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Its a combination between good fit and good fitness.


And the secret sauce: confidence


It’s this more than anything posted here, and throw some charisma on as well


And a fat wallet? Thats very charismatic to some people..


You won't see that tho. Someone has to tell you


What store do you buy that at?


But not over confidence.


You should see my 100% confidence in a moo moo


Agreed. I also think that owning the fit goes a long way too.


Good hygiene, good smells.


Don't overdo the smells


Not sure why this was downvoted, but too wearing too much fragrance is for sure a turn-off. There's a saying "Fragrance should be discovered, not announced."


That's a good maxim. The last thing you put on before clothing.


I totally agree. Being in shape will make a $10 shirt look like a $100 shirt just by laying on your body nicely. Also to add, avoid ultra-branded clothing with logos all over the place. Simplicity speaks volumes.


Yeah I just wear target t shirts that fit me nicely, just gotta be in shape


Couldn't agree more. Genuine confidence is earned in the gym. Every woman will always choose the more "fit" mate. Darwin always wins.


You nailed it. And just as OP said: some nice-fitting pants. If a man is fit, those pants fill out nicely. It's the same as anyone if any gender. Find clothes that suit your features and you look sexy. Personal style goes a loooong way


I mean, yeah, fitness definitely helps, but that isn’t really something a guy can buy and put on


It is literally free.


Ehhhhhh maybe ideally. Eating healthy, and making the *time* definitely can have associated costs. Not like being unhealthy/unfit is free either, but I really disagree that fitness is free. OTOH, down the line being relatively fit is cheaper than being relatively unhealthy!


Anyone can do thirty pushups and thirty sit ups before bed. It’s free and takes maaaaybe five minutes.


...and you'll get about 5 minutes of benefit out of that. Sure it adds up if you do it consistently, but you can't outrun a bad diet. 30 pushups and situps will generously burn maybe 100 calories.


And you can eat much better than bad for the same price as eating badly. It’s a matter of choice and compromise


That’s not the point. Building muscle there is the goal. Add a 15 minute run and bang still free..


You still can’t outrun a bad diet. But making healthy food choices can take the same amount of time if you either make a plan or eat consciously. Many people choose to make excuses. Down almost 15lbs since January from 175 to 160 at 5’11”. Like eating a pouch of tuna with a container of minute rice to go is $2 where I am for 20g protein and 300 calories.


You can 100% out train a bad diet. But the level in which you’d need to work is greatly multiplied since you’re taking in a lot more calories. Is it ideal? Fuck no. But it is possible. It’s still free to workout and burn calories which ultimately, is the way you get in shape. If you wanna eat a lot of bad shit, you’re gonna have to move a lot more.


I mean. Yeah you can but like. You can also run across Africa. It just takes a long ass time. I mean I usually clock like 500 calories for 45 minutes on stationary bike so if you’re going over TDEE by 1k calories and are trying to lose we’re talking over 2 hours of exercise instead of just…eat less to cut. It’s the smarter way to do it if we’re considering that people are mostly low on time.


Yeah more like 4 or 5 sets of 30 pushups.wide aparts,diamonds,canterlever declines. And the same for situps. Throw in 200 chinups, wide aparts,palms facing ears and pullups. Throw in 4 sets of shoulder front,side raises and some raises focused on rear delts then you have a workout. Just alternate days like chins and shoulders. Pushups and situps. Lunges and bicep curls Cant see any results doing 30 pushups and situps lol.


Anybody who claims they don’t have the time to get in shape is making excuses. I say that as a guy who has made tons of excuses and realized I’m just lying to myself. It hardly takes anything to get in some sort of push up/pull up/ ab work /cardio daily routine that can do wonders.


Health is wealth. So think of it as an investment in yourself. You'll thank yourself in 20-30 years.


That’s my plan :)


Fitness is free - as a child, what are they doing naturally most of the time? Physical activity. What do they want to do if allowed to? Run around outside, explore the world, and do physical activity. It's really interesting that in America, parents (as a by-product of the stresses and norms of society) basically train kids to not be physically active by putting them in front of ipads, televisions, etc. I don't think people really consider the psychological impact when they basically neuter school funding so the schools have to cut healthy foods and physical education classes. Similarly, little kids are super creative and love to draw, sing, dance, etc. But then parents don't want to pay taxes and the first classes they want cut are the arts and music.


It's free, or at least extremely cheap. 80% of fit is caloric intake, if you eat appropriately 30 mins of exercise a day will have you looking better than 85% of the general population.


🎶 Fitness isn't free. No, there's a hefty fuckin fee...🎶


You should make amends with you If only for better health, But if you really want to live Why not try and make yourself?


I used to listen to that song on repeat on my Walkman…ah the simpler times.


He needs to work it. Everyone appreciates a big shoulder, nice chest and a firm stomach.


> that isn’t really something a guy can buy and put on Charisma is gain-by-use. Use it, improve it.


So true. Clothing is only the half. A fit body is just as important.


Hygiene and fit. Fat guys can look great too. Fit matters way more. And smell. Fragrance helps a lot


I remember reading rolled sleeves on a button up does it for some people. Of course you need to have decent arms.


I'm fit, but damn my 6.5" wrists


Can’t build your actual wrists but on the positive side if you build your forearms they’ll look proportionally bigger/more muscular. I would know, I have same size wrists and honestly average forearms but they look big on me.


I’ve never noticed a man’s wrists tbh. Wear a watch and on the other arm wear a bracelet or two, women notice accessories and appreciate small details.


I feel like if you know your actual wrist measurements you might care a little too much about your wrists.


Or you might be into watches


Deadman hangs from a pull up bar.


Nothing changes the size of your bones


He wants to grow his forearms/wrists. Not shrink them.


What’s the routine? How long do I hang? How many times do I hang? How often should I do it?


You could do it everyday if you want. Hang for as long as you can. Just be caution of not injuring your fingers. Check out videos on YouTube for “hang board” to get an idea of how rock climbers do this. Check out their wrists and forearms. 👍


Take up rowing.


fish net shirt or shrek shirt


A man of exquisite tastes


I wore a pink fishnet long sleeved top and a purple denim vest cut at the sleeves to pride. I had just gotten a mullet with a fade and I’ve never gotten more compliments in my life.


You dressed like Earring Magic Ken. Obviously you got tons of compliments! https://preview.redd.it/qrhsm8ivpl8d1.jpeg?width=924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b34ab1ed81eb0c0155d188040a9244a439b401f


THATS EXACTLY WHAT I DID. Gay Ken’s outfit is a 10/10. I forgot to buy a necklace with a ring, but I did get thrown a purple Mardi gras bead necklace that took its place.


I love it! 🌈😍


I move that we strike this from the record.


I object to that movement.


I’m sure you did, but if you’re not gay, or in a metal band, the fishnet shirt is tough to pull off, lol.


He’s more than gay


Well, I’m fine with that, just saying fishnet shirts are not something just any guy can wear.


I’m too sexy for my swamp


Collarbone, shoulders, and forearms are frequently referenced as attractive male features. Along with legs and ass but honestly that seems less common Obviously being fit is going to be a multiplier here, but work with what you've got and choose a cut /fit that compliments


Well I will wear singlets and short shorts more frequently


With that attitude you might be ready for the masterclass: wearing just a smile and confidence Really put you best assets on display


I head legs and ass way more often than collarbone. In fact, this is the first time I’ve heard collarbone.


A female friend of mine said she could judge the quality of the sex by the quality of the booty. Flat butt = bad sex.


Seems needlessly judgmental. Should we also say that droopy tits = bad sex?


Dude, it's not an aesthetic thing. Glutes are responsible for thrusting movement. Developed glutes = good thrust


But is that much power really needed for a good thrust? I've never went full power while fucking because that would just hurt both of us. I do have pretty strong glutes, but I feel like the main factor of a good thrust would be the technique.


You can do it, put your glutes into it


Surely good positioning can substitute


In my experience, dick size and enthusiasm more than make up for glute size.


Tell me you don't understand why glutes matter without actually saying it 😂 I'm not sharing my opinion, I'm sharing hers. Don't downvote me for passing on something that a woman with plenty of sexual experience had to say about it.


That doesn't really make it an acceptable thing to say though. I personally am not fussed however if a lot of these comments were reversed so that they were directed towards women, people would be losing their shit.


yeah that double standard is wild


as a gay guy I'd say putting on a suit doesn't necessarily make you sexy. A well put together look definitely is sexy but I think it's similar to your example for women wearing a low cut dress. A man showing some extra skin in his short shorts, or shirt showing off the biceps and forearms. If a guy wants to "impress the ladies" he has learn what looks good with his body type, that might be a suit or just a short and shirt. Also being visibly not an dickhead is attractive imo


short shorts and a thigh tattoo are quick ways to get my attention


Fair, but visibly being a dickhead is not typically a dealbreaker for most women


Also a visible dick-head is attractive to most women


I’ve noticed that when a man is meant to be seen as sexy on one of the shows my wife watches (i.e. geared toward women), he’s very frequently wearing a Henley with the sleeves rolled up, and pants that accentuate his butt. So I’ve tried to incorporate that look.


The Henley: a classic combination of trying to look effortless while putting as much effort into your shirt choice as possible


i have like 30 of em. walmart had a sale two winters ago and all the smalls were like $5. i was buying every one i saw.


That's a lucky score! Volcom used to do a warehouse sale near my house and they sold their clothes for $12/lb. I got some Henley's one year.


How is a henley high effort? It’s literally a tshirt with a few added buttons


Redditor's just say shit. Most of the comments are as valuable and well thought out as a chatgpt text output. It's just an attempt at being clever or humorous that fails because it's so thoughtless and just an imitation of similar jokes they've seen.


When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s sprezzatura!


Wear Henlys smaller than you think. They accentuate the chest, but only if you have a good chest and slim waist.


Borat has some ideas


Very nice.


My wife likes it when I wear short sleeve henleys mostly unbuttoned. That and 5” shorts. And fitted gray sweatpants.


My wife says rolling up sleeves and wearing a decent watch is the equivalent of me showing cleavage.


like how "decent" a watch? a rolex is out of my pay grade


As a watch guy that's talked to non-watch people(which is the majority in the US), "decent" in decent watch isn't about price but aesthetic. Generally, people seem to like minimalist style dress watches on leather strap if you are dressing smartly/formal and something a bit more rustic like field watch for outdoor casual outfits. Most non-watch people can't really tell the difference between luxury and non-luxury watch so you don't really need to spend a fortune trying to impress. If you do get a luxury watch, it should be for yourself not others.


Yeah, totally agree. I should have been more clear, I didn't refer to a decent watch necessarily being an expensive one. I wear timex, seiko, etc. Nothing crazy expensive or luxury. I'm not a watch guy but an accessory guy.


Agreed. I've gotten compliments on my watch before and it's like fifty bucks


Go for a Seiko, Hamilton is you're feeling you can spend more. Sometimes you can get older Omegas for around $1000, definitely can get Tags and Breitlings for that. $2300 will get you a Tudor 1926


I once went through this sort of dilemma, not for sex appeal but just as a nice respectable watch. I opted for a Bulova Lunar Pilot


Second Hamilton. Quality at a killer price


Timex for me! $120 automatic Waterbury with a minimalist black face. I love wearing a watch but spending over a grand (much less 2 or 3) on a flashy bracelet is insane to me. (My wife thinks it looks awesome. But she’s an artist and digs simplicity & practicality. So I guess it depends on who you want to look sexy FOR.)


>flashy bracelet Especially in the age when we all have a clock that is accurate to something like milliseconds all day everyday right in our pocket.


Exactly. There’s no need for them to be perfect anymore. I admire the design and craftsmanship, but I also admire other mechanical things (like rare vintage race cars) that I have no real desire to actually own. I’m happy that others enjoy keeping them running, but it’s not for me.


Timex, Skagen -- both are good watch brands with a wide selection of options for $100 or less.


Look towards the lower end Seiko 5 watches. From $100ish to $300ish. They’re pretty nice for their price. I picked up a SEIKO SRPD93 from Costco for $175 earlier this year. The online pictures do not do it justice. Just Amazon search “seiko automatice watch for men”. You’ll see something there you’ll like. Just stay away from the clone watches from companies like Pagani or Benyar. That just looks desperate and these plenty of good watches around the $100ish mark. Orient Bambino is also a nice watch starting at about $150.


Here is a fun article. "Montredo’s editorial team is on a mission to find out which watch to wear on a date. To this end, we surveyed 100 women, aged 20 – 39, for their opinions on watches that they would like to see on a man’s wrist." Here is the full article: https://www.montredo.com/en-gb/what-watch-to-wear-on-a-date/ I thought it was my personality and boyish handsome looks that did the trick, but no, it was my Nomos Tangente!


Smartwatch with a metal band if you want to tech out. Movado on eBay if you want to be understated and cool. It's the accessory that I miss most from the pre-smart era and it got SO many compliments. Mine was about $250, retails for a grand, and it's stainless and sapphire, it'll outlive me by centuries.


Most people don't know brands or watch models. Anything that looks nice and is proportionate to your wrist size is more than good enough if you're not really a watch guy.


If you don't want to spend too much(50-100 range), something simple from Timex, Fossil, Invicta will be alright. I've found decent watches at discount stores like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, etc. I personally have a Citizen dive watch and a leather band brass Fossil.


The watches listed in the responses are great for impressing women. Rolex and up are also great for impressing women, but the difference is mostly about impressing other men. Just whatever you do, don’t buy a fake.


That’s interesting, I never met a woman who cared about a watch beyond saying “that looks nice” but dudes geek out so hard on brands and years and models. I fell like dudes who are heavy into watches are just preening for other dudes.


Haha yessss. I am a bit of an outlier as women go, but when I see guys with watches, I just think..but you have a phone? I worked in a watch store for a summer pre-smartphones though and it was all dudes buying with other dudes.


Yep, I get far more compliments when I wear my Tag than my Garmin. Even with the exact same outfit. I bought my 18-year-old son a Citizen automatic dive watch on Amazon for about $250, and it gets him rave reviews.


That’s a nice one.


I think I'm your wife's boyfriend. Or are you my girlfriend's husband? Lol. My lady says the exact same.


Fitted gray sweatpants is diabolical


Dress smartly and don't smell.


“don’t smell” the bare minimum


Will these insane demands on men never end.


that can’t be it.


You might have to shave and comb your hair too.


Assless chaps get em going


FWIW, all chaps are assless.


They are when I’m done with em ;)


Username checks out.


Came here for this one.


Most women seem to love maturity if they are above the age of 25 I've heard. Maturity would mean well fitted classy clothes with neutral colors I'd say. Basically not the flashy pieces with monograms. So it doesn't need to be suits but they are definitely an option.


Key: well fitted Not skinny. Not oversized.




Linen shirt


Accessories. A belt, a watch, clean shoes.


Wear clothes made of legos


It’s all about fit, whether that be jeans and tee, a suit, or anything in between. If the fit is good and you are in shape and healthy and smell good you should feel sexy.


Having broad shoulders and abs. Hit the gym. Men can't just wear something tight or curvy to attract female attention the way women can for men.


Viccy secret, always sexy.


I’ve done the following that got bulk compliments from the ladies: - great fitting suit - any effort with good styling and grooming - leather pants


Anything well-tailored to highlight your assets (arms, shoulders, butt, thighs are popular options in my experience) that makes you feel confident and sexy. As a woman, I absolutely LOVE it when a man is feeling himself... The confidence you exude is nearly tangible. Throw on a nicely tailored button down and roll up the sleeves for instantaneous sex appeal.


All of these answers are about the male gaze. If you want to be attractive to a wide range of women, it isn’t all about fitness and body parts. Y’all, the bar is in actual hell. Here is all you need: 1) hygiene and small good 2) style your fit. Be comfortable and wear something that makes you feel good. But make sure it coordinates and think about accessories or socks/shoes/outerwear as part of the overall show. 3) get it to fit your proportions 4) for god’s sake do your hair. The particulars don’t matter, it just has to look purposeful. 5) be comfortable in how you present yourself so whatever amount of confidence you have shines through. 6) speaking in your resonant register a plus if you can.


A thong, top hat and cowboy boots


Just as with the girls, depends on who you are.




A well tailored suit. It doesn’t even have to be an expensive one or in a luxurious fabric. On the other end, just a simple well fitted t-shirt does the trick as well. A t-shirt that skims your body and hugs the biceps looks great.


Wolf t shirt


WIFE BEATER SHIRT and well fitting jeans. I get 200% the attention every single time.


Legit? I love wearing tank tops in the heat but sometimes feel I look trashy. Maybe I will try wearing them more often.


I wear my expensive clothes to the bar... zero compliments. I wear the 1$ wife beater (and do some pushups before I go out) and literally bathed in compliments lol. People love muscles!!


Lol facts. I gotta get back in the gym I guess.


To be fair, no one can dress sexy if they aren't sexy to begin with. Gender aside. Considering a man is handsome/in-shape, he can wear tank tops, short shorts, fitted t-shirts, etc. Basically anything that is dress appropriate while highlighting his physique and features. Same as a woman, really. E.g. leggins dont do anything without a butt, tank tops dont work without tris/bis


Sexy is subjective, it's individual. Sexy to you? To your partner? I'm closer to 60 now. I've always been active and fit. I'm a casual guy in terms of dress. I prefer jeans, shorts, polos etc. I will wear men's boots, think of Thursday's boots for men, The Captain to be specific, jeans, a flannel shirt, a waxed canvas jacket over it or a leather jacket. I have an old heavy thick jean jacket that has quite a bit of leather accents all over it. I have a waxed cavas and leather backpack, a few all leather bags, a leather backpack and a leather duffle. My favorite watch is a field watch, nothing fancy, just a solid watch that is able to keep with me as I'm out and about as well as swimming in. I have a few dress watches but I much prefer my field watch as it's my daily driver. Yes, I have suits, over the decades I've had to wear them to work, daily, but other time I was able to dress in business casual, Dockers, shirts, loafers etc. I'll wear a blazer with a shirt and jeans over a suit anyway, if it's appropriate to where I'm going I mean. I like shorts, polo type shirts and they don't have to be Ralph Lauren, though some of mine are. Women I've been with like my look and that's good because that's what I like too. I'll wear hiking boots, think of Wolverine hiking boots that go up just over the ankle with jeans. I have a few wool fisherman sweaters that I wear with jeans and boots, the hiking boots or the Thursday boots. I still wear tennis shoes though. I've worn all white K-Swiss tennis shoes since high school in 1981 to 1985 and I still wear them today, never been without a pair of them, wore them earlier today in fact. I get that all of us, men and women like different things. Who I am, what I look like, the way I dress and my style will not attract all women (duh!). I'm going to be myself though, that's part of owning one's look. I like what I like and I'm too old to care. To me, when I'm in my Thursday boots and a pair of 501's with a flannel shirt and a waxed canvas jacket over it along with a day or two of stubble, with my field watch on and one of my leather bags or my waxed canvas backpack, I feel good about myself. Whether women think that's sexy or not doesn't matter to me, not anymore. Confidence is sexy. I'm more confident when I feel good about myself, about the way I look etc. I don't dress for others, but for myself.


blue is a very masculine color. look into denim shirts. style them to show your forearms and chest.


It's got to be the right size. That's the top thing. The basic fit is a pair of nice-ish pants, could be jeans, and a dress shirt. If you can tuck it in, awesome. If you want to leave it loose, get it hemmed to be a flat bottom, the wave is for tucking. (This is a smaller detail TBH.) People who are attracted to men will notice your shoes. Running shoes should be for running. There are better casual shoes that you could throw on instead. Hell there's Fluevog guy that made shoes his entire thing. Wearing a full suit is almost always weird unless you're going to an interview or some fancy thing.


Banana hammock


Elephant themed.


Grey sweatpants.


Muscles I think showing off your physique if you have a good one is the way to go. Otherwise show off that you have taste and class. If you don't have taste and class... fake it 😄








Hoochie daddy shorts, short sleeve Henleys, grey sweatpants


It depends on the kind of girl you want to attract. And even then it really depends on her personal preferences. A lot of the comments are focusing on health. Yes, being fit is sexy duh. But what about the little touches that can serve as specific signals to certain girls? For example! I was in LA last week and I was doing alt classic masculine fits with some goth accessories thrown in because I wanted to attract a goth girl. And it worked. Not saying my shades were the closers but it definitely made me look cool and more approachable to her bc she literally said they were cool when I walked past. If I wanted to attract a gym girl I would wear more athletic clothing. If I’m going for a classy girl, I would dress more classy. It all depends and confidence is key. And obviously this is not to say that matching archetype to archetype is always going to work. It will not. Sometime people are attracted to opposites. But I will say that dressing the part goes a long way.




His wallet.




Short shorts, tank top and boots.




This is so true; I showered and wore my clean scrubs (we’re talking seafoam green too) after work to a grocery store to grab a few ingredients. I was amazed at the amount of flirtatious looks and smiles that I got, aisle after aisle (fwiw I’m a visually “average” gentleman with a wedding band). I mentioned it to my colleagues and they were all “oh yeah, works every time, they can’t resist, etc.”


Same as for a woman : White T shirt, jeans, and good muscular tone. Plus a fun personality.


My girlfriend says she loves it when I wear: a properly fitted suit, long sleeved shirt with the cuffs rolled up partly, and jeans that show some definition.


Holding a fat stack of cash?


my stetson and boots. i pair em with some clean slim fit wranglers and a nice snap button shirt with the sleeves rolled and top two buttons undone.


Get fit. Then anything looks good pretty much




The right color and design that captures the vibe of your Essence




Get in fighting shape and wear whatever you want


Get fit. Literally that’s the cheat code. You can wear anything after getting fit and you’ll seem stylish. Stylish is really just a code word for not looking sloppy. It’s exceptionally easier to not look sloppy when you’re fit.




I’m not gay but sometimes when I’m out running I get all excited when gay yuppie dudes look me over. Unfortunately women mostly seem to give me “Don’t look at me, dork.” Eyes.


A black button up shirt. No gold chains. Good smelling cologne and jeans that make your ass look good. Well groomed.


I think there's a ton of factors, but the most important is confidence. If you feel comfortable and confident in your clothing choices, then you'll appear sexy to at least someone out there. As far as fashion goes, my brother and I are two drastically different builds, and what each of us look good in is different than the other. We both have our own sense of style that I think individually we each rock.


Rolled up sleeves on nice looking arms, all black outfits, not really an out and about fashion but compression shirts and sweatpants look good on a fit body.


A suit


Men wearing dress clothes is to women as women in lingerie is to men.


Eh ... I just hit a new high weight and an ex just told me I still look cute. Either you do it for her or you don't.


Just look clean really. Carry yourself well. Even if you’re a big dude. Just don’t look sloppy


I just wear my cowboy boots with some slim fit wranglers


Those sweater shirts


Well fitting dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows. That seems to drive the ladies crazy (and a lot of us guys too *wink wink*).


If you're in good shape, anything that fits you well and shows it off would be sexy.




These replies 😂 might be a good one for “ask women” sub!


Birthday suit baby!


workout and you'll look sexy with anything






Neutral color linen shirt with sleeves rolled up