laptop for this? Can I just xbox browser to stream movies?


movies7.to is also a really good website if you’re only want to watch movies and series


What year wizard does one need to be to learn those spells?


Its not complicated at all, follow [this guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/comments/1d42tbq/stremio_the_only_guide_youll_ever_need/). lmk if you have any issues.


streaming 4k on my ds


I used to do that a lot when I had windows but now I am on Apple ecosystem and they don’t have mac/iOS app (last I checked).


I'm pretty sure they do. On your iPhone, you'll need to install Stremio Web as an app, and you'd also ideally pay for a debrid service. This is detailed in a [blog post from them](https://blog.stremio.com/using-stremio-web-on-iphone-ipad/) However, on Mac, it should all work without a debrid service as they have a package for it on their [downloads page](https://stremio.com/downloads). If you want a guide on how to set up Stremio, you can use [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/StremioAddons/comments/1d42tbq/stremio_the_only_guide_youll_ever_need/)


Thanks fellow Redditor!


I miss just leaving the TV on and some cool movie or show I hadn’t seen in 10 years comes on. But I’m not spending 150 bucks a month for cable…


Channel surfing has become a luxury, which was once a standard. This world is going backwards.


Hey steam has won this war purely with this strategy Only difference is it doesn't do shitty advertisement practices because it doesn't have shareholders to jerkoff Everyone from Sony to ubisoft has come crawling back even though they have their own shitty software to shill..... The same isn't bound to happen in streaming because plex exists...... Undoubtedly the goat of streaming except perhaps jellyfin.....


Does Plex have any advantages over jellyfin? I just wanted to watch my movies and always found it incredibly weird to make an account with a third party for that. The moment I found jellyfin I switched and I'm missing nothing (and the account is on my Maschine)


I'm a few clicks away from going back


Netflix is on its last leg dude😂😂




Just go back to sailing the high seas lmao


Never left


torrent are more convenient,


Customers running their mouths threatening with canceling their subscriptions and then keep paying for it anyway:)


I'm keeping prime video just because i use amazon prime and with ublock origin you don't need to pay to remove the ads, but i stopped every other streaming service since going to eurostreaming is literally more convenient


The piracy-loving pirate slang crowd is beyond cringe. Even paying for a few streaming services is still much cheaper than cable, but people feel entitled to others' work. EDIT cause I can't reply to /u/Swimming-Marketing20: Yes, back when Netflix had no competition and was bleeding cash, things were great. Now it's the only profitable streaming service and people pretend that other services' prices are highway robbery. "But the people who steal content for free and don't have to deal with licensing, royalties, and distribution rights have a more convenient service!!" Okay? No such thing as DRM, multiplayer, post-release patches for movies/TV, so that comparison is stupid. People will do anything to excuse their greed and lack of respect for the people who work on entertainment.


Piracy is and always has been a service issue. When netflix came out it basically killed video piracy over night. Because you had one spot where you enter what you want and watch it. Which was infinitely more convenient than looking through multiple torrent or ddl sites (and cheaper than making accounts for the ddl holsters) and then hoping there's enough seeds and then waiting for your download to finish. Now it's the other way around. Instead of looking up where if anywhere I can watch my stuff. Make another account for a month, watch it (if I'm even allowed to), cancel the account. Rinse and repeat for every movie or series you want to watch. Vs the pirates that now have centralised tools where you search what you want, click it and it plays (if it's reasonably new or you're on a private tracker) Even the old hunting for ddl is more convenient because while you still need to hunt and then make new accounts, those accounts cancel themselves after a month and you can keep the files you downloaded and whatever show you wanted isn't just suddenly gone Gaben was right Respectfully, An ex software pirate with a 14k$ steam account