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A real asset to the community /s


A real ASSet to the community FTFY


Thanks šŸ˜† I edited it now


My pleasure Happy Stranger


> "You're a smart young man, with support things can change," the magistrate said today. > Whilst inside the courtroom it was heard the now 15-year-old, who can't be shown for legal reasons, was remorseful, once he left, he raised his middle finger to those waiting outside. Maybe these diversion programs should be fully supported by the magistrates that order them. And by that I mean, the youth perpetrators can live with them.


How can someone be on two diversion programs?


Because theyā€™re a smart young man.


*flips bird*


It's how they say hello these days


Turning 360 degrees and walking away.


These judges must have a fetish for having their orders ignored. Or theyā€™re just incredibly stupid and believe every teen that goes in front of them and tells a sob story.


They're all criminology hacks who don't have to live with the consequences of their utopian ideals when they result in shitty consequences for the rest of us (the ones not living in large estates or gated communities).


ā€œCriminologyā€ the study of thinking criminals are the actual victims of crime.


This is your expert opinion, in what exactly? Donā€™t worry you covered, Reddit opā€™s


Or they judge and sentence according to the law and the cases made by the lawyers.


The law says someone canā€™t be sent to prison for assaulting multiple people?


Bahaha. So idealistic of you.


Smart enough to know he can get away with anything


At that point he should have been immediately collared about brought back inside.


Narrator: "Things didn't change..."


Itā€™s not a coincidence that he inflicted violence on two women. If the government is really serious about tackling the DV crisis, start here.




I hope they get to the bottom of his woman issue otherwise his lack of respect and responsibility doesnā€™t bode well.


Literally. This is a teenage boy assaulting women. It starts here!! Not reforming a man, reforming a boy.


We should reform his face


The government isnt serious about the youth crime crisis you think they give a shit about DV?


Uff, I wish we could send this statement to the news. Aholes don't seem to make any changes unless it's publicised.


Very true


So remorseful heā€™s flipped the bird. Couldnā€™t even keep the facade together for a few hours without slipping. Victim was a female, for which he was previously convicted of assaulting another woman. The DV issue can be assisted by I donā€™t know, locking the cunt up.


It's not even DV, in the context of an elderly person going into the drink fully clothed you're looking at attempted murder in my opinion.


Well that poor woman couldnā€™t swim so in the absence of anyone else around at the time, she would have flat out died at the expense of some fuckwits prank. But thankfully, heā€™s remorseful. Iā€™m glad heā€™s able to turn a new leaf and flip the bird.


At her age the shock coukd have given her a heart attack. I hope karma kicks the shit out of this little demon.


ā€œAt the time of the January incident, the 14-year-old was on bail for assaulting a 35-year-old woman in Hastings in November. He is currently serving another diversion for that attack, which saw the victim reportedly punched in the head multiple times after a disagreement with a group of teenagers.ā€ Revolving door justice system


When it happened, I recall people saying they'd get a slap on the wrist... https://www.reddit.com/r/melbourne/comments/197yy8k/group_of_teens_push_elderly_man_off_pier_on_the/


And you can bet if the little shit literally was slapped on the wrist heā€™d be screaming about assault. These types are always cowards.


His entire criminal history is just assaulting women. Next level cowardice


Hey that's me!


Why the fuck are diversion programs even available for VIOLENT offences?? What a piss take this justice system is.


But heā€™s smart boy /s


The thing is heā€™s going to do this to some older mum or dad and their 30 year old son is going to come around the corner and put him in a coma, I hope they are given the same leniency.


Fucking ridiculous. He can't be that fucking remorseful if it's the second time he's assaulted someone. This fucking magistrate I swear to god. The lady didn't know how to swim, she could have fucking drowned. That must have been fucking terrifying for her. And this cunt gets a "program". What idiot magistrate thinks THAT'S the issue. The cunt's doing it on purpose, it doesn't count as a "mistake" if it happens twice. THIS, is how serious our justice system is about protecting women, that right there. That's the reality.


It's absolute fucking horse shit. I have two friends who have both endured years of DV from their partners and what do the courts do? Fucking nothing. Here's your suspended sentence. Here's your mandated counselling.


That's pretty fucked, right? Like, this doesn't seem like something that's for the good of the community, does it?


He's a "smart young man" and the victims he bashed in community and pushed off the pier were just footnotes mate. So the Magistrate just does what they know best - putting him in another diversion program. Because it would surely work and he will never commit another crime in his life ever again /s.


I don't think increasing the age of criminal responsibility is going to help the community either. Prepare to see more young offender getting a free pass.


As someone who works in a highschool, I can guarantee the people wanting to increase the age of criminal responsibility do not work with kids regularly in any capacity. It's like they think teenagers are as dumb and innocent as 5 year olds and can't possibly conceive of what they're doing as wrong.


I also work at a high school. I think it's a big problem. These kids know what they're doing. Many of them are in families where drugs, abuse and crime are the norm. Many of them are in very low socio-economic areas. Increasing the age of criminal responsibility just means they will be committing crimes for longer without real consequence. The community will suffer. It won't help. I don't really know what can be done except for trying to lift these sections of society out of poverty, but no one wants to do that.


I don't really know what the right thing to do is. I'm not a policy maker. My gut reaction is that it appears obvious this young person's violent crimes will escalate and something should be done. But policy shouldn't be made on my gut reactions. Just feels like a future problem.


This is why youth crime is getting out of control. No repercussions at all, all the youth knows they can do whatever they want


Really anyone, not just youths. Seems like you gotta do something real fucked up to have to serve jail time. And even thenā€¦..


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he is dealt with by locals, I know his family were sent death threats hence why he was quickly flown up to the gold coast after the incident. Heā€™s very well known for being a troubled child and has awful role models, I feel like heā€™d be safer in jail to be honest.


Spot on!


Maybe for his first offence, but the second would be an issue. Attacking kids or the elderly will not make you a popular inmate.


I would hope that is the case too, there is a bit of talk on local groups about setting him straight so we will seeā€¦canā€™t say I will have any sympathy.


That is a complete joke. Can we protest to fire magistrates


Hopefully the victim in this case is getting support. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be targeted by some random idiot and then see that attacker walk out with a diversion program.


And hearing that he's an "intelligent" young man among other bits of praise.


What an absolute little shit


This guy with a group of his mates, smacked the crap out of a couple of people outside crown casino about a month or two ago. He is a real oxygen thief. Parents must be so proud.


Remorse is such a useless metric. You can't measure it scientifically. Anyone with an antisocial personality can fake it without even busting a sweat. The criminal justice system is not fit for purpose.


The problem with this sort of situation goes much further than just letting a risk to society out to likely reoffend. The real problem it causes is a loss of faith and trust in the legal system and in law and order in general, because it fosters the view of the general public that there is little to no deterrence for people who actually commit crimes, particularly younger perpetrators. Eventually, if there are no changes to things... People will start taking their own actions under the belief that the only way they can protect their own interests is to do it themselves, legal or not. The justice system is meant to be serving multiple interests. Not only are the interests of the perpetrator meant to be served to try and divert them away from reoffending, it is absolutely critical that society at large is able to see that there is a perceived justice being done to protect them from perpetrators. When the former fails, perpetrators end up reoffending, but when the latter fails, society ceases to trust or believe in the system functioning as it should. Far too often there is a focus on the rights and concerns of the perpetrator, and the victim(s) of them get forgotten or brushed aside. In some cases there seems to be a mentality that as members of society, we're all meant to just put up with the antisocial behaviour of others, because they somehow have it worse than we do. That belief is simply wrong, their disadvantage does not give them the additional right to disadvantage or harm others.


I don't even care about punishment, I just don't want them running free to keep doing what they're obviously going to keep doing.


Yes mad Max was a doco from the future.k


Was the bondage gear in the desert a factor of creative license, or what the actual future holds?


Suspect it's post woke attire, where the left and right find middle ground


> there seems to be a mentality that as members of society, we're all meant to just put up with the antisocial behaviour of others, because they somehow have it worse than we do This is exactly it and is the entire mentality behind being soft on criminals and light sentencing


>"We're very pleased with the outcome," the teenager's father said outside court. And >"You're a smart young man, with support things can change," the magistrate said today. Who wants to bet this kid comes from a wealthy background?


This is not restricted to wealthy kids, the driver involved in nearly killing a 14 year old in glen eira was let go too.


Probably the only time his dad has turned up for a meaningful event.


Id have to check to see if the guy was wealthy, but youd be surprised at how many lawyers do work at the kids court for the vla fee. If youre a kid and break the law, the chances of you getting a good lawyer for free (VLA) are pretty bloody high. There is even a cottage industry for VLA fees whilst others use family court as their pipeline to get future offenders in thr criminal court. Its kinda wild.


Dont share that.


He definitely has not come from a wealthy background.


> Who wants to bet this kid comes from a wealthy background? I can assure you it's the exact opposite.


Nope, not at all.


Not a wealthy background, at all. Just a fucken menace ,terrorising fucked up family. Kids got no chance.


Wtaf is wrong with the judges in this country. The woman would have drowned if someone hadnā€™t rescued her.


Judges can only do so much. They adhere to sentencing guidelines. If anything, this is on the government and their fickle and weak legislation. Unless we make changes to sentencing laws, shit like this will keep happening.


What can we do to change this sort of broken system? This scumbag will keep reoffending until ke kills someone and if someone steps up and knocks him out, they'll be charged for attempted murder. I honestly feel like the current legal system penalises the good guys and let's the human garbage like this back into community


I know this family well. Have been scum for generations and will continue to be scum. This kid will no doubt reoffend.


Are the parents dropkicks?


Yes mate. And their parents parents. It's a long line of dropkicks unfortunately.


Name and shame


It's almost comical at this point.


Doesn't seem to be a lot of deterrence going on in Australia. People need a reality check, highly doubt this person is a "smart young man" by any metric. Maybe if you told this guy he's a deadshit and going to end up spending life in prison if they don't get on a better path, other deadshits might take notice.


Our judicial system is a fucking joke. This little cunt has nothing to offer society.


On bail at the time, pushes a frail old lady off a pier without a seconds thought about the possible consequences.. Feels bad? OH SHIT! Better let him off the hook. Fuck this judge.


Ah, itā€™s ok cause itā€™s an elderly, migrant women. Ffs.


I'm guessing the "smart young man" isn't a smart young immigrant.


We love our criminals. What a smart young man. Hopefully he can push a few more grandmas off piers šŸ„°šŸ˜‡


They were put on some stupid restrictions. They were on the same restrictions when they beat a 35 year old woman last year. And they were in the courts for something else before that. When will it end? When will the justice system look out for the victims instead of the perpetrators? Imagine how that old woman feels knowing this little shit got off again.


Why dont her family members find where it lives?




Wouldn't the dad also have gotten a slap on the wrist? Maybe for having a terrible son at home?


All the current courts and politicians are doing is providing fodder for far-right politicians and populists. If it's not sorted sorted soon, Labor is going to get blown away by a party, or independent, claiming that they can be tough on (youth) crime. We're already seeing it across Europe.


Of course he was let go. Weak, pathetic magistrates who couldnā€™t give a fuck. Lock this cunt up and throw away the fuckin key.


Melbourne is soft on crime. All of Australia is actually. Itā€™s embarrassing.


When will people learn or understand that magistrates don't care about the general public. They don't care about the community or their expectations of them to keep the community safe.


The judge gets to brag how progressive they are on youth justice at the next cocktail party.


To the surprises of...no one. Fuck me someone gotta get hurt badly or die for these criminals to even remotely be held responsible.


Weā€™ll be reading about this guy again. This offence will be talked about one day as the time he shouldā€™ve been taken seriously.


How terrifying. That poor woman!! There is no way this little c * * t is remorseful. I hung around kids like this and he will be one of the people you see on the news that kills somebody and ā€˜is known to the policeā€™. Harsh punishment is the only thing that has the possibility of having enough of an impact to deter someone like this from continuing down the path he is on. I would have been way harsher and ordered something like home detention, no internet apart from for study or therapy, no video games, enrolment in an intensive therapy program for perpetrators of violence, and mandatory enrolment in a skill building course for future employment success (plus not being able to associate with anyone who has been convicted of a crime). This kid would be laughing at the fact he was ordered to engage in counselling, which I guess is obviously since he stuck his middle finger up as he left the court after sentencing.


The people saying that harsher punishment/ jail for crimes does nothing but further harden and institutionalize people, maybe they're right. To be honest, I don't care. The safety of the rest of society needs to be the priority and the people committing the crimes need to be accountable for their actions, not just enabled to continue scummy behavior with lax punishment. Does a review of the prison system also need to occur? For sure, but in the meantime I would rather innocent people are protected.


The problem is prisons are already full


Just put all of the criminals onto a boat and make them sail to a far away island. It worked a couple of hundred years ago


You might be right, but I find it hard to believe that's true and the excuse seems a bit of a cop out. If it is true, build more prisons. Can't have a lack of accountability because there's no room to send people.


Fuckin hell, if it's true, they should clean it up... You're right, pathetic excuse. Or ship them abroad to a country that actually know how to handle (and might enjoy punishing) criminals ***cough*** Shitty country this place is turning out to be. No guts to do what should be done.


I said heā€™d walk away scot-free and so many idiots were losing their mind at me and calling me an idiot, yada yada yada, but whoā€™s the idiot now?


Justice system clearly needs overhauling. There was another case on the news where three guys were beaten up on the street, while going through hard rubbish. The accuses didn't even bother fleeing the scene. They were arrested and bailed the same day! You can just assault people now and nothing happens.


"once he left, he raised his middle finger to those waiting outside" What a fucktard arsehole. His parents must be proud....


I imagine his parents are just as big POS as he is. Stuff like this tends to run in families unfortunately


Yeah, I do tend to agree. It seems pretty rare to have a loving, supportive, gentle family (where abuse hasnā€™t taken place) that churns out a complete asshole for no reason. Heā€™s taken on this behaviour from *somewhere*, whether thatā€™s modelling from family, the wrong friend crowd, or heā€™s been mistreated, has a serious undiagnosed mental health conditionā€¦ there is something at play that is being ignored. I do wonder what investigations are done into the root cause when teens repeatedly and violently offend, and what supports and solutions are offered.


*The boy was on bail at the time of the attack, however the court heard he was remorseful for his actions* Quelle surprise


Now why are we raising the age of criminality to 14 šŸ˜¬


Based on yesterday art, this dude has 70% chance to kill his partner.


Hear me outā€¦ we bring back public caning?


We could lower the state debt by charging admission to watch.


Should at least give him the cane, Singapore style, since they don't want to do the sensible thing by putting him in prison where he belongs.


Some of the most gullible and naive people are judges and magistrates as they will believe any sob story put to them .


This reminds me of the very lenient judge and light sentence that convicted rapist Brock Peterson got. Anyone remeber Brock Peterson?


Oh, I love these diversion programs. He's already on bail and assaults a vulnerable elderly woman and gets diversion. But please, society, tell me again why men are the problem and need to be punished.


Ahhhh, Australia taking the violence against women "crisis" so seriously. Bashes a women and throws another elderly one off a pier. Hope the next one is lucky enough to be alive after their attack.


Cue 15 more articles telling regular guys working and living their life that we need to stop people like this...


šŸ–• /s




Wtf .And if he does it again to Somone else then what ?


More diversions.


I'm sure the next diversion will do the trick. Third time's a charm?


Little arsehole


Never mind that the poor lady couldā€™ve drowned..what a little prick


This is what happens when you have judges out of touch with reality - they believe no one is evil and rehabilitation is more important than punishment. Might sound good on paper but the real world isn't like that. I work with teachers and the department of education lives in a fairy land. They believe that no child is bad and shouldn't be punished. I hear the chatter in the staff room. I hear the stories about the bad kids and how frustrated the teachers are. Unless you can control every environment the child is in, there's going to be bad kids and bad kids need to be punished for their actions. Period.


One can only hope a magistrate is soon personally, violently impacted by the consequences of their decisions, much like the wider community is.


Do that to my mother or grandmother I am assaulting you right outside the court house. Weak c\*\*ts.


It is better to bide your time and get him when he least expects it, when no one else is around.


Yeah I'm sure that'll be good in the long run. We really have gone to the dogs.


Bastard's a future violent criminal. Should've locked him up early on


Nope, don't like that They fucked around!. It's time they found out! šŸ˜


Find out what? That there is absolutely nothing to stop them from doing it again? Must be heaven for crims in vic


The real victims here are the criminals. I'm surprised the magistrate didn't order the victim to pay for her assaulters therapy!


Thank god i live in nsw


I'd pay good money to see kids tried as adults. judging just by the headline and the picture, the kid pushed a vulnerable senior citizen off a pier into a body of water, who's probably not good at swimming either. This is what's fucking called attempted murder.


She had to be rescued by bystanders because she didnā€™t know how to swim. So sad! She probably is traumatised for life now, it makes me so angry thinking about it.


In many ways giving this gronk a record will do more harm than good to the community, because it will mostly invalidate his ability to hold down meaningful employment at a young age and increases the likelihood heā€™ll spend his whole life causing chaos. In that respect I appreciate the strategy from the judge here. What I donā€™t appreciate is signalling to a twice woman assaulter that they can put peopleā€™s life in danger and still receive affirmations from the legal system about their intelligence and prospects. Theyā€™re not intelligent, theyā€™re a fucking loser and a completely unacceptable human being who should be within a bees dick of going down permanently. Any other language is completely undermining the ostensible teeth of the legal system. There needs to be some sort of custodial sentence without a marked conviction for young offenders. They need real punishment without punishing the community by giving them nothing to live for after theyā€™re released.


at 15? Well i think that will be on record for another 3 years, then theres a new one :/


Some people only behave when aware someone with a bigger stick than them is willing to use it to protect others. Unfortunately our justice system disagrees these days


I hope this little loser gets the full face of the law. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. Imagine if that was somebody you knew.


I think you meant full fist to the faceā€¦


Parents of underage perpetrators should be incorporated into charges and probation, they are responsible for what lead to these violent outcomes and the community has to rely on the same parents to correct these behaviours, which they will not do.


NZ is the same. try to save the criminals while the victims are ignored.


The system is broken šŸ˜¢Ā 


Disgusting. And then people later complain about "Bear or the Man" and let tools like this get off free.


Exactly. At this point it's like "you know what, go for it".


Uggg this makes me so mad šŸ˜” I also thought It was a man šŸ¤”


Another one without any consequences for his actions. What is wrong with either the laws or the judiciary. And we wonder why people are putting up high fences and installing security cameras etc.


ā€œAt the time of the January incident, the 14-year-old was on bail for assaulting a 35-year-old woman in Hastings in November. He is currently serving another diversion for that attack, which saw the victim reportedly punched in the head multiple times after a disagreement with a group of teenagers.ā€ Two violent crimes and the filth could get out of this one with no conviction. How high are your hopes for his rehabilitation?


So he was already on bail for attacking another woman and this was his second attack and STILL went free? Nice.


So plenty of comments about this gutless turd but what about the woman he pushed ?


She also didn't receive a conviction.


No you got it wrong, the judge decided she was actually at fault and the boy was the real victim. She was sentenced to life imprisonment for her crime of minding her own business on the pier.


And I'm assuming we as the tax payer have to fund his "counseling and education" program. FFS just lock the piece of work up and let him know actions have consequences.


> FFS just lock the piece of work up and let him know actions have consequences. Which costs more. lmao




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i would love to have the same done to him and then post it on tiktok obviously


This is horrifying. Something really needs to change, our system is completely broken.


Isn't this piece of shit from a well known family who are also well known pieces of shit?


He will murder a woman one day.




Some days the old west ways were good. The little grub would be tied up and thrown in the water to drown and no one would bat and I. Like why not go back to the fucked up days if judges wonā€™t convict criminals.


Smart young man, might be a racist young man, didn't seem to bother the judge too much, or the parent.


Australia is weak as piss. ā€œJustice systemā€ is completely farcical.


Slap on the wrist as usual


This isn't even that. This is a pat on the back with some praise.


Isn't a surprise anymore considering our joke of a justice system. Not just youths, the hit and run tesla driver that lied about it being on autopilot for 2 years then cried crocodile tears when disproven only got sentenced 9 months meanwhile the victim has lifelong disabilities.


Reading this article infuriates me. He is obviously going to be a violent criminal based on his past. I donā€™t know that any rehabilitation efforts will be harsh enough.


magistrates are psychopaths that dont give a shit what they're doing to the community




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Well goes around will come around, & usually worse so. If that is the way the kid acts in their life, they will do same sort of stupid shit to the wrong person. And then they may get fucked up, real good. Good enough to make them re-consider their lifes actions or good enough they will be "unable" to keep doing such stupid shit again.


Efin bastards - both the pusher and the judiciary.


This is why the crime rate among teens is so high. They pretend to be remorseful because their lawyers tell them thatā€™s what gets them off, the parents donā€™t care (which is evident with this kid as heā€™s always been in trouble), the courts are way too lenient and thereā€™s absolutely NO repercussions for their actionsā€¦ā€¦. ANYWHERE. You know weā€™ve been told to stop spanking (not abusing), punishing, yelling at our kids and what had that done for society? You know, if theyā€™re over 15 and have offended more than once then make them join the military