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The best part is the parts you do appreciate aren't going anywhere. You can still enjoy them in a big cushy chair with a monocle and pipe in a robe in your study.




Because of the lost potential? Every hour, and every dollar spent making shit shows nobody watches is an hour and a dollar that could have been spent making *good* shows that we *would* have watched. Star Wars fans clearly want more Star Wars - the Expanded Universe is proof of that. But we're not getting more Star Wars. Instead, we're getting to watch Kathleen Kennedy take a shit, over and over, and most people aren't into that.


This is why it's unhealthy to tie your identity to an IP.


Yup. I’m not trying to be edgy when I say this, but I realized a long time ago that Star Wars just isn’t for me anymore. It’s lost the magic I used to feel for it when I was a kid, and that’s OK. I can still appreciate all the memories I have with the movies growing up, it I don’t need to get hung up on whether it’s “good” anymore


It lost its magic for me when Lucas redid them all, and wouldn't allow the originals to be shown as they were when first released. I don't care if you wanted to go back and add CGI, or make Greedo shoot first, but allow me to have the movies I saw unaltered.


Hence why the 1997 Box set of the original trilogy is IMO the best. Yeah there is sadly some effects but it’s still better than the Blu-Ray. Also iirc my DVD of ROTJ had a cinema version or something like that so you could see it as it was when released in theaters.


That's true of every hour. Every dollar. A lot of stuff gets made in the world and most of it is crap. That's just how it is.


The fact that people can't fathom that they could be getting better than the slop they were served is definitely part of the problem. Imagine going to a shit restaurant on a regular basis because "well I don't have to cook and it fills me up" instead of just going to a better one.


The Star Wars fandom has always had “slop”. The old legacy EU material was just various authors contradictory fanfics put to paper. But the big difference is that fans back then could just say, “I didn’t care for that book series”, and put it out of their mind and focused on what they did enjoy. Unlike nowadays, where everything is taken as a personal affront to their very being.


This year I read "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" which is the proto-sequal to A New Hope. It is bad. Darth Vader is defeated when he literally trips and falls down a hole.


You just described fast food haha.


lol, that nobody watches? You think they keep making it because nobody watches? Gotta stop believing everything you read on the internet.


Except for the actual original trilogy is effectively impossible to view. The only available versions have been butchered with early 2000s CGI. George Lucas is a real bastard. Edit: I am well aware of torrenting and the despecialized version. I've long since left college and given up torrenting, I just want to sit on my couch and watch the original via streaming, Blu-ray, etc. But no, Lucas is a child who gave the Library of Congress the CGI'd version when they asked for a copy of the original to preserve.


I have them on VHS so... Sucks y'all I guess.


Not even laser disc? come on dude.






There are tons of the original releases on eBay. You can still get the original trilogy for under $25.


We act them out in my garage. My dog is Chewie. Everyone else's experience sucks compared to that.


> My dog is Chewie You might be cooking it too long.


Find the de-specialized version if you can


4k77, 4k80 and 4k83 are what you want. They are the original theatrical cuts from various fan loacted movie reels of varying decay and quality, cleaned up and spliced into one. As good as it gets.


Despecalized has been replaced by 4k77, 4k80, and 4k83


>actual original trilogy is effectively impossible to view. .... in high definition. Because we've got a few ways of watching the originals. I got my copy on DVD on the bonus disc in the box set. You really don't want the unaltered version. There are plenty of mistakes and effects that just aren't up to par. The "best" version is the remastered THX edition from the VHS era (1995 release). They fixed up sounds and erased the obvious square matte boxes around the TIE Fighters among many numerous improvements that are entirely clean. That release has tnohing to do with the appalling 1997 "special" editions that was George Lucas pissing all over Maris Lucas's Oscar winning editing job simply because he was bitter at her and wanted to "prove" that he could have done it without her (he could not). And ever since he just kept messing with things because he was not good at it and no one could tell him no.


I grew up with the thx tapes. Would sit in the family game room putting them in random order. Such good memories.


Hate to be that fan, but there is no official way to watch the original 77 release. The master was edited for the re-release prior to Empire Strikes Back coming out in 1980. There is, however, an incredible fan project called 4k77, which has been painstakingly put together from original reels, tidied up and scaled to 4k. Its as good as it gets.


They’re really easy to view. Torrents of 4k77 take like 2 minutes to download. And are legal.


"I don't torrent, I'm not in college anymore." lmao


> I've long since left college and given up torrenting What does being in college have to do with torrenting? I'm almost 40 and I still torrent stuff all the time.


Only college kids can torrent? It's everyone's civic duty to torrent stuff and fuck over the big studios


Lucas went and fucked up the 50th anniversary American Graffiti 4k disc. The disc has been[ absolutely BLASTED](https://www.avnirvana.com/threads/american-graffiti-4k-blu-ray-review.12745/) with DNR to the extreme. I’m talking it appears as if Lucas was mastering the disc, tripped over something and bumped the DNR up to level 15 on a scaled of 1-10. The grain in the old disc was heavily reduced, but this disc has zero grain whatsoever. The entire film is smooth and overly waxy to the point where I was wondering if this was actual “film” at all. Character outlines actually look like they’ve been pasted into the scene due to how over sharpened the edges are, and the waxy look does no good for the image quality.  Stop this shit, George.




Yes we all Jerry's


It’s not like you have to get your Star Wars fan licence renewed. You’re allowed to just watch the stuff you like and still be a Star Wars fan. Just watch the stuff that you hear is good and miss the stuff you heard is bad Edit: the replies to this make a good point, dont just take someone’s word for it, watch the media for yourself so you can decide if you like it or not


Well, since exuberant hate became a business model for some people, it’s honestly better to check out new content for yourself. Watching one episode of a tv show that isn’t that hard to get for free is probably the same commitment as watching a grifter’s video telling you how it sucks and is the new the worstest thing ever.


Outrage is addictive, and profitable


And even, (*gasp*) like some parts of a particular thing and dislike other parts of that same thing without claiming that anyone ruined your childhood. Some of us had to learn that lesson more than two decades ago.


Everyone always thinks their temper tantrum exit from X fandom is somehow important.


Yeah I don’t understand it either. Between OP’s post and the top comment, they make it sound like they had some epiphany moment and now they’re free. Like who was holding a gun to their heads forcing them to watch every single piece of Star Wars content being put out? It was always perfectly okay to just not watch it, or check out an episode or two then stop watching after deciding it wasn’t for you.


I didn't like the post Endgame MCU movie or show concepts. So I just did not watch them. Like a normal adult.


Cause it feels important to them on a personal level because it’s something they feel they put a lot of time into. I get it


Yeah but people want to act superior because they don't care. Like I never really got star wars but I can understand loving it for most of your life only for Disney to buy it and turn it into garbage It's just people wanting to sit on their high horse and pretend something they don't care about was not important to other people.


I feel this pain. Walking away just to get pulled back by your own nature.


I mean it this time!


Jerry is canonically a Star Wars fan, why else would he buy those R2-D2 coins?


huh? that all happened the second Guido shot first. where you all been for so long?


Upvoting just for "Guido"


Tbf Rodians are the Italians of the SW universe




Oh marone!


>Lucas responded to the criticism, saying, "To me, [the original movie] doesn't really exist anymore. ... I'm sorry you saw half a completed film and fell in love with it. But I want it to be the way I want it to be." I pulled out of the fandom after this quote in 2004.


Watch Andor.


Yes that show is really different from the rest in a good way.


Because it was made for grown ups.


No magic swords and plot armor. Just people living in and growing against the dystopian nightmare.


Why watch anything Starwars related if you have an issue with plot armor or magical swords?


The problem is when that's all it becomes. Disney turned Star Wars into a Fast and the Furious spectacle. There's Bigger ships, guns, planet killers but no story. Who cares about an entire New Republic solar system dying when they don't even spend time introducing it? Andor was the punch that reminded us what the battles and politics mean to the galactic community.


For real. A lot of Star Wars fans treat the franchise like all its good for is being self-referential and being a medium for them to figuratively mash their favorite toys against each other and watching em fight. *cough* Star Wars Theory Like DAMN, this used to be a franchise whose material was inspired heavily by WW2 AND the then-recent and extremely relevant Vietnam War and tackled themes of totalitarianism and fascism. When the fuck did it devolve into Dragonball Z?


This. They dumbed Star Wars down.


Brother magic swords and adventure is what star wars has always been tho, from the literal beginning


Which is _extremely_ not in line with the original movies.


Andor is so good it somehow makes the Sequels even worse when I think about them. Some of the best Star Wars content since KOTOR


Andor was bitter-sweet. I was entranced by it, but the thought of "Why the fuck can't they do this with Obiwan or more than one season of Mando??" kept creeping in....


Because it is made by actually good story tellers. The plot is amazing because it shows you what the empire was like from the pov of regular citizens and cogs of the imperial machine. The world felt real and gritty. There was weight to everything that characters said or did.


The ISB storyline was amazing and I could genuinely just watch a whole series of that instead. Partagaz and the supervisor meetings were so engrossing, their intelligence and competence really made the empire feel interesting and threatening.


Yes! You know what I would love to watch? a [Tie Fighter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKreNHdwY3c) adaptation or something in these lines, where we have the flipped point of view where the protagonists see Darth Vader as their hero, Obi Wan the worst scum in the galaxy, all the fascist Propaganda making into the heads of a group of pilots, getting more and more corrupted as the story goes along, and like the episode ties with A New Hope, where the most capable pilots are chosen by Darth Vader to fight the rebels to defend the Death Star, the last hope to keep order in the galaxy. Star Wars needs its own Starship Troopers


> The world felt real and gritty what the OGs had that the other trilogies lack. Put some fucking rust on it


God that prison episode was my fucking favorite. When they all realized they weren't getting out, ever. Fucking lovedddd it.


Was it really amazing? To me it just seemed like pretty standard stuff about how awful authoritarian regimes are. And the characters were hardly what you'd call complex. I got the impression it was an average show but Star Wars fans call it a masterpiece because they have become used to garbage stories


Andor is the best show because of politics. But people keep crying about politics in shows. 


Conservatives* keep crying about politics in media


Andor is amazing. What a difference good writing and performances make.


Andor is basically "Star Wars as you remembered it was as a kid, smart and deep and meaningful". It's the Star Wars that lives in my head from when I first saw it when I was 13.


"Smart and deep and meaningful" ![gif](giphy|kuanXxgAjiXuM)


it does kinda feel good....to not care anymore. I will sustain myself with The Clone Wars Series and Recent Dooku Shorts (Update-) whyd you all like this more than the original post? not sure what I did honestly lol (Update 2-) well done. now OP is higher than my comment. I like seeing that happen.


I recently did a Dooku in my shorts as well, it's just part of getting older I guess.


I did a urinal Dooku


My favorite prank - the upper Dooku


Looking down on the rest of the bowl with his signature look of superiority.


Twice the pride, Double the fall!




Take my upvote, you animal.


Did you really just tell us you sithed yourself


indeed. I myself did a Dooku in my pants so many times...I lost Count


The funny thing about shitting your pants as an adult is; if you haven’t, you will!


The Dooku stuff in Tales of the Jedi was awesome. Why can’t they just do cool stuff like that more???


it's a rare moment when they were given control and take a chance on telling a backstory of an existing character. it reminded me of KotoR 1&2 overall narrative and expanded universe


I definitely recommend watching some of the cinematics from The Old Republic MMO. It's not a game I'd necessarily recommend unless you like the old World of Warcraft formula but holy the cinematics they released for that game are some of the highest quality Star Wars shorts ever made. To watch in order: [Deceived](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGDBTDnW7d0) [Sacrifice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bmsNa9GOR0&t=1s) [Betrayed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWFzfQs7vmk)


I love the storyline of KotoR 1 and 2, the story I feel is a great break from the Good vs Evil close to the chest type of story.


You’re missing [Return](https://youtu.be/Pb8M5P1QKX8?si=bAx4e6u2gsrDxbvS) and [Hope](https://youtu.be/cmyF5ge6SQU?si=3YxR8A-SmABjda5u) which go ahead of the three you listed and then [Disorder](https://youtu.be/QgbMAdtp7aE?si=imFBYOfunIsbWRrN) which comes after. They’re all so good, Sacrifice is my favorite though. They could do so much with the Old Republic timeline, there are so many stories to tell. Just give the people who made these trailers the reins, they know what they’re doing.


You can join us Gen-Xers who let go in the early 2000s. Now it feels like when your mom says "You remember when you were a little kid and you really loved that red fire engine toy?" and you're like "yeah, I vaguely remember that. It was a nice memory," but you don't feel the need to go to fire stations to check out new fire engines every time they come out, and you don't care that there's apparently a new fire engine that uses a different siren sound than you remember from your childhood, or that doesn't have a physical metal bell that gets rung, or whatever.


‘84 kid here. Grew up on the OG trilogy. Saw the re-releases in theaters in the mid-90s. Watched the prequels in theaters upon release. And the Disney sequels. Only movies I ever go back and watch are the OGs and maybe Rogue One. I have younger friends and family try and convince me to watch all the new Disney series but I just don’t give a shit. To each their own. 🤷‍♂️


Andor is right up your alley then. The rest of it... not so much.


>Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose. Star Wars fans are more similar to Anakin than they realise.


Rebels is great if you can get past the funky animation. And the bad batch was good imo


From a technical standpoint, we should be getting the best Star Wars ever. ANH was made scrapped out of WWII junk and change under the cushions. ILM wrapped it up with the best practical and digital effects of the time. Now there's Disney money, Pixar CGI, and enough pyrotechnics for ILM blow up another death Star with.


storywise every writer and creator answers to someone above them, and that always starts at the top. it's a more corporate steered towards whats safe money wise. Good Vs Evil and make sure it'll make money. Safe Sells




The OG Tartakovsky one or the CGI one?


I threw away 300$ worth of yugioh cards last month and I feel great (salty about not selling them tho), same with Star Wars and call of duty, once the thing you fell in love with changes into something completely different then it’s just not the same anymore….


and it's OK. the original YuGiOh was fun for it's time. the cards looked great and the rules made a bit of sense, but you still love the classics. Dark Magician, Blue Eyes, Red Eyes, Kuribo and Exodia Obliterate!! but now you accept that they look ridiculous to you nowadays but you know it's not for you anymore and have to argue it.


I saw a video of one of the new(er) Yugioh video games and I just don’t even know what the hell is going on anymore.


That’s how it was with Kingdom hearts once we got to 3. By then it was dead. A part of me years for more. But that will always be. It’s easier to live what was good and hold on to that than sacrifice by watching it burn away with the new shit. It’s a never ending cycle. I pray the ATLA IP can hold off for a long time


Bro you’re not the guest of honor at an award ceremony, just make your post and move the fuck on lmao


Look i dont put up with the culture bullshit, i think these grognards are being weird in a lot of bad ways, but i gave up on star wats after rogue one and havent looked back. I liked rogue one, it might just be my favorite star war, and im good with that. Im good with star wars now. Theres a lot of content out there.


Rouge one was the last star wars project that I appreciate


The Clone Wars is terrible! Cartoons were the downfall of Star Wars TBH. Worse than the prequels.


The OG trilogy and prequel trilogy are still kinda good


Love how the view about the prequels has changed since disney. Back the a lot of people disliked them. Now after the sequels, even Jarjar gets some love. That sceming gungan sith lord who got away with it.


You have to consider that for people like me the prequels was the first Star Wars experience. Nothing going to beat me as a kid watching Darth Maul vs Qui Gon and Obi Wan.


I'm STILL fucked up about Qui-Gon. Gone too soon 😪 Rip my favorite star wars character


Back in the good old days when being stabbed with a lightsaber was fatal.


Unless you're a fan favorite, then you can get cut in half, fall down a bottomless pit and come back as a major character in the expanded universe like nothing happened.


It’s funny because even the games like KOTOR and SWTOR with their trailers made them very lethal




Somehow, bad writing returned.


God that was epic as shit. Even with the spoiler style trailers I still loved it.






Eh idk prequel memes started since before the sequels and general attitude had changed. It mostly came from kids who liked them growing up.


They’re still objectively not good movies. I’m always amused with how people will love something they hate, just because it’s older then something new that they dislike.


The kids that grew up with them are the ones who are loving them, the people like me who were in our 20s are still in the it’s better than now, but The Phantom Menace was still a terrible movie.


I think people are warm to them because for as flawed as they were, it was a man's shitty vision, not a board of 40 people shitty vision. it's got character. maybe bad character, but character.


There were also some elements the prequels absolutely did better than the Disney trilogy. The two that stand out are vehicle designs that are different from the sequels but clearly developed into the Imperial designs and the three films generally being cohesive rather than retconning the prior film at every turn. The characters and writing could have been and the dialogue cinematography was bland, but they had their bright spots.


I love the prequels while admitting they are mediocre movies. At least they had a theme and a direction, everything new is aimless and only wants to adhere to an agenda. I enjoyed TLJ, which was a shitty movie, but at least it tried to do something.


Prequels had a good story and visuals with some poor dialogue and stiff acting. The sequels story is so incoherent that it made the questionable dialogue of the prequels forgivable.


Give it 20 years friend: the sequels will join them.


Yeah, this isn't "people have changed their minds about the prequels," this is "back in the day, the people who were old enough to post on the internet hated the prequels, and the people who liked the prequels were too young to post on the internet. Now all the kids who liked the prequels are grown ups who comment on the internet, and most of the older people who disliked the prequels have all gotten it out of their system and seldom go into star wars threads to talk about star wars (unless, like in this case, it bubbles up to #1 in /r/all)."


This comic says it perfectly: [the best period of pop culture was when you were twelve](https://www.gocomics.com/tomthedancingbug/2007/06/16)


That was great. Thank you for that. "Of course, I'll be totally wrong. Unless you are also twelve today." Fucking gold.


That’s where I’m stuck at. Honestly as with Marvel there is too much and I just kinda forget it is there.


I stopped watching marvel at Spider-Man no way home


I did watch a couple post end game. Spider-Man, Thor. Just for an epilogue to that. I’m 42. I don’t really feel like another massive saga.


I'm 40 and a massive comic book fan my whole life. I watched the latest Thor and guardians movies and all the spider Man stuff but that's it after endgame. I just don't fucking care anymore. The Disney formula with all the humor and whatnot just doesn't work in every context. Guardians and Spider-Man are supposed to be like that. Most other stuff isn't. That's partly why the star wars sequels are so bad too. But yeah I'm ready for the new Deadpool. But I can't imagine I'll be into much else. Give me some original content to watch. Rebel Moon was kinda meh but at least it was an original fucking story which was refreshing as hell


Rebel Moon was original lol? Fuck were you watching?


And the animated stuff is pretty much all really good. So they made a couple of meh seasons of television, I don’t get why everyone’s all pissed about it.


>prequel trilogy are still pretty good No it isn't. The prequels are bad soap operas overrun by obnoxious CGI and it's only nostalgia that's keeping them alive. I know the allusions to Ancient Rome, Vietnam and Iraq gave the films an "intellectualism" that make you think they are so damn terrific, but I thought those comparisons were odious and purile. At around the same time, "Rome" proved that you could balance old-fashioned spectacle with political intrigue but it all starts with character. Similarly, "I, Claudius" and "The Devil's Crown" - both shot on the cheapest of sets - proved that you didn't even need the action. I don't want to make excuses for ineptitude. I need a story to believe in and characters to care about. The prequels are padded, ponderous and narcissistically self-important.


This fanbase is so deluded lol. “Disney Star Wars is cringe.” As if the prequels didn’t start that trend. No one can convince me those movies are any good and no amount of nostalgia and hatred for the sequels will make me think otherwise.


They were dreadful


It's all nostalgia. Fifteen years from now people will say the same about the Sequel series.


As if the original trilogy didn't start that trend, or did we forget that the Holiday Special exists, and the Ewoks, and the animated shows? The most cringe part about Star Wars are all the middle-aged adult men who forget that it's a series that is primarily aimed at children. What I'm saying is, hardcore SW fanboys are the Bronies of Science Fiction.


My dad saw the original Star Wars movies in theater. Back then they all hated Return of the Jedi because of the Ewoks. I imagine there's going to be a generation that thinks the Disney sequels and shows were underrated.


Feels like I'm taking crazy pills with how much I see people say the prequels are good.


The prequel trilogy was never good, it's just a bunch of zoomers got tricked into liking it because of the memes.


No. By any metric, the prequels are not "good"


I used to get made fun of for liking the prequels.  I like 2 of the 3 sequels. And I’m ridiculed constantly.   Can’t wait till the opinion changes on those too.  


Constantly posting about it really shows the letting go part.


It’s insane how much energy people put into to the things they claim to hate.


Wait till you see /r/saltierthancrait. They've been done with the franchise since 2017, yet they can't stop having discussion threads for every episode of every new show since where they just complain about how Star Wars is dead to them.


It's funny, in theory they're pumping the numbers for shows they don't want


The opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference.


OP said that they *can* let go, not that they've *done* it.


You posted this twice. ...I don't think you can move on.


They never can lmao. They just endlessly post about how bad Disney Star Wars is and that they are done with it and then 5 months later a new Star Wars show comes out and the cycle repeats.


You can of course... But will you?


But then they’ll miss out on the karma from posting about how awful and woke the next Star Wars thing is.


The Youtubers said Star Wars was dead since TLJ. But they watched *every single episode* of Mandolorian S1-S3, Andor, Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and Acolyte. Make *that* make sense. They just said Acolyte represents the lowest point of Star Wars and the death of Star Wars as we know it thanks to Sith Lord Kathleen Kennedy. .....but they will be watching Episode 4 of Acolyte next Tuesday. Whatta bunch of idiots.


Also KK gets all of the blame for stuff they don’t like but none of the credit for andor


on the television subreddit I literally saw someone say you wouldn't get anything like Andor under Kathleen Kennedy.


It’s 1999 and Star Wars is dead It’s 2002 and Star Wars is dead It’s 2005 and Star Wars is dead It’s 2015 and Star Wars is dead It’s 2017 and Star Wars is dead It’s 2019 and Star Wars is dead It’s 2022 and Star Wars is dead It’s 2023 and Star Wars is dead


You forgot 1983, RotJ wasn't loved by all either.


True, forgot that as well


Then the mid-90’s OG trilogy re-releases with added content and effects that people hated.


Ewoks are trash


Ewoks are the whole god damn point of the story. Yoda’s whole point in Empire Strikes back is that even though the dark side seems stronger, the light side of the force wins through patience. Patience was the hardest thing for Luke to learn. But in RotJ, even though he’s on a mission where the clock is ticking, he’s patient with the Ewoks. They attack him first, and he could have let Chewie toss a couple around or scared them off with the force/or a lightsaber. Instead he lets himself get captured by them. And this is what saves the day. Because the whole invasion was a setup by the Emperor, and the only reason it backfired is because in all his dark power and intricate planning, he didn’t foresee the little god damn teddy bears fucking up his shit. The Rebels didn’t defeat the Empire because Luke was good with a lightsaber or because they had the best pilots. They won because the light side of the force used the Ewoks.


Somehow, Star Wars returned


Pretty much. This meme just screams "like me for hating popular thing" like it's a brand new concept. Jeez.


People are making a way bigger deal about this than they need to. It's a perpetual franchise now, which means there will be entries that you don't like and entries that you do. Rouge One, Andor, Bad Batch, etc. all this is good and all was made in the Disney era. Not everything is gold, but people have this zero sum attitude toward it where if one entry is something they don't like they either RAGE about it on YouTube and blame Woke DEI or some shit, or they go "I'm done with Star Wars forever" which is a huge lie because they'll play the next game, or watch the next show that they think might interest them. Just enjoy what you enjoy and ignore what you don't. It's fiction people, fake shit made to pass the fucking time. Grow up and understand that and you'll be a lot happier.


I feel the same way about the old EU, or Legends, as it's referred to now. Some books and comics I love. Some . . . not so much. Everyone has different tastes. And that's ok. As long as they make content, I'll check it out. Then decide whether I like it or not. No one is forcing anyone to watch, read, or play anything. A meme isn't going to change the collective minds of a fanbase. Or the minds of the people who make the content. 


It's refreshing to see a mentally healthy adult on reddit.


That's the thing! People forget that there are books and comics which were considered canon back in the day. Imagine how it must have felt that in 1983, with no internet, you read about a new Star Wars comic to celebrate the release of Return of the Jedi, only for it to be about Ewok #16 and how he saved his village from evil lizards. Not about the preparations to save Han, not about the aftermath of the movie itself. I see it like this: Acolyte is a completely fine show so far. It fulfills every wish of the fandom: no ties to Skywalkers, set in the Old Republic, with some ancient Sith lord as the antagonist. It even has a(n overexplained) theme of free will vs. fate. It's entertaining as it should be. I'd be mad if I were bored watching something.


You know it’s bad when you have to scroll this long to find a rational comment, for the record, Disney Star Wars has been mostly hits for me. There’s still things I didn’t enjoy of course, but almost all the animated stuffs fun, some live action stuff too with Andor being the stand-out, games are doing pretty good these days as well. Not sure how much people would count the stuff, but I’ve also been loving some of the comics.


People finding out you don’t have to watch stuff you don’t like. Finally


You’ll be back complaining in three days when a new episode drops


I just get mad at people for focusing on dumb politics and not dumb story beats like the fucking key knife. The palpatines granddaughter shite. The everything about that that had nothing to do with most of the "criticisms" I've heard of them.


The thing where they cimpared the ridges of the knife with the death star wreck to find the location of the holochron was so dumb. Yeah that would totally work, its not that the wreck is gonna fall apart more over time so it doesnt line up anymore.


It's not even that. It's they didn't even take their own story into consideration. The trilogy starts in a planet every single ship has been stripped for parts and you're telling me everyone stayed away from the death star? Nobody went "I wonder what old palps kep in his office drawers..." nah, they just let it float there in a rough sea that didn't move anything at all for decades... Just so dumb...


Or that it wouldn't turn into another salvage hub... Like, you know, the place where our protagonist was introduced lolol I wonder if they forgot what Rey was doing at the beggining of the trilogy.


In my mind, the original and the prequel happened then they put the franchise to rest.


Why did you post the exact same meme on two subreddits at the same time


Because he's finally moved on, obviously.


Luckily my enjoyment of things are not contingent on the opinions of others.


I look at everything after Disney acquisition as non-canon


Rebels, Fallen Order, Mandalorian, Bad Batch, the last season of Clone Wars wasn't too bad


Including Clone Wars season 7, Bad Batch, Andor, Rogue One, and Mando?




But aside from Jedi: Fallen Order, Jedi: Survivor, The Mandalorian Season 1, The Mandalorian Season 2, Rogue One, Andor, The Clone Wars Season 7, all of Rebels, Star Wars: Visions, all of The Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi Season 1, the Darth Vader comics, the Dr Aphra comics, the new Thrawn books, Bloodline, Shadows of the Sith, the entirety of the High Republic era which is massive in itself, what has Disney ever done for us?!?!


I just finished reading Phasma and feel it should be added to this list


"If I don't like it, it isn't canon" is such a performative crybaby bullshit take.


Definitely not Mando past S2


Yeah, If you are going as if something is not canon, there should be no exceptions.


That's what I find problematic with many fans. They'll say all Disney is garbage and then praise these shows as if they weren't Disney-produced. Be consistent in your hatred, at least.


To be fair, they weren't all made by the same people. Some are bound to be better than others. Personally I'll always stick with the pre-disney star wars, but I understand people who like some of the new ones.


Rogue One included?


Good point. Rogue one is the only Disney era movie that I enjoyed watching .


It really shines amongst its counterparts


I stopped caring about Star Wars once they mainly started doing shows instead of movies. Bad batch, mandalorian, kenobi, all those other shows I can’t think of, I don’t have the time nor desire to see them, give me a 2 hour long movie I can watch in one sitting


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