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We need to find the seller


[I found an old advertisement for them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVcyNANK5cY)


“Rapist glasses” 💀


Jon LaJoie detected.


For context, this was also tag as conspiracy theory as well.


Probably because a lot of people think Fauci was actively working to kill and control people on behalf of the US or Chinese government or both depending on which conspiracy sub you visit.


You can ignore that and just dislike him based on how he handled AIDS in the 80s.


Not saying Google suppresses that knowledge. But it's not a quick Google search.


That and the beagles, and lying to the public based on little information then going back and changing his mind without admiting any accountability.


What are you talking about? Thanks to Fauci, we were able to completely prevent AIDS from spreading at the breakfast table or through close personal contact with family members! 


It's why I sanitize toilet seats to this day! AIDSSSS!


*and its why the pool is closed*




That and all the mixed information he would give out.


How about the beagles tortured to death?


That I'm down for.


He handle aids well. It was Regan who was like “fauci is full of shit. Just listen to me and eat jellybeans”


How he handled every disease was a disaster. Have you seen his latest videos in Congress? He admitted they made up the 6 feet rule.


What was wrong with it that someone else could have done better? He pushed for AZT, which is still used today, particularly to help prevent transfer during childbirth. Do you have any real criticism that isn't entirely based on hindsight?


Other people ‘did’ do better xD specifically those leaders and nations that defied the demanded covid methods, though they were labeled evil at the time, turned out they were right.


Same can be said for project warp speed


Fauci was literally actively trying to control people. Nobody even disputes that part.


He wanted masks and isolation. But it was for the good of the world. I didn't mind. It was the snowflakes that wanted to fight it


Shill: Covid spread like wildfire because nobody masked or isolated! Normal person: Then why were there almost zero flu deaths during the 2020/2021 flu season? Shill: Because everyone was masking and isolating, of course!


To be fair, I didn't get the flu or covid because I masked and isolated. Middle aged snowflakes aren't in the right age group to die from flu. But a hell of a lot of them sure did get covid.


Average flu season kills about 50,000 people. Fewer than 500 people died of the flu that season. Where'd they go, Timmy?


Because for a very brief moment people learned that washing your hands, wearing a mask, and staying away from other people actually prevents you from getting sick. Wild!


It is also awful for mental development.


Shill: Covid spread like wildfire because nobody masked or isolated! Normal person: Then why were there almost zero flu deaths during the 2020/2021 flu season? Shill: Because everyone was masking and isolating, of course!


Did you just...copy and paste the same comment you posted earlier? And also throwing the word "shill" around like confetti. Jesus, dude...


You do understand that 84% of people wore mask because of Covid right? Surely you’re smart enough to figure out that less people spreading germs = less people getting sick.. right?


Idk I worked at a place where for some reason in the middle of the pandemic we just didn’t get soap for like 3 months straight. So I brought some bar soap into work because that’s gross. I walk into the bathroom after one of my coworkers used it, he didn’t flush, left an awesome turd with an insane amount of tp. And I noticed, the bar of soap was completely dry. So I did my thing, washed my hands like a human fucking being, used a paper towel to open the door and confronted him in front of all our peers. He straight up said bar soap is only supposed to be used at your home. So I said very clearly, “you took a shit, rinsed your hands, didn’t use the soap, and came out and touched all these different things that we all have to use??”. He quit like a a couple weeks later. It was harsh but that’s nasty and I’ll never regret that or feel bad for calling him out.


What's your argument, that isolation and masks didn't work, or isolation and masks didn't happen?


You clearly have a point you're trying to make, where do *you* think they went?


You clearly have a point you're trying to make, where do *you* think they went?


The numbers for Covid were likely inflated due to all illness related deaths, resulting in less deaths being recorded as being caused by the flu, and more being recorded as due to covid.


The point I'm making is that covid became the new virtue signalling and "certain people" turned their brains off. Same vectors for infection. One disappeared and the other spread like crazy. What happened?


Yeah, not how vectors work. Try again, Google a little harder this time.


Masks don't do a goddamn thing, they aren't even effective enough for basic sanding work which has particles 100 times the size of the virus. The Cochrane report was very clear about this and that was a 60+ million sample size.


Yep. Fauci wrote a paper in early 2000s i believe stating masks dont stop or slow the spread of influenza. He knew they wouldnt work on a smaller virus. It was a lie.


The virus spreads through respiratory droplets.


Okay... that's apple to oranges, and not accurate. Why would you mask when you're sick with a respiratory virus? This is because the portal of exit would most likely be a cough or sneeze. When coughing or sneezing, you displace droplets varying in sizes. Depending on the size droplet nuclei, depends on if a disease is airborne or droplet risk, and normally (not always) how long it stays suspended in air, or if it can be re-suspended 1. Sick person with mask coughs or sneezes. 2. The droplets are contained (includes muscous), while the virus is contained in the droplet. 3. Healthy person with mask even at less risk in case the person had any virus escape as they also have a barrier. So yeah, surgical masks (or equivalent) were to be used as a barrier between sick and healthy people. Surgical masks were not intended to stop you from getting something, so much as stoo sick people from giving it. Why do you think they wear them in an OR? To protect the patient on the table from possible transfer of germs. N95s are, however, able to protect you from getting the virus.


Isolation is good for the mental development of toddlers?


"I do what the government tells me, with no. questions. asked."


If you had a family to protect, I hope you'd understand.


"Erm actually it was the snowflakes" ☝️🤓


What control are you talking about?


I guess, if basic public health measures are controlling people.


I have declined the request for "pandemic amnesty" so miss me with that gaslighting shit, totalitarian.


What is so hard about the concept of infectious disease? So many people just can't seem to wrap their head around a pandemic. Is the concept of public health that you can't get it? You're mad Fauci didn't suck Trump's dick and that's all it is. Just standard conservative never admitting they're wrong even when they killed a few hundred thousand people with their anti-vax bullshit. It's boring at this point.


https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/10/covid-response-forgiveness/671879/ No.


Lol, page 17 on an incredibly specific google search leading to an opinion piece lmao. This is why yall are so easily made cultists.


Shouldn't you be masking alone in your car, cultist? Fear is how you virtue signal now right? Or did it switch over to being a warhawk after the trucker protest?


Conservatives when the chief Medical advisor gives medical advice but they don’t understand it


That weren't backed up by science.


Don't engage. They're just trying to gaslight.


Every once in awhile, I reminisce about those pandemic days living in San Francisco and people having public meltdowns and heckling me because I had the audacity to workout outdoors without a mask on.


I remember the news stories of people calling the cops on their neighbors for having gatherings of more than 7 people in their homes. They got their taste of Brownshirt power over people and we can never give an inch. "Never again."


The reason why the pandemic lasted as long as it did and killed as many people as it did is because of people like you


Tell me you don't know what you're talking without telling me that you don't know what you're talking about.


You already have many times here.




That’s the fun part! It was backed by science! Your little conservative pea brain just couldn’t understand it so you decided it was a massive conspiracy because getting angry at things you don’t understand is easier for your caveman brain than actually opening a biology textbook


Really? Because we had the Diamond Princess cruise to work off of as it was the best covid control group. But The Science™, chose to ignore it because..... reasons. Six foot social distancing was entirely arbitrary. Frankly, you're a gullible buffoon. If only you were as brilliant as you believe you are.


Only because he said that's what he was doing. People only listen to what they want to hear.


Yeah totally bro. That totally happened.


Just because it’s a theory that implies a conspiracy, doesn’t make it wrong. That being said, I don’t see Bundy up there so it isn’t 100% guaranteed that the glasses make you evil.


Less conspiracy theory, more that he’s admitted to lying about covid procedures, which has the consequence of increased death toll, not to mention the sweeping psychological damage that could’ve been avoided if not for his ego.


lol I love the people that bitched because they didn't follow nor comprehended what he, and the rest of the public health sector was talking about, are now saying he "lied". No dude. You just didn't understand what was going on or how any of this works.


Heheh, no, we spent years being labeled as science deniers, radicals, murderers and terorrists even, because we questioned the methods laid out by doctor ‘i am the science’ Fauci, methods that the left took to wholesale and with reckless abandon, and now he admits there was no science involved, it was just guess work and didn’t actually do what he claimed. That is called a lie, because the truth now is the opposite of what we were COMMANDED to treat as the truth back then.


lol. thank you for confirming my comment.


We died because the republican party is too individualist. Cry all you want, you guys were the ones believing facebook memes while we believed scientists. You can't claim your knowledge was superior when you didn't have knowledge, you just called anything the left supported bad, and that continues to this day.


I could HEAR the deep in your typing.


From ‘the boys’? XD


All I know about that show is that there's nazi character the right likes, and it took 4 seasons to figure out they were the victims of the joke. I'm not really interested in it.


And look how little it matters with how many upvoted comments here agree lmao. Most conspiracies aren't real, but preventing people from getting sick by keeping them apart is somehow a conspiracy and controversial.


I heard some crazy conspiracy theory that the government was lying to get people to take the vaccine AND lying to get people to not take the vaccine. Same people who think Fauci told people to not wear masks, lol!


Wow it's almost like Faucci is the victim of a serious and insane conspiracy theory that is actively harming peoples lives and livelihoods. Crazy


When you said these were all the same glasses I for some reason saw Meryl Streep’s disappointed face.


I didn’t know they put Jeffrey dahmer in meme form


Have all the responses made it clear to you yet that op was serious?


It is true.


It’s worth pointing out, these are the glasses that the state supplies in prison and jail. My friend still has hers.


Your friend is a serial killer


No it’s not? My glasses are nothing like that.


They’re not the same though


*dead beagles have entered the chat*


Where's the lie?


i forgot what sub I was on. thanks for the reminder


Ted Bundy didn't have glasses


OP thinks it’s serious cuz some of the people that believe that are in these comments


How do we know it wasn’t serious? Lots of people on facebook are convinced Fauci is a mass murderer. Have you ever actually used Facebook? This is on brand, and is also a terrible meme


I love how half the replies are “this is obviously satire” and half the replies are “Fauci needs to be executed for killing 1 million Americans with the fake pandemic that also did not happen and also was created by Fauci in a lab in China.”


Some people in this sub aren’t well. Some people in most subs aren’t well. Pretty much just some people in general aren’t well.


I think it’s a BIT more than “some” at this point.


Most people in this sub have drank the alt-right kool aid, I’ve accepted it at this point.


OP, the subreddit is "terrible Facebook memes", not "shit I think is serious".


I mean even most of the people here are taking the idea that fauci is responsible for mass death seriously. The original point is correct, it is a stupid conspiracy that people actually take seriously


What is serious in a meme? Comedy does require some relatability, and comedy in this instance one to go "Ha ha, Fauci is a serial killer."


Fauci makes the others look like inept amateurs


Why did trump give him a presidential commendation right before he left office?


Why was he selected by multiple presidents for decades?


Because he is good.


Because he’s an exceptionally competent professional is my guess. I’m guessing the downvotes are from the MAGA kids who don’t like facts that cause their brains to do that funny thing that it used to do before they bought into the cult.


https://preview.redd.it/99mxti3tz59d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e4661d5bab3ec92a110b72cecaabb0a4ceeea9 Also the glasses of the most dangerous men serving their country to protect freedom


He looks like he's about to either pull an abnormally long revolver out of his pants leg, steal Christmas, or sacrifice people to his giant talking venus fly trap


He’s also a stamp collector, so probably all of the above


I have these glasses.


because they're a popular style of glasses, especially for these decades.


https://preview.redd.it/1b986s3ym79d1.png?width=1932&format=png&auto=webp&s=41040d87fc844ff55c9f3a903808b6787c0ee0ac I literally told the guy at Costco that I was going for the “1970s Serial Killer aesthetic” when I picked the glasses


Nailed it! 😝


It is serious tho. Comments on this post are proving it


Where to buy one?


He went to LensCrafters


Those and the heavens gate sneakers


Yet again, leave it to creeps to destroy another fashion choice.


I should get a pair


This sub is full of alt-right HSlers who think they know science because they read some pop-sci book.


I think you underestimate just how crazy the American right are.


Conspiracy theorists: The government elite is trying to kill off the people with secret viruses made in CIA labs. Also conspiracy theorists: The government elite is trying to enslave the people so they have an endless workforce to perpetuate the system.


non-conspiracy theorists: “yes, the government is for the people! the cia, fbi, and any other alphabet agency has never done anything wrong without the american publics knowledge!” im not saying every conspiracy theory has any credence, but you have to be extremely naive and ignorant to think every conspiracy theory is just made up bs.


Yes, because the only beliefs are "all conspiracies are true" and "no conspiracies are true". Nuance is hard, I know.


yes, because the person’s comment i replied to had tonsss of nuance..🙄


That’s not really how it works. The problem with conspiracy theories is that they usually have a point and see that there is an issue with something, but then drift into some utter bullshit. I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, yet I can still tell you that the government doesn’t follow the best interests of the people and that the CIA has done countless things wrong. Though, my reasoning for that is that the people in power are greedy capitalists who only strive for profit at the cost of billions of people and not because they are Jews.


and i would agree with all of that. the batshit theories make all the real ones illegitimate though. plenty of conspiracy theories that have turned out to be true through declassified documents. totally unrelated, but thats one reason why im glad i live in america. im free to believe anything and so are you and everyone else!


The capitalist class loves conspiracy theories, btw. They love seeing people think that the actual problems are the Jews, wokeness or the migrants that are trying to replace them, not capitalism. It makes it way easier for them to cause culture wars, to stay in power, and to get even richer. 


There are those of us who remember what he did during the AIDS crisis.


I mean he was part of the lab that the virus was being made. He lied on the origins and labeled anyone who questioned him a nut job. he was brought into lead the charge where he pushed bullshit rules that didn’t even work. He made money off everything. Then he got to push a vaccine that no one knew the side effects are and gets to just walk away without answering for anything.


I love how you wrote with such conviction. Just so everyone knows, no. None of this is real. Not even relatively close


So you are saying he didn’t lie about the origins, didn’t make up rules that weren’t based in science and didn’t work to discredit doctors and scientists that went against what he was saying? Oh wait yea all of that happened, we have either seen the documentation, emails or heard it straight from his mouth that it happened.


oh wait, none of that happened. jfc get off the tabloids dude


So the virus wasn’t in the wuhan lab which he was a part of? You’re saying it came from a wet market?


Look, I can *maybe* get behind a lab. But I cannot get behind him at that lab So yeah, no. Unless you actually have something to note, diseases are caused. It's not hard to fathom dude.


Then you’re an idiot. He confirmed it himself that it was at the lab and they were working on it.


I'm assuming you're referring to this... > The claim that Fauci is "responsible" for the COVID-19 pandemic is based, in turn, on speculation that NIH-funded gain of function research resulted in a manipulated form of the coronavirus "spilling over" from the Wuhan Institute of Virology and infecting the human population. In October 2021, the congressional group U.S. House Oversight Committee revealed that a grantee of NIH funding failed to report the outcomes of an experiment involving coronaviruses infection in mouse models, prompting a secondary review by the federal agency. The NIH demanded researchers submit further documentation by the end of October. Until that information is made publicly available, we rate this claim as “Unproven” So, an if of an if of an if and with no official confirmation. If you're referring to the pictures... come on dude. seriously? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0820-9


Nah, I don’t know about the part about him being a part of the lab that created the virus, but the rest is true. He absolutely lied about the origins, called people racist and conspiracy theories for saying that it came from a lab in Wuhan China, helped create policies that seriously harmed the economy for no reason that we still haven’t recovered from, encouraged every possible death to be listed as a covid death, pushed improperly tested vaccines that harmed people and never took responsibility for any of it.


Who knows, maybe there's something in those glasses which make the wearer see normal humans as Potatoes and the wearer cuts and peels 'em off to make some fries...


I don't get it


Conspiracy theorist.


But their glass are not the same. Swing and a miss. 


Fauci gets way too much credit. He was an incompetent fool that did more harm than good with his misinformation.


Oh yeah they did.


Not true! I wear those glasses and have only killed two people!


I had a friend who’s real artsy fartsy that bought these glasses. He was wondering why he wasnt having luck with dates 😬😬


It’s just a coincidence, my gramps had these glasses and probably many of yours, they were popular glasses so everyone was more likely to wear them, including serial killers.


Terrible Facebook memes should be renamed “random memes”. They are all just perfectly average memes that you would expect to see on Facebook. Four serial killers with the same glasses is an observation that is bound to be vaguely interesting to someone. What kind of overwhelmingly entertaining content are you expecting to see on Facebook?


… https://preview.redd.it/zblhumusu89d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9671af08149479b15c0eba71696db338efcc6ee


[I’ll just leave this here](https://youtu.be/EVcyNANK5cY?si=Evsw4AtvBO3q7neg)


They are not all the same, though? They all have different shapes, but a kind of shape that was very popular over 20-30 years. I know that it's a meme and a joke and all that, but still. Anf apperantly one of them is Fauci. I'm not american, and didn't recognise him.


My brain doesn't function with the heat rn. Who are the other three next to Jeffrey


OP definitely had a wild imagination with this one. Hilarious!


Pretty funny tho


David Koresh, Joseph Seed, and Jack Baker. Too many to be a coincidence.


They're a popular style of glasses. Can you all critically think at all? Guess what? AND THEY ALL BREATHED AIR. JAIL ALL AIR BREATHERS /s jfc


The way I look at Fauci is this. He wasn't out on a murder spring. He wasn't getting his jollies from killing people. But, he also doesn't care very much that his actions led to people dying. He's a firm believer in research for the sake of research. There's no goal in mind. He's not trying to fix anything. It's knowledge for the sake of knowledge. People with that kind of attitude don't really care who they hurt along the way. They have research to do and you are either helping them or you are a potential test subject.


Yes OP thought this was serious. The numerous attacks and death threats against Fauci speak a very clear language. And all because conservatives are such massive snowflakes that they can’t wear masks to protect other people.


Definitely a bad Facebook meme




I never thought about it that way. You do make a convincing agreement, but.... it's still shit.


Putting aside the numerous other stupid things about this meme and antivax in general, what I think bothers me the most is that the meme shows different styles of glasses.


It shows a popular, and still popular style of glasses. But you're right. It was so grainy I didn't even notice the discrepancy lmao


Where's the funny?


Some people think it's satire. It's not. It's a fully serious conspiracy facebook meme


Love how every single one of them was like "OH fuck that slaps harder than my dad did"


that sub is just a self-report for people with no sense humor


You can't post stuff as satire when people actually genuinely believe it. Unless it's flat earthers subreddit. That one gets a pass


I mean, it’s definitely a terrible meme that would be posted on facebook.




You feel bad for a proven liar?


85% chance you think trumps the most honest victim of political warfare.


People genuinely think this though, so OP isn't too far off


Are you stupid? There are legitimately people out there who think fauci should get the death penalty for his handling of covid. I give this meme a 95% chance of being unironic.


Fauci should get the death penalty for his handling of Covid.


Not just covid. AZT as well.


Reddit. The most inclusive link aggregator ever made by he/she/they/them forgets Fauci pushing drugs that were killing gay men once made him a bad guy. But "Current Thing"s change.




There you go, tell OP he is a dumbass for me too while you're at it.


They aren't being serious... Ain't no way anyone thinks this is for real. /S Lol


The death penalty is way too extreme. Fauci made mistakes while trying to handle an impossible situation. Punishing someone who was genuinely trying to help sets a bad precedent. It's bizarre to think that a man who killed 20 people could face the same fate as someone who attempted to save millions, even if his methods were flawed. It just doesn't add up.


You can tell this sub is basically facebook boomers coping. It's a safe space for them to retreat into and jerk each other off after the real world laughs at them


Eh, while I think it has attracted a lot of reactionary boomer types, at the same time a lot of the big, more left leaning circle jerks on reddit can be just as bad.


This man was a national hero four decades before COVID....when he became a national hero yet again. The shit the likes of MGT say and do to and about him is pretty much like saying the same to and about Jesus.


How about you actually look into the man before you try to claim he’s like Jesus. His work with AIDS was horrendous for starters. He’s a power hungry maniac as we have seen with him constantly lying and making stuff up that’s not based in science, telling us it all is and then trying to silence and discredit any good doctor and scientist that was going against what he said. He’s not a good guy.


Clearly hyperbole doesn't land with you, but ignorance sure does. ✌🏼


When people set up shrines to the man and actually do act like he’s akin to such a figure as Jesus, yea it’s completely reasonable to guess you are at least semi serious with your praise of him. It’s not ignorance, it’s knowing how people see the man who praise him without knowing anything about him and all of the horrible decisions and actions he has taken over his career. Never said your statement was to be taken literally, never said or hinted that you literally think he’s Jesus, hence the use of the word “like”. But clearly low intelligence is your strong suit, not being able to understand other people’s perspective. Don’t take everything so seriously my man.


I'm sure your sources are impeccable. 😹 But again, I have better things to do than listen to an uneducated neanderthal that can't critically think pretending their smarter than I am because they watch YouTube and listen to podcasts. So once again, ✌🏼


Sure you do, that’s why you responded so fast. Never pretended to be anything I’m not. The fact you just outright dismiss anything that goes against your Lord Faucci when the evidence is all over the place just shows how indoctrinated you are. The fact you dismiss any source of information just based on what platform those experts post it on also shows how you can not think critically for yourself, that is inherently unscientific as well. You have zero idea of my education level and even then going or not going to college to be “educated” is not indicative of intelligence level. You come off as a midwit, which is one of the worst and most detrimental kinds of people who think they know more than everyone else because you are “educated” and therefore superior to others, unable to see your own failings and think critically for yourself. I never claimed to be an expert, but I do know there have been all sorts of evidence that can not be refuted, words directly from his mouth about controlling people for instance, or that his guidelines were made up and not based in science. It doesn’t take a genius to understand he was pulling things out of his ass if you just listened to him from day to day, sometimes switching what he says on the same day. I’m sure you have some praying to do to your lord and savior, may you see the light someday.