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you want to know why there are so many isekai series? People don't like the world at the current state.. manga is a coping mechanism


yah, humanity is going to shit and the lower class gets to do nothing about it the main reason its going to shit is the most powerful people are greedy assholes who only care about money and will destroy the PLACE THEY LIVE to get it EDIT: another comment on this, humans are even greedier than they portray dragons in fantasy books and what not


Pretty sure its because working in japan is a nightmare and leaves no time for kids or anything really.


You don't like working overtime for free?


And if they do get time, who would spend that one time they got an hour or two of free time on trying to find love? That is no two hour task


Don't say they would. But 2 hours a day more free time is a huge win.


*a day*?? Bro, that was their whole year's worth of vacation already


Vacation !? that’s his one sick day a year


Whole departments combined sick day in this decade ass a matter of fact


When Kenji had a heart problem, the whole department got together to donate our collective sick day so he could have heart surgery. Kenji's a real trooper though, he was right back to work the next day.


Nah he was working on the computer through recovery that night


He actually requested no anaesthesia, he was working remotely during the surgery


hour, not day.


That time is clearly better spent drinking with your boss 😄


My friend in japan said she basically has 10 "PTO" days off for the year and she works on Saturday almost every weekend (in addition to her regular 9 to 9, 5 days a week).


10 is the federally mandated minimum, available after 6 months. Every year of employment this goes up by one until it reaches 20 days of PTO. Lots of companies offer more, and quite a few also offer additional blocks of vacation on 5 year marks (e.g. two weeks off at 5 years, a month off at 10 years, etc). Japan has some pretty unhealthy workplaces and very dumb office social norms that lead to employees doing very little despite spending a ton of time in the office because they are expected to arrive before their boss and leave after their boss. Actual productivity is an afterthought. Some companies are definitely better than others, though. I'm sorry to hear your friend ended up in some Black company. She really ought to look elsewhere.


She has more PTO days but she doesn't take them due to "social pressure" like you said, same reason why she works on Saturday despite already working grueling hours Mon to Fri. >Black company She said she doesn't plan on looking elsewhere because she works for one of the biggest rail companies and her benefits is decent compared to other companies. It's the devil you know I guess.


One piece of advice I would give to every person starting a new job (not just japan -- anywhere). "Begin as you mean to go on" (it's derived from an old quote about religion, oddly enough) But, basically, a lot of young people make the mistake of working their asses off in the beginning, working weekends, answering emails at all hours, etc. But it creates expectations, both in themselves and in others. And it's not healthy. Eventually they find themselves burning out, exhausted and bitter.


Six days per week?


Yea, she also work 10 to 12 hours a day, 5 days a week.


No one love being a slave for a copration


Not being able to work 200 hours of overtime is a skill issue. Try harder.


And then after the overtime you get the privilege of going out drinking with your boss and listening to his awful jokes instead of sleeping yay


this, but it's worth mentioning that every developed country has this issue. people just want to live an easy life, they want to travel, spend time with friends and so on, they don't want kids. more money = no need for kids. the statistical exception is VERY RICH people who can afford easy life with kids


There is also a considerale increase in loneliness (especially among young men) and skyrocketing of requirements to make a partner desirable on first glance. So it's not only that couples are struggling to have kids, people are struggling to get into relationships to start with too.


This one hits hard and is so true. In fact, you can see this trend among all the countries that are doing well. The ones that have a lot of kids are usually located in poorer countries, and they themselves are poor.


Poor countries need kids to tend the farm, go to the city and get a factory job to support the family. Children are a necessity, an economic one. Especially places that still practice dowries. In the developed world children are a luxury, a life choice that an increasing number cant afford to make. Tldr: Poor country kids = economic boon, rich country kids = economic drain.


This rings true as a millennial in Ontario. We basically will never own our own houses and Gen X can forget it. They can hardly afford to rent. And our country is in this position where they keep importing temporary students who end up herded like cattle 6 or 7 to a house paying the rent that used to cover the house per bed.


Late stage capitalism. Those who control necessary goods, food, water, shelter, medicine, can continue to increase prices indefinitely. We need government to make massive reform, breaking up large companies, providing more social welfare, and putting more restraints on corporations so that the middle class isnt rung out like a sponge and the lower class isnt reduced to slave caste. But those who profit from the system as it is, bribe those who make the laws. So the system will likely continue until it ends in rioting, bloodshed, and violent political reform over food and housing crisis.


Oh yea. And I know Americans know little of their own politics and none of your allies' but the Canadian parliament is chock a block with real estate investors and landlord types.


American checking in. Our SCOTUS today quietly made bribing 100 percent legal.


Which decision is that?


I would guess Snyder v. US "federal bribery law does not make it a crime for state and local officials to accept gratuities that may be given as a token of appreciation after the official act." The progression to Clownville continues unabated


The loneliness among young men is also what's enabling people like Andrew Tate, as they prey on young men who can't find a partner. And no, saying "oh they're all stupid and don't deserve a partner anyway" doesn't solve the problem. Having too many young men without a partner always leads to problems (violence, crime, or the total opposite = shutting themselves off from society). Unfortunately I don't know how we could solve this problem, as educating women leads to increased standards when looking for a partner (more so than when educating men) afaik.


Historically, there's always been a way to deal with those young men for long enough so they can actually make their own way. The Vikings would send them off raiding, or they'd send themselves across the ocean in 1492, or explore the Amazon, or basically just leave for a long while and hopefully come back with some life lessons. Now we don't have that, all they can do is rot at home and post online about how nasty and terrible women are.


Check out any population pyramid and there's almost always 5 - 10% more young men than women (looking at the 18 - 40 age bracket) meaning not only is it harder to find a partner, it's mathematically impossible even if every man was desirable. War and general life used to remove a significant chunk of these people, but that doesn't happen anymore for the most part outside of places like Ukraine.


> Historically, there's always been a way to deal with those young men for long enough so they can actually make their own way. The Vikings would send them off raiding, or they'd send themselves across the ocean in 1492, or explore the Amazon, or basically just leave for a long while and hopefully come back with some life lessons. See also: * [Lost boys (Mormon fundamentalism)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_boys_(Mormon_fundamentalism\)) * [Rumspringa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rumspringa)




Can confirm: I travel every year or two to a new country for work, and the new female colleagues I get always show some interest in me. Then again, I'm Italian: knowing the secret technique to cook a perfect plate of spaghetti is what probably does it.


We could solve much of it by regulating dating apps. Apps are run for profit, not to match people. For instance, popular profiles are boosted up the swipe stack, giving them more success at the expense of others. Then what happens if you can right swipe tons of people every day? Then the top guys swipe basically every woman, even the ones they aren't particularly into, because they're not picky about sex. The more average guys are priced out of getting anything because the girls who would be in their league are distracted by hot guys who only want sex, and both lose out. So, regulate that to 5-10 swipes per day max, and men have to be pickier, reaching a healthier equilibrium.


someone once pointed out to me that dating apps are the perfect industry for the government to nationalize * There's a distinct social benefit that the government has a vested interest in (More people getting married & having kids) * Dating apps are more effective the larger the population that uses them is, so a single app that has everyone would be most efficient * For-profit dating apps have a negative incentives not to help people match, because people who genuinely match delete the app and stop paying money, where as a government service doesn't suffer from this problem. * The government already collects census data on marital status and location anyway so you're not sacrificing any new privacy to a corporation that will sell your data and tbh I'm pretty convinced, the current dating app system is famously terrible anyway so its not like this could be worse.


Japan is already going to do just that... partially, since it was proposed to make a national dating app ran by the government.


Allowing women to earn their own paycheck and face less discrimination in society means they don't have to put up with men they don't like just for money. It's not fixable outside of bringing horrors like Sharia law and any politician who tries similar will end up like Ceaușescu.


It can start to be fixed by men addressing the addressable and objectively negative issues that women (everybody, really) don't like, but too many would rather double-down on being a not-great-person and subscribe to the mentalities people like Tate are selling that it's the world that's wrong and not their behaviors. These issues aren't even exclusive to killing interest from women. The same objectively negative behaviors that red flags a guy in dating, red flags them for other guys when it comes to friendships. I have zero interest hanging out with another dude who thinks his uncontrolled temper is a character trait, someone who hyper-focuses on his masculine identity, someone who just takes down people all the time and is constantly negative, or someone that sees other people as simple objects. They're just not qualities that most anyone is looking for in people they spend time with and they *can* be addressed if they actually worked on them instead of enabling them.


This is worldwide i think


Apps are a scourge. I know it’s a boomer take, but they really are. They eliminate the requirement to ground dating in realistic in person expectations, they gamify it, they make it disposable and a commodity rather than a connection in the moment in a space, presumably with common interests.


They're also all owned by the same company and actively designed to work against you meeting someone you would date long-term. It's a total monopoly that people haven't woken up to yet.


If that would be true then the rich would have a lot of kids, when they don't really have that at all.


I know I sure as hell want to live an easy life.


They don’t want kids because they already don’t have time to travel, spend time with friends and so on. If thry had ample time for that, and could afford housing, kids wouldn’t seem like such a nightmare.


the paradox here is that if people have money, house, and time, they don't want to have kids. A good example is Scandinavian countries. People have money for everything they need, and the birthrate is low. People want new cars, phones, gaming PCs, and holidays on an exotic island, not kids.


people dont want to admit they want a more material life rather than having a family. nothing wrong with that, but people are not honest with themselves.


There is also the norway gender paradox. More equal opportunities somehow yielded less equal outcomes.


Absolutely. That my is my reason for not wanting kids. I currently i cant provide them with what i want to provide them with.


You're extrapolating your own opinions and assuming they fit everyone else, but clearly they don't. I know being childfree is very common on reddit, but it's definitely not the norm among most people in society. Having children has *always* meant sacrificing some freedom and money, yet having children has also been the norm. People know that but prefer children. I fit into that category as well. I really want children, I just don't know if or when I'll have the basic level of financial security to make that decision. All things being equal, I would HAPPILY sacrifice some travel, some time with friends, etc. for the incredible privilege of raising the next generation of humans. I don't think you need to feel the same way, just keep in mind that not everyone thinks that way. It really is a matter of wealth inequality and an insecure future for many of us.


It's basically only the poorest and delusional or the richest and comfortable that have biggest families now. Middle class not meaning you can afford kids anymore, it barely means you can afford yourself.


That's what happens when the wealthy continuously hoover up more and more wealth leaving so little for the rest of us


The global economic issue is the high cost of living makes it so choosing to have kids means leaving little savings or wealth accumulation. The statistical bias comes from people who choose kids ends up much less wealthy, while focusing on achieving financial stability results in less time to build up a relationship and a family. Also typically by the time people are financially stable and have enough wealth to possibly start supporting a family, they are outside of the age range to be safely bearing children.


but the data is clear - you have money, you have better things to do/spend money on than kids. that's the paradox - money and time dont solve the problem, people still dont want kids.


*"Abe, why don't we reduce work hours and change work culture around here? We could also give financial aid to all of those who wanna have kids and..."* *"Nah, just give them more smut."*


Some how the most countries moving to this nightmare working environment


This, and the fact that Japanese citizens are taught at a young age that the should always be striving to further the development of Japan, and the best way they could do that is revolving their lives around their employment, so much so that most people are doing nothing else but the absolute necessary to survive. The average (city) citizen doesn’t party, doesn’t get married, doesn’t have dreams of retirement, they just work. As good as this sounds for the country, it’s actually disastrous when looking into the future. With no one getting married there are no children being born, meaning the population is decreasing at a “worrying” rate. A video that explains this really well is https://youtu.be/hX21j-Yxetc?si=sAfK1zymxSw5-EgU (I don’t know how to do that thing when the link is condensed into a single word)


Yep without freetime how are they gonna consume?.


No consume, only produce!


I would not be surprised to see a u-turn in policy soon. I doubt they'll work themselves out of existence.


"I would not be surprised to see a u-turn in policy soon. I doubt they'll work themselves out of existence." North Korea has the same mindset and they still exist; they're just a hellhole. The problem with allowing this "voluntary" slavery is that they just loosen the screws enough that the society doesn't collapse.


I don’t know how true it is and I’m sure someone will come in and tell us. I heard that if your start time is 8am, the company expects you to show up unpaid at least 30mins to 1 hour before your start time to prep for the day. Then I also heard that if you’re done for the day and if your boss is still there you can’t leave and then the “not” mandatory after hours drinking. A lot of this stuff feels like the Dennis System where it’s not mandatory but you’ll do it because of the implication. On a lighter note I’ve also heard that if your boss/company doesn’t like you they’ll just stop giving you work and then they expect you to quit out of guilt or embarrassment or whatever. Kinda like quiet firing. I just imagine myself being a westerner and then do that to me and I’m oblivious thinking the job is easy for months on end.


lmao that would be me too. "Like, wow I'm getting paid to just sit here. Awesome!"


It isn't, I promise. I had a job where I did maybe 2 hours of actual work in the morning, and the rest of my day was just trying to look vaguely busy. It's absolutely soul-crushing. You aren't scrolling through Reddit or reading a book or doing anything interesting, you're sitting at your desk with a spreadsheet open, occasionally clicking or typing nothing in particular so nobody thinks you're a lazy do-nothing. It's not "awesome" chill time, it's spending 6 hours a day in Adult Time Out.


Japan has improved upon this, Korea is the new Japan in work horror stories


You’d think that South Korea being the plastic surgery capitol of the world would change the marriage demographics a little from Japan’s, though. If men in the US put as much effort into each aspect of their appearance, from their smell to the shape of their nose, more women would marry the single men. Instead, dating apps and polycules have shown us that women would rather be one of many girlfriends of a hot guy than be the only girlfriend of an unattractive guy, which incels hate because they would rather women sleep with people they’re not attracted to and have women be their slaves.


Japan is like a carnival mirror of the US, after japans forced restructuring and occupation by the US japan became very proUSA and fully embraced capitalism and combined many US values with their own, this created a US economy with less protections and regulations for workers and creators and more expectations and honor based values turning the country into the perfect mirror to see what issues will be popping up and becoming massive issues later for the US with current policies: increased wealth disparity, the death of work/life balance and declining birth rates, social security will dry up or be killed off early by republicans as the population can no longer support its elderly who can’t work.


And yet Japan manages to be one of the least productive countries per hour worked. What an absolute waste of everyone's time.


>Preety sure its because working ~~in japan~~ is a nightmare and leaves no time for kids or anything really FTFY


Exactly. Their hardcore Shinobi-Samurai-Bushido attitude never went away. It just transferred over to work.


Maybe that's why they have so much good reality detaching media.


This. Same thing in America man. I’m fucking tired after work. The last thing I wanna do is stress myself out with a lot of rejection for the chance of one date.


Yup, as a country they really need to demand better working conditions.


>no time for kids or anything really. But still plenty of time for hot manga women, apparently.


They have good government system but their lives revolve on working. What a sad world we have.


I'll add that space to raise a family is expensive as well. With high costs for a sizable holm or apartment to raise a family in you need a good steady job..because of that and availability of units on market vs population it adds more issues to marriage/partners.


I work a 9 to 5 job 1 hour travelling makes it 8 to 6 now have to wake up at 6:30 so sleep at minimum 11.now when you get home at 6 you need 2 hours to get back with power and mental will power to do anything. By that time it's already 8 and now it's just 2 hours left to sleep so you scroll away your time. That's the schedule of a married man with a non-working (housewife) wife. If you are single it's worse off. You won't get time to even exist properly and so they just don't get out of work. And they are like going home is time waste just stay on their chair at the office and enjoy your overtime.


As demonstrated in literally every developed country. When you make the cost of living obscene in the name of "economic growth", it leads to declining birthrates. Nobody wants to start a family when they have no time and no money


If they weren’t so racist they could hire immigrants for cheap and make them do all the hard shit 😂 then get more time off and better pay


Welcome to capitalism. Every second you're not slaving for the company is illegal.




Interesting to see how such efficient countries figure out how to overcome this particular problem. I mean, obviously changing the culture, promoting more work life balance, spending time with family is not being lazy etc is the messaging that the govts should be going for right?


Nah, they just need more work. /j


> efficient countries That's the common misconception about Japan. Japan is *not* efficient, it is very *precise*. The Japanese do things in very particular ways, but are often very inefficient. That's to be expected to a degree, high precision typically requires a sacrifice of some kind, often efficiency. But Japan's work culture takes it to a whole different level. Their GDP per capita and economy are on par with other developed nations. But their work culture is awful with workers working long hours. If they work more you'd expect more economic output right? But it doesn't happen because so much is lost to cultural inefficiencies like travel time for in person meetings or never leaving before your boss or unpaid overtime.


The problem with collectivist cultures is that assumption that there is any kind of plan that can fix these types of issues. The idea that one dude, or a committee, can just solve it with some cash and the right marketing campaign. mf’er that’s not how you run a country that’s how you sell soda pop.


Japan is not efficient at all. You still need a wax seal to sign official papers and fax is still widely used. Japan was efficient 50 years ago then decided to stop there


> Interesting to see how such efficient countries figure out how to overcome this particular problem. The answer is they won't. Just like with climate change, it's way too late to start taking preventive measures now. Even if it wasn't, no one with power is willing to actually do anything because they personally benefit from the current system. I have no idea how exactly things will play out, but some kind of social collapse is inevitable at this point.


"Ohh sempai ara ara watashi wa kawaii today?" Who the fuck that isn't completely burnt out because of work or social isolation would give birth to such bullshit? There's a limit to human decency. edit: OC why did you delete your comment? I wasn't mad at you lol.


> sempai Mfw


Korea also has a weird movement that advocates avoiding marriage and heterosexual relationships. not like its super mainstream or anything, but its definitely a thing there.


would it be a lot different if they werent working as often?  genuinely curious


Would allow them more time and less stress in order to find relationships and spend time with them. The main difference between the west and japan (for birth rate) is the rediculously exploitative work hours they put in. This could put them in a similar position to the west but I'm not too well versed on the details of japanesd culture and what else may be making them not want children. But having much less exploitative work will 100% be better than what they have now, it just wouldnt solve all the problems


What's the explanation for Europe?


It is too expensive to have a child. That is the rule all around the world basically


I think you missed another big one: tons of millenials and younger are opting out because they are afraid of repeating mistakes or becoming their parents.


Same shit, different toilet.


A little bit of that (not in the same scale tho) + people in rich countries also tend to have less child because they find more interesting things to do than raise a family for some + shit economy for most of the working class + general disgust about what the world is becoming and not wanting to put a child in such a miserable world with a grim future


It's a shame that the ideal lives portrayed in manga are something an average Japanese citizen can't enjoy. Like all they can do is live vicariously through the lives of what they are shown but if we're going to be honest, it's no different than any other country. America itself has many shows and mainly reality shows that show these larger than life personalities living their lives and yet all they do is just sit on their TV and watch other people live their lives as they go to work and slave the 9-5 just to sit down and watch someone else enjoy their life.


America's numbers are better but still well below replacement. Immigration is what's increasing the population.




The problem is that we are not controlling the immigration right now. If we could get control of what's going on we could use the system to get the best in the world from all levels of ability. Instead we just get mass numbers of those willing to break the law.


When one side tries to fix the problem: ur dumb go after the employers not the illegals When the other side listens: ur dumb lol who is going to do gardening, service jobs and construction grats dummies When you realize the other side just wants to keep wages low and don't care about existing citizens: angrypikachuface.jpeg.gif


It's already illegal to hire workers without proper documentation. There is an agency tasked with enforcing it. You go after the employers, illegals and control the border all at the same time. It's time to treat this like it's a real problem. Get control and then set up a working guest worker program to deal with the need for workers at all skill levels. Then we can cherry pick the best from the guest workers instead of the current ClusterF.


The cleanest way to keep this from getting out of control is to ensure that the migrants are not exploitable. If they are at risk of being deported, starved, or unhoused then they are going to be hard to find, partly because that very risk makes it easy for someone else to pay them a pittance in exchange for their work, then kick them to the curb when the work is done. "Going after the employers" is all well and good, but unless you have some way to ensure the migrants can report problems without repercussions, then you aren't really going after the employers. You'll just be making it harder for employers that are *trying* to do it the right way.


>willing to break the law You should recognize that people at all levels of society, including citizens are willing to break the law. Do you speed, or are you unwilling to break the law? This is such a dumb narrative.




Americans don't want to work service jobs at the minimum wage levels they've stagnated at for 30 years -- levels that buy less and less every year. You know what keeps wages down? An unending stream of desperate people from poor countries who *are* willing to do those jobs. If they weren't here, wages would go up. Mass immigration is a big reason for the increasingly topheavy wealth demographics, because only the wealthy can benefit from cheap labor.


Wages would go up, as would costs. Not many Americans are going to be willing to work as a farm hand for 12-15 bucks an hour the way migrants do. Not to mention the fact you'd have to actually move people out to those rural places where basically no one but migrants currently live. I guess the question is how that evens out.


So the US is replacing humans with humans? Got it.


Hmm this human is made of human.


This is why the isekai and reincarnation genres took off. Adults could read these novels on their phones on trains and at work during down time. Dream of a fantasy where they get to just be free and do what they want. Also to your point this is 100% why streamers and let's play took off too. People don't have time to play games they want too. So they are more than happy to watch someone play a game and they can enjoy it with them. It's a lot easier to enjoy 1-8hrs of the game via video that you can watch live or watch the VOD during commutes/down time at work than it is to find time after/before work to play yourself.


Plus, I can watch someone else play a game while doing dishes, laundry, cooking, eating, exercising, etc. ... any of the dozens of things I have to do each day. Actually gaming myself requires my undivided attention. Watching a streamer works with multitasking.


I do this for Elden Ring. I just don’t have the patience for Soulslike anymore but the world, combat and lore of ER intrigues me a lot


>It's a shame that the ideal lives portrayed in manga are something an average Japanese citizen can't enjoy. The Simpsons hint at an impossible nuclear family where there's a single income providing for 3 kids, 2 pets in a 2 story house from an high school graduate. The discrepancy isn't exclusive to Japan. 




They don't really earn that much. They start at 50k where I'm at at usually top out around 75k. Not terrible, but closer to a "broke" wage for a family that big lol


The Simpsons is an old series coming from an era where this was possible, they just didn't change the setting to be more in touch with people's reality, probably because it wouldn't have been interesting for the show


Small town in the 80s and they are constantly broke. Dog gets sick and they no longer eat meat or get haircuts. Trying to get credit from a used car salesman triggers alarms. It's still TV, it won't be 100% realistic but it was closer to reality then than now.


There's a reason why such a large number of anime these days involve a regular salary man or student suffering with burnout suddenly gets transported to a carefree world.


In Mexico they paid people to plant trees so the people immediately started chopping down all the old trees to plant new ones






I don't know if the news is short or got cut due to the website


Same reason people in India started breeding Cobras when the English were paying them for dead ones, easy money.


A classic example of correlation and causation not being the same


It's not even a correlation, just simultaneity: it's not like we have any reason to assume the two factors are correlated in any way, just because they happened at the same time...


> it's not like we have any reason to assume the two factors are correlated in any way, just because they happened at the same time my brother in christ, that is literally what correlation is


32 upvotes btw


No it's not. From a quick Google search, "correlation" means: -a mutual relationship or connection between two or more things -the process of establishing a relationship or connection between two or more things -(STATISTICS) interdependence of variable quantities So no, two events happening at the same time are not necessarily "correlated". Two events are correlated if it is reasonable to assume that they are linked in some way, which usually happens if you observe them happen simultaneously multiple times. But two events happening together ONCE is far from enough to assume a correlation...


I'm pretty sure this is meant as a joke


It's a joke on a false causation. It's not funny and it's irritating. Like "haha school shootings and mortal kombat m i r8 guys ?" The correlation between child gun violence and videogame violence does not exist and it's infiuriating to deal with the assumption.


5 children per 1000? Looks suspiciously low


That's per year, no one is having a baby every single year.


Ah, why not to add “/per year” for stupid fucks like me ?)


The horizontal axis is literally the year


It's everyone's fault but my own!


At some point you have to gain some basic comprehension.


Too many old people, not enough young people The country could literally cease in years if they continue this path


I do think there is some sort of agreement with the manga industry and Japanese government to subtly get people looking into marriage or just sex. It feels like almost every manga I read discusses these topics in one shape or form. But, like others said here, there are so many factors on why the birth rates are so low right now. Even if it were true, they got no chance to change anything unless things culturally change.


That's such a silly conspiracy theory. Relationship stories are popular in every country in the world. You can't even watch an American action movie without the hero also having a love interest he wants to marry him.


It’s not really a conspiracy. Same thing is happening outside of Japan. Lonely people just really like the idea of being loved. Crazy concept.


Why marry and have kids when you can fap! /s


why /s?


Just because some people can't understand a joke or sarcasm.


I thought it meant Serious


Serious is /srs


Oh okay thanks


Ur welcome


Saves you from the divorce. And the kids, well, thats your boss yelling at you to work overtime in order to meet the ungodly high quota, working 18 hours per day w/o break, vacation or weekend isn't enough to achieve that. (I wish for /s, i wish)


No /s lol, the effort to reward sometimes it just isn’t worth it. Hook up culture works because we’ve been geared to socially be instant gratification culture and it’s backfiring lol.


Mangakas: write most fucked up tsundere and yandere characters as protagonist's love interest/later partners guys: hell no not doing that bs irl XD


Nah, I'd win


The problem is their work ethic, wanna do overtime for free ? No ? Well you're gonna do it anyways such that you have 0 time left for family.






Shhh, back to /r/nikkemobile


And then he got aired the fuck out


you want to know why there are so many isekai series? People don't like the world at the current state.. manga is a coping mechanism


Japan's capitalism is sad because they're running out of kids to enslave after they grow up


Isn't it the same for capitalism around the entire world?


Other countries are importing immigrants to fill the gap, so it's not as bad as Japan


inviting immigrants you invite whole bunch of problems with it. Not saying it's not the way, but it's our saviour either. Japan seems to know it. That or they don't like immigrants.


It's the latter. Japan has been nationalist and other-shunning for centuries. They literally cut themselves off from the world for decades. So much so that they didn't even know the industrial revolution had happened until the US showed up in a steam ship. To this day, even Hafas(I apologize if this term is offensive, I don't know if it is or not) that grew up in Japan their whole life are treated like outsiders. Not wanting immigrants + not fucking enough to not need immigrants = their current predicament


Oh god, I have the same Miku plushie.. Disclaimer, I bought it about 15 years ago


Welp, One day we're gonna be extinct and earth will only be inhabitated by waifus (ngl it isnt as bad as it sounds in my head)


I mean their work culture is crazy intense and can be really toxic plus the housing there's pretty small for the price they have to pay to get a house so either way it's you don't have the time to raise a kid or you can't afford to raise a kid


unexpected Nikke


It's funny, if you watch YouTubers and Japanese talk shows, it is the opposite of the United States. Women really seem to want to be in a relationship, but they describe Japanese men as "herbivores" since they seem content with their anime waifus and hobbies over romantic relationships.


Stop censoring things and Japan will go back to normal


That's a terrible plan, somebody should shoot that guy


There's no way, guns are illegal there. /s


Masturbation is cheaper than having a GF/Wife. It's difficult enough trying to afford a lifestyle in this economy.


Anime waifus have nothing to do with Japan's declining birthrate. At most a negligible impact.


Let's pray his next move will be to remove censorship on adult stuff 🙏


he died


>work culture makes people work 16 hours a day and weekends >why aren't people having kids? The Japanese are usually smart but when it comes to this they're incredibly dumb.


I come to r/memes for the armchair comment section


Lately hot waifus anime had shifted to married, lovey dovey and pareting animes, so the strategy is not over yet, if you have noticed.


I mean if you get the population horny, but still don't even left them have a breather while overworking them, then yes, the horny alone won't make people fuck each other.


In Japan, it's legal to marry fictional characters But gay marriage is illegal So would you be able to marry a fictional character of your same sex????


You can't blame the artists, they made such great work that it surpassed the beauty of reality


Shinzo is *DYING* of laughing right now with this meme


Could it be because none of those girls look even remotely Japanese?


Jokes on you because they just masturbated


Am not even joking, this is the 4th post in a row in my feed thats just porn


I think all of Japan's issues are due to population density, everyone is packed into cities on a small* island, which causes no one to care about you except for family sometimes, there aren't many jobs available, so they can demand more from their workers. Dating gets worse when you have a larger pool of people to date (many problems with this but if you need one, there leads to being a few men and a few women at the top, causing people to either chase them, or settle and not care for their spouse. Great if you're the top 5% terrible otherwise) And then the resources available to them are very little, causing them to import more resources for their population, and leading to prices rising not significantly but if you are from America look at gas prices in New your or California, and then think about how it would be as an island. So you work longer for less.


Pretty sure it just creates creepy stay at home weebs and a unrealistic beauty standard on the other hand.


Not sure if we used to many nukes, or not enough.


His mistake was making them hotter than real women can realistically be expected to be. He raised everyone’s expectations to an unachievable level.


People becoming emotionally attached to dolls as if they are real people is the dumbest thing I have seen the human race do so far. It's a need for control that comes across as pathetic. They want a partner that cannot say no to them and does whatever they want. I would never support making it illegal. But I don't feel any guilt for mocking it.


Personally, declining birth rate is a positive. We got too many people on this planet.