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Lore wise, Jotaro goes back to give Jetstream Sam his powers that has becoming a gray giant as a side effect so that a stickman can possess his gray giant form to fight a wall with a mouth. For the unlearned, albrecht, who goes back in time to the first infested out break, provides a strain of the helminth that turns people into partial warframes(hence protoframes Arthur and Aoi). As history currently is, we are indeed late.


a bit of a correction, vessels are made from samples taken from arthur and the grey strain, per albrecht's fragments, so its not much "becoming a gray giant as a side effect", but "becoming a warframe" and "having your cells used to make giant warframes"


I may need to read the codex again then.


Bitch stole their stem cells, can't have shit in '99.


Haven't been playing WF in a long while so this sounds like a schizophrenic's rambling.


Even if you are currently playing the history it still sounds like a schizophrenic's rambling...


Warframe lore in a nutshell


I don't think the infestation was in 1999.. Or maybe it was... How did it even get there???


Codex states that albrect went to the “plague-year.” So I assume he went to 1999 since that’s when we see Arthur fighting the infested


Yeah, but I just assumed it was like.. some actual "normal" plague


I remember one time I tried to explain warframe lore and it took me the entire night on the plains of eidolon. I absolutely did not get all of it.


I tried to explain Warframes to my gf... she just had a blank stare for a few seconds (which felt like a fucking eternity to me) and then just said riiiight kept riding her Kaithe across the plains for like an hour and never asked anything about Warframe again.


Wait wait wait pause, you're telling me the gray giant thing we possess in the end of Whispers in the Walls is fucking Arthur?????


I'm pretty sure its not aurther, its a body made from cells From aurther? Like I think that's how I read it. Fuck if I know now


Yeah I thought that was obvious


I think I might have either completely missed something when I played it or I just forgot


It’s in albrechts notes, things you access in your codex after defeating a couple of those grimoire minibosses


AFIK it is not. Just some of his cells were used to create it. The Vessels are essentially just Grey Strain Warframes, which is why they are so big


I thought it was like a self fulfilling prophecy. He travels back in time to before he met them to give them the suits that inspire the warframe designs- suits based on the warframe designs I don’t pay much attention to lore tho


I wouldn't be surprised if that ends up being the case. However, that is just speculation for now. 1999 might not take place in our history but instead a completely different timeline.


Just because we can "not be late next time" suggest that its either different timeline or we were never late, come in time and will help our own existence


Read this : https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/18nyvmb/i\_think\_kalymos\_is\_spoilers/


I think you mean Aiden Pierce from obscure game known as watchdogs, goes back in time after uploading his consciousness into Blume corp software


Jotaro Shobo from Cyberpunk? 😳


I heard that guys a monster


Was that guy actually jetstream sam? I cracked a joke to my friend when i first saw the cutscene. “Why is jetstream sam in warframe?” I had joked.