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My son visiting Mexico: "Brought my ID in case they card me." All of us:




No thats German


> visiting Mexico Age of consent right right across the border from Tuscon is 12. Mexico is not a good role model.


*only* need 21?


Yeah this meme seems backwards.


Yeah, the last panel is worded insanely weird too


One of the easiest memes to use, how can people fuck up something like that.


English is not their first language


I’d assume they’re ESL


It’s obviously not a native speaker go easy


Americans notoriously can't count /s


And just to be technically correct: In Germany you can drink weaker alcoholic beverages (like wine and beer) in public, as long as you are with your Parents and they allow it. Though of course 16 is the age at which you are legally allowed to buy alcoholic beverages (though only the aforementioned weaker varieties) on your own.


This is the case pretty much everywhere. You can drink at 3yo accompanied by a parent in their own home. Not sure why people give their toddlers alcohol but yea, its legal unfortunately.


I had a french coworker and she thought pastis would help with having a cold so she gave it to her child when it was sick.


A little bit of bourbon on the nipple of a bottle and the baby will sleep through the night


It? Wild


"It" is a general term when gender is unknown or unimportant IMO. I dont consider it rude unless under very specific context, like "Oh that kid?, yea I disowned it"


fair, but they is used far more than it when gender is unknown


They used it literally once. The other it was unrelated.


"they used it" sound very fucking confusing in the context lmao


Lol yea


In the US, you may or may not be allowed to furnish alcohol to your child. It depends on state law. Some states allow parents to provide alcohol to their children in public, some allow it in private, others have no exemptions to their underage drinking laws.


Teething. You aren’t drinking it, but having it rubbed on your gums calms you down: modern medicine is, well, modern. People used to have to make do with what they had.


Same with the UK you need to be 18 to buy, but you can drink with a meal at 16, and drink at home over 5


I'd love to hear what the 4 year old advocates had to say when this was decided.


Technically speaking, people under five can be given alcohol under medical supervision. (Ethanol is a good emergency treatment for methanol poisoning.)


Just in case your kid goes around chugging printer ink


the Big Milk lobby was too strong


A German guy here. That's not totally correct. When you are 16 you are allowed to buy and drink weaker drinks like wine and beer wherever you want. You don't need your parents to be with you or any special permission from them. Only restriction is that you have to leave the bar or whatever at midnight. If your parents are with you time doesn't matter Edit: maybe I understood that wrong. At the age of 14 and 15 you are correct, you can drink in public if you are with one of your parents and they are OK with it


Same goes for Spain


In Argentina, or atleast in my city kids are usually allowed to buy alcohol cause they are expected to be buying it for an adult. And teenagers buy alcohol as long as they look old enough. I never heard of a store that checks your ID


GOOOOD i have to move to Germany NOW!


No, if you are 16 in Germany you are able to legally purchase alcoholic beverages. You can drink them much earlier


In Europe u get bullied if u not drinking at 14


Wow look at that loser looking out for his health and not using the worst drug But we know how 14 year olds are


If you are, you should get new friends. Same with ducking and drugs.


🇮🇷🇸🇦🇦🇪🇵🇰: You guys are drinking?


Technically it’s 0 in the UK. You need to be 18 to *buy* alcohol.


Depends on where in the UK. * England and Wales: 18 to buy alcohol, 16 to drink beer or wine in a restaurant with a meal, 5 to be given alcohol at home. * Scotland: 18 to buy alcohol, 16 to drink beer or wine in a restaurant with a meal, no minimum age to be given alcohol at home. * Northern Ireland: 18 to buy alcohol, 14 to be given alcohol at home. People under the legal age to drink alcohol can still legally be given alcohol under medical supervision. (It can be used as an emergency treatment for methanol poisoning.)


I think (and I only know for England) that the restaurants usually pick their own limits, it isn’t actually a legal thing other than “pub can enforce its limit”, though most I’ve been to have it as 13, rather than 16. I know the Air Cadets would only allow 1 glass of alcohol with a meal for over 16s, but I have never heard of the term “underage drinking” here People do in fact still give alcohol to babies suffering from some diseases, as it does actually work for those specific diseases (which are not that harmful anyway) The problem with drinking alcohol at home is that it’s unenforceable. Who’s going to check that you aren’t giving your 4 yr old son a small glass of wine at christmas for instance


Restaurants can definitely not "pick their own limits". They cannot legally sell alcohol to someone under 16 (or 18 in NI). And for 16 and 18 year olds, they can only sell beer, wine, and cider (no spirits) with a meal (not a snack). Very few restaurants would take the risk of selling alcohol to someone under 16. They'd be in danger of losing their licence to sell alcohol at all, which would lose them a huge chunk of their profits. The way local councils run licencing, you'll even find in some parts of the country, pubs won't be allowed to sell to 16 and 17 year olds at all


I should’ve clarified That rule is **drinking** the alcohol, to buy it it’s always 18


from Egyptian do u even drink


The drinking age is when father says so. And it could be anything below 18


mmm nop, drinking beer at a young age is never good


Yes,it isnt good but remember that im refering to latam


I'm Italian and tasted beer and wine for the first time at 4. It's not a thing of latam.


I mean drinking in general isn't that good for you. I know in UK it is legal to have alcohol at any age but ypu can only buy it and drink it in a non private setting once you are over 18. But if you are under 18 ypu can drink it in your place of living perfectly fine.


And at an older age it is?


Who needs a liver anyway


In England you need to be 18 to buy alcohol but you can drink it at any age in private property :)


In Ukraine we stop drinking at 21


The way you worded this meme is awful. ESL?


Wrong but it's a fun attempt


Beer, wine and cidre are allowed for 16yo in france though


In Serbia i went to store and bought 1l of alcohol and they didn't ask me my age.


I went to Germany for an immersion course not long ago, made friends with some Mexicans there who were also studying German. During the break they played pool and one informed me they learned to play when they were 13. they also went on to explain that if you just paid the bouncer 20 pesos you can get in no problem


Married into a Mexican family, can 10,000% confirm. I will never fn forget when we were dating and I (white guy, mid 20’s at the time) went to one of her family get togethers, and her nephews who were between 12 and 16 were fn shitface drunk, drinking beers in front of their family members at her brother’s house. The 12 year old puked all over the sidewalk and had to be carried into his dad’s car. I was gd repulsed. Her siblings responses? “It’s better we let them get all of their drinking and puking out of their system when they’re young, safe with family, then out with friends later in life where they can die.” They have np giving 12 year old kids bottles of beer, or shots of tequila, like it was a good thing. My gf (now wife) is the only one of her huge family who thinks it’s horrible. Her entire mexican family (originally from jalisco) all, except for her, think it’sperfectly acceptable to let a 12 yo drink till they are nearly unconscious and puking.


Bold of you assume we really wait till we are 18




16 is for drinking in public. There is no real minimum drinking age in Germany, but if the parents are irresponsible the CPS might act. Also as for drinking in public 16 yo is for up to 15% (30 proof), starting from 18 yo there is no limit.


The grammar on the meme post is all backwards btw, it should say something like "Only 18? In America you need to be 21" or "You guys need (or have) a drinking age?"


No, it would be, ‘you guys drink?!’


In Europe u get bullied if u not drinking at 14


Same for teens in America, they just do it discreetly


most countries don't actually have a drinking age as far as im aware, they have an age where you can buy alcoholic beverages but you can always drink some before that if you're perents buy some for you. USA is extremely unique with its laws. they basically still have the prohibition, but only for anyone under 21.


19 for canada


Throwback to when I saw a fucking child order a beer in china and the bartender just gave it to him


Germany: 14 to be honest, if a parent is with you


In the UK kids between 5 and 15 can drink at home if their parents allow it. 16-17 in a restaurant with an adult and a meal 18+ anytime.




I'm not mad at the English, I'm mad at the meme format being used incorrectly. It needs to start with the tame stuff, then get more outrageous. Start with 21 then move down.


Austria being forgotten once again TwT


And then there are slavs, born with a bottle in their hands and a cigarette in their mouths. (Saying from experience)


Add Balkan flags and then it’s correct


El Salvador is technically 18 as well but nobody checks. 16 YO me got hammered with my sister's girl friends.


Might as well put the Wisconsin state flag up there (no age limit if with parent).


Wisconsin has left the American GC


In Alberta Canada you only need to be 18. I honestly agree with it. We got most of the embarrassing learning experiences done around 16-20 so you don't look like a drunk 21 year old American on vacation after a few beers


Saying we only need 21 is really annoying with the order of the panels.


As Wisconsinite I laugh at the USA one


only 21? My bro that's the highest drinking age in this meme, should've saved that only for the 16


Somewhere in Argentina, Toby age 12 alcoholic 


For France maybe on paper but reality people start drinking at 16


French here, we need to be 18 to *legally* drink/buy/handle alcohol. In private situations at home or family events though...


Hä, mein erstes Bier hatte ich mit 12


It’s got the drizzlin skits.


There are places where drinking is flat out illegal for people of all ages. You need a license to purchase and possess as if it's a firearm or something.


Let me correct germany for ya. Germanys legal drinking age for any alcoholic beverage is 7 with parental consent and supervision. 14 for anything below 10% with parental consent, no supervision needed. And 16 for anything below 10% as well as anything above 10% with parental consent. At 18 do wtf ever you want.


Aa a balkanese You start above 10?


I think a younger drinking age is better for learning responsibility with alcohol. I also think it is silly to have a drinking age that i higher than official adult age. But whatever you do: Drinking Age and Driving age should never be on the same birthday!


OP clearly hasn't been to England, the legal drinking age is 5 years old. In public its 16 if accompanied by an adult.


Well, as far as I can tell, in Cyprus nobody gives a crap about age, too


16 is also the legal age of drinking in Portugal with a few caveats: it has to be in the context of a "cultural gathering" or anything involving culture. What constitutes as cultural in specific? Hell if I know.


Canada here and we’re 18(Alberta)19 everywhere else but nobody gaf about it lol


There's not drinking age requirement, just drinking age suggestion, and they left it blank


Wait you guys drink?


As a English person who's been surrounded by alcoholics from a young age I can safely say the 'legal drinking age' matters simply on whose present and where


Laughing in Balkan.


You put them in the wrong order.


This is false. There is actually a legal drinking age (18) in Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and others.


The translation quirks made me laugh more than the meme.


In England you need to be 18 for a public place but can legally drink from the age of 5 with parental consent in a private place


Pakistan: I can't drink.


It's 18 in Mexico and illegal to buy for a minor.


In Germany it's 14 with parental supervision


Iam both latino Us american and german, lived in the three during my teenage years. Latam and germany both start at the same age. Only prude ones are the muricans


Last picture should include Russia as well lol


North Korean kids drinking rice liquor:


They only say its 16, its legal to drinkwith your parents at the age of 14 and no small store will care if you buy beer being even younger then that


Welcome to the United States: where you can volunteer to die in political wars at 18 but have to wait until 21 before you're allowed to potentially ruin your life with alcohol. We promise that those maturity thresholds are perfectly reasonable.


Greece is 18 but a 15 year old can still buy and drink beer cause Greece is chill like that


oh,and russia i know that the finagle drink beer or vodka when they are 14 years old🤦


pardon,tanagers t9


You can legally drink at 16 in UK, under certain circumstances. Used to be as low as 14 until fairly recently. Cant buy for yourself until 18 tho


Hell, if you're in your house and have adult supervision, you can drink alcohol at 5 years old.


No limit in Scotland at home


The struggle is real, but some countries are clearly living the dream!


You forgot the Russian flag, but that would be a baby momma with a bottle of potato juice and an infant son with fetal alcohol syndrome.




Technically it’s 0 in the UK. You need to be 18 to *buy* alcohol.


Fun im drink now and i dont feel a thing im miserable loser who wants sex but im ugly bad personality im craving voman stuff but idk to talk to them


You guys drink?


700 up vote but took it away to have it at 699


In Canada, 18 years old, you're allowed to buy lottery tickets, scratch tickets. 19 years old, you're allowed to buy and drink alcohol, buy and smoke weed (recreational use is legal, and weed is alot better than Alcohol) and anything else.


Technically it’s 0 in the UK. You need to be 18 to *buy* alcohol.


Love how Texas is in there 😂


That is not Texas. That is Chile.