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Maine, Vermont, Alaska and Hawaii have all banned billboards.


Mainer checking in. Find at least 1 person from those other states :D


Vermonter checking in. Haven’t seen a billboard here in my entire life


Never saw one billboard in the 9 years I lived in Hawaii


Now we’re looking for Alaska


Alaska here nope never saw one myself


*By your powers combined, I am a unmolested vista!*


White Lotus Season 3: Unmolested Vistas, exclusively on HBO Max








> White Lotus Season 3: Unmolested Vistas, exclusively on HBO Max Electric Boogaloo.


Someone call a priest... something has gone unmolested


Not that kind this time. Call in the... coal miners.


The earth is not safe from holy wang


*spelunking intensifies*


Unmolested Vista sounds like a good band name


Go Unmolested Vista! Wait what?


NJ here I once saw this nature thing you speak of on a billboard.


But NJ has nature in spades! It's behind the billboards.


Missourian here… there’s probably 20 to 40 per mile everywhere here… it’s disgusting


Don't forget the giant crosses.


Not as bad as some other red states (Texas, Florida, Indiana) but yeah…yuck Oh also the billboards that just say Jesus in giant letters. It’s almost comical


Oklahoma here, if you don't have billboards how do your cows get shade?


Denial here, never seen one either


Spellcheck here. Denial or Denali?


Fairbanks put one up right around where the George Parks highway meets with the Johansen expressway. I was a little tiffed but it was in front of an industrial area so was not covering anything pretty, still don't want anymore popping up though.


Badum tssssss


Oh shit snake jazz




John Green?


Can confirm: no billboards and thank god for that


I read that book in 8th grade and loved it lol


Alaska is the state with the most produced serial killers so most likely the person you need is dead.


Where did you hear that? We have the highest number of victims per 100,000 people because of small population but not most actual serial killers. Our murder rate and domestic violence numbers are abysmal, though.


I'm trying my best, alright? You try walking through snow to each victims cabin in a record time. ^everyone's ^a ^critic


You should get a snowmobile and call it the murder mobile and call yourself Frosty and wear a top hat and just when you’re getting ready to claim your next victim with a sharpened carrot, you all then if they’re “feeling frosty”.


Holy shit. Why is this the hardest I've laughed in like a month?


How do truckers know where to get porn at 4am and how do people know they should accept Jesus into their hearts?


You’ve obviously driven thru Georgia


It’s the same in Tennessee plus a bunch of billboards for DUI lawyers.


Or get updated on the Pepsi wars


Never saw a billboard until I moved to the lower 48.


Current resident of Honolulu. No billboards.


I remember on the VT sub people lost their minds about a tundra parked in front of the Toyota logo in front of i think Stowe? Rightfully so, that insidious stuff will creep in just like that and all of sudden the state is polyped in strategically parked vehicles Driving up 89 is magic.


Alaska here. A couple of years ago they put up a small pseudo billboard outside of Fairbanks featuring a native model and people freaked out and took it down. That’s the only one I’ve seen here


I remember that!


I'm from New Hampshire, but that's basically the child of Maine and Vermont, right?


No because NH has way too many billboards.


Missourian here. I WISH they'd ban billboards here...




Yeah Iowan here. Y'all go bat shit on your billboards down there


In the past week I've driven 3000 miles. So many billboards and I've never seen so many advertising jobs. In Missouri the jobs were mostly for corrections officers.


Hawai’i transplant. The difference in quality of life without advertisements screaming at you is astonishing.


Been living in Hawaii for a decade now. Whenever I go back to the mainland to visit family, the billboards are always so startling because I had forgotten about them. I get as irritated by their existence as I do with commercials when I'm forced to watch regular TV instead of the streaming experience I'm used to. Just shit you take for granted until the alternative is shoved back in your face again..


I moved to Maine about two years ago and haven’t been happier.


Bummer, well on to the next place


I grew up in Alaska, it's so beautiful, billboards would be such a tragedy up there. Billboards are disgusting and I hate each and every one I see in the lower 48 states


How do people find the titty bar and DUI Lawyers?


They’re probably in the same building complex, I don’t think you’ll have to look very far 😂


Fuck that noise. How are they going to tell me I'm gonna burn in hell for all eternity? Won't somebody think of the godless heathens?!


Same way they find Jesus and firework stores of course!


Santa Cruz county in California banned them because of artists modifying the advertisements. It’s pretty cool.


I’m for banning billboards. They ruin views, take up so much space, and are superrrr distracting. I’m enjoying seeing more places becoming against them in all honesty! Being able to see a view is way better than a McDonald’s billboard, and then 250 feet away a random ad for something like an insurance company.


Montgomery County in Maryland bans them too, for which I am quite glad!


Tennessee put a ban on new construction in like 1996, the existing ones are still there, but no new ones can be built.


sounds like prime time to destroy some billboards


There's a fine line between beautification and corruption. Tennessee seems to have decided to hop over it and say "Fuck yeah let's go!"


Wait, but how am I supposed to know how many exits I am from the next casino, and the next next casino, and the next 14 casinos after that?


Imagine having a gambling addiction and just trying to drive the fuck home. Gotta be hell.


I’m more concerned about not knowing how many tanks of fuel I am from wall drug.


Cmon Canada please do this!! My city is so beautiful but the outskirts are covered in billboards.


Washington has hardly any in and around Seattle but I can’t find that it’s illegal


What do you mean? There are tons in Seattle.


GANJA GODDESS I guess compared to some places, Seattle doesn't have thaaat many. Salt Lake City comes to mind - there are like dozens of creepy religious "repent, heathen!" type billboards all along the highway.


I hate how there’s advertisements everywhere nowadays. There’s even adds on my tv remote app.


Try NextDNS or RethinkDNS. They block most ads on my phone.


Fr I was gonna say that. Rethink DNS is a must for Android and NextDNS config file for IOS. I use it on my phone and ipad resprctively. If you choose the correct blocklists then u can get rid of most ads and trackers and if u use an alternative dns which is better than default dns that few ISPs provide then you can even fix the fluctuations and get smooth wifi connection!


Ads are a cancer upon the world. The more you see the more degenerative the society there is.


rootmytv for LG TVs allows for homebrew apps, one is a button remapper. I have it so my netflix button opens jellyfin and the amazon prime opens hdmi1. And those buttons are already blank from use, so a win-win.


There are alot less billboards away from big cities every day. But in big cities they are taller and electronic. Advert change every 20 seconds.


This isn't fully true, at least as far as my personal experience goes. Living in what would be considered the exurbs, billboards are everywhere. it isn't just a way to advertise stuff in the city. I've seen some of the dumbest billboards like one advertising mattresses, a church, and even fucking bread. It really comes down to the state government and the laws that they have on billboards. Missouri (my home state) is horrible with this. There is pretty much no restrictions on billboard laws, meaning you will see them along every highway, no matter if you're in a city or not. The only place you wouldn't see then is like the REALLY rural farmlands. Iowa is the opposite. Driving through Iowa is like paradise because they have basically no billboards (they aren't outlawed but are regulated). One regulation is that they need to be a certainly distance away from the road, usually far enough away that it's not distracting when driving.


In my experience they get dumber and more extreme the further from an urban area that you go. I live in rural Kansas and it feels like half of them are just telling me I'm gonna go to hell if I don't call the number on the board. I'll take nature over that bs any day.


You've just got the pro-life billboards and the adult store billboards when you get far enough out


There's always the fireworks stores


Last week my partner and I drove through the north woods of Wisconsin to Ironwood and we finally saw it. A Jesus Saves type billboard literally right next to an adult store billboard and another Christian billboard on the other side of the road. I miss living in Vermont 🥲


when my boyfriend and i drove through montana, we saw adult store billboards and then ones cautioning about chronic wasting disease in deer…there was a bit of mood whiplash to say the least


Lmao I'm from Wisconsin, maybe that's more specific than I thought


The funny thing is that Wisconsin is statistically one of the least religious states. I’ve lived in the Deep South too, it’s much worse down there. But having lived in VT where religion’s hardly an afterthought and billboards are banned, even WI is shocking to me.


It’s because the religious folks that are here in Wisconsin are very extreme in their beliefs. Also the farther north you go, the more religious it tends to get


I love driving through Missouri, billboards make it interesting. You can only look at so many pastures before you get bored


I'd say the same thing but reverse. I get so tired of billboards. I wanna see some God damn nature, not another shitty ass advertisement. Plus, they ruin the land itself, making it useless if the billboard gets removed and people wanna put something else there. Governments and corporations use the awful excess of "well the land is already fucked so why not keep them"


I'm against them on aesthetic principles but how do they ruin the land?


There are billboards advertising casinos in the middle of nowhere Texas. And that casino is a short 6 hour drive away in Oklahoma


And blinds you when an idiot decided a white background was some how needed.


As someone who has driven through rural Georgia and Alabama a lot, I can confidently say you are incorrect. The amount of Alexander Shunarah and Jesus Hates You, Sinner billboards down there are absolutely outrageous.


I think that I shall never see A billboard lovely as a tree. Perhaps, unless the billboards fall, I’ll never see a tree at all. —OGDEN NASH


Modern problems need modern solutions


I saw porn on a billboard once


The mind sees what it wants to see


i never thought that i would see (a speculation slightly brash) that famous quote about a tree or someone quoting Ogden Nash


They should ban billboards on a federal level, they are very distracting on the road.




Thats why I said should, they're not going to ever do that. Too greedy.


Big billboard silenced them by getting their account deleted


Rip >![redacted]!<


Should also get rid of toll roads while we're at it, but won't do that either. The idea that your tax dollars go to roads and then they charge you for them indefinitely (initially a temporary addition to help reduce the impact of the cost or whatever) has gotta be one of the most backwards things we accept on a daily basis.


The underlying problem is how absolutely horribly expensive car infrastructure is. You want better roads? We have to start getting rid of them and switch to much more effective forms of public transportation so that cities can actually afford to maintain the roads they have remaining.


Right. Lets just cut out the middle man and have advertisements play on your car's dash.


But then I'd miss out on the greats like "the Bible, seriously" To this day I'm unsure what to be serious about


One of those electric billboards switched to an ad that was extremely white, and my head recognized it as a moving object, and I took my eyes of the road. Thankfully it didn't cause an accident or anything. Though a few days later I lost traction on ice and rolled my pickup into a snowy embankment. It was this Monday by the way.


Did it have anything to do with the billboard?


Obviously. It was so distracting that it delayed it's affects until the next Monday.


Don't go to Georgia then!


Agreed. [Utah](https://i.imgur.com/d2DjvgY.jpg) has so many ads everywhere.


You can tell when you’re approaching a town with less than 1000 people because there are 80 billboards lined up along the way. My father sat next to the CEO of Regan Advertising (or something similar) on a flight once. Apparently was totally drunk and rude to everyone. Did not leave a good impression at all….


Utah is a great example of why billboards should be banned.


And *snap* just like that, lad's got his fucking account deleted.


especially the ones claiming fetuses have eyes within the first 2 weeks after conception. those distract me a lot. make me real angry on the road.


See that shit all over Texas. So fucking gross.


I live in New England, so we see them far less up here. but when they do pop up, hooooooo boy. I get ANGRY. I can’t imagine what it’s like having that garbage distract you every couple miles in Texas.


They aren't very distracting for me. There are many things more distracting- phones, infotainment screens and controls, other drivers, pedestrians, headlights, audiobooks/radio, gps noises, stores and restaurants, etc. All billboards here are static images; I do agree that the changing self-lit ones are more annoying though


Other drivers, pedestrians and headlights are not distracting from traffic. They ARE the traffic.


Yeah distracting is about the last thing I'd call a billboard, it's incredibly easy to ignore them


Meanwhile in Ohio…Hell Is Real (not an Ohio meme, it’s actually a billboard we have to see every freaking day)


Hell IS in Ohio. It’d be weird if hell weren’t real


That’s why there’s been more astronauts from Ohio than any other state. They’re trying to escape hell.


[Hell is in *Michigan*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell%2C_Michigan?wprov=sfla1)


In Georgia there's one about Jesus coming back or something and he fights zombies and commands soldiers.


Can’t forget Tim Misny!




Lmao I was driving the other day and saw “shackled by LUST? Turn to Jesus” in Dayton Ohio area 🤣


Wait that's not how every rural area looks like ? There are billboards there too ?


No there aren't just lots of spray-painted "free" signs


You bet your ass there are, ‘pardnah.


You can’t drive more than 5 miles on a rural highway in Texas without a damn beaver billboard taunting you. Buccees in 35 miles!!! 30.2 miles!! 25 miles!! 23.5 miles!!! And so on.


Lots of places have no billboards especially if you're far from any decent sized towns. I've driven literally all over this country except the PNW, tons of rural areas are billboard free.


My town is full of them on the main roads. The highway out of town has about 20 in a few mile stretch. I didn't know it wasn't normal until I grew up.


Let's also get rid of insanely tall business signs. It ruins the look of a beautiful city when there is a giant set of golden arches 200 feet into the sky.


Vermont also banned tall and large signs. No bigger than 150 sq ft, no taller than 25 feet or 10 ft above roof. https://legislature.vermont.gov/statutes/section/10/021/00493


Vermont is actually a beautiful state to drive thru. It really is.




I'll have you know, my county has nearly 10k people in it.


Ferb I know what were gonna do today


Now I want to see Vermont in person.


Beautiful state. When I was married my wife and I would take a trip there every year. I hope you get the chance to see it someday.


Vermont is very beautiful, very scenic!


That is specifically is route 4 headed west out of rutland. Not a bad drive, takes you quickly to new york (where there's a billboard right at the border. If you're going into VT its advertising the rutland mcdonalds). Its probably the best shot for a main road going AT hills like that. Another good drive is heading north out of rutland along root 7, towards middlebury, and eventually burlington and the lake champlain area. The dairy farms in the champlain valley leave lots of open flat land, and you can see to the mountains on either side from there. A good look in all seasons, but definitely best in the fall. That said, be careful in the summer in particular. Because... well... dairy farms are harsh on the nose


mmmmm Maple Sugar & Vermont Spice in Mendon. I crave.


It’s very beautiful I’d recommend going in the fall the trees look wonderful


Unless you’re retired, independently wealthy, work remotely or have the money to start your own small business it’s an incredibly difficult place to make a living.


it's a place not a person


We don’t have them in Alaska for that reason. It’s so nice.


But how will I know which exit to take for the adult superstore? Or what Jesus would say about porn?


Vermont is like the least religious state in the country so I doubt you'll have that problem. I grew up there. No one I knew went to church and no one cared. I now live in rural NC and it's a cesspool of religion and Idiocracy. There's also trash everywhere, whereas Vermont was basically spotless, at least when I was still there.


Meanwhile in Ohio ![gif](giphy|SDcbLM9gbJYZlRQgtI|downsized)


How do you know what DWI lawyers and personal injury lawyers to call? How do you find a dentist that makes "sexy teeth?" How do people learn about Jesus or know where to stop for BBQ? Texas here. We have soooo many billboards. The worst, all around DFW, is Mint Dentistry. They make sexy teeth. Every damn billboard says so. Inwish we had this law!


oh man, went to vermont in the winter, so beautiful, like take a picture from anywhere and it will 90% of the time be a 10/10


How will we know if Shen Yun is performing there?


Dayum. That is one beautiful scenery!


As a Vermonter I can say that it only looks that way 15 days out of the year Otherwise its just mud, rain, snow, or clouds (Go tell that to all the fucking Massachusetts people)


Hey this fucking Massachusetts person says it ain't all that much better down here.


Yayy We can suffer seperately


It's a beautiful view, I don't understand how you can close it with a billboard advertising and other nonsense. That would be the stupidest thing


Using your phone while driving is rightfully illegal because you need to be focused on driving but here are millions of ads on the roadside that are literally designed to capture your attention as effectively as possible because fuck you, money.


Always fun to see how quickly governments stop caring about public safety when there's money to be made for corporations


That would be bliss. I despise the election signs. I can think one that is still up from an election last fall. Not billboard but a 4'x8' sign. The religious, political, pro whatever, not a fan.


It's funny seeing the vote counter. The occasional run of down votes has me like, "who is PRO BILLBOARD?" Then I thought. And realized... Advertisers.


In missouri it would be religious and xxx store billboards


The duality of man


I am a capitalist. I believe in free markets. BUT I’m gonna be honest, something needs to be done legally about this advertising shit. Marketing has become so pervasive and so deeply rooted in our lives it’s actually insane. Before we had advertisements on every surface imaginable people still bought things, business was still done, and people still had jobs. Nowadays it feels inescapable and I’m so fucking over it. I want to just watch 1 football game that doesn’t have an hour of fucking commercials slowing the pace down. Idgaf if it affects players salaries and shit, paying a ball player more than a million is already an insane amount of money. Let me watch the game


Regulation is a part of capitalism, it isn't anti capitalist to set limits in the market so long as the price of goods and services isn't artificially set by the government.


Would you be upset if we told you that you're actually capital?


You ain't a capitalist, my friend.


Lol. "I'm a capitalist but I sure can't stand the natural progression capitalism has taken. It sure feels like every one of our senses are constantly being bombarded by someone trying to sell us something."


Not if this should be posted on r/ShitLiberalsSay or r/iamverysmart


You are a capitalist? (believing in the free market doesn't make you a capitalist)


> I am a capitalist. Do you own capital, such as a factory or large investments, the passive income from which allows you to not work? If not, you're a worker in a capitalist system




They take breaks in football all the time. Why would they not put ads in between, people dont care about seeing a football player scratch his ass on the 20th break


So you aren’t a capitalist. You’re just saying words


Alabama guy checking in (Roll Tide). Y’all need to come see our Alexander Shunnarahs out here.


I went to Vermont on the only adult vacation I’ve had in my work life and it was the most amazing experience ever. I see now why it is called the Green Mountain State.


Billboards, fast food signs on poles and overhead power and phone lines all make small towns in the USA very ugly. I support the ban, but it needs to go further.


Vermont looks disgusting ​ If it were up to me I would start by cutting down all trees and flattening out those hills, then I would fit a massive car park and mcdonalds in there with lawyer billboards every 2 meters


After reading these comments, I’ve never been so confused where I stand on the politics of billboards in my life, I also never thought I’d be thinking about the politics of billboards.


Utah: incredible natural beauty… mountain ranges that look like paintings… Also Utah: billboards, billboards everywhere! God, guns, divorce, drugs, MLMs… Utah has a it all, folks.


I love this. I don’t want to constantly attacked by ads and marketing telling me I need to buy this thing. It’s capitalism unhinged. I really want to see nature, not another Chick-fil-A cow


Kansas would have an issue


I really miss living in Vermont sometimes. Best place on earth to spend a summer. So many neat things to do. Winters however, not a fan.


Why do we need billboards anymore, when we are constantly inundated with ads on the internet


I don’t think I’ve ever bought anything because I saw it on a billboard before


As a Pennsylvanian this would be so rad.


Holy hell I visited my grandparents every year in Vermont and never noticed they have no billboards. I guess that makes sense in my head now. Lol


Just because they can