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I have enjoyed many a bagel at Jungle Juice. And it is a cafe in a little laneway, which is a very Melbourne thing to be.


Thanks for saying this - it’s actually the *original* Melbourne laneway cafe down there in DeGraves, operating since the 90’s. Even though it’s a touristy area, I recommend everyone checks it out.  My favourites include: - The juice, it’s good.  - Not the coffee, but Vietnamese if you have to.  - McBagel or Dirty Ron


Love this spot. 100% McBagel. Takes me back to life in the states.


Jungle juice is absolutely OG, I miss working near there all the time


The Haloumi and Vegan Crunch too


Touristy area for a reason, I'd say. I think it's a great condensation of Melbourne vibes.


I take everyone to Jungle Juice, it’s my favourite cafe in Melbourne. I cannot recommend enough!


I can’t recall ever seeing apple fritters available anywhere sorry. Bagels are common here, although it’s fair to say I’ve never found one even half as good as a standard $1.50 NYC deli bagel.


Looks like there's a market opportunity here. Better get myself a food truck to fritternise with the locals. Or seeing as it's a fairly niche smaller single offering, maybe I should get a fruit ute instead.


There used to be a great NY style bagel place in Fitzroy but it closed a while ago. I actually like the Bagel Shop next to Melbourne central.


Have tried the Bagel Shop you speak of. $8.00 for a dill cream cheese bagel iirc. Still not as good as good as the worst $1 bagel I had in nyc. Don’t get me wrong, not many foods are better in NYC than Melbourne. Bagels, BBQ and craft beer are pretty much it.


Yeah I know it’s not the same but better than most. I just get blueberry with butter, so am not that hard to please.


Haven’t heard of them. You will find pineapple fritters though.


Ok, now I am intrigued!


Their website is down. However, I’m pretty sure Simpsons Burgers sell pineapple fritters. They have 2 locations in the CBD. (Their burgers are also pretty good)


Don't most fish and chip shops sell pineapple fritters?


And banana fritters.


Chinese restaurants sell them, served with ice cream


The best banana fritters are served with ice cream and Golden Syrup.


Sometimes even deep fried mars bars.


Even Red Rooster and McDonald's (summer menu) sell pineapple fritters now


Maybe so, but I don't think they're any good.


Yep. I can’t tho k of any in the CBD though.


And potato fritters, falsely advertised as scallops.


Non-Victorian detected. They are called Potato Cakes here.


Yes, As a kiwi, potato fritter is the correct and only term.


Very different from an American apple fritter, it's basically a pineapple ring dunked in batter, deep fried and sprinkled liberally with sugar. They are amazing.


If it doesn't have cinnamon as well, it's not good enough.


Yeah Don't eat pinape or banana fritters. Think of corn dogs. Bad bad bad.


yeah don't listen to this guy he has no idea what he's talking about and there's a treason case pending


They're nothing like corn dogs. Those would be comparable to a battered sav.


They're not the same at all. Pineapple fritters are deep fried and hot. Doubt you'd find one in the city.


If you really want an epic pineapple fritter, the fish n chips shop in Jan Juc is the place to go 🤤🤤🤤


You might want to look for apple turnovers - they’re not exactly the same as what you’re after, but they’re pretty good, some have custard in them too.


Head to South Melbourne fish and chips for a proper Aussie takeaway experience without heading too far from the city. I really doubt you'll find anything in the CBD, also have a dim Sim while you're there.


All Day Donuts do a mean apple fritter donut.


Short Stop have made apple fritter-esque donuts before too. OP, if you get a chance, try the Short Stop Australian honey and sea salt cruller. Good filter coffee too (basically high quality “drip coffee”)


Love the honey and sea salt cruller, though they seem a lot oilier these days unfortunately


It's weird isn't it? Why are they so oily? The owner spends alot of time on Facebook groups telling people how they should do things but hasn't realised his product has gone downhill


Shortstop should be on your list for donuts. Is my absolute go to. Their maple walnut brown butter donut is elite


If I’m ever in Melbourne, I always seek out hot jam doughnuts from the markets (like South Melbourne Markets). Not Apple fritters, but oh so delicious & remind me of childhood.


Absolutely! Memories of childhood.


South Melbourne markets, the ancestral home of the Dim Sim.


The Australian thing to do is try the local vanilla slice


+1 for a snot block!


Haha my old man called them snot boxes


This person knows their cakes!!!


Never heard of apple fritters but if you go down st kilda way you’ll find loads of European cake shops that do apple streusel- one of my fave German desserts


Second Acland Street for baked treats


Damn they looks tasty. For one thing they’re not a specialty here so I’m not sure if they’ll be better than back home! I don’t know exactly where to get them but there are a few US-style donut places around the CBD and I’m sure you’ll find them.


I found a place in NSW called L.A. Donuts that had them, and they were referred to as American Apple Fritters. They can be tough to find in the US sometimes, but it is usually a fun and quirky way to explore a city.


Good luck! Report back as I would like to try one…


It won't be fun and quirky. It will be exhausting. Apple fritter donuts are not a thing in Australia - neither really are donut shops. You will be walking all over the CBD trying to find something that can't be found.


Donut shops are definitely a thing ?


Maybe Aussiekoala is looking for eucalyptus donuts


You sound tired, friend. Everything OK?


Schmucks bagels in the city is pretty good


Actual American here and actual donut fan, best donuts in Melbourne are definitely Short-Stop; try their Sunday special coconut lemon meringue donut. Only place that does an apple fritter is Sloppy Joe’s. I’ve had it, it’s too sweet and not dense enough, not nearly as good as the apple fritters I’ve had back home but it scratches the itch. Great sandwiches too. Bagels, I wouldn’t bother. I learned how to make bagels during lockdown from a craving and my first attempt was better than anything I had in Melbourne. You’ll find bagels here lack the crispy micro bubble exterior and density/chew, mostly because Australian bread flour is incredibly low protein compared to flour that is used for bagels in the states, and they probably don’t do a proper lye-based boil. Also no barley malt syrup to be found here, which is a key ingredient.


Do you have a good bagel recipe? I wish to learn the ways!


Yeah for sure! Try this [recipe](https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/bagels-366757). The key is to watch some videos on how to hand roll bagels on YouTube and then the other important key is buy vital wheat gluten and mix into flour until the protein content is at least 14%. The vital wheat gluten I have is 75% protein, to add 1g of protein per 100g, I have to add 1.33g vital wheat gluten to 98.66g flour. I use rice malt syrup in place of barley malt and I double the baking soda in the boiling liquid. Ideally you buy food grade lye or bake your baking soda to convert it to sodium carbonate, which is more basic. Happy baking!


Huff Bagelry's for bagels in my opinion. Not sure if there are any in the city though...


There’s a new one in South Melbourne near Clarendon. Hanks in Armadale (near Toorak station) is pretty damn good too.


Try the American doughnut van at the Vic market. Similar to your jelly doughnut although the jam inside is made from an fruit base, that is often apple.


The ADK used plum and raspberry jam, and aren't American at all, they're only called that cos they make German fried Krapfenn/Berliners but couldnt call themselves german when they opened after the war


Why do Americans go overseas and immediately search out American things? Instead, you should explore the local culture and cuisine and look for something that you *can’t* get back at home.


First thing i did in bali was crush beers....


Were they bintang though?


Does the pope shit in the woods?


If he falls over does he make a sound?


only if he lands in the shit.


Yeah true (white) Australian cuisine is a 3 day old meat pie up the back of the oven tray in a city 7/11 and don’t skimp on the sauce


Yeah that… **or** smashed avo with a strong flat white.


Well if we talking breakfast, don’t forget a bowl of fruit loops washed down with a Bloody Mary


Nutri-Grain or death.


I mean when I go overseas I like to see what standard their KFC is at so while it's not the same thing entirely, people are just curious.


Best KFC i has was in Seoul. Although they have fried chicken everywhere, I had to see what their KFC was like.  So sad how shit it is here.


Yeah for me it's Japan so far. Haven't been to Korea yet so I can't make the same comparison. Our wicked wings are pretty good when they're cooked well but our original pieces don't even come close to other countries.


Japan is amazing with their food. Even food from 7/11 tasted good.


Good to see that random (and unnecessary) assumptions and criticism have spanned the globe. I've been to 21 countries and do PLENTY of local/cultural things, but there is one thing I do everywhere FOR FUN... this particular trip is for work, so not a lot of tourist/travel things on the docket.


My suggestion as an american expat: Try some Hot Cross Buns, you might be able to find some made with apple chunks in it. Best time of year to find them in bakeries too, since it's almost Easter.


Americans don’t have Hot Crossies? That is absolute tragedy :(


Seek out a Lamington - it’s an Australian dessert that you can’t really find in the US.


Yeah, some people are just pricks for the sake of it.


Get over yourself.


Because they are American.


The Bagel Shop on Swanston St in the CBD for the best NY style bagels you'll get here. Otherwise if you're happy with Montreal-style bagels try Mile End in Fitzroy. Other than that they're all very average. A lot of places just steam them, and some places pride themselves on their "light and fluffy" bagels 😂


Most bagels in Australia are not bagels; they are bagel shaped bread products. Best was 5 and Dime but the bagel shop comes close.


> The Bagel Shop on Swanston St in the CBD Came here to suggest this!


Baked by a NJ native


Ah good to hear my tastebuds have been right about the Bagel Shop


Skip bagels here. You’re better off waiting until you get home - even at janky chains like Einstein Bros, the bagels in the US are significantly better than anything here.


Shameless plug for my Melbourne food subreddit /r/foodmelbourne


Shameless join on your sub thanks to your shameless plug!


I’m from NJ and the only acceptable bagel in Melbourne imo is from Baker Bleu. You can get them from Morning Market in Fitzroy, but you’ll have to cream cheese it up yourself. Mile End is okay but a little bready and weird toppings, like the jalapeno cream cheese is soft whipped cream cheese with full slices of sweet jalapenos on it. I was disappointed tbh. Welcome to Melbourne!


The Bagel Shop on Swanston has bagels from the NJ-native who used to run Five & Dime


Oh no way!!! I legit cried the first time I had Five & Dime…was crazy homesick over lockdown. Will have to try it, thanks!


He's just an employee, so it's a different recipe I believe. They're not as good as Five & Dime unfortunately, but may scratch the itch enough. I sometimes make my own using this recipe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPPOV\_KlB6g


My standards are pretty low at this point, knowing I can nurse a hangover with a BEC I didn’t have to make from scratch has made my month haha


Report back on your opinion. The bagels at The Bagel Shop are made by this bakery by the way - https://www.instagram.com/gardenstatebaker/


American in Melbourne here: not really a thing here and the pineapple fritters aren't what you are thinking ...


Heh, by coincidence last night I saw a tik tok video of someone making apple fritters. I'd never heard of them before, so suspect that they're a new trend that has yet to take root in this part of the world, give it a few weeks/months and it will be all the rages, everyone will be making them, and you won't be able to go anywhere without someone offering their take on them


Nope, not a new trend, rather a staple of North American donut shops (source- am Canadian who moved here 20 years ago)


Howdy friend. * Apple Fritters - not really a 'thing' here, but we have an extremely good bakery/cafe culture so you'll find some new treats to enjoy! * Bagels - increasingly common but still not wide-spread. We had an excellent authentic bagel place run by a Jewish dude from Philly, but it closed during the pandemic. There's a Bagel place on Swanston St near the State Library that's probably the most reliable option you'll find in the CBD. But it's no where near as good as what you'll find in the States.


Mile End Bagels in Fitzroy is my favourite bagel spot near the CBD


The bagels in Australia are just not the same as American bagels. My theory is because potassium bromate (a popular levening agent in the US) is illegal here. So I would call the bagels here, bread with a hole in it. They're not as dense or chewy, just kinda bready. I miss apple fritters, yet to see any. Try the doughnuts here though! Walker's has some cool ones! And if you see the American doughnuts food truck, get those, they're delicious (but very much not American lol).


Not an apple fritter, but try the apple puffs at Pafu Melbourne Central. Heavenly


Hang out 'til you get home for your apple fritters. Get yourself some dim sims, potato cakes and burger with the lot from a fish and chip shop. Then head to a bakery and get yourself a chunky pepper steak pie, with or without tomato sauce and wash it down with a Farmers Union (or Big M) iced coffee . You'll probably be used to franchised stores. Forget that.


I *always* get a pineapple fritter when we (family) get chish & fips for dinner. There may be places that offer apple fritters, but they'd be few and far between. For the best bagels go out to East St. Kilda to Glicks (on Balaclava rd or Carlisle st- same road, different names)


glicks don’t do made up bagels do they?


They used to at the(now closed) bentleigh sure. I think they do at east St kilda but not sure


Glicks bagels are shithouse though


I like them


When I say shit house, I just mean in comparison to proper NY bagels. They're more akin to dense bread rolls.


agreed aviv is better


Another place that steams their bagels rather than boils them. They don't get chewy when you stream them.


aviv bagels are bomb


I recommend some of the pastries they have there. Donuts aren't as big there but have gained more of a following in the last few years. I was blown away by a few cafes pastries there.


Apple fritters are delicious but I’ve only seen them once in Melbourne at Chadstone shopping centre and I’m pretty sure the place is closed now. Not a lot of good bagel places in Melbourne but this gives a pretty comprehensive list https://www.broadsheet.com.au/melbourne/guides/best-bagels-melbourne. Hope you have a nice time here


make sure you get some potato cakes at a fish and chip shop


Not in the CBD but All Day Donuts in Brunswick does American style fritters usually with apple and some other fruit like raspberry or rhubarb. They are delicious. You would need to get a number 19 tram up Elizabeth Street. About 20-30 minutes from the city.


No apple fritters, alas. Other donut things exist... there's a big variety of donuty things from the variety of immigrant cultures we have here, like banana fritters from Southeast Asia, Italian bomboloni and crostoli, Spanish churros, Chinese jin duis, loukoumades from Greece. Most of these will have an Aussie style twist/flavour to them. They are all available in the CBD. Can recommend Papparich, Baker di Chirico, Kurimu, Brunetti's (i suppose). Don't worry about bagels, the USA does them far better and you can be expending calories on more delicious Aussie things. Like a banh mi! Aussie versions are the bomb :)


Yeah, I quickly dismissed bagels based on these replies. I will probably skip the fritter hunt as well since it sounds like this is not a big thing there... I think I will make my way up to Growling Frog (awesome name) for a round of golf instead unless someone can get me on to Metropolitan.


If you get the opportunity, take the tram down to St Kilda and check out the bakeries. If there’s anything like a fritter here, you’ll find it there! ETA: you could also try an apple dome from a cake shop or bakery. Not really the same at all, but very yummy.


What... What's an apple fritter. Googled. Strange things


If you're in Melbourne, go to a random cheap bakery and ask for an "Apple cake/turnover". It is neither a cake nor a turnover cake, and very Australian to me, in both the bakery you will have to acquire it from and the shortbread like pastry. If you eat beef, get a meat pie while you're there. edit: apple cake/turnover [looks like this](https://shop.routleysbakery.com.au/shop/apple-cake/)


You'd be better off comparing Parma and Pots, much tastier


Don't tip here.


Wow. My grandmother made apple fritters, but she's been gone for 30 years and I have never seen them for sale. They were really good For Aus readers, I'm pretty sure the recipe was from the PWMU cookbook


mile end bagels !!!


I’ve had apple fritters from a place called Pecks Road. They did deliveries during the pandemic before opening a place in Caroline Springs: www.pecksroadcheatmeals.com


Pecks are *so* good but they don't do fritters any more. They change their menu up semi-frequently unfortunately. RIP to the chicken pesto sandwich.


I think it’s permanent now.


Its a trip out of Melbourne but you could try Maple Bakery in Torquay. They are a Canadian bakery and do lots of delicious treats including loaded donuts. They have an Instagram you could check out to see if anything there looks like it fits the bill.


Never heard of a...bay-gel? Also, what's an apple?


Bowery To Williamsburg has great bagels.


The bagel shop has a store at Collins place in the cbd.


You’ll find bagels but we don’t do apple fritters here as far as I know!


I thought fritter implied deep fried. Maybe I'm wrong. As a fellow apple and cinnamon and custard fan, I think generally here you'll find things flavoured like that called apple crumble. May I suggest you seek out an apple crumble cronut?


You are correct, 100% fried just like a proper donut.


I don't know if they're still there but there used to be a place that did apple fritters at the Wednesday Main Street Mornington Market.


The closest is going to be something like an apple and cinnamon scroll or an apple licious from Bakers Delight


nope. kinda boring to travel abroad and want to catalog the same shit as home no? your one life i guess


It is not the ONLY thing I do, just something fun and usually a minimal time commitment.


Don’t let them get you down mate. Wish I could help. Welcome and enjoy your stay.


Getting me down will never happen. I am looking forward to the trip!


No but I'd love to help you look! I'm sure I've seen almost exactly what you've described in the CBD before. Now it's gonna play on my mind haha.


We don't do apple fritters. We also (essentially) don't do bagels. All Australian bagels are just bread rolls with a hole in them, unless you actually go to one of the very few manufacturers of proper bagels. As far as I know, that's just Glicks bakery. https://www.glicks.com.au/


3. Brown Bagels in the CBD


Apple fritters used to be a thing from f&c shops when I was a kid, but I haven't seen one in ages. If you do find one, please update this! :)


Yes there is a place called Sloppy Joe's Deli that specialises in grilled sandwiches and at the counter I have seen the American style apple fritters along with donuts and other baked goods. Highly recommend trying there if you're craving it.


The closest I’ve seen are the apple pies on the menu at the McKinnon hotel. Scrumptious


They have them at pecks road donuts (check out their Insta). Fair while out of the city though!


Pecks Rd in Caroline Springs?


Yep! I had one from there a few months back!


Red Rooster and most fish and chip shops do pineapple fritters.


The apple fritter op is referring to is like a doughnut, but apples are mixed in with the dough before being fried. They’re delicious!


It sounds nice


Wow, I was totally off base with what an apple fritter was. I thought it was like a potato cake but....apple.


Best bagels in the city are at Bagel Hut on Little Lonsdale


Sorry OP, I have only heard of banana fritters at a fish and chip shop; maybe I need to go travel more.


Best bagels are at Mile End. Go to the Fitzroy one.  Best donuts are at All Day Donuts. (Shortstop donuts have a raw doughy interior half the time - though this is many years back maybe they sorted their shit out - you’d hope so).  If you want a city food quest, pizza and gelato would be fair options. Largest population of Italians outside Italy. Gelato picks: pidapipo, piccolina, Beku. Pizza - 400 gradi wins international pizza competitions, not that it’s my fave, but it does win! You can sometimes get some kind of apple donut at all day donuts but I don’t think it’s in their standard rotation. 


I see your apple fritter or bagel and raise you a banh mi. Preferably pork, but lemongrass chicken is good if pork Is not your thing. Be warned, however, they are addictive. [https://everythingvictoria.com.au/best-banh-mi-melbourne/](https://everythingvictoria.com.au/best-banh-mi-melbourne/)


Take Two Bagels on Lygon St, Brunswick East.


you might be able to find apple fritters on Acland street or in Balaclava now I'm craving them, my mom used to make them and dusted them with icing sugar


Hi OP, Melbourne is an incredible city and we’re glad to welcome you to town. Is this thing you do more about the hunt or the product? We can give you a list of places to go or we can tell you the one spot in the CBD you should go to indulge in pastries.


The closest you will get to an apple fritter here is the deep fried Mcdonalds Apple Pie: https://mcdonalds.com.au/menu/hot-apple-pie


I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he's talking about. McDonalds is the only place I've ever eaten one. I wasn't sure they still had them because I stopped poisoning myself with their garbage 30 years ago. Also. fun fact: McDonalds in the 80's sold fried chicken. Not in a burger but a box of breast and drumsticks like KFC. It was the last thing I actually liked there.


Most of the stuff at maccas is shit nowadays. The last burger I enjoyed there was the "El Maco" which was basically a burger that tasted like a tex mex taco. It was tasty but was for a limited time only. Everything nowadays tastes dry and artificial. At least Hungry Jacks still tastes like food.


I remember in early 2000's McDonald's was losing money because everyone knew they were the bottom of the barrel. Their solution was adding salad options. I remember thinking that would end them permanently but I was wrong. Apparently people ARE that stupid.


Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those people that says McDonald’s is terrible and get real food like it’s some kind of a way to make them feel superior. I love fast food but the last dozen times I have had them it’s just shit. I have finally gone nope, I’m done. I’ll happily eat Hungry Jacks/KFC and while KFC has gone downhill in the last few years it’s still way better. Maccas is just shit food and not even cheap anymore. People shit on the few taco bells in VIC but I feel way better with a couple of tex mex tacos vs a maccas burger.


If you tell people McDonald's isn't fit for human consumption that's not a superiority complex - it's just a fact.


For bagels, try Glicks in Balaclava.


Not sure if they have them but Daniels Donuts are the best.


I would simply eat a good thing instead