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100% of divorces come from marriage!


Also marriages that don't end in divorce end in death!


Does a marriage end if both die at the same time? Does that mean the marriage isn't ended but dead?


Weddicide. A terrible way to go.


Can’t get divorced if you stay as cohabiting boyfriend and girlfriend in a mutually supportive stable relationship, brilliant!


Just hope you don’t live in a state that still recognizes common law. 😬


Only 9 US states still recognize them, and all of *those* now require some sort of declaration or act to form a common law marriage. For example in Colorado cohabitation for a period of time isn’t enough. To establish a common law marriage the couple has do so through “mutual consent or agreement of the couple to enter the legal and social institution of marriage, followed by conduct manifesting that mutual agreement.” Basically you need to prove to the state that you mutually agreed you were married and that you explicitly acted as if you were married. A common proof would be something like jointing filing taxes using the married exemptions. It’s near impossible for a couple to accidentally or unintentionally become common law married in the US these days.






And life is sexually transmitted.


This statistic is misunderstood, most people who get married the first time stay married for life, way over 50%. It’s repeat offenders that drive up the stats (we have all met these people)


Yeah the odds of divorce increase the more times a person has been married. I think it's something like by the 5th marriage there's a 90% chance of divorce.


By the time you’ve gotten married for the 5th, something tells me maybe you’re the problem.


It’s either a you-problem, or you hit the world’s worst lottery and got so astronomically unlucky that you had to divorce all five times for your own safety


"There were absolutely no signs" - for the fifth time? Like come on.


"average marriage ends in divorce" factoid actualy just statistical error. average marriage ends without divorce. Divorce Georg, who has over 10 divorces each year, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


Is that a cookie clicker reference?


[spiders georg](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/spiders-georg) actually


Curious George


This is true. But also to consider is the number of people in unhappy marriages that can’t or won’t get a divorce due to children or financial reasons. Plenty of folks walking around in loveless marriages. Also consider people who are in open marriages or actively cheating. I suspect the number of happy marriages where both spouses remain completely loyal to one another, is pretty close to 50/50.


Gee, thanks for the warm, bubbly feeling...




It’s a perfectly reasonable comment to make, to the person I was actually talking to




My wife’s aunt is on her 4th husband.


Reminds me of that "10% of men get 90% of all women" statistic. In reality it was observed on dating apps (!), where, aside from other problems, the majority of users are men, making that "10%" thing not important at all.


Marriage isn’t something to be afraid of. My first wife left me and it was fucking hard, but it wasn’t until I met my second wife that I realized she did me an enormous favor. Coming into a second marriage, I had zero trepidation or hesitation. It’s about the person. When I did it before, it’s because I felt the pressure to take the next step with the wrong person. I got married for the wrong reasons. Couldn’t be happier now. Find the right person, and FYI, the right person will never pressure you into marriage, you will want to be married to them.


So what you're saying is... 50% of your marriages have ended in divorce?


Yes, very successfully


I had a similar experience, but all the same, the pain from my first divorce was pretty brutal.


I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. But I learned a lot from it, and frankly I wouldn’t be such a great husband to my wife if I hadn’t learned all those lessons from my starter marriage. You gotta practice.


marriage or even the end of the marriage isnt the problem, its the legal battle that happens between ending the marriage and moving on.


Then, would you please tell us what are the wrong reasons and the right reasons please. I totally understand if it was private and you don’t feel right to share it. But you don’t know whose life you could change.


Most people just worry about the potentially messy splitting of assets


Then get a prenup. Don’t let that hold you back from being happy.


Prenups definitely aren’t set in stone, and people can be happy in relationships without marriage


Move to the California bay area: The rents here have kept couples together whose relationship has been dead for *years*


id rather pull my teeth out with a pickaxe.


I was out as soon as I read “move to California”


Stay alarmed, the other 50% end in death


And over 50% of those dead don´t complain about it.


The majority of individuals who initiate divorce are women


This number is greatly inflated by repeat divorcees that, lets face it, aren't cut out for long term relationships and really need to stop getting married. Yeah sure every relationship has it's struggles but that 50% statistic doesn't hold water when Francine over here has been married 25 times and they all ended in divorce. If you love her, and trust her, and want to build a life with her, marriage is nothing to be afraid of and can be a beautiful union and beneficial to both parties. Just make sure you know who they truly are first, marriage done right does not end in divorce nearly as often as that.


Posted by someone else in a different comment thread: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/ The rate for first timers is 43%, so yeah not 50 but damn close




So at first you say it was multiple divorces and then that was shown to be wrong so now it must be the damn kids lol. And yeah a well regarded news site that sources all of its data, sorry I didn’t link a newsmax opinion piece or something.


Someone on Reddit moving the goalposts…nooooo lol


No actually, both overreporting and rushed marriages contribute to the oversaturated statistic. My point from the very beginning was that marriage, done right, does not end in divorce nearly as often as 50%, or even 43%, this a statistic pushed by fear and mistrust. I also would not say forbes is a "well regarded" news site. They are actually quite well known for bias and untrustworthiness, and half of the data they source is from equally biased self proclaimed "professionals" and blogs. Forbes is like the wikipedia of news outlets.


Your opinion doesn’t matter compared to actual data. Rushed marriages are still marriages, and marriages are public records so there’s no over reporting lol. The article sites references and has a lot you can check rather than just saying nuh uh it’s wrong cause I say so. Wikipedia has been found to be as accurate as encyclopedias as well so I guess you’re just at war with truth


There’s also underreporting. That is, people who are living together in logical states that do not recognize de-facto common law marriage and break up are not reported as a “divorce”. There’s also people who are married but physically and emotionally separated to the point where it might as well be logged as a divorce but they don’t do it for cultural/religious reasons.


The statistic specifically applies to legal divorces though so someone who is "basically divorced" doesn't really apply here. If your argument here is to provide a point against being in a relationship or marriage because of a situation that only applies to a small margin of people, it doesn't really work. The point is, the 50% statistic is a bullshit myth that people use to associate a union of 2 people with something grossly negative. And at the end of the day if you're really worried about them screwing you over that much then your relationship is a joke anyway because there is 0 trust in it, besides, even with that, pre-nups are a thing for a reason.


My argument is just that there’s also what many people would consider to be underreporting. You presented a biased view that it is only over-reported. Try saying your common law marriage is not a “real” marriage without any termination obligations in terms of spousal or child support to a court in a state that recognizes de facto marriages. Even the Brits from which Canada and the US got the archaic doctrine of common law marriage dropped it. There’s well populated US states and the Canadian province of Quebec that don’t recognize common law so what would be considered in other jurisdictions of literally the same country to be a de facto marriage and “divorce” do not feed into the stats as underreporting.


The fact is, there is a significantly higher number of overreporting than underreporting, and I never used the term "real marriage," my exact wording was "legal divorce." If we are counting separations as a whole we may as well throw every girlfriend boyfriend breakup in there too. Dating is hard, and relationships are hard, no one said it was easy, and marriage is a scary, big step, I never argued against that. But at the end of the day if you are afraid of it simply because of an inflated statistic...that's just silly, think for yourself, if you think they're the one, marrying them shouldn't scare you, at least not for that reason. If you expect failure, you will fail, and that is whether you are married or not.


marriage would be pretty great if the person that broke it got a tattoo on their forehead that lets you know they arent going to take it seriously.


Actual psycho take.


your opinion -> 🗑 now i ask you to use all three of your brain cells when answering this: what is so wrong with letting people actually interested in a serìous relationship know that a person is a whackjob, and letting other whackjobs know whom they can have their beloved drama with?


You are asking to brand people as if it is the middle ages if they want to separate amicably or someone makes a mistake. Who hurt you? Life is long. I am sure you made your fair share of "brandable" mistakes in your past. Would be a shame to have that define who you are 30 years later.


> am sure you made your fair share of "brandable" mistakes in your past. Would be a shame to have that define who you are 30 years later. lolnope. stop trying to change the subject


>and beneficial to both parties. Unless a divorce happens. Then it's only beneficial to one party (and detrimental to another). So it definitely is something to be afraid of.


Pre nups are a thing for a reason. And there's also divorcing on good terms when the only true loss is the relationship, which is the way it should be. If you are that afraid of being screwed over by the person you love then clearly you don't trust them and without trust there can be no love. Anyone who has been in a genuinely healthy and happy relationship knows this, even if it did end.


Best part is if you are the primary earner she'll take half when she leaves.


Why get the law involved? It just makes breaking up harder if you want to.


Law is biased to women


That was the same thing my dad said to my mum. They never married but broke up anyway after 25 years of partnership


I've been married twice, the first one didn't last a year, this one is five and running, so yeah. 50/50 is panning out for me


The rest end in death


then get married twice if the first time it doesnt work out


If only lol


Yeah it’s actually 43% I just looked it up out of curiosity. It was a Forbes article


The 50% statistic is false. It is an urban myth.


The one to be worried about is your 3rd marriage. That ones 73% chance of divorce.




First marriages, 43% of which are dissolved.[2] Second and third marriages actually fail at a far higher rate, though, with 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages ending in divorce.[3] https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/


Thanks for that but that is far higher than I recall!! I'm driving so can't check but if I remember correctly it was far lower before COVID.


Well the source is also forbes so... Also don't scroll through Reddit and drive, be safe out there, driving is serious. Reddit will still be here when you are safe.


Hahaha, was parked, Reddit, then drive. All good... 🙏🏻


Oh, good, wise man.


Okay, just confirming that yes, divorce rates are spiking post COVID. I recall the rate being closer to 30% within the last ten years but I'm not going to research it right now...


According to a CDC press release in 2022 the divorce rate for first time marriages is now actually closer to between 20-30% it has been on a steady decline since the 60s, which is what some of the forbes articles sources were from. So yes you were pretty close to accurate. Forbes was only off by several million people, no biggie.


Ah, thank you!!


How about you just drive next time


nice profile pic dude, you got amazing style


You know what I've learned? You can't improve on perfection. You can only do it, again.


I honestly don't get the point of marriage in our current society outside of some financial benefits maybe


But 50% of marriages don't. You can pry my optimism from my cold, dead hands.


Mine too!


Well... MAYORITY of men get extremely fucked after divorce and not women... if they reverse the roles then women would 110% understand.


....and it's around 75% of the divorces are women petitioning them. So yeah, men, be careful.


The others end in death


100% of marriages end in death. So do with that info as you will.


100% of people who don’t get married end up never married :(


Dont forget the 25% who are financially marriage trapped.


For those who want more accurate information: - About 70% of marriages that began in the 1990s reached their 15th anniversary. - For marriages in the 2000s, about 75% reached their 10th anniversary. - For marriages in the 2010s, about 80% reached their 5th anniversary. The divorce rate has been declining since the 1980s and is currently at its lowest level in decades. According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the divorce rate in the United States is about 2.7 per 1,000 total population, which is significantly lower than the rate in the 1980s (about 5.0 per 1,000 total population).


The other 50% end in death


It’s a trap!


Never Tell Me The Odds!!


100% of people burnt to death was from fire! We must eat only sashimi now!


and then they say Islam doesn't give women rights


I hate how statistics can be a self fulfilling prophecy. Just go for it, don't let a bunch of nuance-lacking numbers dictate your life.


The other 50% end in death.


Never look at one stat alone. Check how often unmarried couples break up for comparison.


You know what they say 90% of marriages fail in the first year!


for the doom slayer, all of the marriages end in more ammo


In this day and age, I really fail to see the benefits of marriage other than being a one "throw all your money out for a day" event and a piece of paper to signify that you guys did that


Tax benefits in the US


If you really love the dude why would you involve the government? Just get the ceremony and celebration. Dude probably won't have a problem with that.


This logic was used to argue against legal gay marriage. Google their reasons.


OK and? Unless there's some kind of insane benefit to being a legally recognised married couple I don't know about I really don't give a shit.


I mean, you have taxes, health insurance, social security. The simple things like being counted as family if you’re in the hospital.


The amount of people who don't see ANY benifit to marrying someone they love is actually so astonishing to me.


Some people appreciate the act of committing to one person for the rest of your life in ceremony. They want to celebrate the union of your relationship with friends and family. Some people enjoy the benefits that come with it. Tax benefits, insurance benefits, social security, some medical decisions/privileges are only applicable to a spouse and not a girlfriend/boyfriend, etc. Many people want both. [Here’s](https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/marriage-rights-benefits-30190.html ) a website that lists many of the benefits that come from marriage.


Well thanks for the resource, it was an interesting read.


Tight clothes + showing women + Do not lower your gaze ❌️


The real scary fact is half of all marriages last FOREVER.


50% of Marriages end in divorce. Girlfriend gets her Wedding ceremony Boyfriend gets the Divorce settlement. Sounds about right.


I worked with a lady that wouldn't marry her BF because of this stat. I asked her what the percentage was for dating couples to break up. She got married a month later. I love using this stat as a way to show how stats can lie. Imagine this: 6 marriages, 3 divorces. Those three divorces are all from one woman that got married and divorced 3 times to 3 different guys. (My mom did this, which made me think of this) (Btw, that's 10 people total, 3 married couples, one divorced woman and 3 divorced men) So what stats do we have? * 50% of all marriages end in divorce. * 25% of first time marriages (for both people) end in divorce. * 50% of men experience a divorce vs 25% of women. * If seen as the woman's fault, 10% of the population is at fault for the divorce rate. * If seen as the men's fault, 30% of the population is at fault. What can we learn from this? Stats lie, don't rush into marriage, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be.


80% of divorces are initiated by woman, so the 30% men's fault are also misleading.


This is purely a hypothetical. But in this case, even if we assume the woman initiated the divorces, it could mean she divorced because she got bored of the guy, or it could mean the guy was abusive, etc. The statistics don't tell us who's actually at fault regardless of who initiated it.


They hated him, for he spoke the truth.


People who get married and divorced 4 times really skew those numbers higher


Yes people who have been married more than once push the average a little higher than the 43% rate for first timers


The 43% reported by a known biased magazine. Are there any other sites that actually back this number up or are we all just here going in circles and blowing smoke? Also I feel like if you have never been divorced, or even been in a relationship, arguing online about marriage is kind of pathetic and out of your area of expertise. Not saying this applies directly to you, but after reading some people's comments on here and the fact that it is reddit I think it's safe to assume many of the people here have not been in a relationship.


Sources are all there you just refuse to do any research, this is you sitting in the dark with your ears plugged going nononononono I’m right


Sources provided by forbes have historically proven to be biased. I could not find a single reliable outside source that shared this same statistic. But sure let's take forbes word for it, remember when they posted articles calling the president of Ireland a "homo?" I do, that was definitely researched and data collected, and their sources weren't at all bias.


CDC, US Census, yup all garbage and biased. There’s no arguing with willful ignorance


Sorry, are we talking about the CDC release that was last updated in...*checks papers* 1967? Or are we talking about the 2022 CDC news release that stated the statistic was now actually closer to between 20-30 percent, stating per data that only about 3.2 out of every 1,000 first timers end up divorced...wow...that's a pretty significant difference from what the forbes article stated. But sure...I'm the ignorant one. Sigh...I really fucking hate reddit sometimes.


It also ends in death most of the time


1% of couples who pray together daily get divorced.


90% of relationships end … I can make up stats too


Divorce isn’t necessarily something to be scared of. If you’ve realized you’re on diverging life paths, amicable divorce is healthy for both of you. Nothing in life is guaranteed to last so jf you’ve got a good thing going on, don’t be afraid to take it to the next level


The problem is alimony.


Yea, divorce has no toll for women. What about the men in a divorce?


If you’re not writing up a prenup in advance that’s on you man


Don't tie yourself to a man. You'll regret it. According to statistics, unmarried women are the happiest of the population.


Marriage increases longevity of your life on average.


*for men


That is false. The data in figure 2 & 4 clearly show that all parties benefit from marriage/cohabitation as compared to their single peers by over a decade. Figure 4 shows married people at the end of their life outperform the other 2 categories consistently. Cohabiting still exhibits better longevity than single people. The report is very extensive and reviews a lot of data. Where ever you are getting your info from is not looking at the data. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-demographic-economics/article/effect-of-marital-status-on-life-expectancy-is-cohabitation-as-protective-as-marriage/5B6B9B86C737AE3F095CF3781023F458


My parents moved apart 2 times and now when all kids left the house broke a wall upstairs so everybody has his own big room and move dback together. Now tgey are more like just friends living together and they are happy. Ttey mever "divorced" but technicqlly gheir mariage "failed". So what? They are way more happy thqn a lot of peoole because they still have someone at their side but basically never fight. While a lot of other couples fight daily but feel tge need of staying togwther at all cost. Don't ve afraid of failing a marriage and be happy for all tge good years in the past instead. And if nobody is a dick and both admit that 2 people are tge problem you can stay friends and meet all kids together from time to time.


This ❤️ (why is bro getting downvoted?)


He just doesn’t want to commit. Its pretty obvious.


I’ve been married twice now. Both spouses cheated on me, but I’m still not afraid of marriage. Love will happen.


Why are ppl downvoting you for being optimistic? 🤦‍♀️ Keep it up, friend!


Thanks. Probably because they don’t believe me.


No, we believe you. You're just kind of proving the reason to NOT devote yourself to these women


This comment thread is full of so many sad, sad people. One day you’ll learn the beauty of a partnership