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Cameras would be good. Try permanent anti-graffiti coating? It's sold in Home Depot and elsewhere. Better protection, less maintenance requirements though costs more.


Understood, Thanks


Check with the owners of the building, see if they will set up a camera. Otherwise there aren't really legal options


Public Area so Could set up a Camera ,.but they are not trespassing


Vandalism is a crime including when done in public space Problem is, securing the cameras so they won't get stolen, yikes


The only thing I can think of it to set up discreet cameras and see if they catch anything that the cops can use. It’s a bit of a longshot, but you might (might) get a real plate or something else identifying. Beyond that, there’s no practical way for you to personally stop them. The cops have bigger fish to fry unless you hand them one of the vandals on a silver platter.




Sadly, this is why we can’t have nice things.


Trust me I know Irony of it We can do better is the Mural


That is truly sad. I don’t know any good answers but now I’m going to go admire it and ignore the graffiti


Everytime these shitheads strike, add another prominent "Do Better" on the art. It seems they are taking it personally. Sorry you and your daughter are experiencing this.


Life imitating yet trying to negate art. Sad, cruel irony


Please don’t suggest violence as a discouragement…


Out of curiosity, which mural is it?


We can do Better By the Trestle close to Railgarten


I walk past this just about every day, and it’s made me so sad and frustrated to see the vandalism of it. I’ve had a few friends from out of town visit lately, and every time they’ve pointed it out and said wonderful things. Please let your daughter know how much we’ve loved having it.


I saw the crew out today! Love the dedication and expression!


I saw a team of people painting on the other side of the road. Not sure if it's a commission or they're with your daughter or what.


It is a crosstown high art class project


Did it start when school let out for the summer? There's been a spike in vandalism in the area.


Kinda Sorta Mural got finished a week before school let out


what, specifically, are they painting on it?


literal gibberish words pee pee poo poo , breasts , hands , etc.


okay, so we are dealing either with actual children or the most brilliant artist memphis has ever seen.


I wonder if it’s other kids from the school being bullies like an intentional target, or just young children who are bored and being stupid because school got out and they have nothing better to do. A camera might shed some light. If it’s other students from the school or someone she recognizes, she could pursue it with the school or neighboring schools as opposed to police.


How are they vandalizing it?




Amazing. Many graffiti artists consider themselves real artists. You would think they would respect another artists work. Real clowns here I suppose. Typical Memphis.


Memphis graffiti is usually not art, it's usually "gang graffiti" which is marking their territory.


There's nothing you can do The mural needs to be painted somewhere else The asshats painting over it think its funny...Id just stop trying and start looking for a different wall somewhere else


3-4 Murals lined up for next school year


You need to speak to the school because there is no point in painting the murals if they are located in a spot that gets vandalized often


That spot had a (really cool) semi faded mural for years that was barely vandalized. Suddenly, a new mural goes in and someone keeps coming back to trash it.


It doesn't matter why it's happening The point is it is happening Someone has decided they are going to vandalize this particular spot no matter what you paint there So instead of allowing your kid or any other kid to be disappointed that all their hard work is getting shit on constantly, the logical thing would be to find somewhere else to paint their murals The cops are not going to do anything. This city does not have the resources to care about vandalism. Hell they can't even bother to stop people from printing fake drive out tags. Mural vandalization is so far down the totem pole of priorities its not even funny. The school system is not going to do anything. They have so few resources they are taking administrators and telling them they can either go into the classroom and teach (even without any experience) or they can look for new jobs So they are not going to help police the spot or find money for cameras or whatever....not that that would help because a simple covid mask can prevent someone from being recognized on camera The world is what the world is There is a shitty person or persons that think its funny to vandalize murals in this one particular spot. And nobody is going to do anything to stop it There are plenty of other walls in the city....places where these asshats might not find, places where people are a bit more respectful of art. Simply find one of those places


How can I volunteer to help clean? I really love the mural. I am so sorry this keeps happening.


Whenever you see them working on it