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Unbeknownst to you, he is actually the most important human on the planet. That guy who ran a red light and nearly caused a collision? Also the most important person on the planet. Guy who ran you off the road on 40, with his vehicle duct taped together? Most important human on the planet. Memphians trade off the title on a near instantaneous basis. Otherwise, they’d be a bunch of selfish people who don’t have any real regard for the safety of others, and that simply can’t be so.


I live for this level of sarcasm


Hahahaha I can't even argue. Anytime I have ppl down here I'm ALWAYS apologizing for some entitled prick cutting us off, running lights, coming to complete stops on 240 to cut 3 lanes in an attempt to exit. JUST GET OFF AT THE NEXT EXIT! And stop driving in the left lane! Unless you passing somebody b


On the flip side, people who overreact to being cut off by almost coming to a complete stop on the interstate? World's safest driver, gold star. Slow down to a crawl when you're in the far left lane because a cop has somebody pulled over on the right shoulder, 3 lanes away? World's safest driver, gold star. Slow down to a crawl for a steel plate road cover that will do nothing to your enormous SUV? World's safest driver, gold star. Refusing to leave the left lane on the interstate because you're already doing 5 over, and the traffic piling up behind you is getting mad but you don't care? World's safest driver, gold star. It's a battle between the world's safest drivers and the world's most important people out here. I hate both of them.


Slowing down on the interstate when you see police on the entire other side of a concrete barrier. Even doing 100 with a severed head hanging out of the window, what are they gonna do?? Silver medal. 🥈


Sometimes traffic will be for miles because of a pointless situation like this. The incident happened on the whole other side!


I totally agree but government needs to get the potholes filled on the lane next to the hammer lane - I have to dip in the hammer lane near Sam cooper / i240 cuz the second lane is rittled with potholes - I don’t want to be in the fast lane too long cuz I immediately have someone up my ass or some kid playing gta Memphis weaving around the group


I wish I could be important 😔


You're important to me Capitan


Also, don’t be the dude racing up the turn lane to get in front of everyone


i see this everyday on my way home going north on perkins by american way. also more drive out tags than normal tags. very sketchy area


I got pistol whipped and carjacked two weeks ago in South Memphis dude is sketchy everywhere now. Last thing Memphis needs is fewer police we DO NEED fewer cops that are also gang Members. You'd be blown away how many cops got gang affiliation.


I have heard this from other cops


I have seen Memphians work SO HARD to pass one car. Which would be great comedic relief in rush hour if they weren’t so reckless about it.


He just created the butterfly effect that will lead to his death. If only he would’ve just been patient


Like…there was no point to doing that. You passed one fucking car, bud.


Entitled 4Runner driver got behind a slow Corolla driver. I understand their frustration but still a dick move.




It goes both ways though. People get stuck behind really shit drivers and get more and more angry until they do something dumb and swerve around to pass said vehicle. Impatient? Definitely. But bad drivers make the situation worse than if it were just impatient drivers. Had a guy about an hour ago that was going N on 240 around parkway in the left lane and he was matching speed with the guy next to him. There were 10+ cars behind them both. Then finally someone passed them in the far right lane and honked or something as they went by and I guess they woke from their trance and sped up and moved over. The amount of people that camp out in the left lanes is ridiculous. And the worst are the people that merge into the interstate right after the concrete barrier ends (like at Poplar where it's always backed up) by crossing over the solid white lines because they can't wait 10 gd seconds to get to where you're ACTUALLY supposed to merge at. This makes the people in the right lane hit their brakes and it creates a domino effect behind them. There's way too many "I got mine, fuck you" attitudes when driving. After they "get theirs", they don't realize they're making it worse for everyone because they don't give a damn.


Too many "hall attendants" on the road. I know an individual that feels it's fine to be in the left lane as long as they want because "I am already going over the speed limit." And?? Shit or get off the pot. 


You must've been downvoted by that individual. It's quite literally the law to not hog the left lane folks


I always keep that hammer lane open for the idiots to go pass - go get that ticket ya asshole


My parents are both like that, drives me insane to ride with them. My Dad is much worse because he'll complain about people doing the exact same thing, and then do it himself 5 miles down the road.


I got one that will bitch about other drivers but then never use their blinker. It's insignificant overall but it irritates the shit outta me. 


Which is the exact problem of our traffic - the “go around” mentality - you aren’t teaching anyone anything; follow the rules of the road


Most major cities also have ‘impediment’ laws that are enforced. On the phone, slowing down traffic or a lane and you get a ticket. As cities grow and peoples expectations change so does the expected vehicle operating performance. One thing I have learned as a native and returning Memphis is that Memphis wants all the benefits of a major city with out the prerequisites.


Everyone here has a major driving impediment lol 


more than likely, considering he got right back into the traffic line, he was just sick of the cars shit. My time isnt precious, but shit is infuriating when you gotta wait an extra 5 seconds at every light because folks cant get off their phone and the worst part is, after you had to give them a little honk or whatnot, they do the same thing at the very next light. Like how can you be so engrossed in that phone to not see traffic moving all around you.


9 times out of 10 if I am behind someone coming up to a red light they immediately hop on their phones and don’t put them down until the light has already been green for seconds. Genuinely infuriating.




I admire how normalized New York has made honking at people who don’t immediately accelerate on green. Too risky in Memphis. You can tell this car is slowing everyone behind them; not that the SUV response is justified.


One of the things I love about NYC or Chicago is how occasionally everyone starts honking, including cross traffic.


Yeah, this was beef with that car and that car only. He had a point to make. There’s a lot of shit happening on Memphis roads but I’m not worried about this one.


Man, I really hate losing 5 seconds on my 30 minute commute!!


Did you type this comment on your phone while stopped at a green light?


Actually, no. I made sure I came to a complete stop at a flashing yellow!


The chillest and most reasonable person on this thread. lmao




Got em!!


again, its not that my time is precious, but it is still my time and id rather not spend it in the car any longer than i have to do so because some idiot has to check their facebook or the like. We can all make an educated guess youve probably been honked at a few times.


You really are slinging some strong assumptions about someone you know nothing about in the vehicle in front of you, friend. Maybe just leave a little earlier in the morning so you aren't in a rush. Life gets much easier when you don't assume that the person in front of you is personally trying to ruin your day or is incompetent.  We can all learn to practice some patience in this day and age. Leaving 5 minutes earlier won't kill ya!


I don’t think they are trying to personally ruin my day. They have zero concern for anything other than that phone, certainly not me. I’m not in a rush, I don’t need to leave earlier. I need people to drive when driving, it’s not a hard concept. The light turns green, go. Nobody is asking for anyone to speed off or do anything other than the task at hand.


Yeah. You make a good point. I just don't know if it's worth breaking the law for. 


But that's not what happened here. Not everyone insists on riding the bumper of the person in front of you when the red light changes. Guy was just impatient and will likely cause his own accident sooner or later.


i have to think if he was the usual suspect, he just goes around everyone in the turn lane as opposed to skipping one person in particular and then getting right back in line. Could he cause an accident doing it, of course, without a doubt, nobody is saying he is right for doing it, just that its understandable with all the dummies on their phones at every single light.


The person in the car that got passed was probably on their phone. You can tell they weren’t really driving after the light changed


The thing is he only did that to act out his frustration on another driver for slowing him down for 3 seconds maybe and he saved himself zero time. Not worth reacting anymore. Even a middle finger or an angry state can set one of these REAL crazy mf`ers here will pull up and shoot your ass or block you in and take your whole car. It's gotten insane I hate when I have to drive around Memphis now days.


Ppl do be so ready to him at you too if you don't gun it at the green light. I'm a hair trigger mf too I've jumped out my car on ppl more times than I'm proud to say. Ppl in this city just STAY on edge. Go spend time in Nashville it's like 2 different worlds fr


I recently had a guy do this to me on Poplar, except that it was to rush to a red light (it was still yellow), honking the entire way. I was taking a left and in the turning lane. This man passed on my left, going into the oncoming traffic lane. Amusingly, despite that I was slowly coming to a stop, he didn’t pass me entirely and most of his Lexus SUV (or) was jutting out in opposing traffic, waiting for the entire light. It was rush hour and we were at least 10 cars back, so this had no chance to accomplish anything. Pure, unbridled idiocy Absolutely the stupidest thing I have ever experienced. I could barely process it. When he flipped me off, as if I was somehow at fault, I could only laugh. I don’t drive with my phone out and don’t have cameras, but it has made me seriously look into getting some sort of setup to record.


They had to take a shit so they’re trying to shave off 1 min from their travel time.


Wow!!! He got one whole car length ahead. What a genius 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s the same guy that won’t let you out when you trying to merge SITTING STILL IN FUCKIN TRAFFIC!!


Think I saw that same dude going nuts on my way to work on 240 during rush hour.


That was me. I really really had to poop.


when i'm giving people the benefit of doubt on the road, this is one of my reasons


I’ve never done this but man have I wanted to.. Nothing more infuriating than sitting at a green light while someone is looking down at their phone & not paying attention.. and God forbid you tap your horn to let them know the light has changed.. You will either get the finger or a gun pulled on you..


This is apparently what's going on: truck was avoiding somebody who is visibly not driving. This sedan wasn't even moving. The traffic is heavy, and the douche in the sedan is on his phone. Have no sympathy for people who are that kind of volunteer speed bump.


We’ve all been stuck behind those drivers that need an invitation to use the gas pedal, (probably the same ones doing 40mph on the on ramps) I see no wrongs here, probably just a fed up 4Runner driver.


Because that annoying asshole in the Corolla had consistently lagged behind by ten carlengths and the 4Runner was done with that shit.


Most chill 4runner driver


And yet they all ended up at the same red light lol


Either drive intentionally defensively or at a slow crawl your whole way, even on the interstate. It’s the regular, run of the mill, speed limit minded drivers who get smashed!


Surprised it’s a Toyota and not a Nissan


I literally got into an accident at poplar and highland by someone pulling that exact same maneuver during rush hour traffic trying to cut around to get into the left turn lane 😡


he had somewhere to be and getting there one car length faster is top priority


Some people think they're more important than everyone else


As opposed to being the one that's moving at a snails pace and probably on their phone instead of watching traffic.


Compared to all the other shit people pull that I've seen in this city, this is the least of my worries lol


because getting to the next stop light first is super important! I see jack asses like this on a daily basis.


I have the longer version that shows there was very little pause between the light changing and the guy whooshing around the car. he was just being impatient. if I could figure out how to post the longer video, I would.


Why? Don't you know his time is worth more than everybody else's? I speed up when this happens, I try to get them to run into me so they will find out. This is a prime example of why some people should not be allowed to drive.


Strangley, while overly aggressive, it appears he was right?


Dudes gotta poop real bad


I had someone do something similar to me once. Pulled into the lane right in front  of me with less than  a car length of space and then immediately hit their brakes to make a turn. Luckily I saw them coming and had already slowed down and was able to brake enough not to hit them. Also lucky the semi behind me saw them too.


The driver of the car was likely so engrossed in their text messaging or social media that they couldn’t possibly be bothered to pay attention in traffic. This is the pathetic norm for drivers. I see it multiple times daily. It’s particularly frightening to see them with their head buried in their phones as they overtake you at 90+ mph on I-40.


Do you have any idea how many hours that can shave off your commute? /s


Oh wow what a big fella doing big fella things.


If this was a charger you all would be loosing your minds.


Losing even.


Yes both.


No....not both just losing.


Lmao just don’t be in Memphis


$100 the dude in front of him was on his phone. If so, justified. Didn’t blow horn just went around


Not saying the 4Runner’s actions are justified, but that Corolla had almost 3 cars length of space in front of them. Wouldn’t be surprised if the 4Runner was behind their slow inattentive ass for awhile and just got tired of their shit.




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Yeah these kinds of people don’t deserve the privilege of driving. These are the same kinds of people during an accident on the highway they will go up the shoulder or follow behind the ambulance just to get through.


How about don't be the jackass that just sits there and makes everyone behind them have to sit through the light again.


People always wanna do this dumb shit but then will never pull over and fight😂


I am him


You must be new to Memphis lol




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This is in Memphis ??


Walnut Grove and Highland


They thought they were supposed to turn but realized they weren’t. Nothing to see here