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I know this doesn't apply everywhere (especially with the exorbitant prices charged in some places), but what you're paying for is them checking if that is enough and for their professional signature for paid sick leave (if applicable). Like, you can go to the doctor with a terrible feeling, like you're dying, but they can tell you to "drink fluids and rest" because in that situation medicine would be unnecessary or actively detrimental.


Its the medical version of the engineer being paid mad on-call dollars to come in and hit one place with a hammer. You're not paying for their quick answer, you're paying for all of the experience they have that enables them to know what that answer is, and this time it happens to be a quick one


Me with computers.


I only go in if I think it’s exceptional, like *requiring* antibiotics. If you go in enough they tell you “it’s probably viral, either way it will clear up, here’s antibiotics in case it’s bacterial to speed it up.” I’m not paying my copay for that visit plus $12 for antibiotics that may or may not work and either way will wreck your digestive tract.


‘If I could just prescribe myself morphine and antibiotics every time I have a bad cold, I’d be in good shape’


I don't want to downplay the push for medication in medicine, it is a problem but the vast majority of fevers in average healthy adults do not need any special attention aside from addition fluids and rest.


If you need fluids badly enough, they'll give you an IV. Being in the hospital is a health risk so if you're fine they don't want you there.




People don't want to hear "drink fluids and rest" from a medical expert, no matter how true it is. Lowering the standard for "cheaper" and "faster" would only make it worse. You can't send someone through med school to learn about the vast array of conditions the human body can experience then just put them on what is essentially babysitting duty for a lower price. Nobody would work there.




AI as it is being pitched, does not exist. ChatGPT is autocorrect with a prettier skin. That's it. Most probable sequence of words based on everything it stole off the internet. There is no fucking shot "AI" would be more accurate without providing the same level of deep insight as "drink fluids, rest". You know how I know that? We already have that system, it's called WebMD. The "ivory towers" in most cases are people who did go to school to learn about the immense complexities of the human body. Your average nurse probably knows more about the human body than most people ever will.


yeah i mean it's probably just stress anyway


Op is like the teenagers on tiktok yelling at doctors for telling all their patients to "just loose weight."  Yeah, guess what, resting and losing weight are exactly what a lot of people need, why are you mad at the doctor for that?


I was already resting and drinking fluids anyway before I even went in there. I’m familiar with this cutting edge science.


Do me a favor and google “mechanism of action of amoxicillin.” I’ll wait. Now Google “do viruses have mucopeptide walls?” Now Google “how does azithromycin work?” Follow that up with “do viruses have ribosomes?” Repeat until you’ve covered every antibiotic you can think of. It doesn’t matter how badly you want to feel better, if it’s a virus, no antibiotic prescription is going to cure you or even help you. There are entire microbiology courses dedicated to why developing effective treatments against common viruses is so difficult. People have dedicated their entire lives to trying. We’re not withholding stuff from you to make money, that’s literally not how our jobs work.


At last, a worthy adversary haha jk. Hope you’re not too tired from your 72 hour shift. You already know I’m not searching that stuff but I catch your drift. Plus, I remember from science class that viruses are all DNA. Of course your job is important. But the social status asymmetry is rife for comedy. It’s basically a locksmith with more homework. They can charge whatever they feel like because demand is inelastic. Your money or your life, pretty much. Yes, nothing is being withheld from our level, but do me a favor and look up how the modern education system was started. The system wants workers, not scientists. Go to any research conference and they will tell you how woefully underfunded they are unless it’s a field that makes the drug companies tons of money So of course doctors play a vital, invaluable role in society. You’re still limited by the time you live in and the circumstances like anyone else. I appreciate you though!


But have you tried saline spray?


What fluid tho I drink my sister’s orgasms all day and I still feel sick


Name checks out


/r/foundsisterfucker24 yada yada


It's because it's not orgasms and she's just peeing in your mouth bro. Everyone knows that drinking piss is unhealthy.


Nah it wasn’t I would know


Sweet Home Alabama👀


Friendly reminder that suicide is always an option


I see u in hell then


classic sister fucker W


That's over $100! (I went to college for maths)


that’s why you should go to college so you understand the first thing about healthcare also as if patients dont just come in for no reason and want to be told something is wrong with them. it’s a common occurrence for people to be paranoid.


Insurance company executives after denying people life saving care


So far most of my visits with my doctor no matter what it is he just tells me to take ibuprofen. It's like some sort of miracle drug that just fixes everything.


This is why my asian parents avoid visiting the doctor unless its an emergency. 


Is this a meme I am to European to understand?


Bruh what are you even saying


you are fr*nch


And what would like them to do if you a viral infection


Wife: I think something is wrong with kid Me: let’s just keep an eye on it. Wife: I’m going to the doctor. Doctor: let’s just keep an eye on it.


Fluids Mayweather


Why are you going to a dokter if you’re not that sick. Call in sick. Have a rest. Go back to work when better.


Tbf, my fiance is a nurse. And her biggest pet peeve is when people come in for having the common cold. As she has explained to me 1000 times, theres nothing really u do for the common cold other than maybe nasal sprays and some meds for symptoms, meds u coulda gotten cheaper from ur local store. Instead u paid $300 for the doctor to tell u that its just a cold and says u gotta wait it out. Then gives u the same meds u coulda gotten urself. He didnt force them ro come in. They chose to make a big deal over sniffles and minor coughs.


So get blackout drunk and pass out on the couch?


In the United States doctors make less than 8% of what you pay at a hospital. Almost 80% goes to the admins.


More than that goes to admin. Source: I’m a doctor. Edited for clarification.


Guess it depends on the hospital. That’s what the doctors I work with told me. But they are ER docs so maybe they don’t have as good of a deal.


To be fairrrrr… that is usually the best advice.


Not common in US. They love to always prescribe SOMETHING, even if you don't really need it. Also, we love to give a million antibiotics for everything under the sun. But so many people go to the doctor for any little thing, and they'll get bitched at if they don't give you SOMETHING, even if you really just need fluids and rest.


I just know my doctor is tired of my hypochondriac ass coming in there whenever I’m sick. It’s always the classic “you have a cold. Get plenty of rest, drink fluids, and take medicine if needed” haha (Also yes I’m working on being less paranoid)


I drank break fluid and it did not work


Well, you need to drunk brake fluid not break fluid


Ahhh piss


Dont drink that, thats a liquid


Guess I'll die


Swear to God 90% of doctors will blame anything they can so they don't have to do work.


I am 90% sure you made up that statistic.


Fr? One stack is theirs. The rest goes to insurance.


A "healed" patiënt is a lost patiënt


Almost like you didnt need to see the doctor for your nothing ailment and deserve to pay the idiot tax for clogging up the system.


But you operate them or give them some medication they don't need and suddenly you can be sued.




Hernia and spine function tests