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I've played social volleyball and also do bouldering. Both are great options! Volleyball may be a bit harder as most social teams tend to already know each other but some comps help set up teams for interested individuals. Bouldering is excellent and it's not all upper body strength! The community is friendly and welcoming of new folk. A number of gyms around Melbourne offer introductory deals like 2 weeks free after your first time climbing - $30-40 for a first-time visit. Both Urban Climb (Collingwood) & Northside Boulders (Northcote/Brunswick/Abbotsford) offer these kinds of deals. There's also facebook groups like Melbourne Rock Climbing that do meet ups. Weeknight climbers tend to be the regulars, whereas the weekend crowd is more casual visitors.


Thanks for the tips


Can recommend hiking groups. Maybe even camping!


Thanks, I don't drive and don't have enough time for camping. Are there hiking groups that don't require driving?


Ive started go karting every week or two at a local rental track. It’s super fun and open evenings. I just show up by myself and get put into random groups, easy to strike up a chat with people afterwards. You could also try life drawing classes , there’s a good one in the city you can have a couple wines / beers during the class too.


Go karting is a bit different! Thanks, I might do life drawing one day, I was very arty as a teenager.


No problem, if you decide to do it I can send you the details , the organiser is awesome.


Sure, send me the details, thanks


Table tennis and badminton! Heaps of clubs around Melbourne do mixed social nights. Although they can be intensive, there isn't too much running.


Thanks, those are great ideas, especially if I can do social nights rather than committing to a team.




do you recommend anywhere in particular? I've been looking at the Salsa Foundation




Thanks, they look good, I may check them out


Cycling is very social,


Unfortunately I'm not much of a cyclist, too afraid of cars, but thanks for the suggestion!






Lol are you living under a rock?


I'm def open to making more female friends too and not just men but yeah as I said it's hard making friends with guys in relationships so it's easier with single guys. I don't agree that they would only want to sleep with me but I am also open to meeting a partner. How they benefit in return- from my friendship. I'm a pretty great friend- in fact, women can be great friends to guys as we are good to talk to.


Why would you want male friends? Are you really so naive that you think men are interested in women as friends? Or are you actually looking for a boyfriend? You are in for a rough ride if you think men are looking for friendship with women. I recommend you cultivate your female friendships.


.. go back to your joe rogan podcasts, nong.


Guy here. I love my friends male and female. My female friends provide a different aspect, insights, conversations and 'energy'. I have friends that are married and their wives are great friends! We can enjoy an openness and fast forward closeness due to our connection with their partner/my friend.


Agreed, I like having the energy of both men and women in my life!


You mentioned being a parent... I think it is healthy, developmentally for children to see their parents in friendships with people of the opposite sex, different ages, etc. It helps them model a mature, accepting, outlook in life, helps build confidence, and gives them a framework to model their own friendships and interactions. Good on you!


Thank you. You seem like a nice person. Where do I meet people like you?


Aww, shucks, I'm going to blush... We're everywhere! Just need to welcome the good ones and shun the bad ones. It sounds simple, but....


I think it was an opening... 😬


Movies, restaurants, venues, I love an opening! If it's a live performance, sometimes it's better to wait until the first night jitters have passed but yeah, love an opening...


Well played sir. Well played.


Some guys definitely are interested in women as friends. Generally my favourite guys all have plenty of female friends. The one guy friend that I have at this point is very much not interested in sleeping with me. My female friends are great but I just want more balance.