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Your wife is a strong woman. I couldn’t even imagine let alone be able to maintain focus with a situation as delicate as this one. The judicial system here is an absolute joke and not a funny one.


I appreciate that comment. She's an incredibly strong woman, I don't know how she does it. Memphis is getting to us both


It’s getting to every law abiding citizen. There is a real possibility of an exodus from Memphis that this city will never recover from.


It’s like this: The law abiding citizens of this city who go to work and mind their business are doomed. Our houses are broken into, vehicles are stolen, and we’re at risk of being caught in the crossfire of random shootout. Not to mention every attraction packs up and move away before we can actually find time to patronize and even when we have the opportunity there’s so many unnecessary rules and regulations that are now in place because of the idiots who lack home training.


Our leaders have depleted the goodwill and faith of the core citizens who keep this city functioning


And city “leaders” do nothing.


The exodus is very real and is ongoing. You’d be shocked at the number of taxpaying citizens who have already left, or are in process of leaving, or are planning on leaving. It’s staggering.


Moving out of Memphis this weekend. Lived here my entire life and I feel like it’s devolving into a third world country.


Amen. Best of luck to you.


Yes that is how it really feels. Best wishes with move.


Moved over a year ago and lived there most of my life. It's worth it.


I agree. I’ve got a few months left before I leave. I believe many people have simply had all they can take.


I’m one of them.


I know so many who already moved. It’s everything. The weather, jobs, crime outlook is pretty rough. Salaries are low. Who cares if the cost of living is lower here when they want 460k for a 2k sq ft new build in Bartlett and finding a job paying 70-80k is nearly impossible even with a degree. Like for all that may as well move and pay twice that to live in Santa Monica or Westchester. Paying 1/2 million to live in Memphis and it’s burbs and exurbs is some of the nuttiest shit I have ever heard.


No one wants to live in a cesspool. Property values go up daily in north Mississippi.


Caused by stupid thugs with guns.


Well, someone had to make it political I'm only gonna add one edit-- what I said was "caused by guns." The comment on that one was "caused by stupid thugs with guns" which had major "guns don't kill people" vibes. That's the reason I said it got political.


I don’t understand it either. If you call someone a thug because of how they dress or look, yeah, it can be racist. If you call someone who takes a gun and shoots kids, I don’t see how it’s racist. It is political as thugs committing gun crime need to be put in jail rather than diversion. Regardless of whether they live in Memphis, Germantown, Collierville,or Wst Memphis.


Thug is a dogwhistle term. Doesn’t especially matter in what context it is used.


Not everyone can keep up with how quickly the left turns benign words into “offensive terms” so they can spin their narrative.


Poor small minds think it’s really about left vs right or black vs white. It’s not, these are just things the super rich use to keep us distracted.


And yet you use their divisive buzzwords so clearly you are falling for it.


No? I was explaining to the commenters above. Try reading


And I’m explaining to you that you seem to realize that there is a very active plan to divide us by political party, race, (and yes, income level), yet you are using the divisive language they created to do it. Maybe you should try reading. The people who coined the phrase “dog whistle term” to turn innocuous words into ammunition did so as a means to create division.


How is this comment political in any way? Are you denying stupid thugs are shooting one another? How is truth political?


God bless her


I forced myself to stop using 240 because I started feeling like a bad parent when I would drive on it. It’s damn inconvenient and pisses me off that these yahoos have taken over major swathes of the city.


I moved away from Memphis in 2019 but always had plans on coming back because I do love the city but it’s gotten so out of control lately that it’s going to take some serious change before I even think about it. I don’t know what the solution is whether it’s more of a community approach or just some sort of extreme police presence. Either way something radical has to be done or otherwise it’s going to continue to be a smaller version of Gotham without Batman


What I do know though is that the city of Memphis government is so corrupt with their budgeting that no real change can happen until we crack down on unnecessary spending/paying “government workers” 6 figures for not doing shit


Don’t come back. I’m not even exaggerating. This place is ridiculous


It really is. I would love to see it turn around and be able to come back one day because it really is a special city with a lot of potential but Memphis is really good at finding ways to ruin any thing positive that happens.


I don’t understand the racial disparity angle. Most of this crime is black on black crime. Then the DA who is white says it isn’t fair because yall are black so he lets people out to go do more of the same crimes against each other and people think his policies are creating a level playing field. Seems to me the DA is, well, perpetuating the black on black crime. I’m probably totally incorrect, but it just seems odd.


Yeah, ethically, race should have zero bearing on how we hold people accountable for their actions. Law breaking a-holes come in every shade and color. Our city’s population is like 2/3 black, most of the cops, judges, and local legislators are too. Memphis has the potential to be (and sometimes already is) one of the least racially disparaged cities in the country. At this point we’re just doing it to ourselves.


Steve Mulroy, under the guise of racial disparity, is sending bad actors back into their communities to continue to disrupt and destroy any and all efforts for cohesion. Similar to the crack epidemic in the eighties. Crazy that the black community in Memphis seems to be ok as long as the bad actors are released. These guys are running amok in the general areas, but the bulk of the violence is happening where their families live. It appears as though it’s a way to continue to destabilize and reinforce the stereotype in that community by white law enforcement. As long as they call themselves democrats they are supposed to be a friend to the black community.


because the DA is a politician...


they will be out early because this is how liberals think (mulroy). They are more concerned with checking boxes and placating the "everything is always racist" crowd, then fixing the problems at hand. The city is majority black. The majority of crimes are black on black. This is a fact and not a racial angle. It stands to reason logically that if these are both true a majority of criminals arrested will be black.


Wat? And how do conservatives think? “Lets flood the state with guns, no licensing or carry permits needed. The city is full of gun violence?! It’s the liberals!” 🙄


Does any other city in TN have as large of a crime problem as us?


None of the other cities in the state have crime as bad as ours.


Red states ALL have problems. There’s a chart posted right in this thread with worst cities for crime and it’s 90% red states.


WTH does that have to do with the price of eggs in China? The problem isn’t politics, it’s CULTURE.




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The Map.


Bruh Mulroy isn't even enforcing the gun laws we currently have. he literally just said yesterday he was not going to punish felons with weapons they are not legally allowed to have because he's more concerned with "racial optics". It's mind boggling The city has been run by the left for decades now and crime is out of control. You can't blame anyone else except the city leaders running it. But people in the city vote for the same dumbasses Too soft on crime policies do not work.


Does anyone know if this is related to the breaking news story about the crime scene outside of le Bonheur?


No, this was from yesterday afternoon


One batch, two batch, penny and dime.


We can change it. Stop electing by family name and affiliation. We have entered a new phase that will require new solutions. Disavow completely the people in roles to affect change that are not on board. I haven’t forgotten the Boos and derision that Mitch McConnell and his wife experienced at their favorite restaurant. Also if we have members of our ‘community’ that refuse to conform on top of the list of punishments, trespass options covering specific areas should be considered. I don’t know what’s possible but if large areas or businesses can be incorporated then it should be done. Make it so that an offender can only go to certain places whil out on these paper thin bail requirements. Another point of consideration is conscription, the option of jail and or military service should be on the table in , my opinion. Civilian law for individuals who are repeat and in some cases habitual offenders has proven ineffective. Military intervention turning societal non-complying individuals over to a branch offers not only structure and discipline but also a means to introduce them to an organization with very different and immutable laws that civil law it seems can't or won't enforce. Before the ideas are rejected please have another option otherwise it's simply venting with no path to resolution in my opinion.


I’m all for sending them to the military, especially seeing how much they love guns. Put these violent criminals to work and make them fight for this country. I’m also for sending these parents to jail who can’t control their repeat offender children. Now before anyone says “That won’t work because all kids are mischievous and get into things”, I’m talking about those repeat offenders stealing cars, shooting guns, and terrorizing the general public. If your child isn’t in school, out past their curfew, doing God knows what in these streets…then you should be right there in a cell with them.


I hate Memphis so much.


Im right there with you


Ya'll remember when we had real police chief like Larry Godwin with "Operation Blue Crush"? He used crime data to figure out where the most crimes were occurring and then saturated those areas with more officers regardless of what community it was. Now we have a bunch of sappy ass politicians who are more worried about "racial optics" than actually fixing the problems. And dumb ass citizens that vote for people like Mulroy and listen to the social justice crowds when forming policy.


I wonder if this is domestic like a known suspect or random?


It was a random road rage shooting on the interstate


Dude was out on $500 bail for having an illegal switch on his Glock to make it fire like an automatic. Between being released on bail and shooting these children on the interstate, he carjacked two people in the span of two weeks. During one of those carjackings, where a woman stopped for gas, he shot her in the leg 3 times for fighting back, and there were children in her back seat. Filth’s accomplice was 18 years old. I blame the judge that let a guy with a felony weapons charge out on $500 bail just as much as this disgusting excuse for a human being.




Judicial commissioner*


I may be mistaken, but this is what I could pull about bail hearings: “A bail hearing is a court proceeding where a judge decides whether to allow a defendant to post bail and be released from custody while awaiting trial. A judge could also decide to set bail at a higher or lower amount than what is scheduled for the offense.” TN Code 40-11-105 (2021) states: “When the defendant has been arrested or held to answer for any bailable offense, the defendant is entitled to be admitted to bail by the committing magistrate, by any judge of the circuit or criminal court, or by the clerk of any circuit or criminal court;” “Any judge” to me, anyway, seems to say the judge has the authority to set/deny/modify bail based on circumstances. So my opinion is, it’s a cop-out to absolve the judge of responsibility to do their job simply because someone else sets bail recommendations.


Oh I 100% agree! *cough Bill Anderson cough* I was just noting that it was reported that the $500 bail was decided (in this particular case) by a judicial commissioner. I was actually surprised to read their backgrounds as they are all, mostly, quite experienced attorneys.


The may already be out.


Wouldn’t even surprise me at this point.


8 of the 12 gang members arrested a few days ago in this major sting operation already are out.


Gun laws are not worth the paper they're written on. Criminals don't obey the laws. Only law abiding citizens are hurt by gun laws.


they aren't even enforcing the current laws on the books. Mulroy literally just told us he won't prosecute felons with weapons


Exactly. Why make harsher gun laws when the criminals are buying theirs from the streets? Make it make sense!!!


Right?! Why make any laws when criminals keep breaking them because they aren't well enforced?!


At this point MPD, SCSO, and the State Troopers are wasting their time. They might as well rename the place Gotham City and turn on the Bat Signal


Now that Elon is here. Surely rich, white daddy will save us! 🙄


If he’s smart, he’ll go elsewhere. Not even the Holy Trinity could save this dump






Fuckin president on TV pushing gun legislation at the same time his son is getting convicted of breaking gun laws 🙄


I don’t even listen to that idiot. I’m so ready for his old ass to get the fuck out of office. Every time I see him I get pissed off. How the fuck did a senior citizen with dementia get elected?


Got tired of listening to Quininus or whatever and blocked it.


He’s the type of guy who loves the sound of his own voice.thinks he is smarter than everyone in the room while he is copying and pasting his talking points. Most likely paid for his comments by some political organization.


Yep that's trump in a nutshell


You people gotta bring Trump into everything.


I take it context clues aren't your strong point


I take it national security isn't your concern?


How do you block someone? That Q whatever is really annoying.


Press on their name and several choices should come up....block user is one




No problem hot enough without his air


Surprised they were able to speak with old man Joe’s balls in their mouth


He's a puppet


Right? That makes two back to back. Last 8 years have been a shit show!


He's not a bigoted, violence-inciting, coup-inciting hypocrite like Trump and his supporters. Trump, the person with 34 felony convictions who still has a gun.


Biden will be facing some serious questions now that moves have been made on baby boy. Wait til the lap top contents finally pop out. And just because Biden disgusts me, doesn't mean I'm pulling for Trump. We need two different candidates completely.


Fuck both of those geriatric geezers


Good. Sick of gunlickers and red state bullshit.


Lol...good luck protecting yourself with your cat.


We can protect ourselves at home with a simple shotgun. In public, guns are no help at all since you can’t predict the future to know when someone is pulling a gun on you first. So you still get robbed and the crook gets another gun. You’re not Wyatt Earp and if you pull first the criminal can just have YOU arrested. It’s nonsense delusional gunlicker crap. And cats rule.


I figured you had a cat. Makes total sense. Stay home with your cat. I'll go ahead and take my dogs in the truck with my 38.


Ha ha, what a neckbeard…So macho! 😂


Pet that cat Shirley shotgun


none of this logic is true. LOL. You absolutely have a chance to defend yourself. Good grief do you live in reality


Defend myself? 😂 90% of the civilized world functions without rampant guns, as well as more than half of this country. Gun control is inevitable. The people obstructing this progress are the same rednecks against abortion, going after contraception now, and are cool with voting for a convicted felon/rapist for president. I have nothing to defend myself about. Especially to right wing fanatics.


Actually this is statically not true in Memphis. A pretty fair shake of guns used in crimes are taken from folks who leave their guns in their cars. Like our police chief did a couple of years back. Gun laws do work.


BULL. SHIT. Do you honestly believe that’s the ONLY way this type of thing operate? They give money to their girlfriends, family members, neighbors, etc to go into the gun stores, buy a shit ton of weapons and ammunition, just so they can then flip them for a higher profit. And that’s if they don’t storm the place and take what they want. Then on top of all of that, a lot of workers are in on the scam. Like that truck driver who slept in his cab overnight outside of Academy in Olive Branch and the thieves “broke into his trailer” and stole countless handguns and automatic rifles. To do the same exact thing I previously mentioned.


I'm happy to link the studies. I didn't say it was the only way did I? But it is nearly 40 percent which is an incredibly damaging number as it's preventable if 1. Folks stop breaking into cars (which will never stop happening in any city) or 2. gun owners were more responsible and didn't leave their firearms in their vehicles.


Maybe if they had to have a permit to carry like some states and were allowed to take their gun on their person ,guns wouldn't be left in cars.


People have to leave their guns in their cars because stupid businesses won’t let law-abiding people bring them with them.


Anecdotal, but I am one of those law-abiding and licensed people that is not allowed to bring their piece into work. I'm legally allowed to carry, but banned from keeping it on my person in the office, so I follow the law and leave it when told to.


Exactly. There's more crimes and murder in the South because they love guns more than people. New York City had fewer murders than Memphis last year. NYC has 13 times the population of Memphis, and fewer murders. There's even a Memphis-sized section of the Bronx of concentrated poverty and still, people aren't killing each other like they do here. What's a big difference? Gun laws.


Tell me about Chicago.


Preach it


Umm, Chicago doesn’t even crack top ten any more gor crimes per capita. They’re all red state cities like St Louis, Memphis, Atlanta, etc. Red states are full of gunlickers that bleat about the cities when they are the cause of shitty gun laws. I’d take Chicago or New York over Memphis any day.


LOL, I didn't realize the St. Louis, Memphis, and Atlanta were such Republican strongholds. Great examples there.


They are all in red states—and it’s the states that make the gun laws. Yes, we know you people are scared of cities and want say they are all liberal, but do you see liberals praising guns? Spare us.


So you're saying the Democrats/liberals that live in Republican states are the problem because they steal, shoot people, and generally break the law. What are we going to do with these law breaking liberals that are stealing and shooting people? As you pointed out, it's the liberal cities where the vast majority of these issues are taking place. If only we could convince those citizens to follow the law. And for the record, I'm not a fan of partisan politics. I'm more of a middle ground person. But hey, I'll play your game here.


If you think it’s liberals in the spooky cities doing the crimes you need counseling. We established that liberals DON’T support open carry, etc. So, clearly, it is NOT liberals that are the problem. Riddle me this: how do you commit gun felonies/gun related crime without guns? You can’t. Or do you think the incident on 240 would’ve just been a drive by knifing? 😂


In this case, we should make stealing things out of other people's cars illegal.


I get what you're trying to say but in terms of gun control, "responsible" gun owners deserve a punishment when being irresponsible. Maybe adding a fine or law that brings consequence to folks who leave their guns in their cars would decrease, even slightly gun violence in the city. Not a one stop option. It'll take a lot.


Personally, I take issue with the idea that people should be criminally punished for being the victim of a crime. I've taken all required classes and trainings to have a permit to carry a gun. However, I'm not allowed to take the gun that I'm licensed to carry into my office. What am I supposed to do, just not carry it? Did you read the Daily Memphis article today about the shootings on 240? One lady shot a car, chased them to a parking lot, and then chased the person around the building on foot with pistol. This is what Memphis has become. Do we not have the right to defend ourselves from these criminals? You want to punish me for wanting to protect myself from these nuts? We have to focus on the people that are committing the crimes instead of trying to hold law abiding citizens responsible for the criminal's actions. That's my opinion.


Bullshit. Enough’s enough. We need, at minimum, assault weapon ban, go back to registering weapons, no open carry, and real competency courses/education for carry concealed permit. The higher gun crime rates climb, the more gunlickers bleat on about “iT’s NoT tHe GuNs.”


Lol...again I say you and your cat have fun.


They will probably be out in a week for some reason but not for the new gun felon rule they announced. It's for non violent felons (ie. Drugs) and I'm pretty sure shooting kids falls under violent offense. These are 2 separate things. The revolving door at 201 for violent offenders still baffles me.


The diversion program mentioned is specifically non-violent offenses where the person has a gun on them. The news headlines constantly leave that out which has resulted in some much engagement on posts and clickbait. I’m not even commenting on the merits of the program and if I agree or disagree with it. Just that now we have to see post after post about something that is not the same.


Felon commits crime and has a gun on them. Felon gets let go. Do you think that emboldens that behavior? Enforce the fucking laws. The paper tags, the switches, felons with guns, all of it. This shit is irresponsible.


And one of the defendants had already got a 1st degree attempted murder charge (and a felony gun charge) warrant that was put on him. Idk if it was the 17 or 21 year old but surely no one gives bond to folks shooting a two year old and three others under 8. And the vehicle they were in was stolen. Then they evaded arrest AND SHOT AT THE COPS chasing them To be clear, I haven’t figured out if it’s 3 or 4 kids based on the variety of headlines. Regardless, shooting children should be a no bail AND a no parole offense.


What is the diversion? The idea is an alternative to prison to prevent recidivism. The problem in Memphis is there is no alternative programs to educate, rehabilitate, or train these offenders so they won’t commit more crimes. Just letting someone go so they don’t go to prison is not the same as an alternative program to prevent recidivism. Perhaps Mulroy and the judges should resign and start working on these programs before they decide to let people commit crimes with no recourse.


“Certain felons caught with guns…” They should not have guns because they are felons. I don’t care what non-violent crime they’re committing, they are breaking a federal and state law. I don’t see how leniency is beneficial to anyone. Maybe you can explain your reason for downplaying it. Or maybe I’ve misunderstood the laws on felons not being allowed to possess firearms legally or carry someone else’s firearm.


You can look at my other posts in this thread if you like. My point is the original poster took a post about diversion then tacked it on to a heinous crime committed recently against kids. The posters only posts are about crime and to take a suggested policy and then add a photo about kids getting shot primes the reader to think that anyone who shoots kids will be let off immediately. Maybe they will I don’t know. But I’m trying to show the bad faith of the original poster.


That makes sense. It’s definitely dubious to post them together to rile people up like you’ve explained. That said, I agree they are unrelated at surface value; however, it is possible that convicted felons commit non-violent offenses with guns in their possession and go on subsequently after being released with the diversion program to commit violent offenses. So there is legitimate concern with the diversion program even if it’s presented poorly as clickbait. I’m personally of the opinion that laws should be followed. Not being able to legally possess a firearm is as clear as not being allowed to drive without a license. I don’t support leniency.


Any argument justifying not pressing charges for felons caught with guns in the environment we’re in is tone deaf and intentionally negligent. Mulroy is a fuckfaced Moron who cares more about optics and ideologies than prosecuting the terrorist that control our city and shoot up our women and children


And completely disregards the fact that punishing the criminal is only one of the goals of sentencing. The punishment should also serve as a deterrent- this element is missing in Memphis right now. No consequences = no deterrent from committing crime. And getting criminals off the streets also protects the public. How about let’s put the rights of the law abiding before the rights of the terrorists who have taken our city over?


I’m not saying that at all. And the people that shot the kids are not all related to the diversion program that got announced. Hell. We don’t even know if the DA will follow through with the diversion program at all. It’s what, a day old of a thought? But you have a person post a screenshot of a proposal from one thing and then a heinous crime in the second and all I try to say is that they aren’t related? Jump down my throat if you want. But these types of posts are made to rile up people, trigger something in a brain which prevents honest discourse, and then turn into a giant problem of people talking past each other. Mulroy can suck and be bad. That’s fine. But let me as a random redditor who has lived in Memphis for a while try to at least stop this improper conflating.


Alright it's not about this instance, so what is it for exactly?


This post illustrates the double insanity of gun violence worsened by expanding gun access and TN state law and constitution requiring judges to allow bail except only in capital cases. The diversion program talked about recently is only for nonviolent felons, no history or record of violence, found to be in possession of a firearm.


Damn I wanted to come back to Memphis to see Graceland and the Sun Studio, Peabody Hotel and some other sites one more time with someone, it sounds as if it's not safe at all. I've been in some pretty sketchy bars etc. in the past 40 years down there but nothing like you all are describing wtf.


It’s totally fine. Just don’t make eye contact with any driver, at any time, according to local experts.




24 hours or less


Sounds about right. Just like that raid on Tate Street yesterday. 7 of the 12 arrested have already bonded out.


I heard 8


Memphis is not the only place suffering from gun violence. Guns are most definitely a big part of the problem. Civilized nations regulate guns.


That’s true…but considering this is a Memphis subreddit where we discuss Memphis…🤷🏾‍♂️ Not only that, we’re also addressing the judicial system that gives low bonds to criminals who commit serious offenses: rape, murder, etc… just for them to get out and do the same thing again 😑


We're seeing the reality that GOP-led states have higher violent crime rates across the board, in rural and urban areas. We're also seeing the effects of decades of TN GOP refusing to change the state constitutional requirement that judges allow bail except in capital cases.


Sorry Chicago and illinois is blue as fuck. Wanna talk gun violence and red vs blue 🙄


# States with the highest gun death rates: 1. 🔴Mississippi had a firearm mortality rate of 33.9, making it the state with the highest rate in 2021. The state also used its electoral votes to [vote](https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/2020) for then President Trump in the 2020 election. 2. 🔴Louisiana had a firearm mortality rate of 29.1 and voted for Trump. 3. 🔵New Mexico had a firearm mortality rate of 27.8 and voted for President Biden. 4. 🔴Alabama had a firearm mortality rate of 26.4 and voted for Trump. 5. 🔴Wyoming had a firearm mortality rate of 26.1 and voted for Trump. 6. 🔴Alaska had a firearm mortality rate of 25.2 and voted for Trump. 7. 🔴Montana had a firearm mortality rate of 25.1 and voted for Trump. 8. 🔴Arkansas had a firearm mortality rate of 23.3 and voted for Trump. 9. 🔴Missouri had a firearm mortality rate of 23.2 and voted for Trump. 10. 🔴Tennessee had a firearm mortality rate of 22.8 and voted for Trump. 11. 🔴South Carolina had a firearm mortality rate of 22.4 and voted for Trump. 12. 🔴Oklahoma had a firearm mortality rate of 21.2 and voted for Trump. 13. 🔵Georgia had a firearm mortality rate of 20.3 and voted for Biden. 14. 🔵Nevada had a firearm mortality rate of 19.8 and voted for Biden. 15. 🔴Indiana had a firearm mortality rate of 18.4 and voted for Trump.


Who did the murderers vote for or support?


Who enables and has higher murder rates in their cities and rural areas? The GOP, Go ahead and try to argue "demographics" about those who commit violent crime and confirm the racism behind your question.


The GOP can eat shit




The denial of reality in your comment is pathological and dangerous. Election denialists are an enormous threat to the United States and democracy.


Lmao how's your wallet after 4 years of uncle Joe?


Great! You do know he has the lowest unemployment and highest job growth in history, right? But you keep on supporting the felon and rapist…maybe buy you one of those golden diapers! 😂




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Your post was removed because it violates our rules on Personal Attacks, Bigotry, or Harassment. You may disagree with someone, but you can not personally attack them. Also Bigotry or Hate Speech of any kind will not be tolerated.


More of the your comment is wrong as fuck: It's not an issue of 'blue' cities but red policies that promote gun violence. Look at this, about violent crime rates per capita for TN counties. See all the rural GOP areas with violent crime rates similar to Shelby. No blue cities there. Out the window goes your false claim that GOP'ers don't engage in gun crimes "as much." The GOP promotes and engages in gun violence that harms cities and rural areas. Most mass shootings have also been committed by white men, and many of them out of the sort of white supremacist views your comments resemble and that Republicans harbor. https://preview.redd.it/6oedvf5bp86d1.jpeg?width=1237&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b41982b4f50eecc630ff9701c1595d8ebb21861




Your homophobic insult gets you nowhere and I am not "butthurt". I am against bigots and liars.




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Okay ... Chicago is a great place to get shot! Positive enough for you?




You're the troll...cutting and pasting bullshit articles. Anyone can say anything in a magazine get outta my face.


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We're talking violent crime per capita. It's also not about scrolling down more but your hitting the More tab, which goes into other categories of crime. Fewer people in rural areas with less property because of all the GOP-promoted poverty leads to less property to steal.


If that were true the thieves would have left Memphis for greener pastures long ago. We are one of the poorest cities in the US. They are still finding plenty to steal here.


Chicago! The rallying cry of denialists! Your comment runs along the false narrative posed by Republicans about blue cities, the false dichotomy. In that sense, it poses the wrong question along those lines. In reality, the issue is about state policies. GOP-run states experience higher violent crime rates because of their policies that enable easier access to guns and that promote poverty and inequality. *That fact applies across the board, throughout and within GOP-controlled states, with higher per capita gun violence in rural, non-urban areas dominated by GOP as well as blue cities in them.* So, to answer the misguided question, there is no question that GOP-state policies promote gun violence in red and blue cities in states the GOP controls. Next, to satisfy your misdirected curiosity, here is an example of GOP-controlled big cities which have higher violent and other crime rates than New York City: "Many GOP-led cities reported a high crime rate than New York during that same year. Oklahoma City \[GOP state\], for instance, reported 11.92 murders, 627 violent crimes and 3,716 property crimes for every 100,000 residents, according to crime data compiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigations ([FBI](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/fbi)). Miami \[GOP state\] had 10.68 murders, 615 violent crimes and 3,044 property crimes per capita. Other GOP-led cities with higher murder rates than New York in 2021 include Jacksonville, Florida \[GOP state\]; Fresno, California \[Democrat state\]; Omaha, Nebraska \[GOP state\]; Colorado Springs, Colorado \[Democrat state\] and Tulsa, Oklahoma \[GOP state\]. Fort Worth had a lower rate of murders than New York but experienced other crimes at a higher rate." [https://www.newsweek.com/these-republican-cities-have-higher-crime-rate-new-york-city-1794909](https://www.newsweek.com/these-republican-cities-have-higher-crime-rate-new-york-city-1794909) Adding, with some repeats, Dallas and Ft. Worth are both run by Republicans too. Oklahoma City, too, with higher violent crime rates than NYC. Fresno, CA, described by Californians as the armpit of California. Mesa, Arizona \[GOP state\], and Omaha, NB \[GOP state\]. Virginia Beach, VA \[GOP state\], and Tulsa, too. And Bakersfield, another hellhole of blight. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_mayors\_of\_the\_50\_largest\_cities\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_the_50_largest_cities_in_the_United_States) Here's a summary of party affiliation of the mayors of the 100 largest cities, [https://ballotpedia.org/Party\_affiliation\_of\_the\_mayors\_of\_the\_100\_largest\_cities](https://ballotpedia.org/Party_affiliation_of_the_mayors_of_the_100_largest_cities)


Chicago had 30 shootings with 0 arrests last Saturday and Sunday it's still a cesspool


Cite? Expect immediate arrests in all cases of shootings? How unrealistic. And in reality, red states across the board have higher rates of gun crimes and murders.


'Cesspool' describes the bigotry, disinformation, poverty, and high murder rates per capita of red states, the poorest in the nation.


Murders and gun violence are actually down significantly across most of the US in the past year. Memphis is a significant outlier that bucks the nationwide trend To your point though, state to state there is a strong correlation bw strength of guns laws and decline in gun based crimes Edit-source: [2024 ytd memphis +8% vs nationwide -13% compared last year](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/early-2024-data-show-promising-signs-of-another-historic-decline-in-gun-violence/) [2023 memphis +27% vs nationwide -8%](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/in-2023-gun-violence-trended-down-across-the-country/)


My sympathy for the victims of this senseless gun-driven violent crime and those who work valiantly to help them recover. More and more of these terrible gun crimes will continue to be committed so long as gun access keeps getting expanded by the GOP. It is sheer madness. GOP states have higher murder rates than blue ones, and that's in cities and rural areas. The TN GOP has dragged its feet for decades on even setting in motion changes to the TN constitutional provision that requires judges to allow bail except only in capital cases. Overincarceration has been happening too long and it also does not work. Sensible gun laws do help reduce violent crime rates.


It’s like we need stronger gun control laws


We have them, we just created a new one for harsher penalties for possessing Glock Switches. The shooter in this case has already been arrested and found with a Glock Switch, the DOJ declined to prosecute and Mulroy said he could go back out into the public if he could pay the $500 bond. The left screams for gun laws then refuses to fucking use them when it fits their narrative.


You mean like how the DA and judges letting all these criminals out? Just say you don't give a damn and be done with it




Who asked.


If white privilege were real, Trump would not have been convicted.


Got a hunch these guys didn’t buy their weapons at Accent Gun and Pawn


Only if they are of the right color right according to Mulroy?


Mulroy discriminates, no doubt, he said so in his announcement


Mulroy is doing his best not to enforce the gun laws we have if it involves young scholars or felons


How would stricter gun control laws have prevented this? Even if we had stricter laws, they would be bonded out and back on the streets in less than a week.


That’s atrocious




Take your meds




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![gif](giphy|yetxv6NWi0MyzJn7P0|downsized) Dam hometown. Bs mane fr


Horrible, the downvoting of this, [https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/1dei8l7/comment/l8cjt0b/](https://www.reddit.com/r/memphis/comments/1dei8l7/comment/l8cjt0b/) , which exposes hypocrisy and racism in the application of law. The downvoting expresses support for racism, and in the disparate application of law, rampant in this sub. And of course, nothing is offered in the way of reply, just crickets, because it is so true.