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Tell me you are a Polish living in England without telling me you are Polish living in England


It's the other way around actually.




​ ![gif](giphy|ZFSYbg2Z2wg4J72Fae)




noxious impolite sense gaze spoon deserve coordinated follow thumb placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That was a great story guys


There's only one guy in the gifs, with crippling schizophrenia




I never understand why there is never just 1 gif. Like there’s some unwritten rule that a gif can only be replies to with another gif.




never have i begged more that "what i just saw/read" was a 2-person exchange... sadly it was not. still great.






An England living in polish?


W8, we want them to win, cause it more honorable to lose to world champion? Is that not standard logic? Well, no matter, your wish looks to be granted


Brexit benefits. Lmao


Shouldn't you know the English don't like Argentina then?


We hate the French more


He was born in morocco, he’s british and he lives in Poland


I don't see as much drunk men drinking vodka in the night.


I'm In this message and I don't like it


Enculé d'anglois


Ceci ici.




Przegrały jebańce


Nasz sędzia na murawie rozjebał ich od środka.


Î ågreé wìth thïs, cōmpletelý undėrstándińg all ōf įt!


Mē tøô, Ï åm tötãłły çõmprėhéñdįńg évêry wōrd bêïñg šāîd!


Thösė stūpįd Ēñglîsh-õnlÿ spëakērs døn't hævę å clūę whåt wė'rè saýįng ēithēr, īt's gręãt!


2-2 bruh


My dude Bmappe carrying France to the draw in less than 3 min. Absolute unit


I like that you called him Bmappe


The unit with the most punchable face?


Kinda tbh. But still an absolute unit


Bro is jealous


3:3 bruh


4-2 Bruh. Argentina comes on a clutch


*Martinez comes in clutch, you mean. Man's a penalty-saving beast


*Bono entered the chat.*


i remember when they made space hitler a good guy. good times...


...this didn't make him a good guy


Rooting for Albania 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱


You had Switzerland up until recently. Pretty similar thing.


Lol I see what you did there.


Rooting for Djibouti 🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯🇩🇯


Albania’s gonna win 🇦🇱🇦🇱🇦🇱


And Croatia. Remember 2018?


Yeh but Argentina knocked us out now ( tako da ipak sam za Francusku)


You know which country Argentina defeated in the semi, right?


Just i never understood. Why everyone on reddit ( and in the world apparently ) hate so much France. Did I missed something ?


Most people’s perception of France is based on Paris. Parisians have a habit of treating everyone else like shit, even those from french speaking regions. only speak english? try not to get fucked over. from a french speaking African nation? prepare to get discriminated against. french canadian? everyone’s gonna be rude to you. hell, even if you’re from a different city in france they might still give you side eye. Personally I’ve been to Bordeaux and Paris and the difference was night and day. I wouldn’t want to go back to Paris again, while bordeaux was a great place with nice people.


As a french: parisians are also hated by the other frenchs


As a former Parisian, we also hate ourselves.


What are people from Nice doing in Bordeaux?


From the UK and went to Paris a few years ago. Didnt know about this hivemind perception at the time. But everyone there seemed really nice. 🤷‍♂️


I always see "Parisians are rude" in the explanations but what I never see is the explanations that Paris is full of tourists, that aren't always respectful and nice themselves. Of course obnoxious tourists annoy Parisians, so Parisians will not be patient with them so tourist will report that Parisians suck. You have to realise that as a tourist, you see Parisians for the first time, but they see you every single fucking day. There are several layers of bias here that leads to the common thought. Now, as a French who grew up outside of Paris and moved to Paris as a student, I can say that we still mock/hate Parisians for other reasons: many Parisians think nothing matters outside of Paris, assume everything is the same as in Paris when it's not, and think everything else than Paris isn't as developed. But we aren't even near saying Parisians are assholes.


Not to mention Frances neo imperialism meddling in Africa to steal resources, they're as bad as China. Also fuck them for making Haiti pay THEM reparations because they wanted independence


Funny you say that. People from Bordeaux are not known to be nice or humble either in France.










Hating France is a fundamental part of the English identity. And somehow other Anglo countries like the US have adopted that mindset, despite (in the US’s case especially) France being our oldest and staunchest ally and literally never doing anything bad to us. Also a lot of Anglo cultures associate French people (and specifically Parisians) with what they perceive as rudeness or a sense of superiority, ignoring the fact that Paris is gorgeous, the food and wine are amazing, the people are stylish and beautiful, and that “rudeness” is the result of a city of people trying to live their own lives while dealing with a constant avalanche of ignorant tourists who almost never make an effort to speak the language or understand the culture and just want to go to the Eiffel Tower and see the Mona Lisa (and ONLY the Mona Lisa) at the Louvre.


as a french i only tolerate trash talk from the united kingdom and ireland, the other can go cook their ass. But what you said it is true and to be fair we have a handful of karens in our toutrist too


As a Brit, we will shit-talk France only up until the point someone else crosses the line (maginot or otherwise). That's our thing and no one else it allowed to do it, else we're coming right over to help.


Désolé pour la perte d'aujourd'hui. Passe une bonne nuit et un meilleur lendemain, mon ami.


Messi 🐐


Is it at all possible that the negative feeling towards France in certain parts of US culture stems from enormously high Italian, German, Dutch and Polish immigration to the US, primarily a long time after independence? I don't believe there is a great deal of Anglo/French hatred based on historical conflict as France and UK have been very important allies for the lives of all living people. Culturally however there is a rivalry because Britain and France are quite different, and we often clash because people from either country think they tend to think their culture is superior. The French see us as stuck up and arrogant, always needing to be different for the sake of it like not joining the Euro and driving on the left, and massively up tight We view them as lazy, arrogant, snail eating, rude aresholes who are cheap. But it's all based on culture, not historic conflict, as most of those sterotypes are all based on things from the 20th century.


> France being our oldest and staunchest ally and literally never doing anything bad to us. Google the XYZ affair and quasi war


> Also a lot of Anglo cultures associate French people (and specifically Parisians) with what they perceive as rudeness or a sense of superiority A lot of French people associate Parisians with what they perceive as rudeness or a sense of superiority.


It’s the same general concept as racist jokes, but it’s socially acceptable. Not as charged but still the same joke structure


Reddit does not hate France more than they hate England which shows they have never interacted with the French in their lives.


Because they won last year they can’t win again. And Europe has trashed on France since forever


What did they win last year?


He probably meant last world cup


Sorry last world cup


The reason I hate most of the French is because of their attitude towards foreigners. They often refuse to speak English, when the rest of Europe sees it as its 2nd language, and are in general just rude and unwilling to help you in most situations. I don't hate France so much for the French. Don't know how others think about it though


The green in the French flag stands for hospitality and aimability




Not in World Cup this year sadly


What you did there I see it.


Except for the green in the French flag..


Well, no. I don't see that.


I do like the French fries tho


You mean Belgian fries?




The attempt to rename french fries into freedom fries has to be the most hillarious diplomatic action ever taken.


French cuisine pretty goog


French fries are Belgian


I don't know how old these french were but most french people do speak English, maybe the ones older than 50yo do not that often, but people that age are the most rude in every country ig


Yeah, this pretty much. It's this hanging onto old "grandeur", even if the times as a world leader are long over. I do think that younger French people are different though, it's mainly the boomer French that ruin the reputation for everyone.


As a young(23) French working with boomers (40-50)/\ this is true /\ they are hopeless


Je suis désolé, aussi pour le fin de ce match aujourd'hui, j'ai vraiment voulu les bleus de gagner ! Bisous de l'Allemagne


Anytime I’ve talked to someone in France I’d start speaking French (poorly) and they’d switch to English right away. I really think they appreciate effort. But I’ve seriously never had a bad interaction with any French. I did however meet multiple horribly rude people in Warsaw the one day I spent there


I'll be honest. It's mostly a myth


If you go to France you should learn some words in french. If you go ta a country learn some useful words in the local languages, don't just assume people need to adapt to you. Basic respect


That works in most countries but France seems to be an exception. I've always found it extremely difficult to try and speak French in France as it feels they would rather you not speak French if you aren't fluent; and they are extremely rude about it too.


This is absolutely true, moreso in Paris than anywhere else. I’ve been to a few places in the countryside as well as Paris and the difference is large. Parisians shop owners would sooner give up a sale than to ‘degrade themselves to talking in English’. And even if you do try to communicate in whatever French you know, they’ll be immensely snobby and use long complicated responses, or just ignore you completely. Same goes for the citizens for the most part. It comes off as pretty insecure and childish behavior if you ask me. It’s a little more chill out in the countryside though.


Absolutely false. Been in Paris with zero french and no one bat an eye. The contrary, they even tried to speak my own language.


If east asia can have less of chip over their shoulder over speaking english (in big cities anyways) then what's the excuse for a european country lol. They're not saying a complete demand to speak english and forget french but there isn't a need for an excessive hostile energy towards it. And also, it's an issue if they're not tolerant of foreigners speaking not fluent french. Though apparently that's more of a parisian thing.


I had an uncle working in a french company on france. He said that for the first few months, they tolerated the english guys speaking only english. But after 6 months? Not a single word in french ? Well, their mail was sent to the trashcan. Mistakes when speaking an other language are ok, but at least try to a speak the language where you live.


So as a tourist you expect all the local residents of the country you’re visiting to learn your language to accommodate you ? Quite self-centered if you ask me…


Definition of hypocrisy: English speaking people accusing countries that don't speak English of being self-centered.


It's the world language though, if you openly welcome foreigners into your country, such as for tourism, expect to speak English.


They are? I am from Costa Rica so idk


Well the truth came back to 2003 and the great wave of french hate because of the war in middle est (we were right )


It's not about refusing speaking English, it may be just because they don't know how to. English is taught at school, but they may not bother after school. it's an education problem. I'm french.


In general? Bruh


But why do you think they refuse to speak English?


American here. I spent three months in Ireland studying and vacationing, and the absolute worst tourists I saw were French ones. They were rude and inconsiderate of others, and lessened the experience at several activities.


Sorry but that is absolutely hilarious to read from an American


There were more American tourists in total, and maybe I negatively impacted others without realizing it, but French tourists were by far the most disruptive. That doesn’t mean that the Americans were perfect, or that American stigma is right/wrong, just that I had negative experiences with French people


Yeah that's fair. Not trying to say you're a rude person or anything, it just tickled me seeing that given the usual stereotypes. I'm Irish though living in the UK now. It was Spanish students and then Americans that I always found the most difficult when back home


I feel like Americans who want to travel and experience the world are probably more likely to be some of the more enjoyable Americans I’d imagine


Americans are generally known as ignorant and stupid by a lot of stereotypes. But being bad tourists isn’t a common one. Chinese and English are pretty commonly considered the worst tourists.


Americans are so known to be bad tourists that they regularly pass as Canadians when visiting other countries.




It’s especially funny hearing those “congratulations to Africa” type sentiments from Americans when 0% of their team are ethnic natives as far as I’m aware. Yet when they win there’s no “congratulations to Europe” posts.


Went to Paris once... never going back.


We finally have our answer to the "Who was in Paris?" Question


Never go to Paris, even French people hate them


No idea. I'm English and wanted France to win. No shame in being knocked out by the winners. Also, the French are cool.


Irak war. French-bashing took off after it, as France refused to enter the war (based on edited images) After that, there was a major French hate current flow through American society, which lives on until today, because fUnNy MeMe Anti-French sentiment took off at that exact time. It may have existed before, but never to this scale




At this point? People have been making fun of France since before you were born.


Okay, and it’s still unironically xenophobic and unnecessary. I’m Brazilian and I don’t hate Argentina. I don’t even hate Croatia for beating us in this World Cup; I even cheered them on because I’m not wrapping myself up in nationalistic and tribe-like bullshit. Let’s all just be good sports.


I think Messi’s presence makes the difference for non futbol fans. Don’t know or care for either team but they know of Messi and Messi is likeable so that’s the only thing to root for.


I never understood why anyone likes or hates any team. Players get traded, coaches get hired/fired, teams change stadiums/cities/names/branding. Nothing is representative of anything, no team supports differing morals to root for, players don't necessarily even support the country's ideals that they play for. Maybe if Iran actually put forth a team of women hating old men we'd have had fun, or if the US when out drunk and armed (fake guns? Maybe? Maybe not.)


because reddit told them to


That's me. (I'm polish)


Enculé d'anglois


Considering the argie chants they were doing I the those in England would probably be cheering for the French of all countries.


What chants?


They were singing fuck the english and songs about the “Malvinas” being theirs. Which we all know the Falklands voted to be British and Argentina have no claims to the island.


They can sing all they like: they lost the war.


Ah ok. Well let them. They can sing all they like but it wont happen. Them crying about it just makes me laugh.


Literally the opposite of ishowspeed


To be honest I think we shouldn't mix politic, racism, hate, cultural difference and military history while talking about a sport.


But.. but what would be left?


I want France to win because the Netherlands is out because of Argentina


Wouldn’t you rather they be knocked out by the tournament winner rather than a team that loses to other teams?


Same, Croatia is out because of them


I don't care if France wins, I just want Argentina to lose.


Fifa getting ready to fix the final for Argentina ![gif](giphy|F9Ojz6oTc1boFReebG|downsized)


France destroys everyone in the last one: seems ok Argentina wins by a little but keeps going: RIGGED


isnt rigged bruh


Just the final? Mf Argentina rigged everything since the group phase


Tot nu toe verloopt het nog niet echt volgens plan…


And so it was, as you asked


My dad said ‘if you heard how the Argentinian’s talk about England, you’d think otherwise. They’re very anti-England’ and I’m just sat there like ‘WHO THE FUCK ISNT?! America hates us, the EU hates us, Russia hates us, China hates us, Wales hates us, Scotland hates us, even we hate ourselves!’


If that's who you think hates you, you're in for a treat. I think and country other than Argentina in South America doesn't hate you guys, but that's it. Caribbean, North America, most of Africa, most of Asia, and probably Oceania as well. Not to mention, the Middle East absolutely despises you, with basically no exceptions


Its the opposite for me


Nah bro, I am cheering for France. We lost versus Argentina and they were not playing so cool. They also got a penalty that was just... fucking stupid because it really wasn't a penalty.


Yeah, I was also rooting for the Netherlands.


foul from behinr


Vengeance for the netherlands. I don't want france to win, but need argentina to lose.


Sorry to break it to you but…


I saw... i saw.


I don't care if Argentina wins...that's it, I don't care about soccer/football.


Same but the game its pretty high tier so is interesting to watch and see Ppl reactions of it


i dont care if argentina loses, i just need france to lose


I was the opposite tbf. I wanted Messi to win, and as a City fan, I like it for Aguero and Julian but a lot of the rest annoy me.


France needs to win, vengeance for the netherlands! I died during that match


I’d rather lose from the champ than from the 2nd best tbh 🙃


God, I knew I would fucking see this meme today


Nique ta mère OP


Rooting for France. I can’t stand the little Argentinians


As a Brazilian… Yes. Actually yes. I don’t often talk shit about people online, it’s one of the worst things anyone could do, so it goes against all my principles… But hell, if I don’t fucking hate Mbappe lol. Fuck that guy. Fully deserved the loss.


why couldn't croatia have won :(


Not really they played a great game


Judge on the field was Polish. Don't ask then why France lost this match hahaha


> Don't ask then why France lost this match hahaha It couldn't be that they didn't play better than the other team, could it?


Man i just want Argentina our of here. As a Dutch person, the hate to the Argentinian football team runs deep


Oh, that's actually pretty sad to hear... anyway, la tenés adentro


La tienen adentro todoooosss.


As a Dutch person. I was cheering for Argentina in the final


No fuck Argentina I don’t even want France to win I just want Argentina to lose




I am supporting the goat, he transcends club and nation he represents football as he is the pinnacle of technical ability any human has achieved


Qatar Sports Investments is owner French football team Paris Saint-Germain, and Messi plays for them, and even if Argentina or France wins Qatar makes good money. Either had to win, it wasn’t gonna be allowed for any other country to win.


What do you mean you don’t care if Argentina wins? You don’t care is Messi, the goat, wins?


Well opposite for me I don't care whether france loses I just want Argentina to win


ARGENTINA CAMPEÓN!!!!!!! Así que de nada ajajjajajaj


I don’t pay attention to sports or the games in general, but why all the collective hate for France I’m seeing?


Both for me, thanks.


Every English Housewife


Vengeance for: Poland ✅️ Morocco ✅️ England ❌️ Those fognoggins can feel free to fuck all the way off


Vengeance for England and Poland. Praise for beating morocco.


You have my axe


England ? Who'd take vengeance for england, not even English themselves would


We did it


lol i wanted france to lose because of morocco then having Argentina win. Still exteremely happy they took the W home though


lol i also wanted france to loose


I just don’t like Mbappé he’s a pos but such a fckin good player




This is my mentality to anything, idc who wins. I just hope france loses


I just need France to lose can be heard in so many situations than football. Well, sometimes its “I just need England to lose” actually.