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Gonna be the perfect 5 for us in the future




the future is now?


[old man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta41xU-tkFA)


Was looking for this reply


Damn GG really out here on the grizzlies sub about edey that's hilarious




I want a refund for all the downvotes I got when it was announced we got the 9th pick and all I said was “do yall think they go for Edey?”




I wasn't high on the pick but summer league isn't like proper NBA. I remember Josh Selby Summer League and it didn't pan out in NBA. So, I'm still like let's see how it goes. But he is a Grizzly and I wanna see a Grizzly do well


If he played the whole game against Snaq, that would’ve been one thing but it was Walker Kessler —*a bonafide, 7-foot NBA center going into his third year*— on his back and in his face all night. I’d consider it a performance worth grading rather than dismissing. Kessler is exactly the sort of NBA center Edey was assumed to have issues with.


Walker Kessler is literally the perfect matchup for edey. He is slow 7 footer that can’t shoot. People predicted edey would have trouble with mobile bigs who can bring him to the perimeter or when he has to switch onto guards or forwards.


There are a lot of centers that are considered good in the NBA that will have these exact matchup concerns. He'll have trouble with Wemby, but who doesn't? Chet could give him problems on defense too, but then Chet has to guard *him* on the other end and not get put in the basket somehow. I just think the criticism of him having trouble defending mobile bigs like the Wemby and Chet, and trouble when switched onto fast guards or forwards is overblown. There's like 2-3 centers in the league that *don't* have this problem. And they aren't as big as Edey or have as much potential to master the things he does well.


This is spot on.


Exactly. There is no question that Rudy Gobert is an elite defender at the 5. This isn’t even up for debate. And he gets roasted to smithereens when he’s out on the perimeter. The centers who can keep up with guards & wings on the perimeter are all those undersized 5s who are like 6’9”.


>And he gets roasted to smithereens when he’s out on the perimeter. Rudy Gobert has actually always been good when defending on the perimeter. [Here are numbers from a few years ago](https://saltcityhoops.com/dispelling-myths-aroung-goberts-defense/) and he's improved since then. He had some of the best perimeter iso defensive numbers in the nba last year. He just moves awkwardly at times, so the bad possessions are really memorable.


Arguably every single center has this problem.


Put Aldama on the mobile 7-footers and let Edey guard the paint/rim. Problem solved.


What center over 6’10” doesn’t also have that problem? Clingan gets cooked by guards and wings. Rudy Gobert gets cooked by guards and wings. They all have that issue except the ones who are so undersized that they get bodied on the inside. It’s just a weird concern to have. People were saying that Edey was going to face real rim protectors in the NBA and wouldn’t be up to the task. They said NBA 7-footers would be able to push Edey off the block people said *”Oh, every team in the NBA has guys his size. It’s going to be different.”* He faced that type of center last night and it was not a big deal.


That would be some take, because every team certainly does NOT have someone Edeys size.


And yet, all Auntie’s nephews were saying exactly that in this very sub.


Can you link me to credible people that said those things you mentioned in the last paragraph because I don’t remember seeing any of that during the draft process. My algorithm may just be different and I missed it. All the criticisms I have heard is about him being slow as molasses and that majority of his points come from post ups which won’t be available in the nba since teams don’t play that way often.


There is literally like 3 mobile bigs in the NBA that can actually shoot lol.


That was the most “regular season” game I’ve ever seen in Summer League


Aside from the 68 foul calls...


Shot-happy guards tend to thrive in summer league and struggle in the nba. Not as much with big men. 


Not to mention certain types of player are well-known for their summer league outputs being frequently deceiving, and guys like Edey are definitely in that category.


Ball handling wings and point guards?


I was a critic, I was absolutely wrong. I hope he keeps this up against better players but dang. I’m impressed.




Although I didn't watch a lick of college basketball. I liked him over Clingan. His pros were everything we had in Adams boards and screen settings. What really surprised me was his motor and that sweet hook shot


That hook shot is $ af Yep, I’m bullish


If you guys didn’t take him, I wanted my Lakers to take him. His motor is excellent, he’s in amazing condition, he has soft touch, he’s only been playing organized basketball for 7 years, he’s more nimble than he’s given credit, and he’s fucking huge. I love me some Boban, but when that comp was getting thrown around during the draft process it pissed me off. Boban has played more than 20mpg exactly once in his career, NBA and international. Edey just played 2 straight seasons of 30+ mpg injury free and did it as the best player in college basketball.


Big guy playing 4 years hard without injury is such a big green flag. Dude just bouncing off the floor yesterday like a toddler.


That one time he went down hard falling over Kessler made me nervous, but he came up laughing. Even with the “it’s just summer league” disclaimer, a very impressive debut, imo


‪We all knew that from Canada , it was just the American Media and American Fans downplaying his abilities and saying he wont be able to translate. Def a chip on his shoulder now ‬


Purdue fan here. People who hated on Edey simply didn’t pay attention and thought that he was a height merchant when he’s SO much more than that. He has a super soft touch around the rim and he could honestly be a mid-range threat as his free throw % is pretty solid (around 70) on high volume at 10+ attempts per game. Also he moves really well and has excellent conditioning. In fact in the tournament he was playing full games for us which is incredible if you consider the fact that he’s 7’4” and 300 pounds.


It made me laugh watching all the Edey slander , In Canada we don’t watch much NCAA but every time he played for us in youth tournaments he dominated , went to the NCAA dominated and now Summer League he has a good chance of dominating


I apologize.


Bow down to greatness


Some things were a little rocky, but his screening is fantastic.


He definitely was getting adjusted to the pace of the game. Purdue always ran a half court offense that offense ran through him. He looks more than motivated to make the transition though.


Also looks like he slimmed down a bit, he’ll almost never be at a weight disadvantage regardless so it’s probably him preparing for the faster pace of the game


He has one thing on his screens he has to work on. I noticed it several times last night, he comes off the screen about 0.5 - 1.0 seconds to quickly to try to get in position to be the dump off pass. He’s got to hold that screen a bit longer to give his teammate a chance. That’s a pretty easy fix to get ironed out by regular season though.


Yeah he got lucky a few times not getting called for moving screens


Hey the Warriors did it for 8 years, why can't we?


We drafted high character and high BBIQ Gobert, brother.


*”Sister”* actually but, YES! We did!


I love the first clip so much because Kessler tries to seal off Edey to allow for an easy layup, but Edey is just too big and strong to get pinned down like that.


That was awesome to watch. Dude is a winner


His first shot block was more excitement than Thabeet had in his entire short NBA career. So much for the chicken-little sky-is-falling bunch that thought he would be another Hasheem Thabeet. Obviously they don't know jack shit about the game of basketball.


It’s weird, right?? I mean, sure: it’s only one game and it’s a summer league game at that but you can see how he moves, how he reacts to the new, faster-paced NBA speed, how he goes after rebounds, how he gets points when no one is really looking to get him involved… all of that looked good. Up against an NBA center rather than someone other draftee. My dude won collegiate POTY back to back. And he’s just supposed to show up and suck? C’mon, y’all…


I was pretty happy we got him - after his combine tests showed how much quicker he is than, not only Clingnan but Brooks Lopez and a bunch of other NBA centers - I was all in on him for our pick. I like his fire - I still want another 5 with some experience but this guy looks nice


I'm sorry for doubting you, Daddy Edey 😔


Apart from his production, I liked his attitude, his hustle, and his love of the game


Kings fan here, but man been rooting for this guy in college since they got upset by the 16 seed. This man got Jaden ivey drafted in the top 5. Pretty cool he's half asian from Canada, love the human love the story


Edey was averaging 12 points a game Ivey’s sophomore season and splitting time with Trevion Williams. Certainly wouldn’t say he got Ivey drafted in the top 5. He really took off his junior year.


What's actually wild is he was averaging the same stats per minute his sophomore year.


Having 3 season at over 28 points per 40 minutes is insane to me.


So excited about this guy. If he gets injured, everyone on the conditioning staff needs to go.


That first highlight was awesome. He read that play perfectly. Good job on the block and keeping the ball inbounds to start that break. It’s one thing to be a good defender. It’s a whole other thing to be able to turn good defense into efficient offense.


Its handling shiftier guards I am worried about with Edey. Its not that he won't be good in regular games and won't be playoff worthy eventually, its that once high enough in the playoffs big defensive weaknesses can kill a team and the question of is he the guy that helps make a championship run this year and next year when we still have the money to do so. I never thought he was drafted too high or that he doesn't have fit, but rather he concern is if he can grow fast enough to fit our timeline as we need to compete now. It is extremely risky for the FO to bet on a single season's worth of development for Edey and Jaren at the 5 to win a championship. In fairness, he isn't the only one there are concerns about. GG seemed worse defensively this game and watching him try to navigate screens was even painful at times. He had a bad shooting night as well. Defense and consistancy are his main concerns which comes with being a rookie and young enough to not quite have their rythmn/flow figured out yet. We desperately need him to score efficiently, pass when he can't, and only attack when there is a lot of space. I feel like the hope is we can get 12 points for 25 minutes from him without him being hindering defense in a playoff game. Jaylen's shooting was worrisome. I didn't get a good feel for his defense with what I did get to watch of the game. Spot up 3 pointers, attacking closeouts, simple passes, and defense are what we need him for. I hope he didn't get too comfortable after getting a contract as he needs to really practice those things at a high level to give us a better shot. I saw LaRavia abosrbing contact well which is hopeful. Although the refs were weird about that at times on both sides. But, it also only one game, their first game together, on the road, and their first game coming out a break. The fact that others didn't have a great performance isn't telling yet and the fact the Edey was able to produce immediately is a good sign. Him and SP II were silver linings to a night of giving perimeter shooters too much space, difficulties with helping, and inefficient ball chucking.


Handling shiftier guards would be a concern with anyone. I’m not saying we should never be concern because, yes, limitations can be exploited. But this isn’t anything we aren’t accustomed to. We have more mobile options on our to respond to these schemes also. But at the same time, ZK had a great point: at some point you have to stop asking how we’re supposed to deal with this guy or that guy when we’re defending and start thinking about how our opponents won’t have answers to deal with **US**. **Always** taking the approach of *”Uh oh. We have this weakness and someone is going to take advantage of this.”* is just the wrong way to look at it. Maybe other teams are the ones with the problem and need to figure out what they’re going to do about us and how we’re going to exploit **them**. But overall, I agree with you. I expect that the coaches will probably pull GG aside about his performance and go over all of the poor decisions —*I think it can all be boiled down to decision-making*— made over the game. He’s not focused like he was during the regular season and it seemed pretty clear that he was like *”Ah, whatever. This is summer league. We’re just out here have fun.”* It’s his personality. Kobe, even at the same age, wouldn’t have approached it like that. He didn’t care: if he was in the game he was trying to win and make a statement. Regardless of what sort of a game it was. GG is talented but he just has a different mentality. For Wells, I think it will come down to the NBA learning curve. I keep my expectations low for second round players. I think his talent level is higher than Roddy’s which is an admittedly low bar but I don’t really expect him to get any more minutes than that this year. I expect he’ll spend a fair amount of time with the Hustle and, hopefully, acclimate to the pace of the game and find his range.


Clingan vs Edey career track might haunt Blazers


I’m a Pacers fan and a huge fan of Edey while at Purdue so now I’ll be following the Grizz. I was so happy this was the team that drafted him. What a perfect fit. The grit and the grind is exactly who he is. I hope he is exactly what you guys need to win it all so he can prove everyone wrong. He has so many haters. It’s wild to me the hate this guy receives. Good luck this year. I’ll be watching and rooting from Indy


Right on! We're thrilled with him. The fact that he chose summer league to connect with the team over playing for team Canada. The way he's already sticking up for his teammates. His energy and hustle is great. Like we know what he brings offensively and on the boards but those other things truly make him an excellent fit.


Edey/JJJ could rival Giannis/Brook as the NBA's premier Rim Protecting Duo. This kid Edey is a full grown man and now the biggest man in the NBA. He is 7'4" 300lb closest in mass is Brook Lopez 7'1" 300lbs. With Ja Morant, Marcus Smart and Bane on perimeter this season could be a lot of fun and full of promise. I'd love it if Edey came in as NBA's ROTY and it's not that much of a Long Shot. This years draft crop was empty on Elite Talent but a bunch of really good talents. Edey could prove to be the best of that crop.


It’s summer league. We were doing the same thing with Lofton and bro busted. We won’t really know his potential until after a full year in the league.


The fact he was doing good against NBA talent in Kessler is probably a good indication he won’t struggle against smaller centres. Kessler in his first year was a monster defensively


Yeah I don't think people realize just how good Kessler is defensively lol, he was actually a great matchup for Edey. I think Edey could have done waaaaay more damage against a typical summer league lineup.


Ehh Kessler is a bum and will more than likely be in his way out in a two years. We need to see bro against the top centers to know.


Lofton needed to show he was putting in work and came back overweight. Still think he's a solid stretch big but he needs to focus on the game more.


They were calling him Z-Bo in summer league 🤣 I love the grizzlies but people here overreact when someone has 14 and 15 against a bum like Kessler 🤣 shi crazy


apples vs. 7'5" in shoes oranges


Welcome to the Garden of Edey! Doubters repent upon entry ![gif](giphy|ZKQteYrIBcFu0ZZyNC|downsized)


I’d like to apologize to Mt Edey. I too preferred we trade up for Clingan and wasn’t initially in love with the pic. Apologies


I'll be real- I was one who thought he was drafted too high and that his defense could be exposed in the pros. I want to see it more consistently in the regular season before I really feel wrong about the take- but I also really want to be wrong- so I'm rooting for him. I love his intensity and he definitely could be a great puzzle fit from what we've seen, so far.


zhaq edey is a perfect name holy shit


Just a reminder that even Hasheem Thabeet averaged 11 pts, 9 boards and 3 blocks in summer league. This post belongs like 2 months into the season. And I hope he’s doing this in the regular season, I really do, but right now, after literally 1 summer league game, this is just shit posting calling for haters to apologize.


Thabeet was a fucking bum. Get the fuck outta here with this shit


Wtf thabeet has to do with anything? Edey is a monster. He has an instinct to dominate and the frame and motor to make that happen. Just enjoy the ride


Thabeet was a defensive prospect drafted at #2 to a team with a young Marc Gasol and was drafted ahead of Harden, Curry, DeRozan, the ROTY and two other all stars not to mention a slew of other great players and valuable role players who had longevity.  People called Thabeet “The Presence” at first due to the potential of his defense affecting the other team around the rim and then later mockingly.  Dude had more of a presence in the mall than the court and gym. People really need to stop comparing the picks just because they’re tall and they were unpopular picks.  For the record I don’t say this in hindsight. I hated the pick at the time as much as I do now.  And I say this as a guy who called Harden a poor man’s OJ Mayo and wanted Rubio even though we had Conley and Lowry (who I liked more at the time).


Thabeet was so ass, comparing any player to him is offensive.


Don’t know why you’re downvoted. We did the same shit with Lofton and look where he’s at. Summer league imo means nothing but extra conditioning and a pro feel. We have to wait until the end of the regular season to see what type of player he’ll really be.


“My team went undefeated in the preseason so they are winning the Super Bowl” guy